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    RTL DECADE COUNTER Search Results

    RTL DECADE COUNTER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    HCS161DMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Synchronous Counter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HCS161KMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Synchronous Counter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HCS161HMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Synchronous Counter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    54FCT161ATEB Renesas Electronics Corporation SYNCHRONOUS BIN COUNTER Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    54FCT163ADB Renesas Electronics Corporation SYNCHRONOUS BIN COUNTER Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RTL DECADE COUNTER Datasheets Context Search

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    digital clock using logic gates

    Abstract: uart vhdl fpga virtex 6 design 12 Hour Digital Clock using multiplexer XC40250XV XCV100 XCV1000 XCV150 XCV200 XCV300 XCV400
    Text: The Xilinx VirtexTM Series: Redefining FPGAs A Product Backgrounder Introduction The new Xilinx Virtex series, now shipping, fundamentally redefines programmable logic by expanding the traditional capabilities of field programmable gate arrays FPGAs to include a powerful set of



    Abstract: Simple Circuit Diagram For Digital Weighing Scale
    Text: -. ANALOG WDEVICES PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL HighResolution, DualSlopeAID Converter DATA FEATURES Output Versatility With External Counters and Registers High Resolution Up to 1:20,000 ADC1105K Up to 1:2,000 (ADC1105J) Excellent Zero Stability User Choice of Input Ranges

    ADC1105K) ADC1105J) ADCll05 ADCll05K 14-Bit T1-L10 Simple Circuit Diagram For Digital Weighing Scale PDF


    Abstract: rtl micrologic 900 fairchild rtl Fairchild DTL 936 rtl nand gate 926 rtl micrologic fairchild micrologic 960 rtl inverter 4 bit binary half adder
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL RTL/CTL DEVICE NO. Logic/Connection Diagram Package s Buffer F8 3F.5B 14 913 D Flip-Flop F6 3F.5B Counter Adapter F18 3F.5B 15 914 Dual 2-NOR F13 3F.5B 3 902 Flip-Flop F19 3F,5B 16 915 Dual 3-NOR F14 3F.5F 4 903 3-Input NOR F9 3F,5B 17 921

    OCR Scan

    half adder

    Abstract: micrologic rtl micrologic UJ 9A 930 dtl fairchild micrologic 946 dtl "Monostable Multivibrator" DTL Fairchild rs-flip-flop
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL M. t / ^ RTL/CTL FAIRCHILD^RTL MICROLOGIC AND CTL COUNTING MICROLOGIC ELEMENTS c o cC E a c & o o> O w Ì5 Û si c o LU Q. Z Ü «I 4 O 5 ° ui z Q o7 C o ) C H UI z 3J4 913 a ° 5> o <A a> O a o tatoo Buffer J Ò2 901 Counter Adapter F18

    OCR Scan

    rtl micrologic 900

    Abstract: fairchild 946 HALF ADDER fairchild rtl DTL Fairchild 946 DTL Fairchild 930 Fairchild 958 counter rtl decade counter RTL DTL logic 937 fairchild
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL RTL/CTL DEVICE NO. Logic/Connection Diagram Package s Buffer F8 3F.5B 14 913 D Flip-Flop F6 3F.5B Counter Adapter F18 3F.5B 15 914 Dual 2-NOR F13 3F.5B 3 902 Flip-Flop F19 3F,5B 16 915 Dual 3-NOR F14 3F.5F 4 903 3-Input NOR F9 3F,5B 17 921

    OCR Scan
    Flip-Flop12 rtl micrologic 900 fairchild 946 HALF ADDER fairchild rtl DTL Fairchild 946 DTL Fairchild 930 Fairchild 958 counter rtl decade counter RTL DTL logic 937 fairchild PDF

    fairchild rtl

    Abstract: 930 dtl DTL Fairchild 930 HALF ADDER fairchild 944 DTL Fairchild 945 944 dtl rtl micrologic DTL Logic nor gate Dtl 937
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL RTL/CTL DEVICE NO. Logic/Connection Diagram Package s Buffer F8 3F.5B 14 913 D Flip-Flop F6 3F.5B Counter Adapter F18 3F.5B 15 914 Dual 2-NOR F13 3F.5B 3 902 Flip-Flop F19 3F,5B 16 915 Dual 3-NOR F14 3F.5F 4 903 3-Input NOR F9 3F,5B 17 921

