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    SFE 10,7 Search Results

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    SFE 10,7 Price and Stock

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    Bristol Electronics SFE10.7MA5B10-A 12,000
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    Bristol Electronics SFE10.7MA5W 9,500
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    Bristol Electronics SFE10.7MS3B10H2S1 6,500
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    Bristol Electronics SFE10.7MJA10K9S1-A 6,000
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    Bristol Electronics SFE10.7MS2-Z 4,500
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    SFE 10,7 Datasheets (1)

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    SFE10.7MS2-A muRata IC CERAMIC FILTER Original PDF

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    Abstract: technische Daten SFE 235 DSAGER00063
    Text: Vorläufige technische Daten SFE 235 8ilizium*!Dransisfcor im. hybridgerechten Miniaturplastgehäuse für den Einsatz als HF-Verstärker in Basisschaltung Grenzwerte, gültig für den Betriebstemperaturbereich llasimale Kollektor-Basis-Spannung

    OCR Scan
    IXI/18/39? Scans-048 technische Daten SFE 235 DSAGER00063 PDF

    technische Daten SFE 235

    Abstract: Scans-048 sfe235 DSAGER00059
    Text: WWT SFE 235 Vorläufige technische Daten Silizium-npn—Epitaxie-Pl anar-Transistor im hybridgerechten für den Einsatz als HF-Verstärker in Basisschaltung FOOA8BO Massei -<0,02 g Grenzwerte« gültig für den Betriebetemperatarbereich

    OCR Scan
    140/2/B1 technische Daten SFE 235 Scans-048 sfe235 DSAGER00059 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE D bbS3T31 0D14T07 T • LAE4002S _ r-3 i-3ii MICROWAVE LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistor for common-emitter class-A linear power amplifiers up to 4 GHz. Diffused emitter ballasting resistors, self-aligned process entirely ion implanted and gold sandwich metallization ensure

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    bbS3T31 0D14T07 LAE4002S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER P H IL IP S/ D IS C R ET E ObE D I« bbS3T31 DOIM'IOI T • l LAE4001R T-S\-n MICROWAVE LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N transistor fo r common-emitter class-A linear power amplifiers up to 4 GHz. Self-aligned process entirely ion implanted and gold sandwich metallization ensure an optimum temperature profile,

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    bbS3T31 LAE4001R bt53131 PDF

    marking 113a

    Abstract: IEC134 LAE4001R LAE4001RA r7t marking code
    Text: LA E 4001R LAE4001 RA V PHILIPS I N T E RNATIONAL SbE D • TllDflEb DOMblbfl 502 ■ P H I N MICROWAVE LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR NPIM transistors f o r co m m o n -e m itte r class-A linear p ow er am p lifie rs up to 4 G H z. Self-aligned process e n tire ly ion im planted and gold sandwich m e ta lliza tio n ensure an o p tim u m tem perature p ro file ,

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    LAE4001R LAE4001 7110flEb LAE4001R T-31-19 711002b D04bl73 7Z88223 marking 113a IEC134 LAE4001RA r7t marking code PDF


    Abstract: fz 79 470 TBA120 TBA 470 tba 120 TBA120AS e fzr Keramikfilter SFE murata filter SFE 10.7 120AS
    Text: FM-ZF-Verstärker mit Demodulator TBA 120 S TBA 120 AS Bipolare Schaltung S ym m etrischer, achtstu fig er V erstärker m it sym m etrischem Koinzidenzdem odulator zur Verstärkung, Begrenzung und Dem odulation von frequenzm odulierten Signalen, beson­ ders g ee ig n e t für den Ton-ZF-Teil in FS-G eräten und als FM -ZF -V erstärker in R u ndfunkge­

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    Q67000-A657 Q67000-A525 QIP14 TBA120S fz 79 470 TBA120 TBA 470 tba 120 TBA120AS e fzr Keramikfilter SFE murata filter SFE 10.7 120AS PDF

    STK power amplifier Dc 12v

    Abstract: TA7613AP TA7613 AM 455KHz STK AMP 12V stk audio amplifier circuit diagram STK vcc12v STK audio amp 3D16A fm 10,7mhz
    Text: "TOSHIBA i ELECTRONIC 90 972 47 TOSHIBA. 02 DE g ^ 0 ^ 7 2 4 7 ELECTRONIC 0017425 O 2È 174 25 o D T - 7 7 05-05 - TA7613AP AM/FM RADIO IC WITH POWER AMPLIFIER Unit in mm . TA7613AP is Suitable for Use in AM/FM Portable Radios or Main-fed AM/FM Clock Radios.

