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    SIEMENS CRYSTAL FILTER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NFMJMPC226R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Data Line Filter, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC755R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC435R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC915R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    S3HP807L Coilcraft Inc High Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc

    SIEMENS CRYSTAL FILTER Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: G3354K G3956M G3258K G3356K SIEMENS saw filter 38.9 mhz G3270k saw tv filters 38,9 G3258 saw tv if filters
    Text: Herwig A. Benning TV in cinema format: SAW filters drive PALplus Surface acoustic wave SAW filters are indispensable to PALplus – the enhanced version of the PAL standard for wide-screen formats. They are the only type of component which can meet PALplus specifications for frequency response


    ELCO Coupling GR

    Abstract: siemens c45 c55 siemens BF1009 TOKO 10.7 transformer BF1009 E-6393 SIEMENS capacitor SFE10.7MS3-A datasheet c55 siemens siemens transformer
    Text: + $SSOLFDWLRQ 1RWH :LUHOHVV 3URGXFWV CAR RADIO FM Receiver with Frequency Synthesizer TUA 4401 WS AT CR MCH B R. EMSLANDER TEL.: .49 89 234 24465 Jun. 14, 99 TUA 4401 CAR RADIO General Description: The TUA 4401 is a carradio IC using BICMOS technology. The combination of


    47K variable resistor

    Abstract: SIMID04 siemens c45 siemens MOSFET BF1009S SFE10.7MS3-A sfe10.7ms3 capacitor 470p fm frontend parallelport cable amplifier
    Text: RF Application Note Wireless Products CAR RADIO FM Receiver with Frequency Synthesizer TUA 4401K WS LIN AE CE MCH B R. EMSLANDER TEL.: .49 89 234 24465 2000-07-21 TUA 4401K CAR RADIO General Description: The TUA 4401K is a carradio IC using BICMOS technology. The combination

    4401K 4401K 47K variable resistor SIMID04 siemens c45 siemens MOSFET BF1009S SFE10.7MS3-A sfe10.7ms3 capacitor 470p fm frontend parallelport cable amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Multistandard Sound IF TDA 6160-2S Preliminary Data Features • • • • • • • • Sound carrier mixer VCO Programmable Divider Reference divider with crystal oscillator Phase comparator Operational amplifier for PLL filter I2C bus interface

    OCR Scan
    6160-2S Q67000-A5184 P-SDIP-30 10-kHz UED03424 235b05 PDF

    HA 11719

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Multistandard Sound IF TDA 6160-2S Prelim inary Data Bipolar IC Features • • • • • • • • Sound carrier mixer VCO Program mable Divider Reference divider with crystal oscillator Phase comparator O perational amplifier for PLL filter

    OCR Scan
    6160-2S P-SDIP-30-1 Q67000-A5184 P-SDIP-30-1 10-kHz HA 11719 PDF


    Abstract: LHi 807 Heimann LHI heimann
    Text: SIEMENS CAPITAL/ OPTO -ilf 0DD37SE 1 I LHi807 LHi807 Pyroelectric-Single-Element-Detector t¡T - i = 3 - O D Optical Filter — Sensor Crystal FETI — !-o s Gate Resistor -± '•- r The characteristic feature for this series of

    OCR Scan
    0DD37SE LHi807 LHI807 LHi 807 Heimann LHI heimann PDF

    sda 5241

    Abstract: siemens sda 2083
    Text: SIEMENS Data Slicer for Teletext SDA 5231 -2 Prelim inary Data Bipolar 1C Features • Crystal-stable data clock regeneration for a bit rate of 6.9375 MHz • Separation and regeneration of teletext infor­ mation • Separation of the horizontal and vertical syn­

    OCR Scan
    67000-A5006 P-DIP-28 sda 5241 siemens sda 2083 PDF


    Abstract: sda 5241 sda 5231-2 C15PH condensator 22NF -10PVX7R 125H T-77
    Text: SIEM EN S SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHÀF Data Slicer for Teletext SDA 5231-2 Bipolar 1C Preliminary Data Features • Crystal-stable data clock regeneration for a bit rate of 6.9375 MHz • Separation and regeneration of teletext infor­ mation • Separation of the horizontal and vertical syn­

