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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc PSEDTE2L0J

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    PSEDTE2L0J Digi-Reel 1
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    PSEDTE2L0J Cut Tape 1
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    Samtec Inc HQCD-060-15.00-SED-TBL-1

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    Avnet Americas HQCD-060-15.00-SED-TBL-1 Bulk 1
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    Samtec Inc 6QCD-104-06.00-SED-TED-1

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    Samtec Inc 6QCD-026-06.00-SED-TED-1

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    Samtec Inc 6QCD-052-01.72-SED-TBL-1

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    SEDT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: M38510
    Text: O U l Q t í l , REVISIO NS LTR DATE DESCRIPTION APPROVED , -i Md vendors 04713, 27014, and 18714. 30 SeDt Table I , propagation delay tim es a t 86 Vcc = 2.0 V and Vcc = 6.0 V and A subgroups 10 and 11 s h a ll be guaranteed i f not te s te d . Changed jro p a g a tio n delay tim es f o r

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    M38510 rtM54riC109Ã M38510/65304BEX. M38510/65304B2X. 54HC109 PDF


    Abstract: marking 201B 201-B Diode germanium oa
    Text: I n icR -Pö u m rr MIL-S-19500/201B 25 SeDtember 1989 s u r a m m r c -kit I r i n c ft ft /OA1 a niL-i-iy3UU/CUlW 26 A p ril 1962 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, GERMANIUM TYPE IN277 JAN, JANTX, AND JANTXV T his s p e d f i C a t i o n i s approved fo r use by à !' Depart

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    MIL-S-19500/201B 1N277 MIL-S-19500. marking 201B 201-B Diode germanium oa PDF

    marking 2U diode t5

    Abstract: 54HC109 M38510
    Text: O U lQ tíl, REVISIO NS LTR D A TE D E S C R IP T IO N APPROVED , -i Md vendors 04713, 27014, and 18714. 30 SeDt Table I , propagation delay times a t 86 Vcc = 2 .0 V and Vcc = 6 .0 V and A subgroups 10 and 11 s h a ll be guaranteed i f not te s te d . Changed

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    M38510 1985not M38510/65304BEX. M38510/65304B2X. marking 2U diode t5 54HC109 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A66D Submlnlature «Modular Blind Mite Connector* HermetlcaJly Seeled Metal-lb-Matal Hermetic Seal Solder and Braze-ln Hermatle Seal 47SMBM4I 106+Olf - 9540Hz nnWu M d pttt M/A-COMIno. 140 Fourth Avtnue, W«Jth*m, MA 02264 U8A Ikltphona: 600-3662266 ACCD

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    47SMBM4I 9540Hz) 47BMMM 6640Hz) 8640H) 664GHz) I9B6-S864-M 66-IGHz) PDF

    cal e6c

    Abstract: IC free bu 2508 af equivalent cx 2601 SF.C 2805 EC norma installation tester xe 2sa 5200 power amp EM3870 relay TRK 1703 YE EI- 33C
    Text: M6SMD0S3 D2 > JUNE 1979 E XO Rdisk I I/I11 Operating S y s t e m User's Guide The i n format ion in this document has been careful ly checked; and is believed to be entirely reliable. No res^tonsibi1ity> however, is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore,

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    I/I11 12MNU? RQK77 cal e6c IC free bu 2508 af equivalent cx 2601 SF.C 2805 EC norma installation tester xe 2sa 5200 power amp EM3870 relay TRK 1703 YE EI- 33C PDF


    Abstract: ccd sony super HAD 2 sony icx ccd sony super HAD IR nm ICX408AK ccd sony super HAD SONY 5003 L177 E ICX058CK LTCM500S
    Text: SONY M ñSm m IC X 4 0 8 A K 1 /3 1 ? N T S C ^ -7 — (l/3ñ) IC X 4 0 8 A K (á N T S C ^ ^ ^ 6 m m ÍJ7- tr T t # ¿ 7 k ü L t z 4 y & y 'i y M c c D iiH fc ítít « n ap I C X 0 5 8 C K ^ ^ L , J&Jg, d u y y, s/n .& X ^ 'T , tíU c o 7 * -;i/K m m * m L 2 F £ t:%

