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    Texas Instruments BQ25620RYKR

    Battery Management I C controlled 1-cel l 3.5-A buck battery
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics BQ25620RYKR 2,971
    • 1 $3.69
    • 10 $2.75
    • 100 $2.2
    • 1000 $1.76
    • 10000 $1.5
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    Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co Kg GDML 2016 LED 120 VR YE Black

    Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GDML 2016 LED 120 VR YE Black 20
    • 1 $16.68
    • 10 $14.46
    • 100 $11.92
    • 1000 $11.12
    • 10000 $11.12
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    Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co Kg GML 209 NJ LED 24 VR YE Black

    Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GML 209 NJ LED 24 VR YE Black 2
    • 1 $15.86
    • 10 $13.74
    • 100 $11.33
    • 1000 $10.57
    • 10000 $10.57
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    Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co Kg GML 209 NJ LED 24 VR YE Grey

    Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GML 209 NJ LED 24 VR YE Grey
    • 1 $15.1
    • 10 $13.09
    • 100 $10.79
    • 1000 $10.06
    • 10000 $10.06
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    Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co Kg GML 209 NJ LED 120 VR YE Black

    Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GML 209 NJ LED 120 VR YE Black
    • 1 $15.2
    • 10 $13.48
    • 100 $11.75
    • 1000 $10.02
    • 10000 $10.02
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    RY 620 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rEHEPATOPHblM TETPOfl ry-78B TETRODE r eHepaTopHbiü TeTpofl ry -7 8 B npe,qHa3HaHeH \nn ycuneHun moihhoctm b ycunuTennx c pacnpefleneHHbiM ycnneHneM m ycunuTe/m x OflHononocHoro cur- Hana Ha nacTOTax ,qo 250 Ml~4 b paflnoTexHMHecKnx yCTpOMCTBaX npOM3BOflCTBeHHO-TeXHMHeCKOrO Ha3-

    OCR Scan
    ry-78B ry-78B MA2200 PDF


    Abstract: MC68360 MPC860 MPC860T MPC860TZP33 MPC860TZP50
    Text: RY 11/97 REV. 0.4 IN A MPC860T Fast Ethernet Controller PR EL IM Supplement to the MPC860 PowerQUICC User’s Manual RY A IN IM EL PR Motorola Inc. 1997. All rights reserved. Portions hereof © International Business Machines Corp. 1991–1997. All rights reserved.

    MPC860T MPC860 MPC860T MC68160 MC68360 MPC860TZP33 MPC860TZP50 PDF


    Abstract: MC68360 MPC860 MPC860T MPC860TZP33 MPC860TZP50
    Text: RY 06/98 REV. 0.6 IN A MPC860T Fast Ethernet Controller PR EL IM Supplement to the MPC860 PowerQUICCª UserÕs Manual RY A IN IM EL PR Motorola Inc. 1997. All rights reserved. Portions hereof © International Business Machines Corp. 1991Ð1997. All rights reserved.

    MPC860T MPC860 MPC860T MC68160 MC68360 MPC860TZP33 MPC860TZP50 PDF


    Abstract: Z8016 AD0-AD15 AD10 AD11 Z8000 Z8010 Z8016A Z8010-MMU Z8016APS
    Text: Z8000 Z 8016 Z-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller 7:1 « IW Product Specification ÿ A pril 1985 • M e m o ry -to -p e rip h e ra l tra n s fe rs u p to 2.6 6M b y te s pe r seco nd at 4 M Hz. ■ M e m o ry -to -m e m o ry tra n s fe rs up to 1.33M b y te s per

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    Z8000Â Z8016 Z8016A 48-pin Z8016PS Z8016CS Z8016PE Z8016CE Z8015 AD0-AD15 AD10 AD11 Z8000 Z8010 Z8010-MMU Z8016APS PDF


    Abstract: 14532B/BEAJC
    Text: lg M O T O R O L A 8-B IT P R IO R IT Y ENCODER L SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 620 The M C 14532B is c o n s tru c te d w ith c o m p le m e n ta ry MOS CM OS) e n h ancem ent m ode devices. T h e p rim a ry fu n c tio n o f a p r i­ o r it y enco der is to p ro v id e a b in a ry address fo r th e a ctive in p u t w ith

