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    Texas Instruments TPS7A8901RTJR

    LDO Voltage Regulators 2-A low-noise high -accuracy dual-chan A 595-TPS7A8901RTJT
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TPS7A8901RTJR 6,119
    • 1 $3.56
    • 10 $2.46
    • 100 $2.22
    • 1000 $1.97
    • 10000 $1.9
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    Texas Instruments TPS7A8901RTJT

    LDO Voltage Regulators 2-A low-noise high -accuracy dual-chan A 595-TPS7A8901RTJR
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TPS7A8901RTJT 2,663
    • 1 $5.19
    • 10 $3.66
    • 100 $3.32
    • 1000 $2.66
    • 10000 $2.66
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    RT 8901 Datasheets Context Search

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    ysi 44031

    Abstract: YSI 44018 YSI 400 thermistor mt 1389 de YSI 400 yellow springs thermistor 44907 YSI 44006 YSI 44007 YSI 4600 Precision Thermometer 44907 thermistor
    Text: YSI Precision Thermistors & Probes Introduction Thermistor Components Special Test Services Configure to Order Probes YSI 400 and 700 Series Reusable Probes YSI 4600 Precision Thermometers Technical Information Thermistors at YSI YSI developed the first interchangeable thermistor



    Abstract: ATI Lead Free reflow soldering profile BGA 90023-AS 90022-AS LCD 90026 540-99-044-24-000 111-93-308-41-001 540-99-084-24-000-1 IP0002 41013 mounting clip dimensions
    Text: Staying tough at the top When it comes to professional connecting devices with machined precision contacts read: ICsockets, PCB connectors and allied products you can consider Preci-Dip as one of the top addresses in the world. Preci-Dip's skill and manufacturing experience,

    IP0000 8PM-SS-0006-01-913 CH-2800 90041-AS ATI Lead Free reflow soldering profile BGA 90023-AS 90022-AS LCD 90026 540-99-044-24-000 111-93-308-41-001 540-99-084-24-000-1 IP0002 41013 mounting clip dimensions PDF

    EIAJ ED-4701/101

    Abstract: function17 tray drawing ic measurement CF5074B DSF060310 HP4194A HP8901B HP85046
    Text: CF5074B-1 Component Specifications VC America Inc. Authorizing Signature Reference No :CSF060310-010 Issuing Date :20-Nov-2006 N. Sekiya (ⅰ/ ) The change record CF5074B-1 Product name Component Specifications First edition number CSF060310-010

    CF5074B-1 CSF060310-010 Date20-Nov-2006 80MHz PE040101E EIAJ ED-4701/101 function17 tray drawing ic measurement CF5074B DSF060310 HP4194A HP8901B HP85046 PDF

    tt 3043 Transistor 5 pin type

    Abstract: 8XC196KD users manual intel asm-96 transistor horizontal tt 2206 918010 intel 80196 users manual 0181 ecb bbc 598 479 8XC196KC Users manual 80196 MCS-96 instruction
    Text: Standard Products UT131 Embedded Controller Card User Manual July 2000 Aeroflex UTMC’s UT131 Embedded Controller Card ECC is ideal for applications requiring the conversion of analog signals into digital representations. Typical applications include: power system control and monitoring, sensor data

    UT131 16-bit 00000113H 0000FF81H 00000000H 00000036H 00002000H tt 3043 Transistor 5 pin type 8XC196KD users manual intel asm-96 transistor horizontal tt 2206 918010 intel 80196 users manual 0181 ecb bbc 598 479 8XC196KC Users manual 80196 MCS-96 instruction PDF

    Switching Power Supply Schematic Diagram uc3842

    Abstract: schematic diagram 48v regulator uc3842 UC3828 Snubber circuits theory 12V DC to 1.5v dC converter schematic diagram uc3842 theory of pin diagram Snubber circuits theory, design and application U unitrode Applications Note schematic diagram 48v dc regulator uc3842 unitrode
    Text: DN-55 Design Note 150W Isolated DC/DC Converter for Distributed Power Applications by Jack Palczynski, MSEE This Design Note describes a compact, isolated 150W, 12V converter designed for 30V to 60V DC input voltages. The UC3828 is used as the main PWM, and the UC3907 load share IC is utilized in the

    DN-55 UC3828 UC3907 250kHz UC3828. UC3842" U-147. SEM-900 U-110. Switching Power Supply Schematic Diagram uc3842 schematic diagram 48v regulator uc3842 Snubber circuits theory 12V DC to 1.5v dC converter schematic diagram uc3842 theory of pin diagram Snubber circuits theory, design and application U unitrode Applications Note schematic diagram 48v dc regulator uc3842 unitrode PDF

    stb 1277 TRANSISTOR equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard Products UT131 Embedded Controller Card User Manual February 2002 Aeroflex UTMC’s UT131 Embedded Controller Card ECC is ideal for applications requiring the conversion of analog signals into digital representations. Typical applications include: power system control and monitoring, sensor data

