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    SIGNETICS DTL Search Results

    SIGNETICS DTL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SK 14 "cross reference" ne535 LM741CJ MC1741SC STANDARD LINEAR PRODUCT iA741
    Text: ORDERING INFORMATION Signetics' Analog integrated circuit prod­ ucts may be ordered by contacting either the local Signetics sales office, Signetics representatives and/or Signetics authorized distributors. A complete listing is located on the back cover of this manual.

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    NE535N iA741C MC1741SC LM741CJ NE535N SK 14 "cross reference" ne535 LM741CJ STANDARD LINEAR PRODUCT iA741 PDF

    4 bit bcd adder using ic 7483

    Abstract: diode lt 8220 8T18+signetics
    Text: C op yrig h t 1 9 7 4 SIGNETICS CORPORATION Signetics Corporation reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible product. Signetics Corporation assumes no responsibility fo r the use o f any circuits described herein and

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    monolithic nand

    Abstract: SIGNETICS semiconductor C670C
    Text: MAXIMUM RATINGS «1 DTL Unit +6.0 V Input Voltage - Vin +6.0 V Output Voltage - Vout +6.0 V 0 to +75 °c o o Value < Rating SIGNETICS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 600 Series The Signetics 600 family is a c o m p a tib le s e t of D TL lo g ic elements specifically manufactured

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    -14-L 20niques. 616/C 620/C 629/C 631/C 659/C 670/C 680/C monolithic nand SIGNETICS semiconductor C670C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L A NS DA L E SEMI CONDUCTOR 17E D S3bTâ03 G0GQ35Q Ô T-5/-/9 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating o< o Value Signetics Integrated Circuits DTL The Signetics 600 family Is a compatible set of DTL logic elements specifically manufactured for applications where low cost and high reliability are of prime

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    diode lt 8220

    Abstract: diode LT 8233 Monsanto segment display lt 8242 6e2 tube Signetics NE561B Signetics NE561 R/diode lt 8232 lt 8232
    Text: Copyright 1974 SIGNETICS CORPORATION Signetics C o rp o ra tio n reserves th e rig h t to m ake changes in th e pro d u c ts contained in th is b o o k in order to im prove design o r perform ance and to supp ly the best possible p ro d u c t. Signetics C o rp o ra tio n assumes no re sp o n s ib ility fo r the use o f any c irc u its described herein and

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    transistor 2N2222 PHILIPS

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors-Signetics Linear Products LM139A/239A/339A/LM139 /239/339/LM2901 /MC3302 Quad voltage comparator PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The LM139 series consists of four independent precision voltage comparators,

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    LM139A/239A/339A/LM139 /239/339/LM2901 /MC3302 LM139 /239/339/LM2901/MC3302 transistor 2N2222 PHILIPS PDF

    Signetics TTL

    Abstract: 7 INPUT NOR GATE TTL johnson ring counter LU300 DTL NOR gate "signetics DCL handbook" L6KF signetics dtl 700 nr TTL 740 NAND propagation delay
    Text: SIGNETICS UTILOGIC II HANDBOOK p y rig ru 196 9 S ig netics C o r p o r a t io n UTILOGIC II HANDBOOK Page R G D U C H O N .

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    5 input nand gate dtl

    Abstract: D416C CD481 monolithic nand 8416c NAND GATE USE dtl quad nand D471C DUAL NAND
    Text: Signetics Integrated Circuits DTL These are a group of DTL integrated circuits intended for use in high-speed, low -pow er digital systems. Each device is fabricated within a single monolithic silicon chip by the planar technique. These DTL products include the 8 100 Series,

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    -14-LEAD 14-LEAD -10-LEAD PAGE56 12-Input 732/C 8162/C 8415/C 8416/C 8417/C 5 input nand gate dtl D416C CD481 monolithic nand 8416c NAND GATE USE dtl quad nand D471C DUAL NAND PDF


    Abstract: 700-HA
    Text: Philips Semlconductors-Signetics Linear Products Product specification Low power dual voltage comparator AU2903 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The AU2903 consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0mV max.

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    AU2903 AU2903 vuab 700-HA PDF

    5 input nand gate dtl

    Abstract: D416C monolithic nand 8416c D471C
    Text: MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Value Unit ±30 mA Input Voltage - V.n 8.0 V Output Voltage - Vout 8.0 V Storage Temperature - Ts g -65 to +175 °C Operating Temperature - Tft -55 to +125 °C Input Current SIGNETICS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DTL These are a group of DTL

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    -14-LEAD 14-LEAD -10-LEA -10-LEAD 12-Input 732/C 8162/C, 8415/C 8416/C 8417/C 5 input nand gate dtl D416C monolithic nand 8416c D471C PDF

    philips lm319

    Abstract: LM319
    Text: Product specification Philips Semlconductors-Signetics Linear Products LM319 Dual voltage comparator PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The LM319 series are precision high-speed dual comparators fabricated on a single monolithic chip. They are designed to operate

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    LM319 LM319 xA710. philips lm319 PDF


