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    MP-52RJ11SNNE-100 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11SNNE-100 Shielded CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 100ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11SNNE-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11SNNE-015 Shielded CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 15ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11UNNE-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11UNNE-025 CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 25ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11SNNE-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11SNNE-005 Shielded CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 5ft Datasheet
    MP-52RJ11UNNE-007 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-52RJ11UNNE-007 CAT5e 2-Pair RJ11 Data Cable [AT&T U-Verse & Verizon FiOS Data Cable] - CAT5e PBX Patch Cable with 6P6C RJ11 Connectors (Straight-Thru) 7ft Datasheet

    SIGNETICS DATA BOOK Datasheets Context Search

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    7447 BCD to Seven Segment display

    Abstract: SDA2014 common anode 7-segment display 7 segment with 7447 7448 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY COMMON CATHODE 7 segment display lm3915 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder 4-DIGIT 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY MULTIPLEX 7447 7-segment display 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display common cathode
    Text: Drivers For Light Emitting Displays Appnote 24 by Dave Takagishi The purpose of this application note is to provide some information on the integrated circuits presently available to drive Light Emitting Diodes LED displays and how to interface them to the various displays.

    XR-2201 XR-2202 XR-2203 XR-2204 CA3081 CA3082 UAA180 LM3914 LM3915 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display SDA2014 common anode 7-segment display 7 segment with 7447 7448 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY COMMON CATHODE 7 segment display lm3915 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder 4-DIGIT 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY MULTIPLEX 7447 7-segment display 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display common cathode PDF


    Abstract: T-2420 thermonics AN202 AN212 AN223 AN601 AN602 HFS9009 HFS-9009
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Logic Products Application Note Ground and VCC Bounce of High-Speed Integrated Circuits AN223 Author: Mike Stevens INTRODUCTION GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The purpose of this paper is to give a general description of what ground and VCC bounce

    AN223 AN212) AN601) AN202) AN203) AN602) T2420 T-2420 thermonics AN202 AN212 AN223 AN601 AN602 HFS9009 HFS-9009 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics I Test Guidelines Military Products C TEST GUIDELINES This data book has been prepared by the Signetics Military Products Division with the inten­ tion of describing both the requirements or limits of the devices contained within and the specific conditions which will be employed to

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Application Specific Product Section 1 - Family overview _ PROGRAMMER’S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Memory Organization Program Memory The 80C51 has separate address spaces for program and data memory. The Program

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    80C51 cjne PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Test Guidelines Signetics Military Products TEST GUIDELINES This data book has been prepared by the Sig­ netics Military Products Group with the inten­ tion of describing both the requirements or limits of the devices contained within and the specific conditions which will be employed to

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    4 bit bcd adder using ic 7483

    Abstract: diode lt 8220 8T18+signetics
    Text: C op yrig h t 1 9 7 4 SIGNETICS CORPORATION Signetics Corporation reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible product. Signetics Corporation assumes no responsibility fo r the use o f any circuits described herein and

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics 8X360 Memory Address Director MAD Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 8X360 Memory Address Director (MAD) (Figure 1), is a high-speed, per­ formance oriented peripheral. The 8X360 reduces bookkeeping and soft­

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    8X360 8X360 8X305 6X360 8X360. N8X3 PDF


    Abstract: 8X360 146g specifications of ic 1408 1S08 N8X360I N8X360N
    Text: Signetics 8X360 Memory Address Director MAD Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 8X360 Memory Address Director (MAD) (Figure 1), is a high-speed, per­ fo rm a n ce o rie n te d p e rip h e ra l. The 8X360 reduces bookkeeping and soft­

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    8X360 8X305 8X305. 6X305 a0-a15 146g specifications of ic 1408 1S08 N8X360I N8X360N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics Ordering Information Military Products For standard products, customers shall specify the complete part number as listed In the prod­ uct description herein or In the Signetics pub­ lished price book. Use of the lead finish designator "X" is highly recommended for pro­

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    JB54LS161AF RB54LS161AF) PDF

    signetics linear package marking

    Abstract: MIL-STD-480 signetics military marking
    Text: Signetics Product Description Military Products MILITARY STANDARD PRODUCTS products listed herein should be considered valid only on its date of publication. The Signetics standard product line offering in­ cludes JAN qualified C last S and Class B prod­

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    MIL-STD-883, MIL-M-38510 signetics linear package marking MIL-STD-480 signetics military marking PDF


    Abstract: 54175 TFK 404 MM1402a equivalent SD300 N74141 SN7401 3 BB 4 SO 5 CON 6 RAY 7 CC 8 SI 9 RB 10 RG 11 VE
    Text: NUMERICAL INDEX FUNCTIONAL INDEX SALES OFFICES Copyright 1974 S IG N E T IC S C O R P O R A T IO N Signetics Corporation reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible product.

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    74S114N N74S114B 74S15A 74S22N 74S20A 74S22A 74S40N 74S40A 74S64N 74S64A SN7441 54175 TFK 404 MM1402a equivalent SD300 N74141 SN7401 3 BB 4 SO 5 CON 6 RAY 7 CC 8 SI 9 RB 10 RG 11 VE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics Ordering Information Military Products For standard products, customers shall specify the complete part number as listed in the prod­ uct description herein or in the Signetics pub­ lished price book. Use of the lead finish designator “X ' is highly recommended for pro­

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    161AF RB54LS161AF) PDF


    Abstract: Signetics MIL-STD-480 signetics linear package marking At 513 WS6536
    Text: Signetics Product Description Military Products MILITARY STANDARD PRODUCTS The Signetics standard product line offering in­ cludes JAN qualified Class S and Class B prod­ ucts, Standard Military and DESC Drawings, and Class B and C vendor standard products.

