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    S10VB20 83 Search Results

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    s4vb bridge rectifier

    Abstract: D15VBA60 S4VB rectifier 4 terminal bridge rectifier S4VB S5VB S5VB rectifier s4vb 10 38 D5FB20 s4vb 10 15 s4vb
    Text: RECTIFIER DIODES Low-frequency rectifying SQIP Bridge Diodes S15WB S10WB S3WB S20WB Input/Output in-line terminal Absolute Maximum Ratings VRM IO Type No. [V] S3WB20 60 S10WB20 60 S15WB20 60 S20WB20 60 200 600 200 600 200 600 200 600 Electrical Characteristics

    PDF S10WB S15WB S20WB S3WB20 S10WB20 S15WB20 S20WB20 S10WB S15WB s4vb bridge rectifier D15VBA60 S4VB rectifier 4 terminal bridge rectifier S4VB S5VB S5VB rectifier s4vb 10 38 D5FB20 s4vb 10 15 s4vb


    Abstract: D15VBA60 sivb s4vb bridge rectifier rectifier s1wb smd 1f SIVBA20 SMD 741 4 terminal bridge rectifier S4VB D25VB20
    Text: RECTIFIER DIODES Low frequency rectifying Single Diodes M1F 1F Absolute Maximum Ratings Type No. Color Code VRM M1F60 80 D1F20 60 60A D1N20 60 DINF60 D2F20 60 D3F60 D4F60 S2V20 60 S3V20 60 — — — — — — — — — — — — Red Blue Red Blue Tj

    PDF M1F60 D1F20 D1N20 DINF60 D2F20 D3F60 D4F60 S2V20 S3V20 D1CS20 SN30SC4 D15VBA60 sivb s4vb bridge rectifier rectifier s1wb smd 1f SIVBA20 SMD 741 4 terminal bridge rectifier S4VB D25VB20


    Abstract: s4vb s2vb s5vb20 S4VB20 S2VB20 s4vb 10
    Text: S Q IP B ridge Diodes Input/Output in-line terminal Absolute Maximum Ratings Type No. S3WB20 60 S10WB20 60 S15WB20 60 S20WB20 60 Vrm lo [V] 200 600 200 600 200 600 200 600 Electrical Characteristics S\l max (max) 0jp (max) Ca*a ] [*C/W] [•c /w ] [•c /w ]

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    PDF S3WB20 S10WB20 S15WB20 S20WB20 S20WB S2VB20 S4VB20 S5VB20 S10VB20 S16VB20 S5VB s4vb s2vb s4vb 10


    Abstract: S5VB s4vb SI0V S8VB20 s4vb 10 38 D7720 S50VB
    Text: mÊMSMBÊMm S3W B Input/Output in-line terminal Absolute Maximum Ratings Type No. Electrical Characteristics Tstg Tj Ir Vz max Condire (max) (min) (max) If V r = V rm [•c] [A ] C-o] [•o] [V ] [A] L“ A] [V ] [•c/w] 40* 120 - 4 0 - 150 1DU 1 •UD

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    PDF S3WB20 S10WB20 S19WB20 S20WB20 S2VB20 54VS20 S8VB20 S10VB20 S2BVB20 S60VB60 S5VB s4vb SI0V s4vb 10 38 D7720 S50VB

    s4vb bridge rectifier

    Abstract: B20 bridge rectifier S4VB rectifier S5VB rectifier s4vb S4VB20 S2VB* bridge S5VB20 33 S5VB
    Text: Rectifier Diodes Low frequency rectifying SQIP Bridge Diodes -1_ S3W B S10W B S20W B In p u t/O u tp u t in-line term inal A b so lu te M axim um Ratings E lectrical C hara cte ristics 8\I m ax d\a (m ax) 6\c (m ax) [* A ] [°C /W ] t°c/w ]

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    PDF S2VB20 S4VB20 S5VB20 S10VB20 S15VB20 S25VB20 S50VB60 S15VB S25VB s4vb bridge rectifier B20 bridge rectifier S4VB rectifier S5VB rectifier s4vb S2VB* bridge S5VB20 33 S5VB


    Abstract: S5VB20 33 Bridge diodes
    Text: R ectifier Diodes SQIP Bridge Diodes Input/O utput in-line term inal Electrical Characteristics Absolute M axim um Ratings Parts No. I fsm Tstg Tj [°C] [A] [°C] [°C] 40* 120 V rm lo Conditions [V] [A] 2.3 IR Vz 0jl 0ja ejc max Conditions (max) (min) (max)

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    PDF S3WB20 S10WB20 S15WB20 S20WB20 S2VB20 S4VB20 D5FB20 S5VB20 S10VB20 S15VB20 S5VB20 33 Bridge diodes