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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation


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    flyback TV sanyo

    Abstract: LA7850 sanyo colour tv circuit diagram la7832 horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt IC LA7832 TV horizontal Deflection Systems crt monitor horizontal ic voltage crt monitor vertical ic voltage la7852
    Text: Ordering number: EN2781B Monolithic Linear IC LA7852 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Package Dimensions unit : mm 3059-DIP22S [LA7852] 12 0.25 7.62 6.4 22 1 11 0.95 0.48 1.78 3.25 3.9max 21.2 3.3 The LA7852 is a sync-deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT

    EN2781B LA7852 3059-DIP22S LA7852] LA7852 LA7832/7833, flyback TV sanyo LA7850 sanyo colour tv circuit diagram la7832 horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt IC LA7832 TV horizontal Deflection Systems crt monitor horizontal ic voltage crt monitor vertical ic voltage PDF


    Abstract: crt monitor vertical ic voltage IC LA7832 LA7852 crt monitor horizontal ic voltage wave Generator IC
    Text: Ordering number: EN2781B Monolithic Linear IC LA7852 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Package Dimensions unit : mm 3059-DIP22S [LA7852] 12 0.25 7.62 6.4 22 1 11 0.95 0.48 1.78 3.25 3.9max 21.2 3.3 The LA7852 is a sync-deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT

    EN2781B LA7852 3059-DIP22S LA7852] LA7852 LA7832/7833, LA7853 crt monitor vertical ic voltage IC LA7832 crt monitor horizontal ic voltage wave Generator IC PDF


    Abstract: 1581-4 TV horizontal Deflection Systems horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1581D Monolithic Linear IC LA7850 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview Package Dimensions The LA7850 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833, 7837, 7838 for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit that meets every requirement for CRT display

    ENN1581D LA7850 LA7850 LA7832, 1581-4 TV horizontal Deflection Systems horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt PDF

    sanyo 21" CRT TV BLOCK DIAGRAM

    Abstract: LA7853 frequency genarator circuit diagram LA7832 LA7852
    Text: Ordering number : EN2873A LA7853 Monolithic Linear IC CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview The LA7853 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833, 7837, 7838 for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit that meets every requirement for CRT display use.

    EN2873A LA7853 LA7853 LA7832, sanyo 21" CRT TV BLOCK DIAGRAM frequency genarator circuit diagram LA7832 LA7852 PDF

    TV horizontal Deflection Systems

    Abstract: phase shifter horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt
    Text: Ordering number:ENN2873 Monolithic Linear IC LA7853 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview Package Dimensions The LA7853 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833, 7837, 7838 for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit that meets every requirement for CRT display

    ENN2873 LA7853 LA7853 LA7832, TV horizontal Deflection Systems phase shifter horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt PDF

    horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt

    Abstract: la7851 sawtooth wave generator horizontal deflection system of crt flyback TV sanyo IC LA7832 TV horizontal Deflection Systems 25 TV horizontal Deflection Systems horizontal ic for crt monitor phase shifter
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1775A Monolithic Linear IC LA7851 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview Package Dimensions The LA7851 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833 for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit

    ENN1775A LA7851 LA7851 LA7832, horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt sawtooth wave generator horizontal deflection system of crt flyback TV sanyo IC LA7832 TV horizontal Deflection Systems 25 TV horizontal Deflection Systems horizontal ic for crt monitor phase shifter PDF

    3 phase inverter sanyo

    Abstract: 29 CRT TV circuits DIAGRAM frequency genarator circuit diagram
    Text: Ordering number : EN2873A LA7853 Monolithic Linear IC CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview The LA7853 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833, 7837, 7838 for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit that meets every requirement for CRT display use.

    EN2873A LA7853 LA7853 LA7832, 3 phase inverter sanyo 29 CRT TV circuits DIAGRAM frequency genarator circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt la7350 LA7851 DS135 LA7850 flyback TV sanyo
    Text: Ordering number : EN1775B Monolithic Linear IC LA7851 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview The LA7851 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833 for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit that meets every requirement for CRT display use.

