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    SHF 205 Price and Stock

    ROHM Semiconductor BU7205SHFV-TR

    Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps not in MP yet; IC; CMOS OP AMP; HVSOF PKG
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics BU7205SHFV-TR 1,976
    • 1 $1.95
    • 10 $1.11
    • 100 $0.831
    • 1000 $0.658
    • 10000 $0.525
    Buy Now

    SHF 205 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HF & MICROWAVE CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITORS Single layer capacitors - U Series SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS - U SERIES MICROWAVE UHF/SHF CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITORS SINGLE LAYER CONSTRUCTION Description Applications Single layer capacitors are designed for applications ranging from D.C. to microwave

    materia2000. QQ-W-470 PDF

    MPR2 equivalent

    Abstract: MPR20
    Text: Micro-Porcelain Index Series MPR F Range R E HF Q U E VHF N UHF C Features Y SHF Page from 1MHz to 30MHz to 300MHz to 3000MHz to 30GHz Multilayer capacitors Microporcelain 0.2pF - 0,1µF High “Q” ceramic 0.5pF - 3000pF MHQ 9 Medium power porcelain 10 - 1000pF

    20ppm/ 30ppm/ MPR2 equivalent MPR20 PDF

    3ADW000095R0701 DCS400 MANUAL E G

    Abstract: ktk variable speed thyristor controller ABB make REC 670 ktk thyristor dc drives manual DCS401 manual temperature controller CHB 702 30 KW 1500rpm ABB DC motor DCS402 abb contactor K22 Project Report of fire alarm using thermistor
    Text: DCS Thyristor power converter for DC drive systems 20 to 1000 A 9 to 522 kW Manual DCS 400 II K 1-1 This manual is valid for DCS 400 Rev A including software version 108.0 List of contents MANUAL 1 DCS 400 - the compact-size DC drive . II K 1-3 2 System overview of DCS 400 . II K 2-1

    NCNA-01, 3ADW000095R0701 DCS400 R0701 095R0701A3180000* 3ADW000095R0701 DCS400 MANUAL E G ktk variable speed thyristor controller ABB make REC 670 ktk thyristor dc drives manual DCS401 manual temperature controller CHB 702 30 KW 1500rpm ABB DC motor DCS402 abb contactor K22 Project Report of fire alarm using thermistor PDF

    connector cross reference

    Abstract: blaupunkt panasonic VF-8Z blaupunkt 723 731 motorola NovAtel nec 2035 744 PTR80 motorola s 114-8 motorola 114-8
    Text: ANTENEX TM CELLULAR CONNECTORS CELLULAR CONNECTOR CROSS REFERENCE C ur r ent A nt enna M anuf act ur er M o del S t yle AT &T® 3630 Retractable AT &T® AT &T® AT &T® AT &T® AT &T® AT &T® Audiovox® Audiovox® Audiovox® Blaupunkt® Blaupunkt® Ericsson®

    CTX5000 DCPU821M5V DCPU821M DCUP821M6A DCPU821M5A DCPU821M6A DCXS821M5T DCXC821M5 DCXS821SFA DCXC821M4A connector cross reference blaupunkt panasonic VF-8Z blaupunkt 723 731 motorola NovAtel nec 2035 744 PTR80 motorola s 114-8 motorola 114-8 PDF

    transistor bc 245

    Abstract: 247Y smd transistor h2a gt30g122 gt35j321 GT45F123 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT45F122 GT45f122 Series gt30f122
    Text: Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors z 190 Small-Signal FETs z 205 Combination Products of Different Type Devices z 215 Bipolar Power Transistors z 217 Power MOSFETs z 232 Power Transistor Modules z 242 Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors z 243

    SC-43) 2SC1815 TPS615 TPS616 TPS610 transistor bc 245 247Y smd transistor h2a gt30g122 gt35j321 GT45F123 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT45F122 GT45f122 Series gt30f122 PDF


    Abstract: K1-S11EA0 SAMCO-vm05 samco-vm05 inverter manual 1000w inverter design and calculation 800w inverter diagrams 1000W inverters block diagram 800w power inverter circuit diagram IRF power mosfets catalog 2.2KW motor
    Text: First in Industry Upgraded Inverters with Software Customize Function VVVF Inverter SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Functionality that transcends the general-purpose The SAMCO-vm05 Series, born from dedication to diversified system needs.

