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    SIGNETICS 82S131 Search Results

    SIGNETICS 82S131 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MB7051 MB7122 27s49 MB7057 27S19 27s13 PROM intel 3601 MB7058 MB7053
    Text: TTL/Bipolar PROM / RAM Reference Guide V2.f3 TS = Tri-State output OC = Open Collector output Hacked, copied, edited and extended by W.G. to give it a decent shape and handy booklet form The main part is extracted from

    --uPB410 ------MB7051 uPB400 MB7056 ----P3106 27S01 P3107 82S16 82S116 82S06 MB7052 MB7051 MB7122 27s49 MB7057 27S19 27s13 PROM intel 3601 MB7058 MB7053 PDF


    Abstract: mmi 6331 74S287 MMI 6330 74s188 programming AMD 27S21 MMI 6309 6306 MMI 74S188 74S288 PROGRAMMING
    Text: V1.6 Jan 13,1999 Fujitsu -7051 7052 7053 7057 7111 32x8 7112 32x8 7113 256x4 7114 256x4 7115 512x4 7116 512x4 7117 256x8 7118 256x8 7121 1kx4 7122 1kx4 7123 512x8 7124 512x8 7126 7127 7128 2kx4 7131 7132 1kx8 7134 4kx4 7137 2kx8 7138 2kx8 7142 4kx8 7144 8kx8

    256x4 512x4 256x8 512x8 7647R 82s23 74S471 mmi 6331 74S287 MMI 6330 74s188 programming AMD 27S21 MMI 6309 6306 MMI 74S188 74S288 PROGRAMMING PDF


    Abstract: 14538B MOTOROLA smd transistor 72k code eprom smd atmel QP7C185A M38510-11003 QP7C198 8708 eprom M38510/11201 M38510/10105
    Text: Product Selector Guide March 28, 2005 Analog Description Package SMD Number Part Number DIP 5962-87786 TDC1046 TRW DIP, LCC 5962-88532 TDC1049C1V TRW National A/D Converter, 6-Bit Flash A/D Converter, 9-Bit Comparator, Differential Die Mfg DIP, CAN, FP, LCC

    TDC1046 TDC1049C1V M38510/10301 LM710 LM160 LM161 SE529 M38510/10305 QP2111 M38510/10101 14538B MOTOROLA smd transistor 72k code eprom smd atmel QP7C185A M38510-11003 QP7C198 8708 eprom M38510/11201 M38510/10105 PDF

    signetics 82s131

    Abstract: 82S131 82s131 signetics prom 512x4 bit 82S130/82S131/TMS87C510 A/prom 82S131
    Text: 825130 825131 Signetics 2K-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM Product Specification Military Bipolar Memory Products DESCRIPTION FEATURES APPLICATIONS The 82S130 and the 82S131 are field-pro­ grammable, which means that custom patterns are immediately available by following the Signetics Generic I fusing

    OCR Scan
    82S130 82S131 512x4) 82S130, 82S131 signetics 82s131 82s131 signetics prom 512x4 bit 82S130/82S131/TMS87C510 A/prom 82S131 PDF


    Abstract: wf vqc 10d alu 9308 d Signetics 2650 SN52723 2650 cpu 82S103 pipbug Signetics NE561 cd 75232
    Text: flcnCTICf ßii>ouiR/mos fflICROPROCEÍSOR DATfl mnnuni SIGNETICS reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Signetics also assumes no responsibility for the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: N82S130AN 512x4 prom 512x4 bit
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 853-0142 ECN No. 96054 Date of Issue March 14,1989 Status Product Specification 82S130A 82S131A 2K-bit TTL bipolar PROM Memory Products PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S130A and 82S131A are field programmable, which means that

    OCR Scan
    82S130A 82S131A N82S130A: N82S131A: N82S131 82S131A N82S131A N82S130A N82S131AN N82S130AN 512x4 prom 512x4 bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics ECN No. 96054 Date of Issue March 14, 1989 825130 825131 Status Product Specification 2K-bit TTL bipolar PROM Document No. 853-0143 Memory Products PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S130 and 82S131 are field programmable, which means that

    OCR Scan
    82S130 82S131 512x4) 82S131 750LI CE1201 PDF

    prom 82S131

    Abstract: SIGNETICS prom
    Text: 82S130A 82S131A Signetics 2K-Bit TTL Bipolar PROM Product Specification Military Bipolar Memory Products DESCRIPTION FEATURES APPLICATIONS The 8 2 S 13 0 A and 8 2 S 1 31A are field-pro­ gram m able, which m eans that custom patterns are im m ediately available by

    OCR Scan
    82S130A 82S131A 512x4) 82S130A, prom 82S131 SIGNETICS prom PDF


    Abstract: 54LS154 82HS187 OT27C256 27c64 signetics 54175 82HS641 sreg BDA BFA BKA 54S20
    Text: Signetics I Product Listing of I Contents of I Volume 2 Military Products I The following is a list of products whose data sheets are available in the Military Products Handbook, Volume 2. SECTION 1: ERASABLE PROM PRODUCTS Part Number Device Description Device

