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    SIGNETICS 8X300 Search Results

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    Abstract: 8X371 LANSDALE SEMICONDUCTOR 8X300 8T31 SL8X371
    Text: SL8X371 8-Bit Latched Bidirectional I/O Port Legacy Device: Philips/Signetics S8X371 DESCRIPTION The 8X371 I/O Port is a bidirectional device designed for use as an interface element in systems that use TTL-compatible busses. Typically, the 8X371 is used with the 8X305

    PDF SL8X371 S8X371 8X371 8X305 8X300 8T31/8X31 8X305 LANSDALE SEMICONDUCTOR 8T31 SL8X371


    Abstract: s8x305 LANSDALE SEMICONDUCTOR SL8X305 SIGNETICS semiconductor SIGNETICS 8x3 8X300 16 bit alu circuit design SIGNETICS 8X305 lansdale
    Text: SL8X305 Microcontroller Legacy Device: Philips/Signetics S8X305 FEATURES • Fetch, Decode, and Execute a 16-bit Instruction in a minimum of 200ns one machine cycle • Bit-oriented instruction set (addressable single– or multiple-bit subfields) • Separate buses for instruction, instruction Address and 3–

    PDF SL8X305 S8X305 16-bit 200ns 8X305 s8x305 LANSDALE SEMICONDUCTOR SL8X305 SIGNETICS semiconductor SIGNETICS 8x3 8X300 16 bit alu circuit design SIGNETICS 8X305 lansdale

    intel 8080

    Abstract: intel 8085 intel 8080 opcodes intel 8085 microprocessor intel 8085 manual intel 8085 opcodes 8085 Manual 8085 intel 8085 assembly language Intellec
    Text: MCCAP 8X300/8X305 Signetics Cross Assembler Program Product Specification Brief Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION The Microcontroller Cross Assembler Program (MCCAP) has been developed to support the Signetics 8X300/8X305 Microcontroller. MCCAP provides many

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    PDF 8X300/8X305 8X300/8X305 8X300 8X305 8X300AS2 8X300AS3SS. intel 8080 intel 8085 intel 8080 opcodes intel 8085 microprocessor intel 8085 manual intel 8085 opcodes 8085 Manual 8085 intel 8085 assembly language Intellec

    intel 8080

    Abstract: intel 8085 manual intel 8080 opcodes opcodes of 8085 assembler for 8085 INTEL8080 intel 8085 opcodes SIGNETICS prom 8X305I intel 8080 data
    Text: Signetics I MCCAP 8X300/8X305 I Cross Assembler Program I Product Specification Brief Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION The Microcontroller Cross Assembler Program (MCCAP) has been developed to support the Signetics 8X300/8X305 Microcontroller. MCCAP provides many

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    PDF 8X300/8X305 8X300/8X305 8X300 8X305 8X300AS2 8X300AS3SS. intel 8080 intel 8085 manual intel 8080 opcodes opcodes of 8085 assembler for 8085 INTEL8080 intel 8085 opcodes SIGNETICS prom 8X305I intel 8080 data


    Abstract: M2FM N8X3 m2fm data format Signetics 8X330 8X300
    Text: Signetics 8X330 Floppy Disk Formatter/ Controller Product Specification Microprocessor Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics 8X330 Floppy Disk For­ matter/Controller is a monolithic periph­ eral device of the 8X300 Family. The chip uses Bipolar-Schottky/12L-Techno

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    PDF 8X330 8X330 8X300 Bipolar-Schottky/12L-Techno N8X330 500mA 500mA/lB M2FM N8X3 m2fm data format Signetics 8X330


    Abstract: M2FM m2fm data format crystal quartz 24mhz floppy controller pinout 8X300 8x300 Signetics Application Notes transistor WC 8T32 N8X330
    Text: Signetics 8X330 Floppy Disk Formatter/ Controller Product Specification Microprocessor Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics 8X330 Floppy Disk For­ matter/Controller is a monolithic periph­ eral device of the 8X300 Family. The chip uses Bipolar-Schottky/12L-Techno

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    PDF 8X330 8X330 8X300 Bipolar-Schottky/12L-Techno N8X330 500mA 500mA/lB M2FM m2fm data format crystal quartz 24mhz floppy controller pinout 8x300 Signetics Application Notes transistor WC 8T32 N8X330


    Abstract: wf vqc 10d alu 9308 d Signetics 2650 SN52723 2650 cpu 82S103 pipbug Signetics NE561 cd 75232
    Text: flcnCTICf ßii>ouiR/mos fflICROPROCEÍSOR DATfl mnnuni SIGNETICS reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Signetics also assumes no responsibility for the