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    TA7613AP TA7613AP TA7613AP, to50pF 400pF 455kHz 150pF 300pF 180pF 560/iH) STK power amplifier Dc 12v TA7613 AM 455KHz STK AMP 12V stk audio amplifier circuit diagram STK vcc12v STK audio amp 3D16A fm 10,7mhz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4 BIT CM O S M ICRO PRO CESSOR SLICE IDT39C03A IDT39C03B Integrated DeviceTêchnolo;^y Inc M IC R O SLIC E PR O D U C T FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • T h e ID T39C 03s are fo u r-b it e xp a n d a b le C M O S m icrop ro cesso r slices. W h ile e xecu tin g th e id e n tica l fu n c tio n s a ssociated w ith the

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    IDT39C03A IDT39C03B IDT39C01 IDT39C03S MIL-STD-883, 39C03A 39C03B PDF

    Tfk 680

    Abstract: TFK 201 tfk 140 TFK 175 tfk 830 tfk 145 BF 184 transistor TFK 03 BF184 6 tfk 145
    Text: V BF 184 Silizium-NPN-Epitaxial-Planar-HF-Transistor Silicon N P N Epitaxial Planar RF Transistor Anwendungen: A llg e m e in und g e re g e lte H F-V erstärke rstu fe n bis 100 M H z Applications: G e ne ra l and c o n tro lle d R F am p llfie r s ta g e s up to 100 M H z

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TBA570A
    Text: TBA570A TBA570AQ _ y \ _ INTEGRATED AM/FM RADIO RECEIVER CIRCUIT T h e T B A 5 7 0 A is fo r use in sm all lo w -c o s t a.m . p o rta b le receivers as w e ll as in h ig h -q u a lity b a tte ry o r m a in s-fe d a.m . and a .m ./f.m . receivers. T h e 1C in c o rp o ra te s : a.m . m ix e r, o s c illa to r, i.f. a m p lifie r, a.g.c.

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    TBA570A TBA570AQ TBA570 PDF


    Abstract: integrated fm tuner and receiver FM tuner car TDA1574
    Text: TDA1574 JV_ INTEGRATED FM TUNER FOR RADIO RECEIVERS G E N E R A L D ESCRIPTIO N T he T D A 1 5 7 4 is a m o n o lith ic integrated FM tu n e r c irc u it designed fo r use in th e r .f./i.f. section o f car radios and home-receivers. The c irc u it comprises a m ixer, o scilla to r and a linear i.f. a m p lifie r fo r signal

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    TDA1574 TDA1574 V12-4 711Q6Eb integrated fm tuner and receiver FM tuner car TDA1574 PDF

    ha 1457 w

    Abstract: TEA5570 AF 455A SFE10.7MS SFZ 455 SFZ 455 a ratio Detector Z8721
    Text: b3E » • bbSSTEM GG73THb 2H2 mSIC3 TEA5570 NAPC/PHILIPS SEniCOND A_ _ _ _ _ RF/IF CIRCUIT FOR AM /FM RADIO GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TEA5570 is a monolithic integrated radio circuit fo r use in portable receivers and clock radios. The 1C is also applicable to mains-fed AM and AM/FM receivers and car radio-receivers. Apart from

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    TEA5570 TEA5570 ha 1457 w AF 455A SFE10.7MS SFZ 455 SFZ 455 a ratio Detector Z8721 PDF

    SFZ 455

    Abstract: TEA5570 FM radio CIRcuit DIAGRAM Shortwave metal detector coils AM/FM am shortwave radio circuit FM radio CIRcuit pcb fm receiver toko Dual coil metal detector circuit max 1987
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA5570 RF/IF circuit for AM/FM radio Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 September 1987 Philips Semiconductors Product specification RF/IF circuit for AM/FM radio TEA5570 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TEA5570 is a monolithic integrated radio circuit for use in portable receivers and clock radios. The IC is also

    TEA5570 TEA5570 SFZ 455 FM radio CIRcuit DIAGRAM Shortwave metal detector coils AM/FM am shortwave radio circuit FM radio CIRcuit pcb fm receiver toko Dual coil metal detector circuit max 1987 PDF

    am shortwave radio circuit

    Abstract: FM radio CIRcuit DIAGRAM Shortwave TEA5570 SFZ 455 F ratio Detector Dual coil metal detector circuit V7-16 low level RF amplifier circuit FM radio CIRcuit DIAGRAM toko fm coil
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TEA5570 RF/IF circuit for AM/FM radio Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 September 1987 Philips Semiconductors Product specification RF/IF circuit for AM/FM radio TEA5570 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TEA5570 is a monolithic integrated radio circuit for use in portable receivers and clock radios. The IC is also

    TEA5570 TEA5570 am shortwave radio circuit FM radio CIRcuit DIAGRAM Shortwave SFZ 455 F ratio Detector Dual coil metal detector circuit V7-16 low level RF amplifier circuit FM radio CIRcuit DIAGRAM toko fm coil PDF

    JD 1803

    Abstract: philips diode PH 33D Schematics bosch AL 1450 DV bosch al 1450 dv JD 1803 52B jd 1803 IC jd 1803 data sheet quartz kds 9j shockley diode application Yokogawa yf 104
    Text: High-Frequenty Analog Integrated Cirtuit Design Edited by R a v en d er G oyal W ILEY SERIES IN MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING K a i Chang Series Editor , INSUME OF MICROELECTRONICSUBßARY High-Frequency Analog Integrated-Circuit Design W ILEY SERIES IN MICROWAVE AN D O PTICAL