    OCR Scan
    27C512/BXA-20 27C512/BXA-25 27C256/BXA-20 27C256/BXA-25 27C256/BXA-30 27C256/BUA-20 27C256/BUA-25 32KX8 82hs189 54LS154 82HS187 OT27C256 27c64 signetics 54175 82HS641 sreg BDA BFA BKA 54S20 PDF


    Abstract: 82S131 82s131 signetics N82S130 N82S130A N82S131 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 62s13
    Text: Philips Com ponents-Signetics ECN No. 96054 Date of Issue March 14, 1989 825130 825131 Status Product Specification 2K-bit TTL bipolar PROM Document No. 853-0143 Memory Products PIN CO NFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEA T U R E S The 82S130 and B2S131 are field

    OCR Scan
    82S130 B2S131 82S131 82s130) 62s131) 82s131 signetics N82S130 N82S130A N82S131 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 62s13 PDF

    bipolar PROM

    Abstract: plhs18p8 S4LS04 82HS641 PLHS18 54175 82s137a 82S191 68172 54F04
    Text: Signetics I Alphanumeric I Index Military Products H LM119 LM124 LM139 Vol. 1 17 Dual Voltage Comparator Vol.2 22 26 26 Low Power Quad Op Amp LM139A Qual Voltage Comparator Qual Voltage Comparator PLC18V8Z Zero Standby Power Universal PAL -Type Device PLC415

    OCR Scan
    LM119 LM124 LM139 LM139A PLC18V8Z PLC415 PLHS18P8A PLHS473 PLHS501 PLS105 bipolar PROM plhs18p8 S4LS04 82HS641 PLHS18 54175 82s137a 82S191 68172 54F04 PDF

    512 PROM 82s

    Abstract: prom 82s
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics ECN No. 9 6054 Date of Issue M arch 14, 1989 825130 825131 Status P roduct S p ecification 2K-bit TTL bipolar PROM Document No. 8 5 3 -0 1 4 3 M em ory Products PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S 130 and B2S131 are fie ld

    OCR Scan
    B2S131 82S131 82S130 82S131 600il, 750ii, 512 PROM 82s prom 82s PDF

    82s131 signetics

    Abstract: 82S130 82S131 N82S130 N82S131 825131 512 ttl prom a5 gnp signetics military data handbook
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document No. 8 5 3 -0 1 4 3 ECN No. 9 6054 Date of Issue M arch 14, 1989 Status P roduct S p ecification 8 2 5 1 3 0 8 2 5 1 3 1 2K-bit TTL bipolar PROM M em ory Products PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82S 130 and B2S131 are fie ld

    OCR Scan
    82S130 B2S131 82S131 750il, DUT03 82s131 signetics N82S130 N82S131 825131 512 ttl prom a5 gnp signetics military data handbook PDF

    82S123 programming

    Abstract: PJ 3139 prom 82S126 NCE8205 82s131 programming Signetics 2513 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 CM340 82s129 programming Signetics 2608

    OCR Scan
    N82S23 N82S123 N82S126 N82S1-29 N82S27 N82S130 N82S131 N82S114 N82S115 82S123 programming PJ 3139 prom 82S126 NCE8205 82s131 programming Signetics 2513 SIGNETICS prom ttl 512 CM340 82s129 programming Signetics 2608 PDF

    diode LT 42 PR 3002

    Abstract: 5603A intersil b34 DIODE schottky ic 74s201 mmi 6331 74s188 74S474 74S288 FU 3024 82s141
    Text: Signetics Integrated Circuits Schottky T T L Schottky T T L 74S Series Introduction S c h o ttk y T T L uses a d io d e cla m p design to ensure th e highest speed possible at T T L lo g ic levels ty p ic a lly 3ns gate p ro p a g a tio n de la y and 9 0 M H z f lip f lo p to g gle rate. H o w ever th e y rem ain c o m p a tib le w ith

    OCR Scan
    N74S00N 55376D N74S02N 55377B N74S03N 55378X N74S04N 55379R N74S05N 5380A diode LT 42 PR 3002 5603A intersil b34 DIODE schottky ic 74s201 mmi 6331 74s188 74S474 74S288 FU 3024 82s141 PDF

    IC 74187

    Abstract: lt 6246 MMI 6330 74s188 ic 74s201 6301-1 prom HARRIS 8249 mmi 6331 82S2708 74S288
    Text: Siginetics Integrated Circuits Schottky T T L Schottky T T L 74S Series Cont. TYPE NO. N74S260N N74S280AN N74S287N N74S288N N74S289N DE SC R IPTIO N Dual 5 -ln p u t N O R Gate 9 -B it O dd/E ven P arity G enerator/Checker . 102 4-B it Prom -3 State? o /p

    OCR Scan
    N74S260N 55616D N74S280AN S5617B N74S287N 1024-Bit 55618X N74S288N 256-Bit 55619R IC 74187 lt 6246 MMI 6330 74s188 ic 74s201 6301-1 prom HARRIS 8249 mmi 6331 82S2708 74S288 PDF