    UT131 16-bit 00000113H 0000FF81H 00000000H 00000036H 00002000H stb 1277 TRANSISTOR equivalent PDF


    Abstract: Transistor NEC 05D Y2P TRANSISTOR KAB2402162 NL10276bc28 THC63LVDF63A nec 05d 14.1 inch NL10276BC28-05D thine THC63LVDF63A
    Text: DATA SHEET TFT COLOR LCD MODULE NL10276BC28-05D 36 cm 14.1 inches , 1024 x 768 pixels, 262,144 colors, LVDS interface, high luminance DESCRIPTION The NL10276BC28-05D is a TFT (thin film transistor) active-matrix color liquid crystal display (LCD) module

    NL10276BC28-05D NL10276BC28-05D THC63LVDF64A DE0202 Transistor NEC 05D Y2P TRANSISTOR KAB2402162 NL10276bc28 THC63LVDF63A nec 05d 14.1 inch thine THC63LVDF63A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMPLIMITE Subminiature D Connectors AM P Catalog 82068 Revised 1-96 Part Number Index Note: This index lists all cataloged parts by base no. only. Complete part nos. with prefixes and/or suffixes are shown on the page(s) indicated P a rt N o . Page P a rt No.

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    86986C 6986V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f / / / / 8900 SERIES PLUG Straight type 8911 Series with flanges and hooks UNIT : mm/inch I8911XX-XXX-178SX-X •Dimensions Pin 0 type A type 1.2 7 (.0 5 0 )pitch- 05 [rt>00000000000000 MOOOOOOOOOfKX5h Itj lOOOOOOOOOOOOOC30000000000004 43” TYPE A B C

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    I8911XX-XXX-178SX-X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CO ( M ilitary P art No. E LC O M ilitary Part No. ELC O M ilita ry P a rt N o. ELCO M 2 1 0 9 7 /2 -01 00-5007-0 1 2 -16 3 -1 1 0 M 21097 / 4 -11 00-7024-023-234-110 M 21097 / 5 -01 00-7023-017-000-110 -03 00-5007-0 1 2 -23 4 -1 1 0 -12 00-7024-023-235-110

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: LA394B5CB JE3055 LA394B2CB LAIC3B2B HP3-T0127-CB insultek 445 TBA810 semi catalog LA394B2B
    Text: WE STOP HEAT COLD MEOT SINK/DISSIPATOR PRODUCTS AND THERMAL MANAGEMENT GUIDE 5672 M cAdam Road Mississauga, O ntario L4Z 1T2 Telephone 416 890-0221 Fax (416) 890-1628 UliHWT I UfUUfW-Mi fr z r r r T ] , INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC RESEARCH CORPORATION The most comprehensive line

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    relay 6v 100 ohm

    Abstract: DDD017Z MIL-R-28750 FET 125DegC
    Text: FILn M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S I M5E D 3S 7S 745 □□□□ !?! T7T • F IL M M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S IN C . The Ultim ate In Microelectronic Packaging and Interconnect Technology JOB C e n te rin g Drive, Peabody M A 0 9 6 0 , USA * TEL 508) 531-8901 FAX (508) 5 3 2 -9 95 4

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    3S7S745 MILSTD-1772 MIL-STD-883 MIL-R-28750 100TYP. relay 6v 100 ohm DDD017Z MIL-R-28750 FET 125DegC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FULL-BRIDGE PWM MOTOR DRIVER Designed for bidirectional pulse-width modulated current control of inductive loads, the A3952S- is capable of continuous output currents to +2 A and operating voltages to 50 V. Internal fixed off-time PWM current-control circuitry can be used to regulate the maximum load

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    A3952S- A3952SLB A3952 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FXJLL-BRIDGE PWM MOTOR DRIVER A3951SB Designed for bidirectional pulse-width modulated current control of inductive loads, the A3951SB and A3951SW are capable of continuous output currents to ±2 A and operating voltages to 50 V. Internal fixed OFF-time PWM current-control circuitry can be used to regulate the

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    A3951SB A3951SB A3951SW 0S0433Ã GP032 PDF


    Abstract: 5962-7802301MFX 5962-7802301M2X qml-38535 smd marking 6z 26f31 smd marking code 6z 7802301EX
    Text: AMO ¿I NOTICE OF REVISION NOR (See MIL-STD-480 fo r instru ctio n s) Th's re visio n aescriseo aelaw ras seen autnor'zea fa r tre ascunent ''s te o . DATE ( vYMP00i 31/11/22 conn AccrcvBO 0MB No. :704-0188 Public re so rtin g Buraen fo r th is c o lle c tio n Is estimated to average 1 hour cer -esponse. inclu d in g tne time fo r reviewing