    EN1775B LA7851 LA7851 LA7832, LA7832 horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt la7350 DS135 LA7850 flyback TV sanyo PDF

    horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN1581E EN2770C Monolithic Linear IC LA7850 For CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview The LA7850 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833, for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit that meets every requirement for CRT display use.

    EN1581E EN2770C LA7850 LA7850 LA7832, horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt PDF

    horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt

    Abstract: 1581-4 LA7832 LA7850 LA7851 29 CRT TV circuits
    Text: Ordering number : EN1581E EN2770C Monolithic Linear IC LA7850 For CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview The LA7850 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833, for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit that meets every requirement for CRT display use.

    EN1581E EN2770C LA7850 LA7850 LA7832, horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt 1581-4 LA7832 LA7851 29 CRT TV circuits PDF

    horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt

    Abstract: flyback TV sanyo phase shifter
    Text: Ordering number : EN1775B Monolithic Linear IC LA7851 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview The LA7851 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833 for vertical output use to form a sync deflection circuit that meets every requirement for CRT display use.

    EN1775B LA7851 LA7851 LA7832, horizontal and vertical deflection system of crt flyback TV sanyo phase shifter PDF


    Abstract: LA7852 monitor horizontal ic voltage slim tv circuit diagram and application note 27812 LA7832 equivalent
    Text: Ordering number: EN2781B Monolithic Linear IC LA7852 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview The LA7852 is a sync-deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832/7833, 7837/ 7838 for vertical output use to form a sync-deflection circuit

    EN2781B LA7852 LA7852 LA7832/7833, LA7853 monitor horizontal ic voltage slim tv circuit diagram and application note 27812 LA7832 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 32kHz VCO DEFINE
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1398 Bi-CMOS IC For NTSC/PAL Color TVs LV761132F Built-in CTV Microcontroller Video and Sound Processing ICs VIF/SIF/Y/C/Deflection/CbCr IN Overview The LV761132F series is a single-chip video and sound processor IC with a built-in microcontroller that supports all of the

    ENA1398 LV761132F LV761132F A1398-16/16 lv76113 32kHz VCO DEFINE PDF


    Abstract: sanyo horizontal output transistors 2sd1649 BU508A SANYO 2sd1710 TRANSISTORS SANYO BU508
    Text: SA0YO Transistors for TV Display Horizontal Deflection Output Use In recent years the development of new media has greatly changed the contents of information to be communicated and the amount of visual information has increased remarkably. For these circumstances Sanyo has developed horizontal deflection output-use

    OCR Scan
    T0-220ML T0-220MF Tc-25TC 2SD1159 2SD18 2SD1402 2SD1650 2SD1654 2SD1651 2SD1655 sanyo horizontal output transistors 2sd1649 BU508A SANYO 2sd1710 TRANSISTORS SANYO BU508 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAtfYO Transistors for TV Display Horizontal Deflection Output Use In recent years the development of new media has greatly changed the contents of information to be communicated and the amount of v isual inform ation has increased remarkably. For these circumstances Sanyo has developed horizontal deflection output-use

    OCR Scan
    T0-220ML 2SD1877 2SD1883 2SD1878 2SD1884 2SD1879 2SD1885 2SD1881 2SD1887 2SD2251 PDF


    Abstract: BU508A SANYO
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP BU508, 508A 12 E D ^ 7 ^ 707^ 0005401 r - 3 3 -// NPN Triple D iffused Planar Silicon Transistors 2022 Horizontal Output Applications Absolut« Kazlaia Batlngs at Ta=25°C Collector to Base Voltage CBO Collector to Emitter Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BU508, BU508 BU508A IS-126 1S-126A IS-20MA BU508B BU508A SANYO PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1710 BU508A SANYO 2SD1650 bu5080f 2SD1877 2SD1878 2SD1880 2sd1652 2SD1886
    Text: SAfíYO T r a n s i s t o r s f o r T V D i s p l a y H o r i z o n t a l D e f l e c t i o n O u t p u t Use In recent years the development of new media has greatly changed the contents of information to be communicated and the amount of visual information has increased remarkably. For these circumstances Sanyo has developed horizontal deflection output-use

