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    SIOVCN1812S60AG Search Results

    SIOVCN1812S60AG Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: CN1812K115TELEG2 J 243 smd B72580T6750K072 B72580-T6111-K072 CN1812S95AG2 B72580T0600S172 B72580T0950S172 B72580T6111K072 CN1812
    Text: SMD Varistors MLV; Telecom Series Construction • Multilayer technology ■ Termination: nickel barrier CT series or silver palladium (CN series) ■ No plastic or epoxy encapsulation assures better than UL 94 V-0 flammability rating Features ■ Suitable for handling surge voltages of up to 2 kV

    8/12-mm CN1812K75TELEG2 CN1812K115TELEG2 J 243 smd B72580T6750K072 B72580-T6111-K072 CN1812S95AG2 B72580T0600S172 B72580T0950S172 B72580T6111K072 CN1812 PDF

    varistor Z 500 ps

    Abstract: SIOV-CN2220K20G SIOV-CN0805M4G varistor k17 SIOV-SR2220S14BAUTOS SIOV-CN2220K30G K14G smd ic SIOV-CN2220K25G AF102 SIOV-CN1206K60G
    Text: SMD-Varistoren SMD Varistors %Mw >.““‘-.’-2 ;renzdaten \naxlmum ratings TA = 85 “C enndaten Zharactertstlcs T/j = 25 “C) I- TYP Type Bestell-Nr. Ordering code Jv I mnx (8120 ps) A J 1 mA) d SIOV-CN0805M4G SIOV-CN 1206M4G - SIOV-CN12lOM4G SIOV-CN1812M4G

    SIOV-CN0805M4G 1206M4G SIOV-CN12lOM4G SIOV-CN1812M4G SlOVmCN2220M4G SIOV-CN0805M6G 206M6G 812M6G SIOV-CN2220M6G SIOV-CN0805L8G varistor Z 500 ps SIOV-CN2220K20G varistor k17 SIOV-SR2220S14BAUTOS SIOV-CN2220K30G K14G smd ic SIOV-CN2220K25G AF102 SIOV-CN1206K60G PDF

    k300 varistor

    Abstract: k300 varistor 3225 diode k460 4032 3225 K300 4032 k300 smd 4032 k460 4032 k300 K300 smd varistor k300 4032 S275BR7
    Text: Metalloxid-Varistoren Metal Oxide Varistors – SIOV – Kennlinie und Schaltzeichen Characteristic and circuit symbol Varistoren sind spannungsabhängige elektrische Widerstände mit symmetrischer U/l-Kennlinie, deren Widerstandswert mit steigender Spannung abnimmt und so den weiteren Aufbau


    3225 k275

    Abstract: 4032 K275 VARISTOR k275 3225 VARISTOR k275 diode k275 4032 07 k275 varistor varistor s20 k320 cu3225 k275 varistor s10 k275 Siemens varistor family
    Text: Contents Type Survey 5 8 General Technical Information 15 Selection Procedure 35 Application and Design Examples 51 Quality 79 SMD Varistors 89 Disk Varistors 115 Block Varistors Strap Varistors 161 167 PowerDisk Arrester Blocks 171 173 Derating Curves V/I Characteristics


    CN1206 EPCOS

    Abstract: SIOV CN1206 EPCOS
    Text: SIOV Metal Oxide Varistors SMD Varistors Telecom; MLV Series Telecom Construction • Multilayer technology ■ Termination: nickel barrier or silver palladium ■ No plastic or epoxy coating assures better than UL 94 V-0 flammability rating Features ■ Suitable for handling the increased surge voltage of 2 kV

    12-mm CN1206 EPCOS SIOV CN1206 EPCOS PDF

    VARISTOR k275

    Abstract: K95 varistor S20 K275 varistor varistor s20 k275 "Surge Arresters" pspice siemens automotive relay dc 12v S20K275 sm 323 module Siemens varistor s20k275 k275 varistor
    Text: 3 Application and design examples 3.1 Switching off inductive loads The discharge of an inductor produces high voltages that endanger both the contact breaker switching transistor and the like and the inductor itself. According to equation 16 the energy stored


    4032 K275

    Abstract: 3225 k275 VARISTOR k275 VARISTOR k275 3225 3225 k50 varistor diode k275 4032 cu3225 k275 07 k275 varistor VARISTOR S14 K275 VARISTOR s07 K20
    Text: Contents Type Survey 5 8 General Technical Information 15 Selection Procedure 35 Application and Design Examples 51 Quality 79 SMD Varistors 89 Disk Varistors 115 Block Varistors Strap Varistors 161 167 PowerDisk Arrester Blocks 171 173 Derating Curves V/I Characteristics


    k300 varistor 3225

    Abstract: VARISTOR 4032 k300 diode k460 4032 3225 K300 4032 k300 smd 4032 k300 3225 k300 varistor k300 varistor s10 k150 varistor K300 3225
    Text: Metalloxid-Varistoren Metal Oxide Varistors – SIOV – Kennlinie und Schaltzeichen Characteristic and circuit symbol Varistoren sind spannungsabhängige elektrische Widerstände mit symmetrischer U/l-Kennlinie, deren Widerstandswert mit steigender Spannung abnimmt und so den weiteren Aufbau


    Schaffner NSG 435

    Abstract: SIOV-CN2220K25G SIOV-CN1210K30G SIOV-CN0805K14G SIOV-CN1812K30G SIOV-CN0805K25G SIOV-CN1812K75TELEG2 siemens spark gap PM SIOV-CN1206K11G SIOV-CN2220K30AUTOE2G2
    Text: ESD PROTECTION WITH SIOV-MLV SIOV MULTILAYER VARISTORS - SINGLE OR ARRAY TYPES STATE OF THE ART IN ESD PROTECTION By Björn Scharfen and Günther Greier 1. INTRODUCTION Our transient voltage suppression elements; the multilayer varistors MLV series SIOV -CN,