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    14532B 14532B/BEAJC PDF

    vcd IC

    Abstract: 93425
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA M ilita ry 9 3 4 2 5 T T L 10 24 x 1-Bit R a n d o m A c c e s s M e m o ry The 93425 is a 1024-bit R ead/W rite RAM , orga n ized 1024 w o rd s b y 1 bit. The 93425 is desig n ed fo r h ig h p e rfo rm a n ce m a in m e m o ry and c o n tro l s to r­

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    1024-bit vcd IC 93425 PDF


    Abstract: CMOS 4560 motorola 14560b ic 4560 BCD adder ceramic case 632 MC14560 sAC 648 motorola McMOS Handbook MC14559B MC14560B
    Text: r MOTOROLA M C14558B BCD TO-SEVEN SEGMENT DECODER L SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 620 The M C 1 4 5 5 8 B decodes 4 -b it b in a ry coded decim al data depen ­ d e n t on the state o f a u x ilia ry in p u ts , Enable and R B I, and provides an active-hfgh seven-segment o u tp u t fo r a display driver.

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    MC14558B MC14562B 16--Pulse MC14561 CMOS 4560 motorola 14560b ic 4560 BCD adder ceramic case 632 MC14560 sAC 648 motorola McMOS Handbook MC14559B MC14560B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA BCD TO-SEVEN SEGMENT DECODER L SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 620 T h e M C 1 4 5 5 8 B decodes 4 -b it b in a ry code d decim al data dep en­ d e n t on th e state o f a u x ilia ry in p u ts . Enable and R B I, and provides an a ctive-high seven-segment o u tp u t fo r a display d river.

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    MC14558B PDF

    LCD CMC 116 L01

    Abstract: tr/LCD CMC 116 L01
    Text: CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE 1.1 Features O Reduced EMI Electro Magnetic Interference noise compared to the existing ¿¡PD78064 subseries O On-chip high-capacity ROM and RAM Type P ro g ra m M e m o ry P a rt N u m b e r (R O M ) ,u P D 78 064 B 3 2 K b yte s D a ta M e m o ry

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    PD78064 LCD CMC 116 L01 tr/LCD CMC 116 L01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECH N IC AL DATA MCM10415-15 MCM10415-20 M ECL 1024-BIT R A N D O M ACCESS M EM O RY 1024 x 1-BIT RAN DO M A C C ESS M EM O RY The M C M 10415 is a 1024-bit Read/Write Random A ccess M e m ­ ory organized 1024 w ord s by 1 bit. Data is selected or stored by

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    MCM10415-15 MCM10415-20 1024-BIT 10-bit PDF


    Abstract: v744 74LS283 truth table 74LS283 dip LS83A
    Text: M O T O R O L A SN54/74LS83A D E S C R IP T IO N — T he S N 5 4 L S /7 4 L S 8 3 A is a h ig h -s p e e d 4 - B it B in a ry F u ll A d d e r w ith in te rn a l c a rry lookahead. It accep ts tw o 4 - b it bin a ry w o rd s A i — A 4 , B i — B 4 a n d a C a rry In p u t (C o)-It g e n e ra te s th e b in a ry

    OCR Scan
    SN54LS/74LS83A SN54LS/74LS283 SN54/74LS83A 74LS83A v744 74LS283 truth table 74LS283 dip LS83A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA M ilita ry 6 2 0 6 Advance Information 3 2 K x 8 B it Fast S ta tic Random Access M e m o ry È àbâ M P0 m in i T h e 6 2 0 6 is a 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 bit static ra n d o m access m e m o ry o rg a n iz e d as 3 2 ,768 w o rd s o f 8 bits, fab ric ate d using M o to ro la 's th ird -g e n e ra tio n h ig h -p e rfo rm a n c e

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g M O TO R O LA 2-BIT BY 2-BIT PAR ALLEL B IN A R Y M U LT IP L IE R L SU FFIX T h e M C 1 4 5 5 4 B 2 x 2 -b it pa ra lle l b in a ry m u ltip lie r is c o n s tru c te d C E R A M IC CA S E 620 w ith c o m p le m e n ta ry MOS (CM O S) e n h ancem ent m o d e devices. T he

