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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO Semiconductor Single In-line Package 12Pin Plastic SIP12S 外形図情報に関するご注意 三洋半導体パッケージは基本的に JEITA の名称付与規定(ED-7303A)に準じています。 ただし、従来のパッケージに用いている名称については、そのまま継続しています。

    12Pin SIP12S ED-7303A sip12s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO Semiconductor Single In-line Package 12Pin Plastic SIP12S Precautions concerning information given on package drawings Basically, SANYO Semiconductor Company’s packages are named and coded in compliance with JEITA regulations ED-7303A , which stipulate the names and codes for integrated circuit packages. However, the

    12Pin SIP12S ED-7303A) sip12s PDF


    Abstract: EN4020 EN4020B
    Text: LA7151, 7151M Ordering number : EN4020B SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET LA7151 LA7151M Monolithic Linear IC Audio / Video Switch for VCR Video Camera Use Overview The LA7151 and LA7151M are high-performance, dual-channel audio / video switches designed for video camera

    EN4020B LA7151, 7151M LA7151 LA7151M LA7151M LA71511 EN4020 EN4020B PDF


    Abstract: ILA07101 ILA07102 LA7151 LA7151M MFP10S vcr 40201 EN4020B
    Text: LA7151, 7151M Ordering number : EN4020B LA7151 LA7151M Monolithic Linear IC Audio / Video Switch for VCR Video Camera Use Overview The LA7151 and LA7151M are high-performance, dual-channel audio / video switches designed for video camera applications. The LA7151 and LA7151M have a wide bandwidth, low supply current and a large dynamic range, making them

    LA7151, 7151M EN4020B LA7151 LA7151M LA7151 LA7151M en4020 ILA07101 ILA07102 MFP10S vcr 40201 EN4020B PDF


    Abstract: RG500 D1907
    Text: 注文コードNo.N 2 7 4 5 B 半導体ニューズ No.2745A をさしかえてください。 モノリシックリニア集積回路 LA7222 2回路2接点AVスイッチ回路 概要 LA7222は2回路2接点の高性能アナログスイッチで、オーディオ帯域からビデオ帯域まで使用でき

    LA7222 LA722222 D1907 /3131TS /1258YO 20Hz20kHz) 58MHz JK722206 JK722207 LA7222 RG500 PDF


    Abstract: A1325 LA7151 equivalent la7151
    Text: Ordering number:ENN4020A Monolithic Linear IC LA7151, 7151M Audio / Video Switch for VCR Video Camera Use Overview Package Dimensions The LA7151 and LA7151M are high-performance, dualchannel audio/video switches designed for video camera applications. The LA7151 and LA7151M have a wide bandwidth, low

    ENN4020A LA7151, 7151M LA7151 LA7151M 12-pin A13261 A1325 LA7151 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: block Diagram LA7222 LA7221
    Text: Ordering number:ENN2745A Monolithic Linear IC LA7222 2-Channel 2-Position AV Switch for VCR / Audio Use Overview Package Dimensions The LA7222 is a 2-channel 2-position high-performance analog switch having wide application from audio band to video band. unit:mm

    ENN2745A LA7222 LA7222 3116-SIP12S LA7222] SIP12S block Diagram LA7222 LA7221 PDF


    Abstract: 1K85K ILA05070 ILA05071 LA7151M MFP10S 3116a
    Text: LA7151, 7151M 注文コード No. N 4 0 2 0 B 三洋半導体データシート 半導体ニューズ No.N4020A とさしかえてください。 LA7151 LA7151M N モノリシックリニア集積回路 ビデオ , オーディオスイッチ回路 LA7151, 7151M は 2 入力1出力を 2 回路内蔵した高性能アナログスイッチであり、ビデオカメラ等の AV 機器に最適

    LA7151, 7151M N4020A LA7151 LA7151M O2505 ILA05072 LA7151 1K85K ILA05070 ILA05071 LA7151M MFP10S 3116a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LA7151, 7151M Ordering number : EN4020B LA7151 LA7151M Monolithic Linear IC Audio / Video Switch for VCR Video Camera Use Overview The LA7151 and LA7151M are high-performance, dual-channel audio / video switches designed for video camera applications. The LA7151 and LA7151M have a wide bandwidth, low supply current and a large dynamic range, making them

    LA7151, 7151M EN4020B LA7151 LA7151M LA7151 LA7151M PDF

    simple surround circuit diagram

    Abstract: EN6173 Ic ANALOG surround 3116-SIP12S bassboost Ic surround A12520 LA2610 capacitor 47uF sanyo Surround
    Text: Ordering number:EN6173 Monolithic Linear IC LA2610 Analog Surround Processing IC Overview Package Dimensions The LA2610 is an ambiance reproduction processor for use in audio, TV, and personal computer equipment applications. This IC easily reproduces a live space filled

    EN6173 LA2610 LA2610 3116-SIP12S LA2610] simple surround circuit diagram EN6173 Ic ANALOG surround 3116-SIP12S bassboost Ic surround A12520 capacitor 47uF sanyo Surround PDF

    sanyo marking JE

    Abstract: SIP16 SIP14H sanyo 3051 3042B
    Text: 1C CASE OUTLINES 1C CASE OUTLINES FOR TV/VTR • Sanyo semiconductor product case outlines are illustrated below. • A ll dimensions are in mm. Dimensions which are not followed by min. or max. are represented by typical values. • No marking is indicated.

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    3025B 3026B 3032B SIP16 3021B 3027mm) IP48B sanyo marking JE SIP16 SIP14H sanyo 3051 3042B PDF


    Abstract: LA7235 LA7016 LA7227 LA7221 la7212 la7222 lb1475
    Text: S A M fO • ICs for Accessory Use Type No. Package LA7016 SIP-8 LA7018 DIP-8 LA7019 LA7210 OUMM*Y Use E le c tro n ic sw itch Voltage Functions V : • 1-channel 2 -p o s itio n 9 to 12 DIP-8 (using 6 pins) SIP-10 S ync d e te c to r • S ync separation • V C O (3 2 fH ) * A F C

    OCR Scan
    LA7016 LA7018 LA7019 LA7210 LA7212 LA7213 SIP-10 DIP-14 LA7214 LA7215 LB1482 LA7235 LA7227 LA7221 la7222 lb1475 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: dering number : EN 2 7 4 5 A M onolithic Linear IC LA7222 N0.2745A 2-Channel 2-Position A V Switch for VCR / Audio Use Features • The LA7222 is a 2-channel 2-position high-performance analog switch having wide application from audio band to video band. M axim um R atin g s at Ta = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    LA7222 LA7222 SIP12S 5131TS 5098MO, 2745-l/3 DDlflb52 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN6173 Monolithic Linear IC Overview The LA2610 is an ambiance reproduction processor for use in audio, TV, and personal computer equipment applications. This IC easily reproduces a live space filled with a sense of presence by processing stereo signals

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    EN6173 LA2610 3116-SIP12S PDF