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    SIN TTL Search Results

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    74FCT807BTSOG Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTQGI Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74GTLP816PGI Renesas Electronics Corporation GTLP/LV TTL CLK DRIVER Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807BTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SIN TTL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signal Processing Precision interpolator / splitter, precision sine multiplier Conversion of sin/cos encoder signals into multiplied sin/cos output signals and HTL or TTL output signals HEAG 160 Features – Conversion of sin/cos signals into multiplied sin/cos signals

    HM04M26712 PDF


    Abstract: STM1680
    Text: ANALOGDEVICES fAX-ON-DEMAND HOTLINE - Page 111 ANALOG W DEVICES HighPowerOutput" Hybrid Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converters DRC1M~DRC1746 I I FUNCTIONAL ,-,sv BLOCK DIAGRAM +15VIP, -1SV SIN SENSE SIN 1M SIN ",t SIN "' SIG GNP cDS SENSE COS {2A SIN ",t COS "'

    DRC1746 16-Bit STMI683 36OHz-2 1360Hz STM1683 440Hz STMI663 247Hz DRC1746 STM1680 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signal Processing Precision interpolator / splitter Conversion of sin/cos signals into TTL and HTL signals HEAG 158 Features – Conversion of sin/cos signals into TTL and HTL signals – Additional interpolation of the signals multiplying or dividing – Oversampling with 24 MHz

    60529in HM04M26639 PDF


    Abstract: incremental encoder Texas sin cos encoder schematic sin/cos encoder Texas QEP Encoder 5V sin cos encoder rotary encoder schematic tl2425 texas instrument absolute position encoder Encoder/HEIDENHAIN
    Text: Application Report SPRA496 TMS320F240 DSP-Solution for HighResolution Position with Sin/CosEncoders Martin Staebler Digital Signal Processoring Solutions Abstract This application report offers a solution for obtaining high-resolution position with sin/cosencoders using the Texas Instrument TIä TMS320F240 digital signal processor (DSP)

    SPRA496 TMS320F240 TMS320C24x tl3702 incremental encoder Texas sin cos encoder schematic sin/cos encoder Texas QEP Encoder 5V sin cos encoder rotary encoder schematic tl2425 texas instrument absolute position encoder Encoder/HEIDENHAIN PDF


    Abstract: rotary encoder schematic QEP Encoder 5V HEIDENHAIN sin/cos encoder Texas tl2425 sin cos encoder schematic Encoder/HEIDENHAIN TMS320F240 incremental encoder Texas
    Text: Application Report SPRA496 TMS320F240 DSP-Solution for HighResolution Position with Sin/CosEncoders Martin Staebler Digital Signal Processoring Solutions Abstract This application report offers a solution for obtaining high-resolution position with sin/cosencoders using the Texas Instrument TIä TMS320F240 digital signal processor (DSP)

    SPRA496 TMS320F240 TMS320C24x TL3702 rotary encoder schematic QEP Encoder 5V HEIDENHAIN sin/cos encoder Texas tl2425 sin cos encoder schematic Encoder/HEIDENHAIN incremental encoder Texas PDF


    Abstract: 74LS29 SR2006
    Text: HDSR2006 Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converter Microprocessor Compatible 16-bit Hybrid Single 36-pin hybrid DDIP package 1 arc-minute accuracy 0.05% max scale factor variation sin, cos conformance 4-quadrant digital-to-sin/cos conversion Microprocessor compatible

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    HDSR2006 16-bit 36-pin MIL-STD-883 SR2006-14S 74LS29 SR2006 PDF

    Natel 5116

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ATEL HDSR2514 Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converter High Accuracy 14-bit Hybrid Features • Single 36-pin hybrid DDIP package • 1 arc-minute accuracy • 0.03% max scale factor variation sin, cos conformance • 4-quadrant digital to sin/cos conversion

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    HDSR2514 14-bit 36-pin MIL-STD-883 Natel 5116 PDF

    application CD4060 data

    Abstract: application circuit for CD4060 2SD412 doppler radar programmable oscillator for resolver CD4060 or its equivalent cd4060 K1V 40 N RESOLVER resolver rt
    Text: ATEL HDSR 2504 • Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converter High Accuracy 14-bit Hybrid Features • Single 36-pin hybrid DDIP package • 1 arc-minute accuracy • 0.05% max scale factor variation sin, cos conformance • 4-quadrant digital to sin/cos conversion

    OCR Scan
    14-bit 36-pin MIL-STD-883B 445/USA HDSR2504-14S) HSD/HRD1510) 14/16-bit HSCT/HRCT3006) HMSD/HMRD4016) application CD4060 data application circuit for CD4060 2SD412 doppler radar programmable oscillator for resolver CD4060 or its equivalent cd4060 K1V 40 N RESOLVER resolver rt PDF

    application CD4060 data

    Abstract: resolver natel CD4060 PIN DIAGRAM digital to resolver converter CD4060 scott-t schematic OPERATION OF CD4060 PINS application circuit for CD4060 CD4060 typical applications scott-t transformer
    Text: ATEL HDSR2514^ri Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converter High Accuracy 14-bit Hybrid Features Single 36-pin hybrid DDIP package 006392 6r:J 1 arc-minute accuracy M T l~ 0.03% max scale factor variation sin, cos conformance 4-quadrant digital to sin/cos conversion

