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    SCR F SERIES Search Results

    SCR F SERIES Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    P104 Coilcraft Inc Silicon Controlled Rectifier, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    M304 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, 132/148 Series RF inductors, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    ALVCH16374TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD74BC573AFP Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74BC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ALVCH16245TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SCR F SERIES Datasheets Context Search

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    EQUAL TO 25tts12

    Abstract: 25TTS 25TTS08 25TTS12 25TTS16 SMD-220
    Text: 2002-07-04 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 72-091-09 25TTS12 tyrist 1200V 25A Bulletin I2116 rev. D 12/98 SAFEIR Series 25TTS. PHASE CONTROL SCR Description/Features

    25TTS12 I2116 25TTS. EQUAL TO 25tts12 25TTS 25TTS08 25TTS16 SMD-220 PDF

    RT 0100

    Abstract: TO202-1 n1 a marking
    Text: X04xxxE/F  SENSITIVE GATE SCR FEATURES IT RMS = 4A VDRM = 200V to 800V Low IGT < 200µA K K A DESCRIPTION The X04xxxE/F series of SCRs uses a high performance TOP GLASS PNPN technology. These parts are intended for general purpose applications where low gate sensitivity is required.

    X04xxxE/F X04xxxE/F O202-1 O202-2 X04xxxE X04xxxF RT 0100 TO202-1 n1 a marking PDF

    D311 equivalent

    Abstract: DIODE d307 D312 diode JS 684 THYRISTOR OE 90C 2600 diode lt 445 ic "D312"
    Text: International S Rectifier s e r ie s i r k . f i 52 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules F eatu res Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically isolated baseplate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage Industrial standard package

    OCR Scan
    200to to18NT D311 equivalent DIODE d307 D312 diode JS 684 THYRISTOR OE 90C 2600 diode lt 445 ic "D312" PDF

    D304 diode

    Abstract: tr/P45/D304 diode
    Text: • International ^R ectifier MÖSSM52 QQlb771 037 ■ INR INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER b5E D SERIES IRK.F132 FAST SCR / DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features F ast tu rn -o ff th y ris to r F a s t re c o v e ry d io d e High su rg e c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan
    SSM52 QQlb771 46S5452 10ohms. D304 diode tr/P45/D304 diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • International H Rectifier 4655452 DGlt.755 ‘m INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER *INR b5E » SERIES IRK.F102 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features F a st tu rn -o ff th yristo r F a s t re c o v e ry d io d e H igh s u rg e c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • International HU Rectifier 4ÔSSMS5 0 0 1 b 7 4 7 INTERNATIONAL ölß RECTIFIER ■ INR bSE SERIES IRK.F82 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features F ast tu rn -o ff th y ris to r F ast re c o v e ry d io d e H igh s u rg e c a p a b ility

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    DDlb754 10ohm PDF

    diode D284

    Abstract: AV1X
    Text: International BRectifier s e r ie s i r k .f i <?2 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically Isolated baseplate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage Industrial standard package

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: line contactor
    Text: I ^ T E L E D Y N E RELAYS I f f V I UFI Series Industrial Solid State Products LOW NOISE SCR OUTPUTTO 25 AMPS 600 VOLTS PART NUM BERS Package & Chip Type Max Blocking Voltage piv / Line Rating InputType Output Current Amps Options EFL-SCR SÖÖ24Ö D-DC Input

    OCR Scan
    EN50081-2 powertherm line contactor PDF

    scr tic 1060

    Abstract: Diode LT 410 VD357 TIC 2460 SCR 400V 1000A 1RKT Thyristor snubber IRK.F200 50A KTF
    Text: • In t G r n â t iO n S l INTERNATIONAL R E C T I F I E R S ] Rectifier FAST SCR I DIODE MÖSSMS2 Q01tiô30 MTS H I N R bSE D s e r i e s i r k . f 2 oo and SCR / SCR MAGN-A-pak Power Modules Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ F ast tu rn -o ff th y ris to r

    OCR Scan
    3000Vrms 44-Rs 10ohms. 20ohms. 15-Gate scr tic 1060 Diode LT 410 VD357 TIC 2460 SCR 400V 1000A 1RKT Thyristor snubber IRK.F200 50A KTF PDF

    diode lt 436

    Text: International I S Rectifier s e r ie s i r k .f h 2 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically isolated baseplate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage

