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    SL1860 Search Results

    SL1860 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: Z86E04 Z86E08 Z86E04 in 18 pins
    Text: Z86E04/E08 SL1860 CP95DZ82001 P R E L I M I N A R Y PRELIMINARY CUSTOMERPROCUREMENTSPECIFICATION Z86E04/E08 SL1866 CMOSZ8 OTPMICROCONTROLLER FEATURES Part Number ROM Kbytes RAM* (Bytes) Speed (MHz) Z86E08 Z86E04 2 1 125 125 12 8 * General-Purpose • 18-Pin DIP and SOIC Packages

    Z86E04/E08 SL1860 CP95DZ82001 SL1866 Z86E08 Z86E04 18-Pin Z86CCP00ZEM Z86E04 Z86E08 Z86E04 in 18 pins PDF

    zilog 1866

    Abstract: XTAL 4MHz Z86E04 Z86CCP00ZEM Z86E08 ntk 8mhz 4 pin
    Text: < £ > 2 iL O PRELIMINARY CUSTOMERPRCXlJREMENlSPECinCATION E Z86E04/E08 SL1866 CMOSZ8 OTPMlCROCONTROLLER FEATURES Part Number ROM Kbytes RAM* (Bytes) Speed (MHz) Z86E08 Z86E04 2 1 125 125 12 8 * General-Purpose • ■ Program Options: - Low Noise - ROM Protect

    OCR Scan
    Z86E08 Z86E04 18-Pin Z86E04/E08 SL1866 HflM043 zilog 1866 XTAL 4MHz Z86CCP00ZEM ntk 8mhz 4 pin PDF

    zilog 1866

    Abstract: XTAL NTK Z86E04 in 18 pins NTK oscillator 10 MHz 4 pins Z86CCP00ZEM Z86E04 Z86E08 ntk 8mhz 4 pin oscillator ntk 2MHz
    Text: PRELIMINARY C ustom er P rcxjjrem en iSpecification < $ 2 iL C E Z 8 6 E 0 4 /E 0 8 S L 1 866 CMOS Z8 O T P M icro co n tro i a e r FEATURES Part Number ROM Kbytes RAM* (Bytes) Speed (MHz) Z86E08 Z86E04 2 1 125 125 12 8 * General-Purpose • ■ Program Options:

    OCR Scan
    Z86E08 Z86E04 18-Pin Z86E04/E08 SL1866 zilog 1866 XTAL NTK Z86E04 in 18 pins NTK oscillator 10 MHz 4 pins Z86CCP00ZEM ntk 8mhz 4 pin oscillator ntk 2MHz PDF