    OCR Scan
    P-DIP-28 67000-A5006 T-77-Q7-13 623Sbà 00441bfl T-77-07-13 SDA5241 sda 5241 sda 5231-2 C15PH condensator 22NF -10PVX7R 125H T-77 PDF


    Abstract: sda 5241 a5006 sda 5231-2 sync STT 3 SIEMENS
    Text: SIE D • fl53SbG5 DD441S2 TT4 « S I E G S IE M E N S - c - - n ~ c > - t- i3 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF SD A 5231-2 Data Slicer for Teletext Bipolar IC Preliminary Data Features • Crystal-stable data clock regeneration for a bit rate of 6.9375 MHz • Separation and regeneration of teletext infor­

    OCR Scan
    fl53SbG5 DD441S2 P-DIP-28 67000-A5006 T-77-07-13 E35bOS T--77--07--13 SDA5241 sda 5241 a5006 sda 5231-2 sync STT 3 SIEMENS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS Multistandard Sound IF TDA 6160-2X Bipolar IC Preliminary Data Features • • • • • • • • Sound carrier mixer VCO Programmable Divider Reference divider with crystal oscillator Phase comparator Operational amplifier for PLL filter I2C bus interface

    OCR Scan
    6160-2X VPS05123 P-DSO-28-1 Q67000-A5085 10-kHz UED03424 6235bOS 6160-2X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS Multistandard Sound IF TDA 6160-2X Prelim inary Data Bipolar IC Features • • • • • • • • Sound carrier mixer VCO Porgram mable Divider Reference divider with crystal oscillator Phase com parator O perational am plifier for PLL filter

    OCR Scan
    6160-2X Q67000-A5085 P-DSO-28 10-kHz UES04065 UED03424 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Consumer Electronics ADC with Built in Antialiasing filter and Clock generation U nits ABACUS SDA 9206 Data Sheet 1999-02-10 Edition 1999-02-10 This edition was realized using the softw are system FrameMaker Published by Siemens AG, Bereich

    OCR Scan
    P-MQFP-64-3 IA-BIDIH14X GPM05250 PDF

    sMD .v05

    Abstract: MARKING CODE ADDV 711S 476 16q AG qd SMD marking code 1pp smd V05 H111 Q67101-H5185-A704 tv free
    Text: S IE M E N S ICs for Consumer Electronics ADC with Built in Antialiasing filter and Clock generation U nits ABACUS SDA 9206 Data Sheet 1998-04-22 This Material C o pyrighted By Its Respecti v e M a n u f a c t u r e r SDA 9206 Revision History: Current Version: 1998-04-22

    OCR Scan
    P-MQFP-64-3 DICI64x gpm05250 sMD .v05 MARKING CODE ADDV 711S 476 16q AG qd SMD marking code 1pp smd V05 H111 Q67101-H5185-A704 tv free PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS Primary Rate Access Clock Generator and Transceiver PRACT PEB 22320 Preliminary Data 1 CMOS Features • ISDN line interface for 1544 and 2048 kbit/s T1 and CEPT • Data and clock recovery • Transparent to ternary codes • Low transmitter output impedance for a high return

    OCR Scan
    P-LCC-44 TR-NWT-000499 235bQ5 fl23Sb05 PDF

    tuner 3402

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING 2 HA SDA34 XP113 smd transistor marking P7
    Text: bSE D • ÔE 3 S b OS 0G53554 774 WÊSIZG S IE M E N S SIEMENS A K T I EN GE SE LLS CH AF; GHz PLL with I 2C Bus, In-Lock Detector and four programmable Chip Addresses SDA 3402X Bipolar 1C Preliminary Data Features • 1 - chip system for MPU control I2C bus

    OCR Scan
    0G53554 3402X Q67000-A5047 Q67006-A5047 P-DSO-20 P-DSO-20 tuner 3402 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING 2 HA SDA34 XP113 smd transistor marking P7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 47E SIEM ENS D • 6¿35b05 SIEMENS 003M4G7 5 »SIEG AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T-nrvTkv, VCR Stereo Processor TDA 6620 Preliminary Data Bipolar 1C Features • • • • Inexpensive solution for VCR sets due to a low cost external writing Identification signal based on the PLL-principle