    OCR Scan

    fairchild 946

    Abstract: 930 dtl fairchild rtl DTL Fairchild 930 rtl micrologic 900 dtl 930 Fairchild 936 DTL Fairchild rtl micrologic fairchild 932
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL RTL/CTL DEVICE NO. Logic/Connection Diagram Package s Buffer F8 3F.5B 14 913 D Flip-Flop F6 3F.5B Counter Adapter F18 3F.5B 15 914 Dual 2-NOR F13 3F.5B 3 902 Flip-Flop F19 3F,5B 16 915 Dual 3-NOR F14 3F.5F 4 903 3-Input NOR F9 3F,5B 17 921

    OCR Scan
    Flip-Flop01CCB 03004BCB 03004CCB 03005BCB 03005CCB 30001BAC 30001CAC 30003BAB 30003BAC 30003CAB fairchild 946 930 dtl fairchild rtl DTL Fairchild 930 rtl micrologic 900 dtl 930 Fairchild 936 DTL Fairchild rtl micrologic fairchild 932 PDF

    fairchild 946

    Abstract: DTL Fairchild 946 946 dtl DTL Fairchild 930 Fairchild 958 counter Fairchild DTL 936 JM38510 Fairchild 937 fairchild fairchild 937 DTL Fairchild 945
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL RTL/CTL DEVICE NO. Logic/Connection Diagram Package s Buffer F8 3F.5B 14 913 D Flip-Flop F6 3F.5B Counter Adapter F18 3F.5B 15 914 Dual 2-NOR F13 3F.5B 3 902 Flip-Flop F19 3F,5B 16 915 Dual 3-NOR F14 3F.5F 4 903 3-Input NOR F9 3F,5B 17 921

    OCR Scan

    4 bit binary full adder and subtractor

    Abstract: full subtractor half subtractor 9824 motorola Inverter GH RTL integrated circuits A993C mOTOROLA mhtl gh902 MOTOROLA mRTL
    Text: MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 900 Series 800 Series This series of RTL integrated circuits is designed to exceed the old 700 and the old 800 series’ electrical characteristics. This has been accomplished by combining the critical electrical parameters of

    OCR Scan
    -10-LEAD -14-LEAD -16-LEAD QQQ0561 4 bit binary full adder and subtractor full subtractor half subtractor 9824 motorola Inverter GH RTL integrated circuits A993C mOTOROLA mhtl gh902 MOTOROLA mRTL PDF

    half adder

    Abstract: fairchild rtl DTL Fairchild 945 930 DTL Fairchild 958 Fairchild 958 counter rtl micrologic 900 micrologic 945 dtl DIGITAL-DTL
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-DTL G18 945, 948 G17 941, 951 Vcc = Pin 14 G N D = Pin 7 G20 9111 G19 950 □ w 14 J 1 3 J1 2 FF s 13 c □ 10 □ 8 •T h e s e inputs are cap a citiv ely c oup led. V cc = Pin 14 G N D = Pin 7 Vcc = Pin 14 G N D = Pin 7

    OCR Scan
    F18er half adder fairchild rtl DTL Fairchild 945 930 DTL Fairchild 958 Fairchild 958 counter rtl micrologic 900 micrologic 945 dtl DIGITAL-DTL PDF

    fairchild rtl

    Abstract: half adder Fairchild 958 counter rtl micrologic 900 rtl decade counter rtl nand gate Fairchild 958 dtl 960 DTL Fairchild 945 rtl micrologic
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS F1 908 8 5 i 'a RESET 2 W 5 «C z9 ' C □ «. < 8 3 16 C Za o •rr + GATE F23 960 < o o F22 959 F21 958, 959 3 « Z7 2 C 3 ,5 u □ '* 'd z5 3 C 314 '8 313 zd Z3 ‘• C 3 , 3 ZB zc z, 5 C 3 ,2 Z6 3 " 'c 'i eQ 3 ,1 z4

