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    SCR 1 TIC 126 Search Results

    SCR 1 TIC 126 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    P104 Coilcraft Inc Silicon Controlled Rectifier, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CR08AS-12AET14#B10 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 0.8A - Thyristor Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR08AS-12AT14#B10 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 0.8A - Triac Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR5FM-12LB#BH0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 5A - Triac Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR20CM-12LBA8#BB0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 20A - Triac Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SCR 1 TIC 126 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: CN3068 TIC 122 Transistor datasheet cn5010 processor led 7seg A1524 VPA05 CN5020 RTL8019AS applications note uPD703193
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

    0000000H 0100000H PD703193 U16105EJ1V0UM cn3083 CN3068 TIC 122 Transistor datasheet cn5010 processor led 7seg A1524 VPA05 CN5020 RTL8019AS applications note uPD703193 PDF


    Abstract: FT1500DV FT1500DV-70 T-25 2N350
    Text: POQJEREX INC W m W E R DE 'T ~ 2 £ ’-Zf DE | THTMbSl 0DD310b Û | FT1500DV E X Powerex, Inc. Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Ave, Q. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeUana, France (43) 72.75.15 SCR P h d S B C O flttO l

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    0DD310b FT1500DV BP107, FT1500DV Amperes/3000-4000 Pow-R-Disc25-7272 FT1S00DV Avg/3000-4000 BP107 FT1500DV-70 T-25 2N350 PDF

    cr 6850 t

    Abstract: 3155 diode AGE SCR
    Text: i WI1UMA C D ? 7 F owerex, Inc., 200 Hillls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412 925-7272 4 0 _ SCR/Diode POW-R-BLOK Module 40 Amperes/1600 Volts Description: SU CD42_ _40, CD47_ _40

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    Amperes/1600 cr 6850 t 3155 diode AGE SCR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM699215_ HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAM ILY GENERAL OUTLINE The M SM 699215 is a digital signal processor sam e in architecture as the MSM 699210, but has serial ports. T h e M S M 6 9 9 2 1 5 is c a p a b le o f h ig h s p e e d e x e c u tio n o f flo a tin g -p o in t a rith m e tic

    OCR Scan
    MSM699215_ 32-bit 256-word 22-bit PDF

    photo interrupter module

    Abstract: GE SCR 1000 GE SCR 1000 AMP H11C H13B1 4N38 4N38A H11A10 H11AA1 H11AA2
    Text: PROGRAMMABLE THRESHOLD COUPLER GE TYPE H11A10 PAGE NO. 1281 CURRENT ISOLATION VOLTAGE «VpK» TRANSFER R A TIO MIN. MIN. 1500 1 10% AC INPUT COUPLER H11AA1 H11AA2 1289 128? 1500 1500 I I 20% 10% ID nA MAX. BV c e o (VOLTS) MIN. 50 30 100 200 30 30 100 100

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    H11A10 H11AA1 H11AA2 H11D1 H11D2 H11D3 H11D4 4N38A H11B1 H11B2 photo interrupter module GE SCR 1000 GE SCR 1000 AMP H11C H13B1 4N38 PDF


    Abstract: IN4148 anode cathode 2N4983 3N84 eto thyristor thyristor igc TRANSISTOR BO 344 2N4987 2N4985 thyristor eto
    Text: SILICON UNILATERAL AND BILATERAL SWITCHES SUS, SBS The General E le c tric S U S is a s ilic o n , planar m on olith ic integrated c irc u it having th yristo r e le ctrica l ch a ra cte ris tics clo se ly a pproxi­ m ating those of an '‘id ea l” fo u r-la yer diode. Th e d e vice is designed to sw itch at 8 vo lts w ith a typ ica l tem perature coefficient of

