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    SHARP Z80 Search Results

    SHARP Z80 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LR35504 smoke alarm ic 555 PCB layout LQ080Y5DW30 LQ050T5DG01 LK400d3 LQ080Y5DW01 LQ080Y5DE30 453 8pin opto SHARP BS2F7VZ7395
    Text: CONTENTS Sharp Efforts Towards a Green Society . 2 TFT OPTOELECTRONICS LCD Modules . 8 LSI REG RF Analog CMOS IMAGE SENSORS CMOS Camera Modules Road Map . 13

    JQA-AU0212) ISO/TS16949: HT9A13E LR36B03 LR35504 smoke alarm ic 555 PCB layout LQ080Y5DW30 LQ050T5DG01 LK400d3 LQ080Y5DW01 LQ080Y5DE30 453 8pin opto SHARP BS2F7VZ7395 PDF


    Abstract: pc3hu7 GP1UX31QS RJ2351 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY gw6dge40 PQ1LAxx5MSPQ Series PQ1CX41 LR0G956 LR35501
    Text: Electronic Components March 2014 2014-03 CONTENTS TFT LCD 2 LCD Modules. 2 Imaging CMOS IMAGE SENSORS / CCDs SYSTEM LSIs 18 System LSIs . 18

    HT9A21E bs2s7vz pc3hu7 GP1UX31QS RJ2351 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY gw6dge40 PQ1LAxx5MSPQ Series PQ1CX41 LR0G956 LR35501 PDF


    Abstract: LR36B15 LR36b03 LR38627 RJ2321 LR388H3 IR2E67M pq1cx41h2zpq RJ2341 sharp RJ63YC100
    Text: CONTENTS Sharp Efforts Towards a Green Society . 2 Developing Devices with High Environmental Performance. 4 Raising the Level of Environmental Performance in Factories . 5 TFT LCD 6 LSI REG PACKAGES 32 CSP Chip Size Package .

    JQA-AU0212) ISO/TS16949: HT9A17E RJ63YC100 LR36B15 LR36b03 LR38627 RJ2321 LR388H3 IR2E67M pq1cx41h2zpq RJ2341 sharp RJ63YC100 PDF


    Abstract: sharp LM161 tef 6621 sharp LM16251 LM16251 LM162 hd44780a sharp lcd display lm161 LM171 lcd hd44780a
    Text: DISPLAY UNIT USER’S MANUAL Dot-Matrix LCD Units with built-in controllers Specifications are subject to change without notice. Suggested applications (if any) are for standard use; See Important Restrictions for limitations on special applications. See Limited Warranty for SHARP’s product warranty. The Limited Warranty is


    sharp LM161

    Abstract: sharp LM16251 sharp lcd display lm161 lm16152 hd44780a lm16251 LM162 lcd hd44780a diagram of LED matrix display binary to dotmatrix decoder
    Text: DISPLAY UNIT USER’S MANUAL Dot-Matrix LCD Units with built-in controllers LIFE SUPPORT POLICY SHARP components should not be used in medical devices with life support functions or in safety equipment (or similiar applications where component failure would result in loss of life or physical harm) without the written approval of an

    SMT99007 sharp LM161 sharp LM16251 sharp lcd display lm161 lm16152 hd44780a lm16251 LM162 lcd hd44780a diagram of LED matrix display binary to dotmatrix decoder PDF

    82C51 NEC

    Abstract: 82c51 NEC 82c55 z80 microprocessor memory management 74HC00 74hc xor gate NEC uPD780-1 Z80
    Text: SINGLE-CHIP SYSTEMS, CPU CORES In addition to conventional cell-based single-chip systems, Sharp also offers short turnaround time gate arrays with a built-in CPU core. In order to meet even wider market requirements, Sharp provides not only the field-proven Z80, but also the V20HL/V30HL, a high­

    OCR Scan
    V20HL/V30HL, 82CXX 82C50) 82C59) 82C37) 82C84) 82C88) 82C51) 82C54) 82C55) 82C51 NEC 82c51 NEC 82c55 z80 microprocessor memory management 74HC00 74hc xor gate NEC uPD780-1 Z80 PDF

    Single-Chip Microcomputers

    Abstract: Microcomputers
    Text: Microcomputers Single-chip Microcomputers As part of its activities for upgrading SF-ASICs, Sharp has been working on extending its line of single-chip microcomputers, employing an original technique that assures a short turnaround time. In addition, Sharp has developed 8-bit core CPU s

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    16-bit 32-bit Single-Chip Microcomputers Microcomputers PDF


    Abstract: z-fio LH8038
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ HELEC DIV b7 D • ô l ô G 7 cifl G00G212 S ■ ’ Z8038 FIO LH8038 Input/Output Interface Unit F eatu re s ■ Asynchronous bidirectional FIFO buffer, used with most major microprocessors as CPU/CPU or CPU/peripheral interface. ■ Interlocked or IEEE-488 handshake port

    OCR Scan
    G00G212 Z8038 LH8038 IEEE-488 931J z-fio PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SINGLE-CHIPSYSTEMS CPU CORES The building block method featuring high perform ance macrocells and a variety of CPU cores allows Sharp to deliver high density, high perform ance and high value-added ASICs which meet the wide ranging dem ands of its customers.