    SAMCO-vm05 k1-S11EA0-0603030ND Inverter K1-S11EA0 samco-vm05 inverter manual 1000w inverter design and calculation 800w inverter diagrams 1000W inverters block diagram 800w power inverter circuit diagram IRF power mosfets catalog 2.2KW motor PDF

    IGBT GT30F124

    Abstract: IGBT GT30J124 GT30F124 GT30J124 GT50N322 tk25e06k3 TPCP8R01 TK12A10K3 GT30G124 2SK3075
    Text: 東芝半導体製品総覧表 2011 年 1 月版 トランジスタ バイポーラ小信号トランジスタ 接合形 FET 異種混載複合デバイス MOSFET バイポーラパワートランジスタ 高周波バイポーラ小信号トランジスタ

    SCJ0004R SC-43) 2SC1815 2SC732TM 2SC1959 2SA1015 2SC2240 2SA970 2SC1815 2SA1015 IGBT GT30F124 IGBT GT30J124 GT30F124 GT30J124 GT50N322 tk25e06k3 TPCP8R01 TK12A10K3 GT30G124 2SK3075 PDF


    Abstract: RG 393 cable radiall Torque Wrench ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Radiall heliax RG214 coax corrugated SHEET connector N for RG 217 coaxial cable connector "N" for RG 217 coaxial cable cellflex
    Text: 7/16 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction .3-4 General. 5



    Abstract: SAMCO-vm05 3XYEB-105104 2kw inverter samco-ipf samco 232C MBS 14 SAMCO VM05 DSA0016500
    Text: 業界初 ソフトウェアカスタマイズ機能を搭載した バージョンアップ型インバータ VVVF Inverter 汎用インバータの概念を超越した機能性。 多様化するシステムニーズに応える専用インバー こだわりから生まれたSAMCO-vm05シリーズ。

    SAMCO-vm05 RS-232C RS-485 200VSBT 400VSHF H/150 400VSPF P/120 Inverter SAMCO-vm05 3XYEB-105104 2kw inverter samco-ipf samco 232C MBS 14 SAMCO VM05 DSA0016500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Stanford Microdevices Product Description SHF-0186 Stanford M icrodevices’ SHF-0186 is a AIG aAs/GaAs Heterostructure FET housed in a low cost surface-m ount plastic package. HFET technology im proves breakdown voltage for high drain voltage operation. Its low Schottky

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    SHF-0186 SHF-0186 DC-12 SHF-0186-TR3 SHF-0186-TR1 SHF-0186-TR2 PDF

    SHF 205

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r= c~i S u n iord Miuodk? vices Product Description SHF-0186 Stanford M icrodevices’ SHF-0186 is a AIGaAs/GaAs Heterostructure FET housed in a low cost surface-m ount plastic package. HFET technology im proves breakdown voltage for high drain voltage operation. Its low Schottky

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    SHF-0186 SHF-0186 DC-12 SHF-0186-TR1 SHF-0186-TR2 SHF-0186-TR3 SHF 205 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m Stanford Microdevices Product Description SHF-0198 Stanford M icrodevices’ SHF-0198 series is a high perfor­ m ance AIGaAs/GaAs Heterostructure FET housed in a low-cost stripline-m ount ceram ic package. HFET technol­ ogy improves breakdown voltage while m inim izing Schottky

    OCR Scan
    SHF-0198 SHF-0198 DC-12 27dBm 150mA. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ë l Stanford Microdevices Product Description SHF-0198 Stanford M icrodevices’ SHF-0198 series is a high perfor­ m ance AIGaAs/GaAs Heterostructure FET housed in a low-cost stripiine-m ount ceram ic package. HFET technol­ ogy improves breakdown voltage while m inimizing Schottky |

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    SHF-0198 27dBm 150mA. SHF-0198 DC-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CPI Sian ford M Ìcr udev ices Product Description SHF-0198 Stanford M icrodevices’ SHF-0198 series is a high perfor­ m ance AIGaAs/G aAs Heterostructure FET housed in a low-cost stripiine-m ount ceram ic package. HFET technol­ ogy improves breakdown voltage while m inimizing Schottky j

    OCR Scan
    SHF-0198 27dBm 150mA. SHF-0198 DC-12 PDF


    Abstract: amplifier shf

    OCR Scan
    2SK779------------------------------- 0D117f 2SK779 amplifier shf PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: t-re 1 i m i n a r v SHF i100SM uata Sheet: 2 Q £ D through SHF1103SM 1 AMP SOLID STATE DEVICES INC FA S T T - o i - l Y SSDI RECOVERY MOUNT 14849 FIRESTONE BLVD. LA MIRADA, CA 90638 TEL. 213 921-9660 FAX. (213) 921-2396 RECIT I F 1 E R 300 VOLTS CASE a3bb011 00021Ô5 1

    OCR Scan
    i100SM a3bb011 SHF1103SM 100SM SHF1101SM 300us 500mA, 250mA) 103SM PDF


