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    S-8423 SERIES Search Results

    S-8423 SERIES Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ALVCH16374TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD74BC573AFP Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74BC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ALVCH16245TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74AC125FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74AC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74ACT125TELL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74AC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    S-8423 SERIES Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SEIKO S-8423NFX
    Text: Rev.2.0 S-8423 Series BATTERY BACKUP IC The S-8423 Series is a CMOS IC designed for use in the switching circuits of main and backup power supplies of 3-V or 5-V operation microcomputers. It consists of two voltage regulators, three voltage detectors, a switchover circuit, and a control circuit. In addition to

    S-8423 S8423 SEIKO S-8423NFX PDF

    pin configuration of 4081

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER SUPPLY Conditional supply Final Order End of Dec., 2002 BATTERY BACKUP IC The S-8423 series is a switchover control IC for main and backup power supplies in 3 V/5 V microcontroller applications, and consists of two voltage regulators, a switchover

    S-8423 S-8423AFS-T2 S-8423LFS-T2 S-8423NFS-T2 pin configuration of 4081 PDF


    Abstract: CY2LL8423OI CY2LL8423ZC CY2LL8423ZCT CY2LL8423ZI CY2LL8423ZIT 4Y42 S11y
    Text: 8423 COMLINK SERIES CY2LL8423 High Drive Dual 2-Channel LVDS Repeater/Mux Features Description • ANSI TIA/EIA-644-1995 compliant • Designed for data rates to > 650 Mbps = 325 MHz • Single 2x2 with high drive output drivers — Low Voltage Differential Signaling with output voltages of ± 350 mV into 50-ohm load version (Bus

    CY2LL8423 TIA/EIA-644-1995 50-ohm 28-pin CY2LL8423 CY2LL8423OI CY2LL8423ZC CY2LL8423ZCT CY2LL8423ZI CY2LL8423ZIT 4Y42 S11y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8423 COMLINK SERIES CY2LL8423 High Drive Dual 2-Channel LVDS Repeater/Mux Features Description • ANSI TIA/EIA-644-1995 compliant • Designed for data rates to > 650 Mbps = 325 MHz • Single 2x2 with high drive output drivers — Low Voltage Differential Signaling with output voltages of ± 350 mV into 50-ohm load version (Bus

    CY2LL8423 TIA/EIA-644-1995 50-ohm 28-pin CY2LL8423 PDF


    Abstract: SC82-AB
    Text: MITSUMI CMOS System Reset IC with Delay Time Circuit PST83XX, 84XX Series CMOS System Reset IC with Delay Time Circuit Monolithic IC PST83XX, 84XX Series May 21, 2009 Outline In various CPU systems or other logic systems, when the time of a power supply injection and a power supply are

    PST83XX, PST83XX. PST84XX. pst84 SC82-AB PDF


    Abstract: PST84 84xx 8309 battery 26650 8420 SC-82AB 83XX Series PST83XX 8446 IC circuit diagram
    Text: MITSUMI CMOS System Reset IC with Delay Time Circuit PST83XX, 84XX Series CMOS System Reset IC with Delay Time Circuit Monolithic IC PST83XX, 84XX Series May 21, 2009 Outline In various CPU systems or other logic systems, when the time of a power supply injection and a power supply are

    PST83XX, PST84XX PST84 84xx 8309 battery 26650 8420 SC-82AB 83XX Series PST83XX 8446 IC circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors BPV 23 NF Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23NF is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs on GaAs and GaAlAs on

    BPV23NF D-74025 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUMI CMOS System Reset IC with Delay Time Circuit PST83XX, 84XX Series CMOS System Reset IC with Delay Time Circuit Monolithic IC PST83XX, 84XX Series May 21, 2009 Outline In various CPU systems or other logic systems, when the time of a power supply injection and a power supply are



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors BPV 23 NFL Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23NFL is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens and extra long leads. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally

