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    SCR OPTOISOLATOR Search Results

    SCR OPTOISOLATOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLP3406SRH4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 30 V/0.9 A, 300 Vrms, S-VSON16T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP5702H Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (Gate Driver Coupler), High-Topr / IGBT driver, 5000 Vrms, SO6L Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3407SRA Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 60 V/1 A, 500 Vrms, S-VSON4T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3407SRH Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 60 V/1 A, 500 Vrms, S-VSON4T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLX9910 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (photovoltaic output), VOC=13.5 V / ISC=8 μA, 3750 Vrms, 4pin SO6, Automotive Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SCR OPTOISOLATOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: NTE3046 scr optoisolator Photo SCR
    Text: NTE3046 Optoisolator SCR Photothyristor Output Description: The NTE3046 consists of a photo SCR coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared diode in a 6–Lead DIP type plastic package. Features: D Built–In Memory D AC Switch SPST D High Current Carrying Capability

    NTE3046 NTE3046 photothyristor scr optoisolator Photo SCR PDF

    ProtoPowerSwitch Boosterpack

    Abstract: protopowerswitch 24V 8 pins DIP relay pinout diagram AC DC transformerless power supply omron optoisolator transformerless power supply 2N5551B SRD SONGLE RELAY transformerless power supply circuit dimmer MSP430
    Text: DESIGNER CIRCUITS, LLC Revised 3/2014 ProtoPowerSwitch Boosterpack FEATURES • AC input, Dual DC output Transformerless Power Supply Resistive Capacitive • Switching Element SPDT Relay TRIAC SCR • Zero-volt detection for phase angle firing of TRIAC/SCR


    scr optoisolator

    Abstract: Photo SCR NTE3091 Infrared Emitting Diode SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit
    Text: NTE3091 Optoisolator SCR Output Description: The NTE3091 is a gallium arsenide, infrared emitting diode coupled with a light activated silicon controlled rectifier in a 6−Lead DIP type ppackage. Absolute Maximum Rating: TA = +25°C unless otherwise specified

    NTE3091 NTE3091 500VDC scr optoisolator Photo SCR Infrared Emitting Diode SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit PDF

    scr optoisolator

    Abstract: NTE3091
    Text: NTE3091 Optoisolator SCR Output Description: The NTE3091 is a gallium arsenide, infrared emitting diode coupled with a light activated silicon controlled rectifier in a 6–Lead DIP type ppackage. Absolute Maximum Rating: TA = +25°C unless otherwise specified

    NTE3091 NTE3091 500VDC scr optoisolator PDF


    Abstract: H11L1QT 740L6010 H11L1QT-ND H11L2QT-ND QT OPTOELECTRONICS CLA114CT-ND OPTOCOUPLER 8-PIN isocom cla103-nd HCPL2631QT-ND
    Text: Optoisolators SCR & Triac Output Optoisolators A Isolation Voltage Max. IF Trigger Min. Blocking Voltage Iout mA A 660 14mA 400V 300 4N40IS-ND B B B 5300 5300 5300 30mA 15mA 10mA 250V 250V 250V 100 100 100 MOC3009QT-ND MOC3010QT-ND MOC3011QT-ND B B B B B


    air conditioner schematic diagram

    Abstract: state diagram for air conditioner schematic diagram air conditioner thyristor dc controller schematic J type thermocouple TC40BJ DOUGLAS RANDALL APPLICATIONS zero crossing comparator TC40B zero crossing sensor
    Text: Issued July 1998 298-4461 Data Pack D Solid State Temperature Controllers Data Sheet RS stock number 228-8498 & 228-8505 Features and general specifications ● SCR output for high power applications ● Temperature sensor, standard type “K” thermocouple


    full wave controlled rectifier using RC triggering circuit

    Abstract: speed control of dc motor using ujt scr diac triac control circuit motor 220 V DIAC Opto-Isolator scr speed control dc motor using ujt and scr TRIAC dimmer pic pure sine wave dimmer automatic light dimmer based on a microchip PIC diac triac control circuit motor diac with triac ac speed control
    Text: Teccor brand Thyristors Phase Control Using Thyristors Introduction Due to high-volume production techniques, Thyristors are now priced so that almost any electrical product can benefit from electronic control. A look at the fundamentals of SCR and Triac phase controls shows how this is

