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    HDVD 3102

    Abstract: toshiba a10 video chip filter CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF COLOR TOSHIBA TV dot led display large size with circuit diagram h541 OSD Displays TMP47C038E TMP47C1238N TMP47C1638N BM47C1638
    Text: T O S H IB A TM P47C1238/1638/038 C M O S 4 -B IT M IC R O C O N TR O LLE R TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N T h e 4 7 C 1 2 3 8 /1 6 3 8 a re based on th e TLCS-470A series. The 4 7 C 1238/1638 have on-screen d isp la y c irc u it OSD to d is p la y characters and m arks w h ic h in d ic a te c h a n n e l or tim e on TV screen, A/D_canyfi.rter in p u t, ^ D/A_

    OCR Scan
    P47C1238/1638/038 TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N 47C1238/1 TLCS-470A 47C1238/1638 TMP47C1238N SD1P54 TMP47C038E TMP47C1638N HDVD 3102 toshiba a10 video chip filter CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF COLOR TOSHIBA TV dot led display large size with circuit diagram h541 OSD Displays TMP47C038E BM47C1638 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TLCS-470A Series TMP47P1638V CM O S 4-Bit Microcontroller by using with EPROM programmer TMM27256ADtype and adapter socket. The function of this device is exactly same as the 47C1238A/1638A. TMP47P1638VN The 47P1638V is the OTP microcontroller with 128kbits

    OCR Scan
    TLCS-470A TMP47P1638V TMM27256ADtype) 47C1238A/1638A. TMP47P1638VN 47P1638V 128kbits SDIP54-P-600 BM1169 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A TMP47C1238/1638/038 CM OS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N The 47C1238/1638 are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1238/1638 have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks which indicate channel or time on TV screen, A/D_CQnyfi.rter input,^ D/A_

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1238/1638/038 TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N 47C1238/1638 TLCS-470A TMP47C1238N P47C1638N SD1P54 TMP47C038E PDF