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    MIL-STD-883, MIL-M-38510 W-S-6536 Signetics MIL-STD-480 signetics linear package marking At 513 WS6536 PDF

    signetics linear package marking

    Abstract: DOD-STD-480 signetics marking
    Text: Philip« Semlconductor*-Signetlc* FAST TTL Logic Serie« Military Information Effective January 1,1985, tfiis section has been superseded by Ihe 1990 Military Products Data Manual, Volume 2, and the Suplement to Military Products Data Manual Volume 1,1992. Information regarcfi ng this

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    Mll-M-38510. MIL-STD-883, signetics linear package marking DOD-STD-480 signetics marking PDF

    equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet

    Abstract: MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40
    Text: $5.00 S E M I C O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Harris Marketing Support Services HMSS , 1-800-4HARRIS HMSS provides world-class service to customers requiring information on all products offered by Harris Semiconductor. Ask Harris Marketing Support Services for answers concerning:

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    1-800-4HARRIS equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40 PDF

    textool socket dil 40

    Abstract: 30A27 47 16L xn PAL 007 B MO-C47AA textool socket dil 24 c16v8 PLC16V8-25 PAL 007 E 16H8
    Text: a^E D NAPC/ SIGNETICS • bbS3TS4 QGSMQMO 1 ■ T~*U>- 3rH7 c Signetics PLC16V8-25/-35 Erasable and OTP Universal PALMype Devices Signetics Programmable Logic Product Specification Application Specific Products • Series 20 FEATURES • 20-pln Universal Programmable

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    20-pln 300mil-wide 20-PIN textool socket dil 40 30A27 47 16L xn PAL 007 B MO-C47AA textool socket dil 24 c16v8 PLC16V8-25 PAL 007 E 16H8 PDF


    Abstract: PM8447 mab8400 8048 SAA9064 Signetics 8035 PCF8577T
    Text: I2C Peripherals for Microcontrollers Signetics Philips Sem iconductors [philips I PHILIPS Signetics reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standard cells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve

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    PAL 007

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SÌE D NAPC/ SIGNETICS Signetics • bbS 3T S4 QG54QM0 1 ■ I PLC16V8-25/-35 Erasable and OTP Universal PAL -type Devices Application Specific Products • Series 20 FEATURES • 20-pln Universal Programmable Array Logic • High-speed CMOS EPROM cell technology

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    QG54QM0 PLC16V8-25/-35 20-pln and70 20-PIN MS-001-AE SM-1B82. PAL 007 PDF

    diode lt 8220

    Abstract: diode LT 8233 Monsanto segment display lt 8242 6e2 tube Signetics NE561B Signetics NE561 R/diode lt 8232 lt 8232
    Text: Copyright 1974 SIGNETICS CORPORATION Signetics C o rp o ra tio n reserves th e rig h t to m ake changes in th e pro d u c ts contained in th is b o o k in order to im prove design o r perform ance and to supp ly the best possible p ro d u c t. Signetics C o rp o ra tio n assumes no re sp o n s ib ility fo r the use o f any c irc u its described herein and

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN 140 Signetics Compensation Techniques for Use with the NE/SE5539 Application Note Linear Products NE5539 DESCRIPTION The Signetics NE/SE5539 ultra-high frequen­ cy operational amplifier is one of the fastest monolithic amplifiers made today. With a unity

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    NE/SE5539 NE5539 NE/SE5539 350MHz NE-SE5539 PDF

    82S123 programming

    Abstract: PJ 3139 prom 82S126 NCE8205 82s131 programming Signetics 2513 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 CM340 82s129 programming Signetics 2608

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    N82S23 N82S123 N82S126 N82S1-29 N82S27 N82S130 N82S131 N82S114 N82S115 82S123 programming PJ 3139 prom 82S126 NCE8205 82s131 programming Signetics 2513 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 CM340 82s129 programming Signetics 2608 PDF


    Abstract: T2420
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Logic Products Application Note Ground and Vcc Bounce of High-Speed Integrated Circuits AN223 Author: Mike Stevens INTRODUCTION GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The purpose of this paper is to give a general description of what ground and V cc bounce

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    AN223 AN601) AN202) AN203) AN602) HFS-9009 T2420 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN140 Signetics Compensation Techniques for Use with the NE/SE5539 Application Note Linear Products NE5539 DESCRIPTION The Signetics NE/SE5539 ultra-high frequen­ cy operational amplifier is one of the fastest monolithic amplifiers made today. With a unity

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    AN140 NE/SE5539 NE5539 NE/SE5539 350MHz 200ft, NE-SE5539 PDF

    SIGNETICS* fusing procedure

    Abstract: 82s129 programming N82S129A BIPOLAR PROM PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATION N82S126A N82S126AN N82S129AA generic prom programming signetics Bipolar PROM programming 82S126
    Text: N 8 2 S126A 8 2 S129A i 1 K-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM Product Specification Bipolar Memory Products PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S126A and 82S129A are field programmable, which means that cus­ tom patterns are immediately available by following the Signetics Generic I fus­

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    82S126A 82S129A 82S129A 82S129Aof SIGNETICS* fusing procedure 82s129 programming N82S129A BIPOLAR PROM PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATION N82S126A N82S126AN N82S129AA generic prom programming signetics Bipolar PROM programming 82S126 PDF