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    S2C55A Search Results

    S2C55A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i 82C55A CHMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE Compatible with all Intel and Most O tter Microprocessor» • Control Word Read-Back Capability . Direct Bit S .t /R .« t Capability and 80186/188 « & " » £ £ £ ''• * “ ‘' ° Port ° UtpUtS

    OCR Scan
    82C55A 40-Pin 44-Pin 2bl75 017b37E 82C55A 017b373 82c56 PDF

    SCR 131- 6 WJ 65

    Abstract: 82C55A-2 82C55AM 82g55a S55A 8255A 8255A intel microprocessor block diagram and pin ic 8255A intel 8255A ud 1803 IC
    Text: ir v to l. “ 82C55A CHMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE • Compatible with all Intel and Most Other Microprocessors . H W SpMd, 'Zero Walt State" Operation with 8 MHz 8086/88 and ■ ■ 80186/188 ■ Control Word Read-Back Capability r ■ “ " *

    OCR Scan
    82C55Ã 40-Pin 44-Pin 82C55A 017b373 SCR 131- 6 WJ 65 82C55A-2 82C55AM 82g55a S55A 8255A 8255A intel microprocessor block diagram and pin ic 8255A intel 8255A ud 1803 IC PDF

    SCR 131- 6 WJ 65

    Abstract: intel 80186 pin out 82C5SA ST 1803 HI
    Text: in t e i. “ 82C55Â CHMOS PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE Compatible with all Intel and Most Other Microprocessors Control Word Read-Back Capability High Speed, “Zero Walt State" Operation with 8 MHz 8086/88 and 80186/188 2.5 mA DC Drive Capability on all I/O

    OCR Scan
    82C55Ã 40-Pin 44-Pin 82C55A 017b373 SCR 131- 6 WJ 65 intel 80186 pin out 82C5SA ST 1803 HI PDF