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC2311 TMC2311 CMOS Fast Cosine IVansform Processor 12 Bits, 15 Million Pixels Per Second Description Features The TM C2311, a high-speed algorithm specific ♦ Stand alone execution of 8-point forward or inverse ♦ cosine transform Continuous 8x8-point 2-D DCTs every 4.48 ¿is

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    TMC2311 C2311, 12-bit TMC2311R1C 2311R1C TMC2311R1C1 2311R1C1 TMC2311R1C2 2311R1C2 PDF


    Abstract: PCF84C12 PCF84C121 PCF84C121P PCF84C121T S020
    Text: Philips Components pcf84 ci2i y v _ DEVELOPMENT DATA T h is data s h e e t c o n ta in s advance in fo rm a tio n and s p e c ific a tio n s w h ic h are s u b je c t to change w ith o u t n o tic e .

    OCR Scan
    PCF84C121. PCF84C121 PCF84C12. M88-1554/RC MAB8048 PCF84C12 PCF84C121P PCF84C121T S020 PDF

    FA3-4 Switch

    Abstract: AM FM radio receiver using 7220 current pm ic 3846 national 6676 transistor internal pin diagram for IC 7485 16 bit comparator using 74*85 IC ic 7485 4 bit comparator ic 7485 4 bit comparator internal structure temic 4714 micro-controller 8952
    Text: U3600BM Single Chip Cordless Telephone IC Description The programmable single chip multi channel cordless phone IC includes all necessary low frequency parts such as microphone- and earphone amplifier, compander, power-supply management, as well as all RF parts such

    U3600BM D-74025 28-Jun-99 FA3-4 Switch AM FM radio receiver using 7220 current pm ic 3846 national 6676 transistor internal pin diagram for IC 7485 16 bit comparator using 74*85 IC ic 7485 4 bit comparator ic 7485 4 bit comparator internal structure temic 4714 micro-controller 8952 PDF

    cordless phone ic

    Abstract: AM FM radio receiver using 7220 FA3-4 Switch 8952 microcontroller TXO-26 27550
    Text: U3600BM Single-Chip Cordless Telephone IC Description The programmable single-chip multichannel cordless phone IC includes all necessary low frequency parts such as microphone- and earphone amplifier, compander, power-supply management as well as all RF parts such as

    U3600BM D-74025 11-Dec-01 cordless phone ic AM FM radio receiver using 7220 FA3-4 Switch 8952 microcontroller TXO-26 27550 PDF

    current pm ic 3846

    Abstract: FA3-4 Switch U3600BM 7485 comparator Power AMPLIFIER 6012 AM FM radio receiver using 7220 8952 microcontroller af 2594 cordless phone ic micro-controller 8952
    Text: U3600BM Single Chip Cordless Telephone IC Description The programmable single chip multi channel cordless phone IC includes all necessary low frequency parts such as microphone- and earphone amplifier, compander, power-supply management, as well as all RF parts such

    U3600BM D-74025 13-Sep-00 current pm ic 3846 FA3-4 Switch U3600BM 7485 comparator Power AMPLIFIER 6012 AM FM radio receiver using 7220 8952 microcontroller af 2594 cordless phone ic micro-controller 8952 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U3600BM Single Chip Cordless Telephone IC Description The programmable single chip multi channel cordless phone IC includes all necessary low frequency parts such as microphone- and earphone amplifier, compander, power-supply management, as well as all RF parts such

    U3600BM D-74025 14-Jun-00 PDF


    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VEB mikroelektronik mikroelektronik DDR a211d B109D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" VEB Kombinat zf filter VEB Kombinat halbleiterwerk
    Text: Halbleiter-Bauelemente Semiconductors 1981 D ie vorliegende Übersicht enthält in gedrängter Form die wichtigsten Grenz- und Kenn daten der in der D D R gefertigten H albleiterbauelem ente. Dem Anw ender soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl d er jew eils in Frage kommenden

    OCR Scan

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: "Mikroelektronik" Heft GWS servo VEB Kombinat zf filter lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator E355D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" mikroelektronik Heft U706D VQB71
    Text: H albleiter-B auelem ente Semiconductors D ie vorliegend e Übersicht en th ält in g ed rä n g te r Form d ie wichtigsten G renz- und Kenn­ d aten d e r in d er D D R g efertigten H a lb le ite rb au e le m e n te . Dem A n w en der soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jew eils in Frage kom menden

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ML2264 4-Channel High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L 2 2 6 4 is a high-speed, |aP c o m p a tib le , 4 -c h a n n e l 8 -b it A /D co n v e rte r w ith a c o n ve rsio n tim e o f 680ns o v e r th e o p e ra tin g te m p e ra tu re range and s u p p ly vo lta g e

    OCR Scan
    ML2264 680ns 830ns 700ns PDF