    Abstract: lm319 triangle ha711 ve45 philips lm319 LM111 LM319D LM319N
    Text: Product specification Philips S emiconductors-SIgnetics Linear Products Dual voltage comparator L.M319 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The LM319 series are precision high-speed dual comparators fabricated on a single monolithic chip. They are designed to operate

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    LM319 jiA710. lm319 triangle ha711 ve45 philips lm319 LM111 LM319D LM319N PDF


    Abstract: TEA1046PF
    Text: TEA1046 Signetics Transmission Interface With DTMF Product Specification Linear Products DESCRIPTION FEATURES This integrated circuit is a dual-tone multi-frequency DTMF generator and a speech transmission circuit on a single chip. It supplies frequency combinations

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    TEA1046 69771336Hz OP19240S sot149 TEA1046PF PDF

    IC LM319

    Abstract: LM319 philips lm319 HA711 LM319D
    Text: Philips Semlconductors-Signetics Linear Products Product •peclfleatlon Dual voltage comparator LM319 DES C R IPTIO N FEATURES The LM319 series are precision high-speed dual comparators fabricated on a single monolithic chip. They are designed to operate

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    LM319 LM319 jiA710. IC LM319 philips lm319 HA711 LM319D PDF

    5 input nand gate dtl

    Abstract: DTL NOR gate monolithic nand 10-lead flat pack cd 30
    Text: fl Rating Value Unit ±30 mA Input Voltage - Vjn 8.0 V Output Voltage - Vout 8.0 V Storage Temperature - Tstg -65 t o +175 °C Operating Temperature - TA -55 to +125 °C Input Current Signetics Integrated Circuits DTL These are a group of DTL integrated circuits intended for use

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    -14-LEAD 14-LEAD -10-LEAD 101/H 729/C 730/C 731/C 12-lnput 732/C 5 input nand gate dtl DTL NOR gate monolithic nand 10-lead flat pack cd 30 PDF


    Abstract: N8T24 N8T24N IN916
    Text: 8T24 Signetics Line Receiver Triple Line Receiver with Hysteresis Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Built-in input thresh old hysteresis* TYPE • High speed: tPHL = t PLH = 20ns typical N8T24 • Each channel can be strobed independently

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    Syste90% IN916 TC03080S 8T24 N8T24 N8T24N PDF


    Abstract: N8T24 N8T24N
    Text: 8T24 Signetics Line Receiver Triple Line Receiver with Hysteresis Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Built-In Input threshold hysteresis* • High speed: tpHL = tpLH - 20ns typical • Each channel can be strobed Independently • Fanout of ten (10) with standard

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    N8T24 TC03070S 8T24 N8T24 N8T24N PDF


    Abstract: NE594D TTL pin outs
    Text: Philips Semlconductors-SIgnetics Linear Products Product specification Vacuum fluorescent display driver NE/SA594 PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The NE/SA594 is a display driver interface fix vacuum fluorescent displays. The device is comprised of 8 drivers and a bias network,

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    NE/SA594 NE/SA594 NE594N NE594D TTL pin outs PDF


    Abstract: 37F2
    Text: Signetics 8T13 Line Driver Dual Line Driver Product Specification Logic Products KEY DESIGN BENEFITS • High-Power Drive Capability: Specified at -75m A source current rating at 2.4 volts. • Party-Line Operation: Emitter-follower outputs enable two or more drivers to drive the same

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    ZTE 2

    Abstract: LM119
    Text: Signetics LM119 Dual Voltage Comparator Product Specification Military Communications and Industrial Products DESCRIPTION The LM119 is a precision high-speed dual comparator fabricated on a single mono­ lithic chip. It is designed to operate over a wide range of supply voltages down to a

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    LM119 LM119 ZTE 2 PDF


    Abstract: 1N3064 400H N8T37 N8T37N
    Text: Signetics 8T37 Bus Receiver Hex Bus Receiver with Hysteresis — Schmitt Trigger Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The 8T37 is a hex bus receiver with hysteresis organized as two triple receiv­ ers with separate disable lines for each group. Typically the devices may be

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    1N3064 120i2 8T37 1N3064 400H N8T37 N8T37N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics 8T37 Bus Receiver Hex Bus Receiver with Hysteresis — Schmitt Trigger Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The 8T37 is a hex bus receiver with hysteresis organized as two triple receiv­ ers with separate disable lines for each group. Typically the devices may be

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    1N3064 N8T37N PDF


    Abstract: LM119
    Text: Signetics LM119 Dual Voltage Comparator Product Specification Military Communications and Industrial Products DESCRIPTION The LM119 is a precision high-speed dual comparator fabricated on a single mono­ lithic chip. It is designed to operate over a wide range of supply voltages down to a

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    LM119 LM119 iA710. 26 SIGNETICS PDF


    Abstract: 8T37 N8T37N
    Text: 8T37 Signetics Bus Receiver Hex Bus Receiver with Hysteresis — Schmitt Trigger Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The 8T37 is a hex bus receiver with hysteresis organized as two triple receiv­ ers with separate disable lines for each group. Typically the devices may be

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    1N3064 N8T37 8T37 N8T37N PDF