    OCR Scan

    dt 7130

    Abstract: SCR 400V 1000A fire angle of scr drive circuit KHF 800
    Text: • International Rectifier 4Ö5S452 0Glbô22 321 ■ INR international re<-tifier s e r ie s ir k .f is o FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR MAGN-A-pak Power Modules Features ■ ■ g g ■ ■ Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability

    OCR Scan
    3000Vrms 20ohms dt 7130 SCR 400V 1000A fire angle of scr drive circuit KHF 800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i f ItII Series TELEDYNE RELAYS In d u s tria l S olid S ta te P roducts DUAL SCR OUTPUTS TO 150 AMPS PER OUTPUT, 1600 VOLTS SINGLE SCR OUTPUT TO 250 AMPS 1600 VOLTS see Figure 2 PART NUMBERS Package & Max Blocking Input Type Chip Type Voltage (piv)/ _ Line Rating_

    OCR Scan
    16006S0 PDF


    Abstract: DT 7130 IC rc 3150 IRKT 180
    Text: International S Rectifier s e r ie s ir k .fis o FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR MAGN-A-pak Power Modules Features • ■ ■ I ■ F a st tu rn -o ff th yristo r F a st re c o v e ry d io d e H igh s u rg e c a p a b ility E le c tric a lly is o la te d b a s e p la te

    OCR Scan
    Tj-125 -25A/MS -350A Tj-125-C KA2 DIODE DT 7130 IC rc 3150 IRKT 180 PDF

    ED 05 Diode

    Abstract: ed13 diode DIODE ED 16 thyristor scr 800A DIODE ED 5000 volt scr SCR Phase Control 12v DC motor speed control using scr diode ED 84 DIODE ED 11
    Text: f O M E V Z B E D _ 16 ED41 20 T Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 72.75.15 Dual SCR SCR/Diode Isolated Modules 130-160-200 Amperes

    OCR Scan
    BP107, MAX/10 ED 05 Diode ed13 diode DIODE ED 16 thyristor scr 800A DIODE ED 5000 volt scr SCR Phase Control 12v DC motor speed control using scr diode ED 84 DIODE ED 11 PDF

    4 pin scr optoisolator

    Abstract: scr optoisolator mr5060 H11C4 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 B 647 AC transistor
    Text: MOTOROLA • I SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA H11C4 H11C5 H11C6 6 -P in D IP O p to is o la to rs SCR O utput These devices consist o f gallium -arsenide infrared em itting diodes optically coupled to photo sensitive silicon controlled rectifiers SCR . They are designed fo r applications

    OCR Scan
    E54915S^ IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, VDE110ti, 30A-02 4 pin scr optoisolator scr optoisolator mr5060 H11C4 VDE0113 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 B 647 AC transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SH DWG NO. O - A k % 7 S - X X X X X REV SCR NO. D 2092 E 2562 F 2846 G H J 3532 4299 5522 K 5744 DESCRIPTION REVISED AND REDRAWN CORRECT DIM L0C SH 4j ADDED 85 GM MIN TO SIG CONT NORM F SH 7j SEE SCR SH 4 P/N'S 438-50O4-A00 THRU HOD WAS 438-5002-ADD THRU HOO

    OCR Scan
    438-50O4-A00 438-5002-ADD A1005-XXXXX /KT1005 C6035 N77433 C-A1005-XXXXX 128C3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEDYNE In d u s tria l i F l @ Series RELAYS S o lid S ta te SCR OUTPUT TO 55 AMPS 1200 VOLTS Products PA R T N U M B ER S Package & Chip Type EFRQ-SCR Max Blocking Voltage piv / Line Rating Input Type O u tp ut C urrent Am ps O ptions 1200480 D-DC Input

    OCR Scan

    SCR 106 B

    Abstract: 60 amp 600 Volt scr scr 106 SCR full wave bridge rectifier rectifier three phase scr full wave rectifier with scr scr 106 C B 80 bridge rectifier scr C50 scr C35
    Text: SCR Medium & High Current Modules CIO 12BA1AD1 i s a 200V, f u l l wave back t o back b rid g e connected CIO c e l l s on type 12 F in s , capable o f c o n t r o llin g 4.7 amp average p e r SCR in fre e a i r o r 6 .2 amp average p e r c e ll w ith 1000