    CA06P4M7GK2 CA06P4L11CCGK2 CA06P4S17ALCGK2 CA06P4S17BCCGK2 Q69728-A0070-M062 Q69728-A5110-L062 Q69728-A2170-S162 Q69728-A5170-S262 Schaffner NSG 435 SIOV-CN2220K25G SIOV-CN1210K30G SIOV-CN0805K14G SIOV-CN1812K30G SIOV-CN0805K25G SIOV-CN1812K75TELEG2 siemens spark gap PM SIOV-CN1206K11G SIOV-CN2220K30AUTOE2G2 PDF


    Abstract: S 187 Siemens Siemens Matsua Components SIOV-CN1812S60AG SIOV-S20K510 k320 SIOV-CN1206K35G SIOV-CN1812K35G SIOV-CN1210K25G SIOV-CN0805M6G
    Text: Derating Curves Derating Curves Maximum surge current imax = f tr, pulse train SIOV-CN0603M4G … K14G SIOV-CN0805M4G Siemens Matsushita Components 175 Derating Curves Maximum surge current imax = f (tr, pulse train) SIOV-CN0805M6G … K17G SIOV-CN0805S14BAUTOG

    SIOV-CN0603M4G SIOV-CN0805M4G SIOV-CN0805M6G SIOV-CN0805S14BAUTOG SIOV-CN1206K35G SIOV-CN0805K20G SIOV-CN1206M4G SIOV-CN1206M6G SIOV-CN1206S14BAUTOG SIOV-CN1210K50G K460 S 187 Siemens Siemens Matsua Components SIOV-CN1812S60AG SIOV-S20K510 k320 SIOV-CN1206K35G SIOV-CN1812K35G SIOV-CN1210K25G SIOV-CN0805M6G PDF

    VARISTOR k460

    Abstract: S275BR7 K40 varistor k150 varistor varistor s275br7 Siemens varistor SIOV-B32K550 SIOV-SR1210M4S SHCV-SR2K20M K680 varistor matsua SIOV-B40K75
    Text: Höchstzulässiger Stoßstrom Derating-Felder Maximum Surge Current (Derating Curves) imax = f (tr, Impulsfolge) imax = f (tr, pulse train) SIOV-CN0603M4G . K14G imax = f (tr, Impulsfolge) imax = f (tr, pulse train) SIOV-CN0805M4G imax = f (tr, Impulsfolge)

    SIOV-CN0603M4G SIOV-CN0805M4G SIOV-CN0805M6G SIOV-CN0805S14BAUTOG SIOV-CN1206K35G SIOV-CN0805K20G SIOV-CN1206M4G SIOV-CN1206M6G SIOV-CN1206S14BAUTOG SIOV-CN1210K50G VARISTOR k460 S275BR7 K40 varistor k150 varistor varistor s275br7 Siemens varistor SIOV-B32K550 SIOV-SR1210M4S SHCV-SR2K20M K680 varistor matsua SIOV-B40K75 PDF

    SIOV CN1206 K25G EPCOS

    Abstract: B72580V6750 b72580t6750 VA-R02 K300E2 VAR0514-J k2265
    Text: SIOV Metal Oxide Varistors SMD Varistors Telecom; MLV Series Telecom Construction • Multilayer technology ■ Termination: nickel barrier or silver palladium ■ No plastic or epoxy coating assures better than UL 94 V-0 flammability rating Features ■ Suitable for handling the increased surge voltage of 2 kV

    12-mm SIOV CN1206 K25G EPCOS B72580V6750 b72580t6750 VA-R02 K300E2 VAR0514-J k2265 PDF


    Abstract: Matsua siemens matsua SIOV-CN1812S60AG siemens varistors
    Text: SMD Varistors SMD Derating curves maximum surge current 'm a x =f (>v pulse train) SIOV-CN0805M4G . K14G SI0V-CN1206K50G . K60G SI0V-CN1206M4G . K40G SI0V-CN1206S14BAUT0G 10 3.95 Siemens Matsushita Components rt-i su<9e Sve^ SMD Varistors SM p Derating curves (maximum surge current)

    OCR Scan
    SIOV-CN0805M4G SI0V-CN1206K50G SI0V-CN1206M4G SI0V-CN1206S14BAUT0G SI0V-CN1812M4G SI0V-CN1812S14BAUT0G SIOV-CN1812K50G SIOV-CN1812S60AG SIOV-CN2220M4G SIOV-CN2220S14BAUT0G Matsua siemens matsua SIOV-CN1812S60AG siemens varistors PDF


    Abstract: SIOV-CN1812S95AG2 SIOV-CN1206K25G SIOV-CN2220K20G Q69520-V0300-K062 SIOV-CN2220K30G Q69520-V0250-K062 SIOV-CN2220K25G SIOV-CN1210K25G 1206K50G
    Text: ^max V 8/20 A (JS Al/V (1 mA) w Toleranz Tolerance % V / C (1 kHz) Seite Seite Page Page V A pF ^//-Kennlinie V/l characteristic Vv (1 mA) V p Max. Schutzpegel Max. clamping voltage r max Varistor-Spannung Varistor voltage ^K n a x (2 ms) J Derating-Feld

    OCR Scan
    SIOV-CN1812S95AG2' Q69580-V0950-S172 CN1812S60AG CN1812S95AG Q69540-V0250-K062 SIOV-CN1812S95AG2 SIOV-CN1206K25G SIOV-CN2220K20G Q69520-V0300-K062 SIOV-CN2220K30G Q69520-V0250-K062 SIOV-CN2220K25G SIOV-CN1210K25G 1206K50G PDF