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MCM2102L1 MCM2102P
    Text: MCM2102L/L1/L2 MCM2102P/P1/P2 1 0 2 4 - B IT S T A T I C R A N D O M MOS A C C ESS M EM O RY The M C M 2 1 0 2 is a 1024-bit random access m e m o ry fab ricated w ith high-density, high-reliability, N-channel, silicon-gate techno log y. F o r ease of use, the device operates fro m a single p ow er supply, is

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    MCM2102L/L1/L2 MCM2102P/P1/P2 1024-BIT MCM2102 MCM2102L1/P1 MCM2102L2/P2) MCM2102L/P) MCM2102L WICM2102L1 MC7400 MCM2102L1 MCM2102P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM10147 MECL 128 x 1-BIT RANDOM ACCESS M EM O RY 128-BIT RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY T h e M C M 1 0 1 4 7 is a 1 2 8 -w o r d x 1 -b it R e a d /W r ite R a n d o m Access M e m o ry . D a ta is accessed o r s to re d b y m eans o f a 7 -b it address

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    MCM10147 128-BIT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY CYPRESS C Y7B 9514V 3.3V Quad SONET Transceiver • Tran sition b etw een R E F C L K s is slo w ed to p reven t data re co ve ry erro rs Features S O N E T /S D H and ATM C o m p a tib le • S in g le + 3 .3 V ± 1 0 % su p p ly C lo ck and d ata re co ve ry from 5 1 .84- o r 15 5.52 -M H z

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    100-p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M ilita ry 5 4L S 193 m otorola 4 -B it Up/Dow n B inary C o unter W ith C lear ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/31508 M PO //# # # // T h e 5 4L S 1 9 3 is an U P /D O W N M O D U LO -16 B ina ry C ounter. S e p ara te C o u n t U p and C ou n t D ow n C lo cks are used and in e ithe r

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/31508 PHL10 tpHL11 tpHL12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RU 12.5mmL MAX. series RY Laminated case series. 12.5mmL MAX. height. High Temperature RU Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range —40~+85°C 6.3V~400V , —25~+85°C(450V) Rated Voltage Range

    120Hz, applicatio22 120Hz 120Hz 300Hz 8100Q h9806 PDF


    Abstract: 68 UF 450V nichicon 1000uf 450v nichicon 6800 electrolytic 63v
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RU 12.5mmL MAX. series RY Laminated case series. 12.5mmL MAX. height. High Temperature RU Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range - 40~+85°C 6.3V~400V , - 25~+85°C(450V) Rated Voltage Range

    120Hz, 120Hz 300Hz 8100Q-1 h9806 68 UF 450V nichicon 1000uf 450v nichicon 6800 electrolytic 63v PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA MC14558B CMOS M SI BCD TO-SEVEN SEGMENT DECODER L O W P O W E R C O M P L E M E N T A R Y M O S T h e M C 1 4 5 5 8 B decodes 4-bit b in a ry coded decim al d ata d ep en ­ d en t o n the state o f a u x ilia ry inp uts. E n a b le and R B I , and provides an

    OCR Scan
    MC14558B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RU 12.5mmL MAX. series RY Laminated case series. 12.5mmL MAX. height. High Temperature RU Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Operating Temperature Range – 40 ~ + 85°C 6.3V ~ 400V , – 25 ~ + 85°C (450V) Voltage Range

    120Hz, 120Hz 120Hz 300Hz 8100N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RU 12.5mmL MAX. series RY 12.5mmL MAX. height. High Temperature RU Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range – 40 ~ + 85°C 6.3V ~ 400V , – 25 ~ + 85°C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 ~ 450V

    120Hz, 120Hz 120Hz 300Hz 8100S PDF

    marking P16

    Abstract: E678-32B H7260 R5900F-L16 R5900FL16

    R5900F-L16 TPMHC0201EA R5900FL16 SE-171-41 TPMH1268E04 marking P16 E678-32B H7260 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RU 12.5mmL MAX. series RY 12.5mmL MAX. height. High Temperature RU Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range – 40 ~ + 85°C 6.3V ~ 400V , – 25 ~ + 85°C (450V) Rated Voltage Range 6.3 ~ 450V

    120Hz, 120Hz 120Hz 300Hz 8100R-1 PDF