    OCR Scan
    12BA1AD1 C10JI 1N13414-46A 1N1341A-46A 1N2154-59 1N3292-96 1N3289-92 C1012DX239 SCR 106 B 60 amp 600 Volt scr scr 106 SCR full wave bridge rectifier rectifier three phase scr full wave rectifier with scr scr 106 C B 80 bridge rectifier scr C50 scr C35 PDF

    GE SCR Manual

    Abstract: GE SCR 1000 AMP SCR 214 scr stack General electric SCR scr 106 GE SCR 1000 SCR Phase Control IC SCR nomenclature, General electric SCR 60A 500V
    Text: SCR Medium & High Current Modules NOMENCLATURE CIO 12BA1AD1 is a 200V, fu ll wave back to back bridge connected CIO c e lls on type 12 F ins, capable o f c o n t r o llin g 4.7 amp average per SCR in free a ir o r 6.2 amp average per ce ll with 1000 lin e a r feet per minute forced a ir.

    OCR Scan
    12BA1AD1 C10JI 1N13414-46A 1N1341A-46A 1N2154-59 1N3292-96 1N3289-92 C3512UB1AD1 C3512UB1FD1 C3512UF1AD1 GE SCR Manual GE SCR 1000 AMP SCR 214 scr stack General electric SCR scr 106 GE SCR 1000 SCR Phase Control IC SCR nomenclature, General electric SCR 60A 500V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEDYNE RELAYS F iF Series Industrial Solid State Products SCR/DIODE POWER MODULES PART N UM BERS Package Current Circuit AC Line Style Amps Type Voltage 1j0 30 F E F Series 0 -5 0 70 55 Designator £ -7 5 100 85 Options AC SW F -100 135 110 G -125 180

    OCR Scan
    AC20-AC30- E66830. KR16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC SCR C122FC122M ELECTRON DEVICE T h e C 1 2 2 F ~ C 1 2 2 M are a P gate all diffused m old type SCR granted 8 A m p O n-state C urrent. T h e glassivation technique O u tlin e D raw ing U n it: m m applied to pellet's surface makes this series qu ite highly reliable.

    OCR Scan
    C122F--C122M C122F-C122M PDF

    ac motor speed control circuit diagram with scr

    Abstract: DC motor speed control circuit with SCR Circuit Diagram for 5vdc Relay Control Module 5 v DC motor speed control using scr scr speed control dc motor opto scr scr 250 amps scr speed control ac motor scr ac motor speed control speed control of dc series motor using scr
    Text: '^ T E L E D Y N E I F » Series rela ys DUAL SCR OUTPUTS TO 150 AMPS PER OUTPUT, 1600 VOLTS SINGLE SCR OUTPUT TO 250 AMPS 1600 VOLTS see Figure 2 In d u stria l S o lid S ta te Pro d u cts PART N U M B ER S I Package & C h ipT yp e Max Blocking Voltage (piv)/

    OCR Scan
    24VAC ac motor speed control circuit diagram with scr DC motor speed control circuit with SCR Circuit Diagram for 5vdc Relay Control Module 5 v DC motor speed control using scr scr speed control dc motor opto scr scr 250 amps scr speed control ac motor scr ac motor speed control speed control of dc series motor using scr PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ LD42_ 50 _LD47_ 50_ f ow erex, Inc., 2 0 0 H illis S treet, Youngwood, P en n sylvan ia 15697-1800 4 12 92 5 -7 2 7 2 SCR/Diode POW-R-BLOK Module 500 Amperes/1600 Volts Description: LD42_ _50, LD 47„ _50 SCR /D iode PO W -R-BLO K™ M odule

    OCR Scan
    Amperes/1600 PDF


    Abstract: FL512F
    Text: ^ T E L E D Y N E RELAYS FfL Series Industrial Solid State Products SCR/DIODE POWER MODULES PART NUM BERS Package Output Current Circuit AC Line Style Designator Type Voltage F L Series Designator Options 3 15 Amps 1 Common Cathode 1 120 Vac F Free W heeling Diode

    OCR Scan
    FL512F-012 E66830. SPSS FL512F PDF