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    V20HL V30HL 82C54) 82C50) 82C51) 82C84) 82C59) V20HL7V30HL 82c51 PDF


    Abstract: LH8001 Z8000 Z8001 Z8002-CPU
    Text: SHARP E L E K / f l ELEC DI V b? D • 01007=10 O OD G I I ? 2 ■ ¡ J-W-n-H» Z8001/Z8002 CPU LH 8001/LH 8002 Central Processing Unit Features ■ Regular, easy-to-use architecture. ■ Sophisticated interrupt structure. ■ Instruction set more powerful than many

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    Z8001/Z8002 8001/LH 32-bit Z8000 16-bit Z8001 LH8002 Z8002 Z8001 Z8010 LH8001 Z8002-CPU PDF

    Z80 SHARP

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JINGLE-CHIP SYSTEMS C P U C O R E S FASIC ★Under development • CPU Core ASSPs Along with customized products, Sharp also offers CPU core (ARM 7D, ARM6, V20, Z80) ASSPs. ■ 32-bit RISC Processor with Low Voltage and Low*Power Consumption(*LH77710) Configuration : ARM7DM CPU + Cache Memory (8kB) + MMU + W rite buffer

    OCR Scan
    32-bit LH77710) 144-pin LH77710 Z80 SHARP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SINGLE-CHIP SYSTEMS CPU CORES Cell-baaed ICs kSFASIC ★ U nderdevelopm ent The building block method featuring high performance macrocells and a variety of CPU cores allows Sharp to deliver high density, high performance and high value-added ASICs which meet the wide ranging demands of its customers.

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    V20HL V30HL 48mA/channel 82C59) 82C88) 82C50) 82C51) 82C37) 82c51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ MELEC h7 DIV D • Ö10D7TÖ GODGEDh T ■ T-52~33'C>3 D Z 8036 CIO LH8036_ _ Counter Timer and Parallel I/O Unit Features ■ Two independent 8-bit double-buffered bidirectional I/O ports plus a specialpurpose 4-bit I/O port.

    OCR Scan
    10D7TÖ LH8036_ IEEE-488. Z8036 LH8036 PDF

    SJK 16.000

    Abstract: N03P A05-2 Structure of D flip-flop nand gate layout SJK 10.000 cmos ic nor gates quad 2 input T Flip-Flop NA3 NA4 Nand gate Oscillator
    Text: SHARP CORP bDE D • ßlßDTTfi D G O T M Ö B 131 « S R P J T I T O % ^m rnm ■ P I ■ The LZ9C series is a channel-free gate array with a built-in Z80 CPU core. In general, there are two logic unit systems for a system integration chip. One is standard cell logic and

    OCR Scan
    82C37 82C50 82C51 82C54 82C55 82C59 82C84 82C88 PCB041 SJK 16.000 N03P A05-2 Structure of D flip-flop nand gate layout SJK 10.000 cmos ic nor gates quad 2 input T Flip-Flop NA3 NA4 Nand gate Oscillator PDF


    Abstract: lh8030
    Text: b? SHARP ELEK/ MELEC DIV 01007^ 9 OQOOaOT 5 T—7 5 - 3 7 — Z 8030 SCC LH8030 Serial Communication Controller F eatu res • Two in d ep en d en t, 0 to 1 M egabit-persecond, full-tiuplex channels, each with its own q u artz oscillator, b au d -rate g en erator,

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    LH8030 z-scc PDF


    Abstract: LH0803 Z803 Z8-02 Z8-01 Z8 MICROCOMPUTER FAMILY
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ MELEC »IV b? filfiOTTÖ D0QÜ17S 3 D T-49-19-05 Z-8 Family Microcomputers Z 8-01 * Z 8-02 • Z 8-03 LH0801 LH0802 LH0803 Z8-01 Single-Chip Microcomputer with 2K ROM Z8-02 Development Device with Memory Interface Z8-03 Prototyping Device with EPROM Interface

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    T-49-19-05 LH0801 LH0802 LH0803 Z8-01 Z8-02 Z8-03 144-byte LH0802 LH0803 Z803 Z8 MICROCOMPUTER FAMILY PDF


    Abstract: dl3q3 T-51-17 LR3692 Bz 5010 Z80A 501C MA13 ulma 200 ulma
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ MELEC O IV iS E D g LCD Dot Matrix Controller LSI LR3692 • 0 0 0 12 3 1 ä iä c m a T -5 1 -1 7 LR3692 LCD Dot Matrix Controller LSI Description Pin Connections The LR3692 is a CMOS controller LSI for dot matrix graphic LCD unit. It stores display data