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 3N84 transistor 3N83 pin configuration NPN transistor 9012 PNP 40v neon lamp PNP Monolithic Transistor Pair transistor pnp 12V 1A Continuous Current Peak pin configuration NPN transistor 9012 npn nixie display 2N4987
    Text: SILICON U NILATERAL AND BILATERAL SWITCHES SUS, SBS The General Electric S U S is a silicon, planar monolithic integrated circuit having thyristor electrical characteristics closely approxi­ mating those of an '‘ideal” four-layer diode. The device is designed to switch at 8 volts with a typical temperature coefficient of

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    20/iS' /3N83 3N83 3N84 transistor 3N83 pin configuration NPN transistor 9012 PNP 40v neon lamp PNP Monolithic Transistor Pair transistor pnp 12V 1A Continuous Current Peak pin configuration NPN transistor 9012 npn nixie display 2N4987 PDF

    SCR induction furnace circuit diagram

    Abstract: schematic diagram power inverter 1500w schematic diagram inverter 2000w 1200W inverter "circuit diagram" sc146d Triac cross reference scr 106d 12v to 220v inverter schematic diagram 2000w 220v DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER using opto coupler 12 volt dc to 220v ac inverter 1500w schematic diagram solar tracker circuits
    Text: OPTOELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LIGHT DETECTING CIRCUITS L ight detecting circuits are those circuits that cause an action based on the level o f light received by the photo detector. OFF RELAY: 12V , 0 .3 A COIL: 2 0 A , FORM C. CONTACTS OR SOLID-STATE SW ITCHING OF 16A STEADY-STATE 150 A COLD

    OCR Scan

    tic 1260 scr texas

    Abstract: TA7265 2N6874 ta7719 2N6058 RCA 40408 transistor 2N2405 bd643 BD647 equivalent 2N3228
    Text: RCA Bipolar Power Devices Table of Contents This DATABOOK contains detailed technical information on the full line of more than 750 RCA bipolar power devices consisting of: power transistors, SURGECTORs, ultra-fast-recovery rectifiers, power hybrid circuits, SCRs, and triacs.

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    68000 thomson

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O THOMSON COMPOSANTS MILITAIRES ET SPATIAUX TS 68302 INTEGRATED MULTIPROTOCOL PROCESSOR IMP DESCRIPTION The IMP is a very large-scale integration (VLSI) device incorpora­ ting the main building blocks needed for the design of a wide va­ riety of controllers. The device is especially suitable to applica­

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    68000/TS TS68302MR1B/C16 TS68302MF1B/C16 TS68302VR16 TS68302MR16 TS68302VF16 TS68302MF16 TS68302 TD2bfl72 68000 thomson PDF

    chn 834 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: High-Power 202A MOSFET CA3458T 40468A 3N128 equivalent ta7657 DIODE chn 548 TA7374 Thyristor chn 542 cd 40938
    Text: RCA Solid State Total Data Service System The RCA Solid State DATABOOKS are supplemented throughout the year by a comprehensive data service system that keeps you aware of all new device announcements and lets you obtain as much or as little product information as

    OCR Scan
    -206A CR208 CR210 CR212 CR280 CR301 CR303 CR304 CR306 CR311 chn 834 TRANSISTOR High-Power 202A MOSFET CA3458T 40468A 3N128 equivalent ta7657 DIODE chn 548 TA7374 Thyristor chn 542 cd 40938 PDF

    Triac SC141D

    Abstract: Opto triac ot 195 schematic diagram inverter 2000w schematic diagram power inverter 1500w 12v 1200W DC POWER SUPPLY SCHEMATIC scr 106d st4 diac solar tracking street light system schematic diagram of 2000W induction heater 400W sine wave inverter circuit diagram
    Text: OPTOELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LIGHT DETECTING CIRCUITS L ight detecting circuits are those circuits that cause an action based on the level o f light received by the photo detector. OFF RELAY: 12V , Q.3A COIL: 2 0 A , FORM C. CONTACTS OR SOLID-STATE SW ITCHING OF 16A STEADY-STATE 1 BOA COLD