    OCR Scan

    fairchild micrologic 960

    Abstract: fairchild 946 HALF ADDER Fairchild 936 dtl 946 DTL Fairchild 946 rtl decade counter fairchild 937 Dtl 937 micrologic
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-DTL G7 1812 G8 9157, 9158 □ □ □ " G9 933 ¡ 3 14 ,4 13 12 * L 3C 4L 3 J10 sL 7L Vcc = Pin 14 G N D = Pin 7 N o c o n n ec tio n req uired to V g c P in 1 4 . Vcc = Pin 14 G N D = Pin 7 G10 946, 949 Vcc = Pin 14

    OCR Scan

    half adder ic

    Abstract: dtl 946 ic 4 bit binary half adder IC 930 dtl DTL Fairchild 930 half adder fairchild rtl micrologic 944 dtl rtl decade counter
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-DTL G1 930, 932 944, 961 1800,1801 J14 c - 2L - J13 3L- □ « C -i G3 1804, 1805 G2 1802, 1803 12 W J1 4 1C 2 C □ ’3 3 C □ 12 n □ •C- 10 □ ,4 1C □ ,3 3C □ ,2 4C □ » □ io □ 10 eC e d 7L Vcc = Pin 14

    OCR Scan

    DTL Fairchild 946

    Abstract: DTL Fairchild 930 rtl decade counter Fairchild 936 fairchild 946 Fairchild 958 counter fairchild micrologic 960 micrologic 946 dtl 930 dtl
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-DTL G7 1812 G8 9157, 9158 □ ,4 □ 13 □ 12 G9 933 ¡ 3 14 * L 3 C 4L 3 " J10 sL 7L Vcc = Pin 14 G N D = Pin 7 N o c o n n ec tio n req uired to V g c P in 1 4 . Vcc = Pin 14 G N D = Pin 7 G10 946, 949 Vcc = Pin 14

    OCR Scan

    7476 up down counter

    Abstract: 7476 counter 74LS CD4029BC CD4029BCN CD4029BCSJ CD4029BCWM M16B M16D MS-001
    Text: Revised January 1999 E M IC O N D U C T G R T M CD4029BC Presettable Binary/Decade Up/Down Counter General Description m axim um count in the “up” m ode o r the minim um count in the “dow n” mode provided th e carry input is at logical “0” state.

    OCR Scan
    CD4029BC CD4029BC 7476 up down counter 7476 counter 74LS CD4029BCN CD4029BCSJ CD4029BCWM M16B M16D MS-001 PDF

    BCD adder and subtractor

    Abstract: half adder 9824 motorola RTL integrated circuits bcd subtractor rtl decade counter motorola 986 916-C 9813 90GG
    Text: *91 MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 900 Series 800 Series This series of RTL integrated circuits is designed to exceed the old 700 and the old 800 series' electrical characteristics. This has been accomplished by combining the critical electrical parameters of

    OCR Scan
    -10-LEAD -14-LEAD -16-LEAD 14-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD BCD adder and subtractor half adder 9824 motorola RTL integrated circuits bcd subtractor rtl decade counter motorola 986 916-C 9813 90GG PDF

    half adder

    Abstract: 930 dtl micrologic rs-flip-flop rtl nand gate dtl 946 fairchild micrologic rtl micrologic Fairchild 958 counter rtl decade counter
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL JSX "b ' ^ FAIRCHILD^HTL Package s 913 D Flip-Flop F6 3F.5B Description Logic/Connection Diagram \ k' Logic/Connection Diagram o7(C\ m i c r o l o g i c a n d c t l c o u n t i n g m ic r o l o g ic e l e m e n t s Description Q> DEVICE

    OCR Scan

    full subtractor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32E D LA NS D A L E S E M I C O N D U C T O R • 5 3 ^ 6 0 3 00D0353 1 BILTE T-43-01 MAXIMUM RATINGS RTL MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 900 Series 800 Series Rating This series of MRTL integrated circuits is designed to exceed the old 700 and the old 800 series' electrical

    OCR Scan
    00D0353 T-43-01 14-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD 24-LEAD full subtractor PDF