    Abstract: Radiall SHF SELF DE CHOC ARINC 600 CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Radiall SHF 4.2M SHF5M cut off frequency
    Text: Low loss coaxial cable assemblies RADIALL COMPANY PROFILE Since 1952, R A D IA LL has specialized in the field of coaxial connectors and cables assemblies. RADIALL's experience and high technology focus, combined with our large worldwide production capability have made the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2SK794 2sk792 2SK777 2sk718 2SK775 2SK791 k796a 2SK790 2SK786
    Text: Üi f m. s *± ffl € iâ m ü Y % % a . Ÿâ îÈ . K V m * % * (V) (A) s : P d /Pc h ! * * (W) ÍG S S (max) (A) Vg s (V) 6<i (min) (max) Vd s (A) (V) (A) tt ^ (13=25*0 (min) (max) Vd s (V) (V) (V) (min) (S) % ? Id (A) Vd s (V) Id (A) 2SK774 NEC SW

    OCR Scan
    2SK774 2SK775 2SK776 2SK777 2SK778 40nstyp K796A 2SK796, 180ns, 650nstyp 2SK779 2SK794 2sk792 2sk718 2SK775 2SK791 2SK790 2SK786 PDF

    BL-5B nokia

    Abstract: PTR80 CTX5000 DCPU821M5V DCPU821M DCXE821TNC DCXP821SFO DCXH821M5A DCXH821M4A DCXH821M50
    Text: b I ANTENEX« CELLU CELIA C urrerri A n te n n a M a n u fa c tu re r AT&T AT&T® AT & T AT&T® M ode! 3630 3710/3730 3760 3770 3810 Style Retractable Screw-on Retractable Retractable 3830 Retractable AT&T® 6650 R«tracfabfe Audiovox® Audio voi«®

    OCR Scan
    CTX5000 DCP0821M5V DCPU821M 821M6A OCXH821M5N DCXH821M6N DCXH821M DCXH821M5 DCXE821TNC BL-5B nokia PTR80 CTX5000 DCPU821M5V DCXP821SFO DCXH821M5A DCXH821M4A DCXH821M50 PDF


    Abstract: 3sk85 2SK408 equivalent 3SK1 3sk156 3sk217 3SK228 3SK103 2sc464 2SC3511
    Text: HITACHI Ultra High Frequency Devices DATA BOOK H IT A C H I ADE-41 CONTENTS • GENERAL INFORMATION. . . . . . 5 Si Bipolar Transistors.

    OCR Scan
    ADE-41 D-8013 2SK1845 3sk85 2SK408 equivalent 3SK1 3sk156 3sk217 3SK228 3SK103 2sc464 2SC3511 PDF


    Abstract: MLF1608DR15K MLF1206-R68K
    Text: INDUCTORS Multilayer Chip MLF SERIES - Shielded Inductor TDK’s MLF Multilayer Chip Inductor combines high performance witb tbe most compact design available today. MLF Inductor’s multilayer technology utilizes ferrite paste and electric conductor paste layered in a monolithic structure. Sintering offerrite and electric conductors

    OCR Scan
    047nH/i082 1nH/33 MLF1206-1R5K MLF1206-1R8K MLF1206-2R2K MLF1206-2R7K MLF1206-3R3K MLF1206-3R9K MLF1206-4R7K MLF1206-5R6K MLF3216A4R7K MLF1608DR15K MLF1206-R68K PDF


    Abstract: MLF1608DR56K MLF3216A1R0K MLF1608D-R18K MLF2012E120K MLF1608D-R68K MLF3216DR27K MLF3216A3R9K MLF3216 MLF1608A1
    Text: INDUCTORS Multilayer Chip MLF SERIES - Shielded Inductor TDK’s MLF Multilayer Chip Inductor combines high performance with the most compact design available today. MLF Inductor’s multilayer technology utilizes ferrite paste and electric conductor paste layered in a monolithic structure. Sintering o f ferrite and electric conductors

    OCR Scan
    1jxH/33 H/100 MLF1206 MLF1608DR56K MLF3216A1R0K MLF1608D-R18K MLF2012E120K MLF1608D-R68K MLF3216DR27K MLF3216A3R9K MLF3216 MLF1608A1 PDF


    Abstract: 2sk1210 2SK1213 2SK1217 2SK1229 2SK1222 2SK1239 2SK1231 2SK120 csd 1060
    Text: ft f m % ít ffl € m m & X % * fr K * V ft (V) 2SK1203 a i SW-Reg, D D C MOS N E 9 00 D S S ±20 2SK1204 H i SW-Reg, D D C MO S N E 900 D SS ±20 a» X P d/Pc h I* ft* (A) (max) (A) Vd s (V) (min) (V) (max) V d s (V) (V) (13=25^) tí g m (min) (typ)

    OCR Scan
    2SK1203 2SK1204 2SK1205 2SK1206 2SK1211 2SK1230 115nstyp 2SK1231 2SK1232 2SK1227 2sk1210 2SK1213 2SK1217 2SK1229 2SK1222 2SK1239 2SK1231 2SK120 csd 1060 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-212 G E N E R A L POLICY m p rj The information contained in this catalog is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Due to technical progress, it is subject to change without notice. Application information is informational in nature and shall not be construed to warrant suitability of products for

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    F-212 PDF