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: transistor 2N4983 general electric C22B CIRCUITS BY USING 2N6027 2n2646 equivalent GE C22B 2N4991 SBS thyristor 2N602B ge motor capacitor cross reference
    Text: UNIJUNCTIONS, TRIGGERS AND SWITCHES S in c e th e intro du ctio n o f th e co m m ercial silic o n u n iju n c tio n tran sisto r in 1 9 5 6 , G eneral E le c tric has co n tin u e d d e­ velop ing an extensive lin e o f negative resistan ce th resho ld an d fo u r-lay er sw itch devices. Each o f th ese devices can

    OCR Scan
    2N489-494â 2N2646-47â S-2N4983 2N4986 2N4986 2N4963 2N4983 ---15V transistor 2N4983 general electric C22B CIRCUITS BY USING 2N6027 2n2646 equivalent GE C22B 2N4991 SBS thyristor 2N602B ge motor capacitor cross reference PDF

    SCR SN 104

    Abstract: TBA 281 SCR SN 101 130 motorola scr MC68302 user ns-206 DCM315 MOTOROLA SCR SCR SN 101 data sheet M68000
    Text: SECTION 6 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The AC specifications presented consist of output delays, input setup and hold times, and signal skew times. All signals are specified relative to an appropriate edge of the clock CLKO pin and possibly to one or more other signals.

    OCR Scan
    67-MHz MC68302 SCR SN 104 TBA 281 SCR SN 101 130 motorola scr MC68302 user ns-206 DCM315 MOTOROLA SCR SCR SN 101 data sheet M68000 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4983 2N4985 SCR nomenclature, General electric 2n4990 scr 6A 2N4987 2N4984 GE 2N4992 3n81
    Text: SILICON U N I L A T E R A L A N D B I L A T E R A L SWITCHES SUS, SBS The General Electric S U S is a silicon, planar monolithic integrated circuit having thyristor electrical characteristics closely approxi­ mating those of an '‘ideal” four-layer diode. The device is designed to switch at 8 volts with a typical temperature coefficient of

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    200fi? IN4I48 IN4I46 500PPS 3n84 2N4983 2N4985 SCR nomenclature, General electric 2n4990 scr 6A 2N4987 2N4984 GE 2N4992 3n81 PDF


    Abstract: L296H

    OCR Scan
    L296P L296P) L296P L296V L296H PDF

    2n3773 power Amplifier circuit diagrams

    Abstract: SCR Handbook, rca HC2000H rca transistor npn a13 B0241C npn transistor RCA 467 40659 triac t6440m RCa T2850D DIAC D3202U
    Text: RCA Power Devices This DATABOOK contains com­ plete technical information on the full line o f RCA solid-state power devices: power transistors, rf power transistors, power hybrid circuits, triacs, SCR’s, diacs, silicon rectifiers, and rectifier assemblies. A complete

    OCR Scan
    AN-6671 G4000) G4000 2n3773 power Amplifier circuit diagrams SCR Handbook, rca HC2000H rca transistor npn a13 B0241C npn transistor RCA 467 40659 triac t6440m RCa T2850D DIAC D3202U PDF


    Abstract: 2N2646 cross reference 2N4984 2n2646 equivalent 2N2646 2N4983 2N4991 GE SCR cross reference 2n4992 EQUIVALENT 2N1671
    Text: UNIJUNCTIONS, TRIGGERS AND SWITCHES S in c e th e intro du ctio n o f th e co m m ercial silic o n u n iju n c tio n tran sisto r in 1 9 5 6 , G eneral E le c tric has co n tin u e d d e­ velop ing an extensive lin e o f negative resistan ce th resho ld an d fo u r-lay er sw itch devices. Each o f th ese devices can

    OCR Scan
    2N489-494â 2N2646-47â GEC32U 10kHz 2N4984 I2N2647 -2n4985 2N4985 2N2646 cross reference 2N4984 2n2646 equivalent 2N2646 2N4983 2N4991 GE SCR cross reference 2n4992 EQUIVALENT 2N1671 PDF