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-480 vYMP00i 26LS31 5962-7802301MEX 5962-7802301MFX 5962-7802301M2X qml-38535 smd marking 6z 26f31 smd marking code 6z 7802301EX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F IL M PILri microelectronics z ^ M IC R O ELE C TR O N IC S Fm * If'IW a The Ultimate i i Miaoelectronic Packaging and Interconnect Technology 108 Centennial Drive. Peatxxv. MA 01960, USA • TEL: S08| S31-8901. FAX (508 S32-9954 M I L S T D - 1 7 7 2 Q u a lifie d

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    S31-8901. S32-9954 3S7S74S 28-ch PDF


    Abstract: IN3064 TDA8703 TDA8703T VCLK generator ttl
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors 8-bit high-speed analog-to-digital converter TDA8703/8703T _ _ FEATURES APPLICATIONS G ENERAL DESCRIPTION • 8-bit resolution • General purpose high-speed analog-to-digital conversion The TDA8703 is a monolithic bipolar

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    TDA8703/8703T IEC134 IN3064 TDA8703 TDA8703T VCLK generator ttl PDF

    RT 8901

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8901 3-PHASE BRVSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER WITH RACK-EME SENSING The A8901CLB is a three-phase brushless dc motor controller/ driver for use in 5 V hard-disk drives. The three half-bridge outputs are low on-resistance n-channel DMOS devices capable of driving up to

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    A8901CLB A8901 EP-032B RT 8901 PDF


    Abstract: TDA8703T VCLK generator ttl
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit high-speed analog-to-digital converter TDA8703 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 8-bit resolution • General purpose high-speed analog-to-digital conversion • Sampling rate up to 40 MHz • High signal-to-noise ratio over a large analog input

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    711002b TDA8703 7110fi2b 010730b TDA8703 TDA8703T VCLK generator ttl PDF


    Abstract: TDA8703T TDA87803 TDA8780
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Video Products Product specification 8-bit high-speed analog-to-digital converter TDA8703 FEATURES APPLICATIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 8-bit resolution • General purpose high-speed analog-to-digital conversion The TDA8703 is an 8-bit high-speed

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    TDA8703 TDA8703 TDA87803 TDA8703. 711082b TDA8703T TDA8780 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN4079B CMOS LSI LC8901, 8901Q No. 4079B Digital Audio Interface Receiver Overview Package Dimensions The LC8901 and LC8901Q are LSIs for use in IEC958, EIAJ C P -1201 form at data transm ission between digital audio equipm ent. These LSIs are used on the receiving

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    EN4079B 4079B LC8901, 8901Q LC8901 LC8901Q IEC958, 3025B-DIP42S CP-1201 4079B PDF

    intel 8251 USART

    Abstract: intel IC 8255 SBC 8251 intel 8251 CT5002 ic 8255 intel Fluke 8375 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER schematic diagram of scada system application USART 8251
    Text: in te i Intel Corporation, 1S77 APPLICATION NOTE AP-26 Related Intel Publications SBC 80/20 Single Board Computer Hardware Reference Manual, 95-230. System 80/10 Microcomputer Hardware Reference Manual, 98-316. SBC 80PPrototyping Package User's Guide, 98-223.

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    AP-26 80PPrototyping PL/M-80 ICE-80 AP-16. AP-15. -S-56-0377-10K-GT-BF intel 8251 USART intel IC 8255 SBC 8251 intel 8251 CT5002 ic 8255 intel Fluke 8375 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER schematic diagram of scada system application USART 8251 PDF


    Abstract: 8085A intel 8080 MCS intel 8295 8041A 8080
    Text: m i e i APPLICATION NOTES AP-90 M ay 1980 An 8741 A/8041 A Digital Cassette Controller I Contents IN T R O D U C T IO N . 1 T H E C M -6 0 0 M IN I- D E K " .

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    AP-90 LT829 8085A intel 8080 MCS intel 8295 8041A 8080 PDF

    brushless dc fine ace 15

    Abstract: DC10
    Text: 03.5 4 Rated vo ita g e Mounting 12V. DC O p é r â t i n g Vo 1t a g e DC7V- N- DC13 . 8 V C u rre n t 0. 2 4 A Speed 8700r.p.m. Max [ n s u 1a t ¡ ng Re s i s t a nc e 10MQ D i e l e c t r ic One mi nute at Strength Oper at i ng Temp. N oise No t e Not e

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    DC7V-N-DC13. 8700r. 50/60HZ 100cm AWG24 ECN-F-0705 109P0412H302B brushless dc fine ace 15 DC10 PDF