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    SG7800A Search Results

    SG7800A Datasheets (2)

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    SG7800A Micro Electronics Positive Fixed Voltage Regulator Original PDF

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    Abstract: SG7800A capacitor 10mf 35v western Microelectronics
    Text: SG120 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG120 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages and four package options this regulator series is an optimum complement to the SG7800A/

    SG120 SG120 SG7800A/ SG7800A capacitor 10mf 35v western Microelectronics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG120 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG120 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages and four package options this regulator series is an optimum complement to the SG7800A/

    SG120 SG120 SG7800A/ PDF


    Abstract: M38510/10702BXA m38510/10707bya m38510/10704bxa M38510/10703BXA JAN7805T SG7815 10704bxa JAN M38510/10708BYA M38510/10708
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800 SERIES SG7800A/SG7800 POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V SG7800A series only . These units feature a unique on-chip

    SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 M38510/10706BYA M38510/10702BXA m38510/10707bya m38510/10704bxa M38510/10703BXA JAN7805T SG7815 10704bxa JAN M38510/10708BYA M38510/10708 PDF


    Abstract: M38510/10707 M38510/10704BXA M38510/10708BYA M38510/10702BXA JAN M38510/10708BYA JAN7805T JAN7812T JAN7815T SG7800
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800 SERIES SG7800A/SG7800 POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V SG7800A series only . These units feature a unique on-chip

    SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 M38510/10706BYA M38510/10707 M38510/10704BXA M38510/10708BYA M38510/10702BXA JAN M38510/10708BYA JAN7805T JAN7812T JAN7815T PDF

    Designs for negative Voltage Regulators

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG120 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG120 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages and four package options this regulator series is an optimum complement to the SG7800A/

    SG120 SG120 SG7800A/ O-257 O-220) Designs for negative Voltage Regulators PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800 SERIES SG7800A/SG7800 POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V SG7800A series only . These units feature a unique on-chip

    SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 O-257, MSC2003 PDF


    Abstract: SG140 SG7915 TO-3 M38510/11501BXA M38510/11506 JAN7905T SG120 SG7900 SG7900A Negative regulator
    Text: SG7900A/SG7900 SERIES SG7900A/SG7900 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages and four package options this regulator series is an

    SG7900A/SG7900 SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140 SG7900A SG7905AT SG7915 TO-3 M38510/11501BXA M38510/11506 JAN7905T SG120 SG7900 Negative regulator PDF


    Abstract: JAN7905T SG120 SG140 SG7900 SG7900A 11507BYA SG7915 TO-3
    Text: SG7900A/SG7900 SERIES SG7900A/SG7900 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages and four package options this regulator series is an

    SG7900A/SG7900 SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140 SG7900A 11506bya JAN7905T SG120 SG7900 11507BYA SG7915 TO-3 PDF

    SG7915 TO-3

    Abstract: M38510 M38510/11506 M38510/11507 JAN7905K JAN7905T JAN7912T SG120 79XX
    Text: SG79xxA / SG79xx TM Negative Fixed Voltage Regulator P RODUCT D ATASHEET KEY FEATURES DESCRIPTION control have been designed into these units and since these regulators require only a single output capacitor SG79xx series or a capacitor and 5mA minimum load (SG120

    SG79xxA SG79xx SG79xx SG120 O-257 SG7915 TO-3 M38510 M38510/11506 M38510/11507 JAN7905K JAN7905T JAN7912T SG120 79XX PDF


    Abstract: M38510/11505BYA m38510 m38510/11501 11507bya M38510/11501BXA M38510/11505 M38510/11506 JAN7905T SG120
    Text: SG7900A/SG7900 SERIES SG7900A/SG7900 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages and four package options this regulator series is an

    SG7900A/SG7900 SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140 SG7900A M38510/11507 M38510/11505BYA m38510 m38510/11501 11507bya M38510/11501BXA M38510/11505 M38510/11506 JAN7905T SG120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C 5IUD3N GENERAL UNEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixedvoltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800A O-220 11S61 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C S IL IC O N I Œ N Ë r Âl LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR D ESC R IPTIO N FEA TU RES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixedvoltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 SG7800C/340 SG78XXAIG/883B SG78XXAIG PDF