    Abstract: YAT-6 pc4556c
    Text: BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿XPC4556 HIGH PERFORMANCE DUAL DECOMPENSATED OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER D E SCR IP TIO N FEATU RES T h e n ? C 4 5 5 6 is a d u a l o p e r a t io n a l a m p lif ie r w h ic h • G a in b a n d w id t h p ro d u c ts : 20 M H z A m > 20 d B

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    uPC4556 IR30-00-1 VP15-00-1 WS15-00-1 /PC4556C] uc4556 YAT-6 pc4556c PDF

    scr 2n4444

    Abstract: light operated scr alarm MRD3056 photo transistor mrd3056 2n4444 transistor NPN 2n4444 MRD3050 color sensitive PHOTO TRANSISTOR 2n5060 transistor MRD3055
    Text: MRD3050 silicon thru MRD3056 NPN SILICON PHOTO TRANSISTOR . . . designed fo r application in industrial inspection, processing and control, counters, sorters, switching and logic circuits or any design requiring radiation sensitivity, and stable characteristics.

    OCR Scan
    MRD3050 MRD3056 MRD3050 AN-508, 2N5060 MPS6516 2N4444* 2N4444 scr 2n4444 light operated scr alarm MRD3056 photo transistor mrd3056 2n4444 transistor NPN color sensitive PHOTO TRANSISTOR 2n5060 transistor MRD3055 PDF


    Abstract: CRC-16 IVI68000 M68000 MC145474 MC68000 MC68008 MC68302 SCR MOTOROLA UDS protocols
    Text: MOTOROLA h S EM IC O N D U C TO R TECHNICAL DATA MC68302 Technicaf Sum m ary Integrated Multiprotocol Processor IMP The IMP is a very large-scale integration (VLSI) device incorporating the main b uilding blocks needed fo r the design of a w ide variety o f controllers. The

    OCR Scan
    MC68302 MC68000/MC68008 10ity M68000 FR68K CRC-16 IVI68000 MC145474 MC68000 MC68008 MC68302 SCR MOTOROLA UDS protocols PDF


    Abstract: vero 16 PIN PIR controller IC PINOUT D952 ST18952 scr tag 89 TAG 8704 60T15 YA14 IMO7
    Text: . SGS-THOMSON k jÆ ST18952 , DIGITAL SIGNAL P R O C ESSO R DSP CHIP PR ELIM IN A R Y DATA Programmable D950 Core • ■ ■ ■ ■ Data calculation unit Address calculation unit Program control unit Fast and flexible buses 66MIPS -1 5 ns instruction cycle time

    OCR Scan
    ST18952 66MIPS Sn/15 ST18952 /7752BC041, ST18952X66S d950 vero 16 PIN PIR controller IC PINOUT D952 scr tag 89 TAG 8704 60T15 YA14 IMO7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications ATM Layer Processor ALP PXB 4350 E Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 09.98 DS 2 PXB 4350 E Revision History: Current Version: 09.98 Previous Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 08.97 DS 1 Page (in previous Version) Page (in current

    OCR Scan

    scr tic 1060

    Abstract: KT 8030 KT 3296 KT+8030 scr 1526 scr tic 2060 SCR 1478
    Text: POUEREX INC T1D • D 72141,51 QDtìlfl7b 3 ■ y- Rectifier Assemblies-Water Cooled Assembly Module Type PDL6R620_30 _30 _ 30 PDL6R620_40 _40 PDL6R620_50 PDL7R720 _06 _06 _06 PDL7R720_ 09 _09 PDL7R720_12 PDL7R7S0_08

    OCR Scan
    PDL6R620_ PDL7R720 PDL7R720_ PDKARA20_ 72iMbai scr tic 1060 KT 8030 KT 3296 KT+8030 scr 1526 scr tic 2060 SCR 1478 PDF