    OCR Scan
    35b05 003M4G7 23SbOS PDF

    Siemens SLE 4520

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bGE D • Ô235b05 DDSOSbb 4SI « S I E G SIEMENS SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 'P Pulse-Width Modulator 5 <S - l - 3 ( SLE 4520 MOS 1C Features • Digital sine synthesis for controlling the speed and torque of three-phase motors • 2-chip solution (e.g. SAB 8051 with SLE 4520

    OCR Scan
    235b05 P-DIP-28 Q671000-H8271 235bQ5 0Q5G57b Siemens SLE 4520 PDF

    SIEMENS saw filter 38.9 mhz

    Abstract: hyper BAND TV TUNER pin
    Text: SIEMENS Components for Entertainment Electronics 2 Band TV Tuner for NTSC KTS 6027-S Mixer-Oscillator-PLL with Unbalanced IF-Amplifier Preliminary Data Sheet 1998-09-01 Edition 1998-09-01 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker Published by Siemens AG, Bereich

    OCR Scan
    6027-S 6027-S lAlCl28x GPS05867 SIEMENS saw filter 38.9 mhz hyper BAND TV TUNER pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 47E D li fl235b05 0 0 3 3 0 ^ 5 • S I E ß SIEMENS SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF “T - S O - H GHz PLL with I2C Bus and Four Chip Addresses SDA 3302 Bipolar 1C Preliminary Data Features • • • • • • • • 1 chip system for MPU control I2C bus

    OCR Scan
    fl235b05 Q67000-A5027 P-DIP-18 3302-X Q67000-H5023 P-DSO-20 3302-X6 Q67000-H5018 P-DSO-16 fl23SfciQS PDF

    SIEMENS crystal filter

    Abstract: SDA3202 XN3 marking xn13
    Text: SIEM EN S GHz PLL with I 2C Bus and Four Chip Addresses Preliminary Data SDA 3302 Bipolar 1C Features • • • • • • • • 1 chip system for MPU control I2C bus 4 programmable chip addresses Short rise time for fast channel switch operations and improved loop stability

    OCR Scan
    3302-X 3302-X6 67000-A5027 Q67000-H5023 Q67000-H5018 Q67000-A5040 P-DIP-18 P-DSO-20 P-DSO-16 P-DSO-14 SIEMENS crystal filter SDA3202 XN3 marking xn13 PDF


    Abstract: 4 MHz crystal
    Text: SIEM ENS VCR Stereo Processor TDA 6620 Preliminary Data Bipolar 1C Features • Inexpensive solution for VCR sets due to a low cost external writing • Identification signal based on the PLL-principle • The PLL reference frequency can be derived from external or internal clock generator

    OCR Scan
    TDA6620 TDA6620 4 MHz crystal PDF

    siemens TUA

    Abstract: BB833 equivalent
    Text: SIEMENS S A T M ix e r-O s c illa to r-P L L fo r 3 .3 G H z T U A 61 1 0X S Features • Smallest possible lock-in time; no asynchronous divider stage • 1-chip system for MPU control l2C Bus ^_" : > ) • Fast PC Bus mode possible • 4 programmable chip addresses

    OCR Scan
    P-SSOP-28-1 6110XS siemens TUA BB833 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 47E » S IE M E N S • ö23SbüS 0D3t300 ö ■ S I E G SIEMENS7 AKTIENG ESEL LSCH AF ISDN Burst Tranceiver Circuit IBC Preliminary Data _ 1 - 7 . 5-/5 PEB 2095 CMOS 1C Type Ordering Code Package PEB 2095-C PEB 2095-N PEB 2095-P Q67100-H8398 Q67100-H8396

    OCR Scan
    0D3t300 2095-C 2095-N 2095-P Q67100-H8398 Q67100-H8396 Q67100-H8397 C-DIP-24 PL-CC-28 P-DIP-24 PDF

    siemens off saw filter

    Abstract: TOKO 7kl hyper BAND TV TUNER pin
    Text: SIEMENS Components for Entertainment Electronics 2 Band TV Tuner TUA 6024 Mixer-Oscillator-PLL with Balanced IF-Amplifier Preliminary Data Sheet 1998-09-01 Edition 1998-09-01 This edition was realized using the software system Fra me Maker Published by Siemens AG, Bereich

    OCR Scan
    22tgg GPS05867 siemens off saw filter TOKO 7kl hyper BAND TV TUNER pin PDF