    Abstract: N82S131N 82s131 signetics n82s130 82S130 82S131 N82S130F N82S130N N82S131
    Text: S ig n e tic s Mem ories - Bipolar Prom s N82S130, N82S131 - 2048 Bit Field Programmable Bipolar Prom C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N T h e 8 2 S 1 3 0 a nd 8 2 S 1 31 are f ie ld p ro g ra m m a b le , w h ic h m eans th a t c u s to m p a tte rn s are im m e d ia te ly a v a ila b le b y

    OCR Scan
    N82S130, N82S131 82S130 82S131 N82S131F N82S131N 82s131 signetics n82s130 N82S130F N82S130N PDF

    82s131 signetics

    Abstract: prom 82S131 N82S130 82S130 82S131 512X4
    Text: BIPOLAR M E M O R Y DIVISION M AY 1982 2048-BIT BIPOLAR PROM 5 12x 4 82S130 (O.C.)/82S131 (T.S.) DESC RIPTIO N FEATURES T h e 82S 130 a n d 82S131 a re fie ld p r o g r a m ­ m ab le , w h ic h m e a n s th a t c u s to m p a tte rn s • Address access time:

    OCR Scan
    2048-BIT 512x4) 82S130 /82S131 82S130 82S131 82s131 signetics prom 82S131 N82S130 512X4 PDF

    82s131 programming

    Abstract: rom 512x4 512 x 4 PROM SIGNETICS* fusing procedure 512x4 2041b 82S131 825131 82s130 programming 82S130
    Text: B g g n o ticB 2041-BIT BIPOLAR PROGRAMMABLE ROM 512x4 PROM FEBRUARY 1975 825130 825131 DIGITAL 8000 SERIES TTL/M EM ORY D E S C R IP T IO N The 82S130 (Open Collector Outputs) and the 82S131 (Tri-State Outputs) are Bipolar 2048-Bit Read O nly Mem­ ories, organized as 512 words by 4 bits per word. They

    OCR Scan
    2041-BIT 512x4 82S130 82S131 2048-Bit 82S130 82S131 82s131 programming rom 512x4 512 x 4 PROM SIGNETICS* fusing procedure 2041b 825131 82s130 programming PDF


    Abstract: N82S141 93427c 74S200 N82S147 6331-1 6301-1 prom 74S301 DM74S287 PROM intel 3601
    Text: BIPOLAR M E M O R Y M AY 1962 8192-BIT BIPOLAR PROM 2 0 4 8 x 4 82S185(T.S.) DESCRIPTIO N FEATURES T h e 82S 185 is fie ld p ro g ra m m a b le , w h ic h

    OCR Scan
    8192-BIT 2048x4) 82S185 82S185 N82S185, N82HS185 N82S25 N82S16 N82S185 N82S141 93427c 74S200 N82S147 6331-1 6301-1 prom 74S301 DM74S287 PROM intel 3601 PDF


    Abstract: 82HS191 MCM10149 N82S137 74S301 N82LS181 CE23 MCM7620 N82HS191 N82S130
    Text: MAY 1982 BIPOLAR M EM O RY DIVISION 16,384-BIT BIPOLAR PROM 2 0 4 8 x 8 _ 82HS191 (T.S.) DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS T h e 82H S 191 is fie ld p r o g r a m m a b le , w h ic h m e a n s th a t c u s to m p a tte rn s a re im m e d ia te ­

    OCR Scan
    384-BIT 2048x8) 82HS191 82HS191 The82HS191 N82HS191, N82HS185 N82S25 N82S16 N82S141 MCM10149 N82S137 74S301 N82LS181 CE23 MCM7620 N82HS191 N82S130 PDF

    6301-1 prom

    Abstract: MMI 6301-1 93427C 6331-1 MMI 6341-1 dm74s472 PROM intel 3601 DM74S570 MMI 6330 N82S23
    Text: MAY 1982 BIPOLAR MEMORY DIVISION 82HS195 T.S. 16,384-BIT BIPOLAR PROM (4 0 9 6 x 4 ) A d v a n c e Inform ation DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 82H S 19 5 is fie ld p ro g ra m m a b le , w h ic h m e a n s th a t c u s to m p a tte rn s are im m e d i a te ­

    OCR Scan
    384-BIT 4096x4) 82HS195 82HS195 93427C N82S129 93436C N82S130 6301-1 prom MMI 6301-1 6331-1 MMI 6341-1 dm74s472 PROM intel 3601 DM74S570 MMI 6330 N82S23 PDF

    TCA965 equivalent

    Abstract: ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401
    Text: veryimpressivePrice. power drain. For the same low price astheTTL-compatible DG211. Very Impressive Performance. Low power, low source-drain ON resistance, low switching times, low current, low price. It all adds up to superstar performance for portable and battery-operated

    OCR Scan
    DG211. DG300 DG308 DG211 TCA965 equivalent ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401 PDF

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

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