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    SAW COMPONENTS Search Results

    SAW COMPONENTS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4B212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPQR8308QB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 80 V, 350 A, 0.00083 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TRS8E65H Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation SiC Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD), 650 V, 8 A, TO-220-2L Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SAW COMPONENTS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer tx 433 saw to39 car central locking 306D00 rx 433 saw pulse compression radar 433.92 Mhz two-port saw resonator TO39 SAW 433 QCC4A TSR330
    Text: TOKEN SAW FILTERS SAW RESONATORS Aurface Acoustic Wave SAW Components Application Notes: Token RF Surface Acoustic Wave SAW filters and resonators include low loss filters for remote control receivers and mobile telephone and receive path. RF Saw filters and saw resonators Feature with small

    86-7bath 224D5 Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer tx 433 saw to39 car central locking 306D00 rx 433 saw pulse compression radar 433.92 Mhz two-port saw resonator TO39 SAW 433 QCC4A TSR330 PDF


    Abstract: DCC6C
    Text: TOKEN SAW FILTERS SAW RESONATORS Aurface Acoustic Wave SAW Components Application Notes: Token RF Surface Acoustic Wave SAW filters and resonators include low loss filters for remote control receivers and mobile telephone and receive path. RF Saw filters and saw resonators Feature with small



    Abstract: SIEMENS epcos SIEMENS saw filter EPCOS SAW Filters SIEMENS filter BAV99 malta keyless 100v varistor 9151F
    Text: Application Note SAW-Components ESD protection for SAW filters Appnote #17 Abstract: In this report some general countermeasures are described how to protect SAW filters against Electro Static Discharge. Author: Günther Schlegel Version: 1.0 EPCOS AG SAW COM APL



    Abstract: murata SAW filter marking code SAW MARKING CODE murata SAW
    Text: Data Sheet of SAW Components Note : Murata SAW Component is applicable for Cellular /Cordless phone Terminal relevant market only. Please also read caution at the end of this document. SAW FILTER FOR Band1&4/Band8 Rx Diplex SAW Murata part number :SAWEN942MCA0F00 (fc=942.5MHz)

    SAWEN942MCA0F00 960MHz) 52MHz) SAWEN942MCA0F00 murata SAW filter marking code SAW MARKING CODE murata SAW PDF

    SIEMENS saw filter

    Abstract: EPCOS SAW Filters Epcos 600 07 SIEMENS saw 6,5 if filter Epcos 600 02 saw filter 434 saw filter if video epcos 500 05 EPCOS 800 GSM sectoring antenna
    Text: Application Note SAW-Components How to choose the optimal SAW filter App. Note 19 Abstract: The characteristics of surface acoustic wave SAW filters are presented in order to find a suitable SAW filter for a short range device system. Version: Updated: 1.0

    D-81617 SIEMENS saw filter EPCOS SAW Filters Epcos 600 07 SIEMENS saw 6,5 if filter Epcos 600 02 saw filter 434 saw filter if video epcos 500 05 EPCOS 800 GSM sectoring antenna PDF


    Abstract: B7305
    Text: SAW Components Data Sheet B7305 SAW Components B7305 190 MHz IF Filter for Mobile Communication Data Sheet DCS10A Chip-Size SAW Filter Package Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ IF filter for mobile telephone Channel selection in W-CDMA systems Chip-Size SAW Filter Package

    B7305 DCS10A B39191-B7305-A810 C61157-A7-A66 B39191-B7305-A810 B7305 PDF

    murata SAW filter marking code

    Abstract: SAWEN881MCE0F00 SAW MARKING CODE saw murata murata saw marking code murata SAW
    Text: Data Sheet of SAW Components Note : Murata SAW Component is applicable for Cellular /Cordless phone Terminal relevant market only. Please also read caution at the end of this document. SAW FILTER FOR Cell800/PCS Diversity Rx Diplex SAW Murata part number : SAWEN881MCE0F00 (fc=881.5MHz)

    Cell800/PCS SAWEN881MCE0F00 murata SAW filter marking code SAWEN881MCE0F00 SAW MARKING CODE saw murata murata saw marking code murata SAW PDF