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    Abstract: 74LS154 decoder NE556A timer CI 74LS04 signetics 74ls04 74LS04 SIGNETICS 74LS74 SIGNETICS Signetics NE556A decoder 74LS154 8T80A
    Text: Signetics M icroprocessors 8X300KT100SK Designer's Evaluation Kit for Fixed Instruction Bipolar Microprocessor G E N E R A L DE SC R IPTIO N The Signetics 8 X 3 0 0 Fixed In s tru c tio n B ipolar M ic ro p ro ­ cessor provides new levels o f high perform ance to m ic ro ­

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    PDF 8X300KT100SK 8X300 13-bit 16-bit NE556A 74LS154 decoder NE556A timer CI 74LS04 signetics 74ls04 74LS04 SIGNETICS 74LS74 SIGNETICS Signetics NE556A decoder 74LS154 8T80A


    Abstract: BT32
    Text: Signetics Microprocessors 8X300 Bipolar Microprocessor C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The Signetics 8 X 3 0 0 is a m onolithic, high-speed m icro­ processor im plem ented w ith bipolar S c h o ttk y technology. A s the central processing unit, C P U , it allow s 16-bit

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    PDF 8X300 16-bit BT32


    Abstract: 7474 D flip flop 7474 dual d flip flop 8T31 82S115 82S116 8T26A 8T32 8T39 layout diagram of microprocessor
    Text: DESCRIPTION The Signetics 8X300 Fixed Instruction Bi­ polar Microprocessor provides new levels of high performance to microprocessor applications not previously possible with MOS technology. In the majority of cases, the choice of a bipolar microprocessor slice, as opposed

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    PDF 8X300 250ns. 13-bit 16-bit 8T32/33 8T35/36 512x8 7474 D flip flop 7474 dual d flip flop 8T31 82S115 82S116 8T26A 8T32 8T39 layout diagram of microprocessor


    Abstract: 8X300 Signetics 8X300 82S115 8T32
    Text: 8X300-1 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics 8X300 M icrocontroller is a monolithic, high-speed m icroprocessor im­ plemented with bipolar Schottky technolo­ gy. As the central processing unit, CPU, it allows 16-bit instructions to be fetched, decoded and executed in 250ns. A 250ns

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    PDF 8X300-1 8X300 16-bit 250ns. 250ns -10mA 8X300I Signetics 8X300 82S115 8T32


    Abstract: 8X372
    Text: Signetics 8X372/8X376 Addressable/Bidirectional I/O Ports Military Customer Specific Products FEATURES • TWo bidirectional B-bit busses • Independent bus operation userbus priority for data entry • User data Input synchronous (8X372) or asynchronous (8X376)

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    PDF 8X372/8X376 8X372) 8X376) 8X305 24-pln 8X376 8X372


    Abstract: 8X372 8X300
    Text: Signetics I 8X372/8X376 Addressable/Bidirectional I/O Ports Military Customer Specific Products FEATURES • TWo bidirectional 8-bit busses • Independent bus operation userbus priority for data entry • User data input synchronous (8X372) or asynchronous (8X376)

    OCR Scan
    PDF 8X372/8X376 8X372) 8X376) 8X30S 24-pin 24-Lesd 26-Lead 24-Lead 22-Lead 8X376 8X372 8X300


    Abstract: n8x305 74LS286 N8X305I 8X305 8X305 manual 74LS36 logic symbol 74LS36
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 853-0925 ECN No. 86958 Date of Issue December 17,1986 Status Product Specification 8X305 Microcontroller Application Specific Product FEATURES • Fetch, Decode, and Execute a 16-bit instruction in a minimum of 200ns one

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    PDF 8X305 16-bit 200ns 50-pin 68-pin 8X305 N8X305N n8x305 74LS286 N8X305I 8X305 manual 74LS36 logic symbol 74LS36


    Abstract: F03025 8X305/BXA
    Text: Signetics 8X305 Microcontroller Product Specification Military Customer Specific Products FEATURES 8 X 3 0 5 is particularly useful in system s that • Fateh, Decode, and Execute a 16-blt Instruction In a minimum of 200ns one machine cycle require high-sped bit m anipulations — s o ­

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    PDF 8X305 16-blt 200ns 8x305 F03025 8X305/BXA