    OCR Scan
    HDSR2514 14-bit 36-pin MIL-STD-883B 355/USA HDSR2514-14S) HDSC2036) 32-pin HDR2116) application CD4060 data resolver natel CD4060 PIN DIAGRAM digital to resolver converter CD4060 scott-t schematic OPERATION OF CD4060 PINS application circuit for CD4060 CD4060 typical applications scott-t transformer PDF

    Ic cd4060 pin configuration

    Abstract: CD4045 applications for the CD4060 IC GE 2504 natel engineering synchro Natel 5116 natel resolver to synchro
    Text: ATEL HDSR 2504 Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converter High Accuracy 14-bit Hybrid Features • Single 36-pin hybrid DDIP package • 1 arc-minute accuracy • 0.05% max scale factor variation sin, cos conformance • 4-quadrant digital to sin/cos conversion

    OCR Scan
    14-bit 36-pin MIL-STD-883 navigat10 14/16-bit Ic cd4060 pin configuration CD4045 applications for the CD4060 IC GE 2504 natel engineering synchro Natel 5116 natel resolver to synchro PDF


    Abstract: specifications of balanced modulator 4016 TSL1x36 natel resolver to synchro Y/servomotor resolver
    Text: El AT EL HDSR 2504=^^^!^ Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converter High Accuracy 14_bit Hybrid Features • Single 36-pin hybrid DDIP package • 1 arc-minute accuracy • 0.05% max scale factor variation sin, cos conformance • 4-quadrant digital to sin/cos conversion

    OCR Scan
    36-pin CD4045 specifications of balanced modulator 4016 TSL1x36 natel resolver to synchro Y/servomotor resolver PDF

    for doppler radar

    Abstract: TTL cd4060 CD4045 Natel 5116 HRD1014 of CD4060 CD4060 typical applications seeker microprocessor basic modal "digital to synchro"
    Text: Cl AT EL HDSR 2504 Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converter High Accuracy 14-bit Hybrid Features • Single 36-pin hybrid DDIP package • 1 arc-minute accuracy • 0.05% max scale factor variation sin, cos conformance • 4-quadrant digital to sin/cos conversion

    OCR Scan
    14-bit 36-pin MIL-STD-883B 445/USA HDSR2504-14S) HSD/HRD1014) 10-bit HSD/HRD1510) 14/16-bit HSCT/HRCT3006) for doppler radar TTL cd4060 CD4045 Natel 5116 HRD1014 of CD4060 CD4060 typical applications seeker microprocessor basic modal "digital to synchro" PDF


    Abstract: CD4060 typical applications HDSC2026 digital to resolver converter motion DOPPLER of CD4060 radar modulator board variable phase shifter tsl1x Natel Engineering
    Text: ATEL HDSR2514^ri Digital-to-Synchro/Resolver Converter High Accuracy 14-bit Hybrid Features Single 36-pin hybrid DDIP package 006392 6r:J 1 arc-minute accuracy M T l~ 0.03% max scale factor variation sin, cos conformance 4-quadrant digital to sin/cos conversion

    OCR Scan
    HDSR2514 14-bit 36-pin MIL-STD-883B 355/USA HDSR2514-14S) HDSC2036) 32-pin HDR2116) CD4045 CD4060 typical applications HDSC2026 digital to resolver converter motion DOPPLER of CD4060 radar modulator board variable phase shifter tsl1x Natel Engineering PDF


    Abstract: TC55B4257J A1712 A728A
    Text: 262,144 W O R D x 4 BIT B iC M O S STATIC R A M PR ELIM IN AR Y DESCRIPTION The TC 55B4257P/J is a 1,048,576 bits high speed static random access memory organized as 262,144 words by 4 bits u sin g BiCMOS technology, and operated from a sin gle G-volt supply.

    OCR Scan
    55B4257P/J TC55B4257P/J TC55B4257P/J--12, TC55B4257P/J-15, TC55B4257P/J-20 DIP32 TC55B4257 TC55B4257J A1712 A728A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: vkiyjxiyki 19-4793; Rev 0; 1/99 Low-Voltage, Quad, S PS T CMOS A nalog S w i t c h e s _ F e a t u r e s The M AX4610/MAX4611/MAX4612 quad, low-voltage, sin g le -p o le /sin g le -th ro w SPST analog sw itche s are p in -co m pa tible with the industry-standard 74HC4066

    OCR Scan
    AX4610/MAX4611/MAX4612 74HC4066 MAX4610 AX4611 MS001-XX MD-058AB PDF


    Abstract: g441 BS441
    Text: VMyjXIVkl Im p ro v e d , Q u ad , S P S T A n a lo g S w itc h e s _N e w Features ♦ Plug-In Upgrades for Industry-Standard DG441/DG442 The D G 441/D G 442 are q u a d, sin g le -p o le /sin g le -th ro w SPST analog switches. The DG441 has 4 normally closed