    AN1003 full wave controlled rectifier using RC triggering circuit speed control of dc motor using ujt scr diac triac control circuit motor 220 V DIAC Opto-Isolator scr speed control dc motor using ujt and scr TRIAC dimmer pic pure sine wave dimmer automatic light dimmer based on a microchip PIC diac triac control circuit motor diac with triac ac speed control PDF

    triggering scr with microprocessor

    Abstract: three phase ssr snubber calculation RC snubber scr design inductive load triac based ssr how to check scr "triac protection" overcurrent MOSFET based SSR RC snubber scr design "cold start" scr ac ssr
    Text: SSR Technicalities 1 What is a Solid State Relay? An electronic switch made up of solid state components. No mechanical contacts or moving parts. 2 Basic Switching Element of the SSR The SSR is powered by the AC Line itself, by connecting the 2 gates of the output SCR’s



    Abstract: MR5060 scr bt series 200 A 4N39 IEC204A VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 scr optoisolator
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4N39 4N40 6-Pin D IP O p to iso la to rs SCR Output These devices consist o f a gallium -arsenide infrared em itting diode optically coupled to a photo sensitive silicon controlled rectifier SCR . They are designed fo r applications

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65VDE0860, c0nr6urat10n 30A-02 4N40 MR5060 scr bt series 200 A 4N39 IEC204A VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 scr optoisolator PDF

    4 pin scr optoisolator

    Abstract: scr optoisolator mr5060 H11C4 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 B 647 AC transistor
    Text: MOTOROLA • I SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H11C4 H11C5 H11C6 6 -P in D IP O p to is o la to rs SCR O utput These devices consist o f gallium -arsenide infrared em itting diodes optically coupled to photo sensitive silicon controlled rectifiers SCR . They are designed fo r applications

    OCR Scan
    E54915S^ IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110ti, 30A-02 4 pin scr optoisolator scr optoisolator mr5060 H11C4 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 B 647 AC transistor PDF


    Abstract: IC MR5060 MOC3000
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC3000 MOC3001 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators SCR Output T h e se d e v ic e s co n sist o f galliu m -arsen id e infrared em itting d iod e optically co up led to a p ho to se n sitive silic on controlled rectifier SCR . T h e y are d e sig n e d for ap p lications

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, MOC3000, MOC3001 30A-02 MOC3000R IC MR5060 MOC3000 PDF


    Abstract: MOC3003 IEC-204 CI 3003 L VDE0833 ax 3003 CI 3003 moc3007
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC3002 MOC3003 MOC3007 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators S C R Output These devices consist of gallium arsenide infrared-em itting diodes optically coupled to photosensitive silicon controlled rectifiers SCR . They are designed fo r applications

    OCR Scan
    MOC3002, MOC3007 E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, MOC3002 MOC3003 IEC-204 CI 3003 L VDE0833 ax 3003 CI 3003 PDF


    Abstract: VDE110b MOTOROLA SCR driver 4N39 MOTOROLA 4n40
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4N39 4N40 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators S C R Output These devices consist of a gallium-arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a photo sensitive silicon controlled rectifier SCR . They are designed for applications

    OCR Scan
    IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, 30A-02 MDM-200 VDE110b MOTOROLA SCR driver 4N39 MOTOROLA 4n40 PDF


    Abstract: optoisolator TTL
    Text: Optoisolator Specifications H74C1, H74C2 Optoisolator GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR TTL Interface T h e H74C1 and H74C2 are gallium arsenide infrared em itting diodes cou p led with light activated silicon controlled rectifiers. They are specifically designed to

    OCR Scan
    H74C1, H74C2 H74C1 H74C2 74H00 74S00 optoisolator TTL PDF

    220vac LED driver

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S7E J> 3UALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP 7 4 b b fl5 1 0004300 0 3fl « Ü T Y European “Pro Electron” Registered T y p e s _ CNY30, CNY34 Optoisolator GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR —N 3 c 1 milliwatts milliamps volts TYP. MAX.