    OCR Scan
    T0-220ML Tc-25 T0-220MF 2SD1876 2SD1882 2SD1877 2SD1883 2SD1878 2SD1884 2SD1879 bu5080 2SD1710 BU508A SANYO 2SD1650 bu5080f 2SD1880 2sd1652 2SD1886 PDF

    bu508a sanyo

    Abstract: BU508
    Text: SA^YO T r a n s i s t o r s f o r T V D i s p l a y H o r i z o n t a l D e f l e c t i o n O u t p u t Use In recent years the development of new media has greatly changed the contents of information to be communicated and the amount of visual information has increased remarkably. For these circumstances Sanyo has developed horizontal deflection output-use

    OCR Scan
    T0-220ML Ratings/Ta-25t 2SD1876 2SD1882 2SD1877 2SD1883 2SD1878 2SD1884 2SD1879 2SD1885 bu508a sanyo BU508 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2sD1880 D1879 sd1878
    Text: SAXYO TRANSISTO RS FOR CRT DISPLAY VIDEO O U TPUT A P PLICATIONS Transistors for High~Definition Monitor TV Applications Transistors for Video Output Applications The use of new technology, FBET Fold-Back Electrode Transistor and MBIT (Multi-Base Island Transistor), that are

    OCR Scan
    50MHz. MT921226TR NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 2SD1878 transistor 2sD1880 D1879 sd1878 PDF

    Diode 1525

    Abstract: 2SC4769 to220ml
    Text: s tu m Transistors for Very H igh~Definition CRT Display Horizontal Deflection Output Use 1 Transistors for CRT horizontal deflection output use must be of high-breakdown voltage, high-current, high-speed switching type to provide higher frequency. We have the following lineup of transistors for various uses.

    OCR Scan
    2SC3591 2SC4478 2SC444C 2SC4441 2SC3636 2SC3637 2SC3638 2SC3642 2SC3643 2SC3644 Diode 1525 2SC4769 to220ml PDF

    vertical IC tv crt

    Abstract: ic la 7833 la 7837 sawtooth wave generator IC LA 7837 IC LA7832 LA7832 LA7852 LA7853 x-ray inverter
    Text: Ordering number : EN 2873 Monolithic Linear 1C _ LA7853 CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit The LA7853 is a sync-deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display U B e. It can be connected to the LA7832,7833,7837,7838 for vertical output use to form a sync*deflection circuit th a t meets every

    OCR Scan
    LA7853 LA7853 LA7832 15kHz vertical IC tv crt ic la 7833 la 7837 sawtooth wave generator IC LA 7837 IC LA7832 LA7852 x-ray inverter PDF


    Abstract: bv9 transistor LA7B37 LA7832 LA7850 LA7852 LA7853 la7832.7833
    Text: Ordering number: EN 1581D Monolithic Linear IC N0.1581D LA7850 // CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit The LA7850 is a sync-deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832,7833,7837.7838 for vertical output use to form a sync*deflection circuit th a t m eets every

    OCR Scan
    1581D i58iD LA7850 LA7850 LA7832 15kHz LA7851 bv9 transistor LA7B37 LA7852 LA7853 la7832.7833 PDF

    LA7832 equivalent

    Abstract: crt monitor vertical ic voltage VU peak hold 2781B LA7832 IC LA 7837 LA7852 LA7853
    Text: Ordering number: EN2781B Monolithic Linear IC LA7852 No. 2781B SAiYO CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit I Overview Package Dimensions The LA7852 is a sync-deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832/7833, 7837/

    OCR Scan
    EN2781B 2781B LA7852 LA7852 LA7832/7833, LA7832 equivalent crt monitor vertical ic voltage VU peak hold 2781B LA7832 IC LA 7837 LA7853 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN2781B Monolithic Linear IC LA7852 No. 2781B CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit Overview Package Dimensions The LA7852 is a sync-deflection circuit IC dedicated to CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832/7833,7837/

    OCR Scan
    EN2781B LA7852 2781B LA7852 LA7832/7833 PDF