    Abstract: B7302 B39361-B7302-A910 fn 360 toko inductances
    Text: SAW Components Data Sheet B7302 SAW Components B7302 360,0 MHz Low-Loss Filter for Mobile Communication Data Sheet Chip Sized SAW Package DCS8A Features • ■ ■ ■ Low-loss IF filter for mobile telephone Channel selection in GSM, PCN systems Chip Sized SAW Package

    B7302 B39361-B7302-A910 C61157-A7-A65 D-81617 V8102 B7302 B39361-B7302-A910 fn 360 toko inductances PDF

    saw Colpitts circuit design

    Abstract: smd transistor b2 transistor AE RF working of colpitts oscillator footprint qcc8c smd transistor footprint smd transistor AE TRANSISTOR SMD L3 AG SMD TRANSISTOR rf transistor smd pages
    Text: Application Note SAW-Components How to switch over from any 4 pin SMD SAW resonator to the new EPCOS SAW resonators R8xx in QCC4A SMD package 3.5mm x 5mm App. Note #23 Author: Updated: Version: Department: Alexander Glas December 21, 2001 1.0 SAW CE AE PD

    D-81617 saw Colpitts circuit design smd transistor b2 transistor AE RF working of colpitts oscillator footprint qcc8c smd transistor footprint smd transistor AE TRANSISTOR SMD L3 AG SMD TRANSISTOR rf transistor smd pages PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOKEN SAW General Infornation Information of SAW Advantage of Token Piezoelectric SAW Devices Token Electronics has gained a successful development of SAW Filters and SAW Resonators, due to our flexible design capabilities and cost-optimizing production facilities.



    Abstract: microwave Duplexer
    Text: Direct Link 1065 Products & Technologies SAW components March 2007 First BAW-SAW duplexer worldwide EPCOS is further expanding its leading market position in SAW components for mobile phones with a hybrid duplexer. The first prototypes of a combined BAW-SAW duplexer for W-CDMA Band II have now been completed. They



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAW Products SAW Products • SAW Modules • High-Performance SAW IF and RF Filters • Frequency Range from 30 MHz to 2.7 GHz • High-Q SAW Resonators and Narrow-Band Filters • High Volume Cost-Efficient Manufacturing Capabilities Advantages of Vectron International

    1990s. D-74924 D-14513 tfs1575 PDF

    R707 433,92 MHz

    Abstract: epcos r707 SMD CODE L01 S M R707 transistor R05 smd SMD L03 epcos r705 SAW R707 epcos r670 L03 SMD
    Text: Application Note SAW-Components Principles of SAWR-stabilized oscillators and transmitters. App: Note #1 This application note describes the physical principle of SAW-stabilized oscillator. Oscillator structures for one- and two-port SAW resonators are discussed.

    92MHz D-81617 BFS17P R707 433,92 MHz epcos r707 SMD CODE L01 S M R707 transistor R05 smd SMD L03 epcos r705 SAW R707 epcos r670 L03 SMD PDF

    epcos r727

    Abstract: epcos r705 SMD CODE L01 433.92 Mhz two-port saw resonator colpitts oscillator L03 SMD smd-transistor code book 433.92 transmitter, pcb layout smd-transistor DATA BOOK R727
    Text: Application Note SAW-Components Principles of SAWR-stabilized oscillators and transmitters. App: Note #1 This application note describes the physical principle of SAW-stabilized oscillator. Oscillator structures for one- and two-port SAW resonators are discussed.