    OCR Scan
    LR3692 G001231 T-51-17 LR3692 z80a-cpu dl3q3 Bz 5010 Z80A 501C MA13 ulma 200 ulma PDF


    Abstract: Z8001 Z8010 Z8016 T-52-33-25 LH8010 Z6010 Z8000 Z8001CPU
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ NELEC DIV h? D m&l&Qllò GD002D0 1 • D T -52 -3 3 -2 5 Z 8010 MMU LH 8010 M emory M anagem ent Unit Features ■ D ynam ic segm ent relocation makes software ad d resses in d ep en d en t of physical memory addresses. ■ S ophisticated access validation protects

    OCR Scan
    D002D0 T-52-33-25 Z8010 LH8010 Z8001 Z8001-CPU Z8016 T-52-33-25 LH8010 Z6010 Z8000 Z8001CPU PDF

    8251 DMA controller

    Abstract: 8255 usart serial port 8251 PIO 8255
    Text: SINGLE-CHIPSYSTEMS CPU CORES I« T C A Cif" • ir* rmK B 'iwà Si h| !l|I Im i Cell-based IC s ★ Under development The building block method featuring high performance macrocells and a variety of CPU cores allows Sharp to deliver high density, high performance and high value-added ASICs which meet the wide ranging demands of its customers.

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 32-bit 256-byte 8251 DMA controller 8255 usart serial port 8251 PIO 8255 PDF


    Abstract: SHARP LR3692 TCA-500 T5117 Z80A-CPU sharp LCD Controller SHARP LCD MATRIX
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ MELEC is e 0 IV o I LCD Dot Matrix Controller LSI a ia c m a 0001231 3 | T -5 1 -1 7 LR3692 LCD Dot Matrix Controller LSI • Description Pin Connections T h e LR3692 is a CM OS co n tro ller L SI for d o t m a trix g rap h ic LC D unit. I t s to r e s display d ata

    OCR Scan
    G001231 T-51-17 LR3692 SHARP LR3692 TCA-500 T5117 Z80A-CPU sharp LCD Controller SHARP LCD MATRIX PDF

    z80b sio

    Abstract: z80 sio LH0084A Z80b sharp z80 Z80SIO sharp lh0084A Z80A z80a-sio Z80ASIO-2
    Text: Z80 SIO Serial Input/Output Controller L H 0084/5/6 /7 LH0084/LH0085 LH0086/LH0087 • Description Z80 SIO Serial Input/Output Controller I The L H 0 0 8 4 /8 5 /8 6 /8 7 , Z80 SIO Z80 SIO for short below is a dual-channel m ulti-function peripheral component designed to satisfy a wide

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    LH0084/5/6/7 LH0084/LH0085 LH0086/LH0087 LH0084/85/86/87, z80b sio z80 sio LH0084A Z80b sharp z80 Z80SIO sharp lh0084A Z80A z80a-sio Z80ASIO-2 PDF


    Abstract: Z80A-CTC Z80 CTC LH0082B Z80B sharp z80 programming z80 Z80 FIO doz 112 Z80A
    Text: LH0082 Z80 CTC Counter Timer Circuit LH0082 • Z80 CTC Counter Timer Circuit Pin Connections Description The Z80 product line is a complete set of micro­ com puter com ponents, development system s and support software. The Z80 microcomputer com­ ponent set includes all of the circuits necessary to

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    LH0082 LH0082 LH0082A LH0082B Z80A-CTC Z80 CTC Z80B sharp z80 programming z80 Z80 FIO doz 112 Z80A PDF

    Sharp IXD 067

    Abstract: IXD 067 LH0080A LH0080A SHARP Z80B-CPU sharp z80 Sharp LH0080A LH0080 Z80E Z80B
    Text: LH0080 Z80 CPU Central Processing Unit LH0080 • Z80 CPU Central Processing Unit Description Pin Connections The L H 0 0 8 0 Z 8 0 CPU Z 80 CPU for sh ort be­ low is a g e n e r a l-p u r p o se 8 - b i t m icrop rocessor fabricated usin g an N -chan nel silic o n -g a te process.

    OCR Scan
    LH0080 LH0080 LH0080A LH0080B LH0080E Sharp IXD 067 IXD 067 LH0080A SHARP Z80B-CPU sharp z80 Sharp LH0080A Z80E Z80B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SINGLE-CHIPSYSTEMS CPU CORES Sharp's single-chip systems are available with the SH11 — Z80 low power consumption version, V20HL/V30HL and ARM7D-based CPU cores, which boast a wide range of uses and large reservoir of software and feature an extended lineup of

    OCR Scan
    V20HL/V30HL PDF