    OCR Scan
    ICX408AK ICX408AKtiNTSC napICXG58CK^ ICX058CKà ICX058CKj ICX058CKJt) h01-h02 ccd sony super HAD 2 sony icx ccd sony super HAD IR nm ICX408AK ccd sony super HAD SONY 5003 L177 E ICX058CK LTCM500S PDF

    relay lzl

    Abstract: k3n omron Scans-031 SSC 9500
    Text: Period Meter omRon K3NP Period Meter Operation Manual Produced January 1998 iv Notice: OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator and only for the purposes described in this manual. The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed

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    6-949-6035/Fax: NL-2132 2356-81-300/Fax: 847-843-7900/Fax: 835-3011/Fax: N94-E1 relay lzl k3n omron Scans-031 SSC 9500 PDF

    TT 6-A

    Abstract: 74HCU04 TT6A 74HCU tt 6 a
    Text: 74H C U 04 SSI y v H E X IN V E R T E R FEATURES • Output capability: standard • Iq q cate g ory: SSI SYM BOL PARAM ETER C O N D IT IO N S tPHL^ tP L H propagation delay nA to n Y C L = 15 pF C| input capacitance CPD power dissipation capacitance per inverter

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    74HCU04 TT 6-A TT6A 74HCU tt 6 a PDF


    Abstract: MRF9331L BF432L BF432 MRF933
    Text: MOTOROLA SC CXSTRS/R F ifbE H • b3b?25M 0015073 3 ■MOTb MOTOROLA ■ SEMICONDUCTOR wm TECHNICAL DATA MRF9331L BF432L* The RF Line N P N Silicon High-Frequency Transistor 'European Part Number . designed primarily for use in low power amplifiers to 1 GHz. Ideal for pagers and

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    OT-143 MRF9331 MRF9331L BF432L BF432 MRF933 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    GP2W1001YP ED-00013B BD-OQQ13B GP2W1001YP 2000pcs 8000pcs. PDF


    Abstract: K 3673 LC7232-8291 LC7461M anti theft car alarm 48S160 50s140
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r :EN 3673 CMOS LSI Preliminary OVERVIEW The LC7232-8291 is a s in g le -c h ip m ic ro c o n tro lle r th a t is best su ited fo r c a r e le c tro n ic s tu n in g applications. It includes the internal PLL Phase Locked Loop c irc u itry that can be used all over the

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    LC7232-8291 LC7232-8291 LC7461M LC7232 K 3673 LC7461M anti theft car alarm 48S160 50s140 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EQ D P -028-06.00-STR -TLL-1-SD F HQDP-020-06.00-SEU-TTL-2-SDF HIGH SPEED TWIN-AX EQDP, HQDP SERIES _ EQDP Mates with: S P E C IFIC A TIO N S QTE-DP, QSE-DP For complete specifications see or : HQDP Mates with: D iffe re n tia l P a ir

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    00-STR HQDP-020-06 00-SEU-TTL-2-SDF 152mm) PDF


    Abstract: ic ls7474 dot matrix lcd sed 1503 EEG Block diagram eeg circuit examples ls7474 ttl SED1500series KKZ 09 8255-2 SED1502
    Text: 09-JAN-E002 14:08 02- it 1- UON:EPSON EUROPE ELECTR. 49 S9 14 5117 7 ; 1 6:23 ;W - z l 'J 'J t E D g IS ìÉ S J AN:419 EEG S. 001^03E 1042 5 8 7 5 6 2 4 1/ MF016-01 SUWA SEIKOSHA O - t o K u dc, o technical manual SED1500series DOT M ATRIX LCD DRIVER

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    09-JAN-E00E SED1500series 001/03E MF016-01 09-JAN-200E 00E/03E ls7474 ic ls7474 dot matrix lcd sed 1503 EEG Block diagram eeg circuit examples ls7474 ttl SED1500series KKZ 09 8255-2 SED1502 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 83C795 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2.0 The SMC 83C795 Ethernet System Controller implements the IE EE 802.3 protocol for networks such as Ethernet, Cheaper net, a x i l OBas eT. Itis a highly i ntegated device that s hri nks theessenceof aLAN adapter cardontoasincjepeceofsilioon. It

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    83C795 83C795 10BASE-T 83C795, 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: sn76003 SN76660 SN76640 SN7401 SN72747 SN76013 SN76630 SN72820 SN76001
    Text: Ordering Instructions and Mechanical Data INTEGRATED CIRCUITS MECHANICAL DATA ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Electrical characteristics presented in this catalog, unless otherwise noted, apply for circuit type{$ listed in the page heading regardless of package. Except for diode arrays, ECL, and MOS devices, the availability of a circuit function in a

