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    Fix Supply BULK-GMT-SBR-36

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    SBR36F Sino-American Silicon Products Fast Recovery Bridge Rectifiers Scan PDF

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    Abstract: SBR36 SBR32 SBR35 schottky rectifier 3amp
    Text: E L E C T R O N I C SBR32~SBR36 Schottky Rectifier - 3Amp 20~60Volt □ Features -For surface mounted applications -Low profile package -Built-in strain relief -Metal silicon junction, majority carrier conduction -Low power loss, high efficiency -High current capability, low forward voltage drop

    SBR32 SBR36 60Volt SBR34 SBR36 SBR35 schottky rectifier 3amp PDF

    emergency lighting 230v circuit diagram

    Abstract: SF263 ESC425S led 230v application circuit diagram of 230v 50hz ac input 230v 50hz
    Text: Control & Indication catalogue 15 Control & indication Switches, contactors, relays, push buttons & emergency lighting This section provides a selection of Isolating, changeover and selector switches, push buttons, indicator lights, delay timers, emergency lighting test packages, DIN socket outlets and contactors that



    Abstract: SBR315 SBR310 SBR36 schottky rectifier 3amp
    Text: E L E C T R O N I C SBR34 ~ SBR320 Power Schottky Rectifier - 3Amp 40~200Volt □ Features -For surface mounted applications -Low profile package -Built-in strain relief -Metal silicon junction, majority carrier conduction -Low power loss, high efficiency

    SBR34 SBR320 200Volt MIL-STD-750 SBR34 SBR315 SBR310 SBR36 schottky rectifier 3amp PDF


    Abstract: SRS21G SRS22G WOL21G WOL22G WOL26G WOL28G WOM05G WQL210G SBR31G
    Text: SINO-AMERICAN SILICON 54E • flaai7Mb ODDDD43 1 ■ G L A S S P A S S IV A T E D B R ID G E R ECTIFIER S T 'Z V O S O PERATIN G AND STO RA G E T EM PER A T U R E - 5 5 °C to +150°C R e c t ifie d C u rre n t- . Peak @ H a lf- W a v e R e ve rse TYPE V o lt a g e

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    flEfll74b OODDD43 WOM05G DO-41 350x350x345 DO-15 D0-201AD SRS205G SRS21G SRS22G WOL21G WOL22G WOL26G WOL28G WQL210G SBR31G PDF


    Abstract: RB4F L74B RB6F RB05F RB10F SBR805DF SRS205F SRS210F SRS21F
    Text: S I N O - AMERICAN SILICON F A S T R E C O V E R Y B R ID G E R E C T IFIE R S ~V22-OS OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: -5 5° C to +125°C STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE: -5 5 °C to + 150°C TYPE Maximum Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum Average Rectified Current Half-Wav»

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    Abstract: RB10F SBR805DF SRS205F SRS210F SRS21F SRS22F SRS24F SRS26F SRS28F
    Text: SINO-AMERICAN SILICON EME 2? • 020174b □□□□ □3 1 5 ■ F A S T R E C O V E R Y B R ID G E R E C T IF IE R S ~ V 2 2 - O S OPERATING TEM PERATURE RANGE: - 5 5 °C to +125°C STORAGE TEM PERATURE RANGE: - 5 5 °C to + 150°C TYPE Maximum Peak Reverse

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    G0DQ031 RB05F DO-41 350x350x345 DO-15 D0-201AD RB10F SBR805DF SRS205F SRS210F SRS21F SRS22F SRS24F SRS26F SRS28F PDF

    HME 301

    Abstract: SBR305 SBR31 SBR32 SBR805D SBR81 SBR810D SBR82 SBR84 SBR86
    Text: SINO-AflERXCAN SILICON HME 3> Hi 6aai74fci 0000050 0 B R I D G E R E C T IF IE R S " T - Z i- O S OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: -5 5 ° C to +125°C STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE: -5 5 °C to + 150°C TYPE Maximum Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum Average Rectified Current

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    T-23-OS SBR805D SBR81 SBR82 SBR84 SBR86 SBR88 SBR810D DO-41 350x350x345 HME 301 SBR305 SBR31 SBR32 PDF