    OCR Scan
    CNY30, CNY34 CNY30 CNY34 220VAC 220vac LED driver PDF


    Abstract: Opto-isolator 50V-RGK
    Text: Optoisofator Spécifications H11C1, H11C2, H11C3 Optoisolator GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR T he HI 1C1, HI 1C2 and H11C3 are gallium arsenide, infrared em itting diodes coupled with light activated silicon controlled rectifiers in a dual in-line package. T hese devices are also

    OCR Scan
    H11C1, H11C2, H11C3 H11C3 H11C2-H11C3 Opto-isolator 50V-RGK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H11C1 H11C2 H11C3 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs SCR Output These devices co n s is t o f g a lliu m -a rs e n id e infrare d e m ittin g d io d e s o p tic a lly c o u p le d to p h o to se n sitive s ilic o n c o n tro lle d re ctifie rs SCR . T hey are d e s ig n e d fo r a pp licatio n s

    OCR Scan
    E54915 30A-02 verin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: European “Pro Electron” Registered T y p e s _ CNY30, CNY34 Optoisolator GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR T h e CNY30 a n d CNY34 consist o f a gallium arsen id e, in fra re d em itting d io d e coupled with a light activated silicon

    OCR Scan
    CNY30, CNY34 CNY30 CNY34 PDF


    Abstract: H11M4
    Text: Optoisolator Specifications H11M3, H11M4 Optoisolator GaAIAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR T h e H I 1M3 an d H I 1M4 contain agallium -alum inum -arsenide, in frared em ittin g diode co upled to a u n iq u e h ig h voltage silicon co n tro lle d

    OCR Scan
    H11M3, H11M4 H11M3 H11M4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Optoisolator Specifications 4N39, 4N40 Optoisolator GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR M IN M AX. 2 ao 1 a m p ere 6 volts 0fc.5 012 9 53 3 43 6 86 2 92 6 10 m illiw a tts m illiam p s 090 2 16 305 ; .203 2 54 INFRARED EM ITTING DIODE M AX.

    OCR Scan
    220VAC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÛUALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP S7E ]> Optoisolator Specifications _ 74 b b fl S l OOOm^tf 0E3 • û T Y / ' V / - ,-P 7 H74C1, H74C2 Optoisolator GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR TTL Interface M IL L IM E T E R S SYMBOL A T h e H74C1 a n d H74C2 are gallium arsen id e in frared

    OCR Scan
    H74C1, H74C2 H74C1 H74C2 74HOO 74S00 2250VIR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3UALITY TECHNOLOGIES CORP S7E 3 7 MbbflS1 0 0 0 4 3 M2 ST7 H i 0 TV Generic Optoisolator Specifications_ MCS21, MCS2401 Optoisolator GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR T h e M CS21 a n d M CS2401 c o n s is t o f a g a lliu m a rs e n id e ,

    OCR Scan
    MCS21, MCS2401 CS2401 0GG4343 Opto-isolator PDF


    Abstract: CS2400
    Text: Generic Optoisolator Specifications M CS2, M CS2400 Optoisolator GaAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR T h e MCS2 a n d MCS2400 consist o f a gallium arsen id e, in fra re d em itting d io d e co u p led w ith a light activated silicon c o n tro lle d rectifier in a dual in-line package. T h e se devices

    OCR Scan
    MCS2400 E51868 0110b MCS2400 27K12 CS2400 PDF


    Abstract: H11M1
    Text: D U A L IT Y TECHNOLOGIES CORP S7E ]> O p t o i s o l a t o r S p e c i f i c a t i o n s _ 7L>bba¿i ooonagp t4s maty H11M1, H11M2 Optoisolator GaAIAs Infrared Emitting Diode and Light Activated SCR T h e H 11M 1 an d H 11 M2 contain a gallium -alum inum -arsenide, in frared

    OCR Scan
    H11M1, H11M2 74bb651 H11M2 H11M1 PDF