    Abstract: M38510/10702BXA JAN7815K m38510/10704bxa SG7800A JAN M38510/10708BYA M38510/10707 M38510/10708BYA JAN7812T SG7800
    Text: SILICOSI bË n Ër a l LINEAR INTEGRATED C IRCUITS SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR D E S C R IP T IO N FE A T U R E S The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixedvottage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 SG7800C/340 SG78XXAG/883B SG78XXAG M38510/10707BYA M38510/10702BXA JAN7815K m38510/10704bxa JAN M38510/10708BYA M38510/10707 M38510/10708BYA JAN7812T PDF


    Abstract: 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram 7824KC diode sg 5 ts 7824 metal pack
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C 51LICDN œ n Ër a l L IN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT S POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixedvoltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V

    OCR Scan
    51LICDN SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C SG7800A SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG78XXIG/883B SG78XXIG G780 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram 7824KC diode sg 5 ts 7824 metal pack PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C 1=11 im M 2!y^ Jd ! GENERAL LIN EAR IN TEG R ATED CIR C U ITS POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixedvoltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800A wit25 O-220 SG78XXAIG/883B SG78XXAIG PDF


    Abstract: 7812T SG7812AR SG7800A MIL-M38510/10702BXA MIL-M38510/10707BYA-JAN7812K
    Text: LIN Doc #; 7800 SG7800A /S G 7800 Series P T he I n f i n i t e P o w e r o f I n n o v a t i o n o s i t i v e N ot R F i x e d V o l t a g e ecommehded DESCRIPTION T he SG7800A/SG7800 series o f positive regulato rs offer self co n tain ed , fixedvoltage capability w ith u p to 1.5A o f

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800 AN7815T 7812T SG7812AR MIL-M38510/10702BXA MIL-M38510/10707BYA-JAN7812K PDF

    IC 7805A diagram

    Abstract: SG7812AK
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800 bsFìm r M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1,5A of load current and input voltage up

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 SG7805AL/DESC SG7812AL/DESC SG7815AL/DESC SG78XXL/883B IC 7805A diagram SG7812AK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800 IlSFÎMY M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 PDF

    regulator CA 7812

    Abstract: MIL-M38510/10707BYA-JAN7812K
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800 b s F ìm r M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 regulator CA 7812 MIL-M38510/10707BYA-JAN7812K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG120/SG320 SILICON GENERAL UNEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SQ120/320 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages and

    OCR Scan
    SG120/SG320 SQ120/320 SG7800A/7800/120/320 SG120-XXIG/883B SG120-XX1G PDF

    sg79 diode

    Abstract: AN7905T AN7915K
    Text: SILICON GENERAL INC W ITTrrv<\ 5 IU |^ N GENERAL UNEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ESE D • fl253flfi0 ODDnOS 0 ■ SG7900A/SG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C T ^ h -(3 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixedvoltage capability with upto 1,5A of load current. With a variety of outputvoltages

    OCR Scan
    fl253flfi0 SG7900A/SG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C 2X7900A SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140/SG340 SG7900A SG79XXAG/883B SG79XXAG sg79 diode AN7905T AN7915K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG7900A/SG7900 h N F W T Y M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixedvoltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages

    OCR Scan
    SG7900A/SG7900 SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140 SG7900A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i,- , ¿¡UWJNJ GENEF^L LIN E AR IN TEG R ATE D CIR C U ITS SG7900A/SG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixedvoltage capability with up to 1 5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages

    OCR Scan
    SG7900A/SG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140/SG340 SG7900A fo-55Â SG79XXAIG/883B SG79XXAIG SG79XXIG/883B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG7900AISG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C 3jLJLJUr^ HEN EF^L U N E A R IN TE G R A TE D C IR C U IT S NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixedvoltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current. With a variety of output voltages

    OCR Scan
    SG7900AISG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140/SG340 SG7900A 500mA 120HZ, 10OKHz 1000hrs. PDF