    92MHz D-81617 epcos r727 epcos r705 SMD CODE L01 433.92 Mhz two-port saw resonator colpitts oscillator L03 SMD smd-transistor code book 433.92 transmitter, pcb layout smd-transistor DATA BOOK R727 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAW Components Data Sheet B7841 SAW Components B7841 2441,75 MHz Low-Loss Filter Data Sheet Chip Sized Saw Package Features Low-loss RF filter for bluetooth Usable passband 83,5 MHz Unbalanced to unbalanced operation Package for Surface Mounted Technology

    B7841 B7841 B39242-B7841-C710 C61157-A7-A82 F61074-V8151-Z000 PDF

    murata SAW

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet of SAW Components Note : Murata SAW Component is applicable for Cellular /Cordless phone Terminal relevant market only. Please also read caution at the end of this document. SAW FILTER FOR CDMA2000 BC6 (Rx) Murata part number : SAFEB2G12FB0F00

    CDMA2000 SAFEB2G12FB0F00 2120MHz 2130MHz) murata SAW PDF


    Abstract: MURATA gps filter murata SAW SAFEB1G57FA0F
    Text: Data Sheet of SAW Components Note : Murata SAW Component is applicable for Cellular /Cordless phone Terminal relevant market only. Please also read caution at the end of this document. SAW FILTER FOR GPS Murata part number :SAFEB1G57FA0F00 Package Dimensions

    SAFEB1G57FA0F00 1577MHz) SAFEB1G57FA0F00 MURATA gps filter murata SAW SAFEB1G57FA0F PDF


    Abstract: SAFEA1G57KH0F00R15 SAFEA1G57K SAFEA1G57 murata SAW
    Text: Data Sheet of SAW Components Note : Murata SAW Component is applicable for Cellular /Cordless phone Terminal relevant market only. Please also read caution at the end of this document. SAW FILTER FOR GPS Murata part number :SAFEA1G57KH0F00 Package Dimensions

    SAFEA1G57KH0F00 42MHz 92MHz) 20pliant SAFEA1G57KH0F00 SAFEA1G57KH0F00R15 SAFEA1G57K SAFEA1G57 murata SAW PDF

    murata SAW

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet of SAW Components Note : Murata SAW Component is applicable for Cellular /Cordless phone Terminal relevant market only. Please also read caution at the end of this document. SAW FILTER FOR GPS Murata part number :SAFEF1G57KA0F00 Package Dimensions

    SAFEF1G57KA0F00 162pliant murata SAW PDF

    murata SAW

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet of SAW Components Note : Murata SAW Component is applicable for Cellular /Cordless phone Terminal relevant market only. Please also read caution at the end of this document. SAW FILTER FOR PHS Murata part number : SAFEB1G90FA0F00 Package Dimensions

    SAFEB1G90FA0F00 murata SAW PDF


    Abstract: B39202-B9031-E910 C61157-A7-A105
    Text: SAW Components Data Sheet B9031 SAW Components B9031 1950,0 MHz Low-Loss Filter for Mobile Communication Data Sheet Chip sized SAW package DCS4G Features phone system, transmit path High stopband attenuation Usable passband 60 MHz Unbalanced/unbalanced operation

    B9031 B39202-B9031-E910 b9031 B39202-B9031-E910 C61157-A7-A105 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAW Components Data Sheet B9031 SAW Components B9031 1950,0 MHz Low-Loss Filter for Mobile Communication Data Sheet Chip sized SAW package DCS4G Features phone system, transmit path High stopband attenuation Usable passband 60 MHz Unbalanced/unbalanced operation

    B9031 B39202-B9031-E910 PDF

    murata saw marking

    Abstract: MURATA SAW SAFEB915MAL0F00R15 murata saw filter SAFEB915MAL0F00 murata 1010
    Text: Data Sheet of SAW Components Note : Murata SAW Component is applicable for Cellular /Cordless phone Terminal relevant market only. Please also read caution at the end of this document. SAW FILTER FOR ISM RF Murata part number :SAFEB915MAL0F00 Package Dimensions

    SAFEB915MAL0F00 murata saw marking MURATA SAW SAFEB915MAL0F00R15 murata saw filter SAFEB915MAL0F00 murata 1010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAW Components Data Sheet B7745 SAW Components B7745 Low-Loss Filter for Mobile Communication 1950,0 MHz Data Sheet Chip Sized SAW Package DCS4D Features 0,1 UMTS systems, transmit path • Low insertion loss, low amplitude ripple ■ Usable passband 60 MHz

    B7745 C61157-A7-A89 B7745 PDF