    OCR Scan
    DG441/DG442 441/D 20log DG441GY g441 BS441 PDF


    Abstract: TC5561 TC5561J-45 tc5561j-55 TC5561P-45 A4518 DIN 5901
    Text: 65,536 WORD x 1 BIT CMOS STATIC RAM [DESCRIPTION The TC 5561P/J is a 65,536 b it high, speed s ta tic ran d o m access m em ory o rg an ized as 65,536 w ords by 1 b it u sin g CMOS technology, an d o p erate s from a sin g le 5-volt supply. T o sh ib a’s h ig h

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    TC5561P/J 45ns/55ns/70ns 100mA TC5561P DIP22-P-300) TC5561P/J--45, TC5561P/Jâ TC5561P-55 TC5561 TC5561J-45 tc5561j-55 TC5561P-45 A4518 DIN 5901 PDF

    ls 2533

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3355/2533 1024-BIT STATIC SHIFT REGISTER G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T I O N — T h e 3 3 5 5 / 2 5 3 3 is a sin gle p h as e 1 0 2 4 B it S ta tic S h ift R egister w .U i a n on ch ip clock g e n e ra to r th a t is d riv en b y a sin gle p h ase TTL clock

    OCR Scan
    1024-BIT ls 2533 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Extended Temperature Range Supplement 3357/F2847 Quad 80-Bit Static Shift Register M O S M em ory P ro d u cts D escrip tio n The 3 357 and F 2 8 4 7 are sin g le p h a se quad 8 0 -b it s ta tic s h ift re g is te rs . B oth have an o n -chip c lo c k g e n e ra to r th a t is driven by a sin g le p h a se TTL

    OCR Scan
    3357/F2847 80-Bit 3357/F2847 2847L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI DIGITAL ASSP M66011FP SERIAL BUS CONTROLLER FEATURES • Compatible with general-purpose 8-bit microprocessor bus­ ses • TTL level input (one microcomputer side) • Interrupt output_ • Schmitt input (RESET, CS, SIN) • Low power dissipation

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    M66011FP M66011 CST4.00 PDF


    Abstract: csio MAX334CPE
    Text: High Speed Quad SPST Analog Sw itch . General Description T he M AX334 is a quad sin g le -p o le -sin g le -th ro w , n o rm a lly closed SPST, N C analog sw itch, pin co m ­ patible w ith the H arris HI-201 HS and S ilico nix DG271. T he M AX334 has g u a ra n te e d b re a k-b e fo re -m a ke

    OCR Scan
    AX334 HI-201 DG271. 100ns DG201 DG211, 100ns/DIV 08VG csio MAX334CPE PDF


    Abstract: 28n15 TC5563APL-12L TC5563APL-10L TC5563APL-15L TC5565APL
    Text: 8,192 W O RD X 8 BIT CM O S STATIC RAM Id e s c r i p t i o n I The TC5563APL is a 65,536 b it s ta tic ran d o m access m em o ry o rg an ized as 8,192 w ords by 8 b its u sin g CMOS technology, an d o p erate s from a sin g le SV supply. A dvanced c irc u it te ch n iq u es

    OCR Scan
    TC5563APL 100ns/120ns/150ns. 100ns/div TC5563APLâ TC5563APL-12L DIP28-P-300B) TMM2764D 28n15 TC5563APL-12L TC5563APL-10L TC5563APL-15L TC5565APL PDF


    Abstract: F2847L 3357-2 33571
    Text: 3 3 5 7 /F 2 8 4 7 Quad 80-Bit Static Shift Register M O S M em ory P ro d u cts L o g ic S y m b o l D e s c rip tio n The 3 3 5 7 and F 2847 are sin g le p h a se quad 8 0 -b it s ta tic s h ift re g is te rs . B oth have an on -ch ip c lo c k g e n e ra to r th a t is driven by a sin g le p h a se TTL

    OCR Scan
    3357/F2847 80-Bit F2847 16-pin F2847) f2847l f2847 F2847L 3357-2 33571 PDF


    Abstract: TC5565APL-12L 2764 eprom A12CZ a5c5 TC5565APL TMM2764D TC5565AFL15L A6c4 TC5565APL-15L
    Text: 8,192 W O RD X 8 BIT C M O S STATIC RAM ¡d e s c r i p t i o n ! The TC5565APL/AFL is a 65,5 3 6 b it sta tic ran d o m access m em ory o rg an ized as 8,192 w ords by 8 b its u sin g CMOS technology, an d o p erate s from a sin g le 5V supply. A dvanced c irc u it te ch n iq u es

    OCR Scan
    TC5565APL/AFL 100ns/120ns/150ns. 100ns/div TC5565APLâ TC5565APL-12L, TC5565APL-15L TC5565AFLâ TC5565AFL-12L, TC5565 TC5565APL-12L 2764 eprom A12CZ a5c5 TC5565APL TMM2764D TC5565AFL15L A6c4 TC5565APL-15L PDF