    BPV23NFL D-74025 PDF


    Abstract: 950nm
    Text: TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors BPV 23 NF Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23NF is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs on GaAs and GaAlAs on GaAlAs

    BPV23NF D-74025 950nm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUMI CMOS System Reset IC with Delay Time Circuit PST83XX, 84XX Series CMOS System Reset IC with Delay Time Circuit Monolithic IC PST83XX, 84XX Series May 21, 2009 Outline In various CPU systems or other logic systems, when the time of a power supply injection and a power supply are

    PST83XX, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors BPV 21 F Silicon PIN Photodiode Description 94 8387 BPV21F is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plasic package with a cylindrical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs/GaAlAs IR emitters

    BPV21F D-74025 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors BPV 23 F Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23F is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs/GaAlAs IR emitters

    BPV23F D-74025 PDF


    Abstract: BPV21FL BPV23FL
    Text: BPV21F L Vishay Telefunken Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV21F(L) is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plasic package with a cylindrical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs/GaAlAs IR emitters

    BPV21F D-74025 16-Nov-99 BPV21FL BPV23FL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BPV23NF Vishay Telefunken Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23NF is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs on GaAs and GaAlAs on GaAlAs IR

    BPV23NF BPV23NF D-74025 20-May-99 PDF


    Abstract: BPV23FL
    Text: BPV23F L Vishay Semiconductors Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23F(L) is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs/GaAlAs IR emitters (l p = 950 nm)

    BPV23F D-74025 16-Nov-99 BPV23FL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BPV23NF Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23NF is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs on GaAs and GaAlAs on GaAlAs IR

    BPV23NF BPV23NF D-74025 15-Jul-96 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BPV23F Vishay Telefunken Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23F is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs/GaAlAs IR emitters l p = 950 nm

    BPV23F BPV23F D-74025 20-May-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BPV23F L Vishay Telefunken Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23F(L) is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs/GaAlAs IR emitters (l p = 950 nm)

    BPV23F D-74025 16-Nov-99 PDF


    Abstract: VR-10V
    Text: BPV23F Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23F is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs/GaAlAs IR emitters l p = 950 nm .

    BPV23F BPV23F 950the D-74025 15-Jul-96 VR-10V PDF

    ic 4081 pin diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ►UNDER DEVELOPMENT S-8423 Series BATTERY BACKUP IC The S-8423 Series is a CMOS 1C designed for use in th e sw itching circuits of m ain and backup m icrocom puters. po w e r su p p lie s of 3-V o p e ra tio n It consists of tw o voltage regulators, three voltage

    OCR Scan
    S-8423 10//F 10/iF ic 4081 pin diagram PDF

    pec 2449

    Abstract: ic 4081 pin diagram
    Text: Section 3.3 3 VOLT BATTERY BACKUP IC • Description The S-8423 Series is a CMOS 1C designed for use in the switching dircuits of main and backup power supplies of 3V operation microcomputers. It consists of two regulators, three detectors, a switchover circuit, and a control circuit. In addition to being able to switch from primary to

    OCR Scan
    S-8423 8-29ji 50jiA pec 2449 ic 4081 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: SK137 nixie SK137 B-8091 SK112 b8091 nixie tubes SK130 B6091 B-7037
    Text: SUPER Designed fo r N I X I E I N D I C A T O R T U B E S B-6091 w ide angle viewing. Use f o r desk top displays and bench test equipm ent. Character S iz e . 0 .8 " V iew in g D is ta n c e .38 .0 ' LA R G E Designed

    OCR Scan
    B-6091) B-8091) B-7037) B-6091 B-8091 SK112 SK130 B-8091 SK137 B-7037 nixie SK137 nixie SK137 b8091 nixie tubes SK130 B6091 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BPV23FL y m m f _ ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon PIN Photodiode Description BPV23FL is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiode in a plastic package with a spherical side view lens. The epoxy package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to GaAs or GaAs/GaAIAs IR emit­

    OCR Scan
    BPV23FL BPV23FL 20-May-99 PDF