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    L2540 L2542 L2541 SN76670 sn76003 SN76660 SN76640 SN7401 SN72747 SN76013 SN76630 SN72820 SN76001 PDF

    74HCu04 oscillator application note

    Abstract: 74HCU04
    Text: 74HCU04 SSI J V H E X IN V E R T E R FEATURES • • Output capability: standard I q c category: SSI SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS tPHL^ t PLH propagation delay nA to nY CL = 15 pF C| input capacitance CPD power dissipation capacitance per inverter VCC = 5

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    74HCU04 74HCu04 oscillator application note PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: X R D87 L9 4 CM O S, 1 MSPS, 12-Bit A nalog-to-D igital C onverter with Parallel Logic Interface Port .the analog plus com pany March 1996-3 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 1 2 - B i t A D C wi t h D N L = +1 L S B , I NL = ± 2 . 5 L S B • Scanners • S N R > 6 0 dB

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    12-Bit d87l PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STI-ATACF/4 and STI-ATACF/8 COMPACTFLASH 4MB and 8MB CompactFlash Removable Mass Storage 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.4 Specifications Overview 1.1 Introduction 1.4.1 Physical The Simple Technology CompactFlash is a removable mass storage that uses the same flash technology that is used in PC

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    WP/-IOIS16 N7E50-7516VY-20 PDF

    IC 4093 pin configuration

    Abstract: pin diagram ic 4093 Tri-State Buffer CMOS ci 4093 72V841
    Text: 3.3 VOLT DUAL CMOS SyncFlFO DUAL 256 x 9, DUAL 512 x 9, PRELIMINARY IDT72V801 DUAL 1,024 x 9, DUAL 2,048 x 9, DUAL 4,096 x 9 ¡DT72V821 IDT72V831 ìitegiatsd Devie Technology, lie. IDT72V841 FEATURES: • The IDT72V801 is equivalent to two IDT72V201 256 x 9 FIFOs

    OCR Scan
    IDT72V801 DT72V821 IDT72V831 IDT72V841 IDT72V801 IDT72V201 IDT72V811 IDT72V211 IDT72V821 IDT72V221 IC 4093 pin configuration pin diagram ic 4093 Tri-State Buffer CMOS ci 4093 72V841 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DRV8801-Q1 SLVSAS7A – FEBRUARY 2011 – REVISED JANUARY 2014 DMOS FULL-BRIDGE MOTOR DRIVERS Check for Samples: DRV8801-Q1 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • 1 2 • • • • • • • • • • Qualified for Automotive Applications

    DRV8801-Q1 AEC-Q100 PDF

    74HCu04 oscillator application note

    Abstract: 74HCU04 74HCU HCU04 14 HCU04 TTL 74hcu04
    Text: 74HCU04 SSI y v . H E X IN V E R T E R FEATURES • • Output capability: standard I q c category: SSI SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS tPHL^ tPLH propagation delay nA to nY CL = 1 5 pF V CC = 5 V C| input capacitance CPD power dissipation capacitance per inverter

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    74HCU04 HCU04 74HCu04 oscillator application note 74HCU 14 HCU04 TTL 74hcu04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PF833-01 SEDI 234/35 Series Dot Matrix LCD Controller Driver • 12 chara x 4 line 5 x 7 dot • Built-in Character Generator ROM and RAM • Built-in Power Supply Circuit for LCD • OVERVIEW The S ED 1234,1235 Series is a dot matrix LCD controller driver for character display, and can display a maximum

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    PF833-01 SED123 SED1234/35 PF833 PDF


    Abstract: ph77 ph67 16 16X4 LCD STRB16 COM16 COM23 EM78808 EM78870 EM78P870
    Text: EM78P870 8-BIT MICRO-CONTROLLER Version 1.5 ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP. No. 12, Innovation 1st RD., Science-Based Industrial Park Hsin Chu City, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 03 5639977 FAX: (03) 5630118 Version History Specification Revision History Version EM78P870

    EM78P870 SEG23 SEG10 ph67 ph77 ph67 16 16X4 LCD STRB16 COM16 COM23 EM78808 EM78870 EM78P870 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EM78P870 8-BIT MICRO-CONTROLLER Version 1.5 ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP. No. 12, Innovation 1st RD., Science-Based Industrial Park Hsin Chu City, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 03 5639977 FAX: (03) 5630118 Version History Specification Revision History Version EM78P870

    EM78P870 SEG23 SEG10 PDF