    Abstract: 662T 663T expandable dual 4 input NAND ON+Semiconductor+660T 685t
    Text: Rating MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 660T Series These HTL integrated circuits are especially designed to meet the requirem ents of ind ustrial a pp lications because of the ir outstanding noise immunity. These circuits provide error-free operation in high noise environments far

    OCR Scan
    660T/C 676T/E 677T/E 678T/E 679T/C 680T/C 681T/C 682T/E 683T/C 684T/E 660T 662T 663T expandable dual 4 input NAND ON+Semiconductor+660T 685t PDF


    Abstract: ON Semiconductor 660T rtl nand gate htl inverter 660t on B 660T 663T rtl inverter htl schmitt 6-63T
    Text: Rating MOTOROLA INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 660T Series These HTL integrated circuits are especially designed to meet the re q uirem en ts of in d ustria l a pp lica tio n s because of the ir outstanding noise immunity. These circuits provide error-free operation

    OCR Scan
    14-LEAD -16-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD 24-LEAD 660T ON Semiconductor 660T rtl nand gate htl inverter 660t on B 660T 663T rtl inverter htl schmitt 6-63T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m doo M INTEGRATED CIRCUITS m GSHS'O'O, MC800 Series 0 to +75<>C MC900 Series (-5 5 to +125.°C) NEW MRTL AND mW MRTL The new M RTL and mW M RTL 800 Series described in this selector quide are now designed to exceed both the o ld MC700 and the o ld MC800 Series

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    MC800 MC900 MC700 MC909 MC910 PDF


    Abstract: MC672 mOTOROLA mhtl MC684 MC660 MC668 MC679 mc661 MHTL MC660 Series MC675
    Text: MHTL M CóóO Series -30 to-70°o M o to ro la 's M H T L in te g ra te d c irc u its are especially designed to m ee t th e re q u ire m e n ts o f in d u s tria l a p p li­ ca tio n s because o f th e o u ts ta n d in g noise im m u n ity . M H T L c irc u its p ro v id e e rro r-fre e o p e ra tio n in high

    OCR Scan
    MC660 pullup10 MC660L MC660P mc667 MC672 mOTOROLA mhtl MC684 MC668 MC679 mc661 MHTL MC660 Series MC675 PDF

    Simple Circuit Diagram For Digital Weighing Scale

    Abstract: simple analog Weighing Scale Circuit 11.05j Digital Weighing Scale schematic resistor arry ADC1105 ADC1105J ADC1105K 15nd 1105J
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES High Linearity, High Resolution, Dual Slope A/D Converter FEA TUR ES Ultra-High Linearity Nonlinearity < ± 1 Count Output Versatility With External Counters and Registers High Resolution Up to 1:40,000 (A DC 1105K) Up to 1:4,000 (ADC1105J)

    OCR Scan
    ADC1105K) ADC1105J) ADC1105 ADC1105K ADC1105J 14-Bit Simple Circuit Diagram For Digital Weighing Scale simple analog Weighing Scale Circuit 11.05j Digital Weighing Scale schematic resistor arry 15nd 1105J PDF

    NEC Vacuum Fluorescent Display

    Abstract: fip5 Seven-Segment Vacuum Fluorescent Display 32 PIN vacuum fluorescent display Two Digit counter ICM7207 ICM7236 ICM7236IPL ICM723C vacuumfluorescent
    Text: IC M 7 2 3 C 4 1/2-Digit C o u n te i W ith V a c u u m F lu o r e s c e n l S t a t ic D is p la y D riv e rs FEATURES DESCRIPTION • High frequency counting—guaranteed 15MHz, typically 25MHz at 5V • Low power operation—less than 100pW quiescent • Direct 4 1/2-digit seven-segment display drive for

    OCR Scan
    15MHz, 25MHz 100pW 41/2-digit ICM7236 NEC Vacuum Fluorescent Display fip5 Seven-Segment Vacuum Fluorescent Display 32 PIN vacuum fluorescent display Two Digit counter ICM7207 ICM7236 ICM7236IPL ICM723C vacuumfluorescent PDF