    Abstract: lifo stack lifo 8X305
    Text: Signetics 8X310 Interrupt Control Coprocessor Product Specification Military Customer Specific Products FEATURES • Th re e prio ritize d In terrupts • S u b ro u tin e hand lin g c a p a b ilitie s • 4-level LIFO stac k fo r return a d d re s s sto rag e

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    PDF 8X310 8X310 lifo stack lifo 8X305

    ram 256x8

    Abstract: N8X350 8X350 8X300 N8X350F 8X305 S8X350 SC10 8x300 Signetics Application Notes sc1012
    Text: MAY 1982 BIPOLAR MEMORY DIVISION 2048-BIT BIPOLAR RAM 256 X 8 DESCRIPTION 8X350 (T.S.) TYPICAL I/O STRUCTURE PIN CONFIGURATION The 8X350 bipolar RAM is designed p rinci­ p ally as a w orking sto ra g e elem ent in an 8X300 based system . Internal circuitry is

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    PDF 2048-BIT 256x8) 8X350 8X350 8X300 8X300, N8X350-F, S8X350-F. ram 256x8 N8X350 N8X350F 8X305 S8X350 SC10 8x300 Signetics Application Notes sc1012

    interfacing floppy disk drive with microcontroller

    Abstract: 8X300 8X376 8X320 8X330 8X305 8X310 8X337 8X350 8X360
    Text: B IP O LA R LSI P R O D U C TS 8X300 FAMILY BIPOLAR MICROPROCESSORS FEATURES USER BENEFITS • Minimum Parts Count • Reduced Cost • Extended Life of Product Bipolar Device Using Low Power Schottky Technology • Full System Drive W ithout Buffering • TTL Compatibility

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    PDF 8X300 200ns 8X305) 250ns 8X300) 250ns 200ns 8/16-bit 16-bit interfacing floppy disk drive with microcontroller 8X376 8X320 8X330 8X305 8X310 8X337 8X350 8X360

    transistor cross reference

    Abstract: MPT3N40 Westinghouse SCR handbook LT 8224 ZENER DIODE sje389 N9602N npn transistor RCA 467 TFK 7 segment displays PUT 2N6027 delco 466

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BIPOLAR LSI PRODUCTS 8-BIT LATCHED ADDRESSABLE BIDIRECTIONAL I/O PORT FEATURES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION • Independent port operation user-port priority for data entry 8 T 3 2 /8 T 3 6 . E ach o f th e s e I/O B ytes is an a d d re s s a b le a n d b i-d ire c tio n a l r e g is te r

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    PDF 8T32/8T36 8X300


    Abstract: 1N914 8T32 8T35 8T36 A15V 10Bic
    Text: BIPOLAR LSI PRODUCTS 8-BIT LATCHED ADDRESSABLE BIDIRECTIONAL I/O PORT_8T32/8T36 FEATURES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION • In d e p e n d e n t port o p e ra tio n user-port p riority fo r data entry 8 T 3 2 /8 T 3 6 . Each o f th e s e I/O B ytes is an a d d re s s a b le a n d b i-d ire c tio n a l r e g is te r

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    PDF 8T32/8T36 8X300 UD0-U07 1N914 8T32 8T35 8T36 A15V 10Bic


    Abstract: Signetics 8X300
    Text: DESCRIPTION MCCAP LANGUAGE EQU The 8X300 Assembler is a program which accepts source code written in the 8X300 assembly language and which produces both a listing of the symbolic program and an object module in one of three formats: MCSIM, ROM Sim ulator or BPNF.

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    PDF 8X300 80-character Signetics 8X300


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Slgnrtics Microcontroller Product* Product spacMcstlon Microcontroller FEATURES • Fetch, Decode, and Execute a 16-bit . instruction in a minimum of 200ns one machine cycle • Bit-oriented instruction set (addressable single-or-multipie bit subfields)

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    PDF 16-bit 200ns 50-pin 68-pin 8X305 N8X305N N8X305I


    Abstract: n8x305 N8X305I N8X305A 8X305 8X300 N8X3
    Text: Product •paefflcstlon S ig n a d o M icrocontroller Product* Microcontroller FEATURES • Fetch, Decode, and Execute a 16-bit . instruction in a m inim um o f 200ns one m achine cycte • Bit-oriented instruction set (addressable single-or-m ultipie bit subfields)

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    PDF 8X305 16-bit 200ns 50-pin 68-pin 8X305 N8X305N N8X305I N8X305N n8x305 N8X305I N8X305A 8X300 N8X3