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    RS 255 IC Search Results

    RS 255 IC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D1U74T-W-1600-12-HB4AC Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 1600W, Titanium Efficiency, 74 MM , 12V, 12VSB, Inlet C20, Airflow Back to Front, RoHs Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    D1U54T-M-2500-12-HB4C Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2.5KW 54MM AC/DC 12V WITH 12VDC STBY BACK TO FRONT AIR Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    RS 255 IC Datasheets Context Search

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    CD4046 motor application

    Abstract: RS 217-3611 7.5 stepper motor stepper motor 12v connection 1.8 degree unipolar stepper motor 12V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 2a 1.8 degree bipolar stepper motor 24V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 5 phase RS 12v 7.5 stepper motor 12V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR
    Text: Data Pack B Issued November 2005 1504256241 Stepper Motor Drive Boards Data Sheet Unipolar stepper motor drive board RS stock no. 217-3611 and bipolar stepper motor drive board (RS stock no. 255-9065) Features The unipolar drive board is capable of driving any 4-phase

    30Vdc/phase CD4046 motor application RS 217-3611 7.5 stepper motor stepper motor 12v connection 1.8 degree unipolar stepper motor 12V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 2a 1.8 degree bipolar stepper motor 24V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR 5 phase RS 12v 7.5 stepper motor 12V unipolar STEPPER MOTOR PDF

    plessey ttl

    Abstract: SL9999
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 12E D • 7220513 DQOTStiT 2 ■ PLESSEY Sem icon ducto rs — .mi SP973T8 T-s I-I0-0& 30MHz TTL/CMOS 8-BIT FLASH ADC The Plessey SP973T8 contains 255 high speed comparators which form a full flash analog to digital converter that requires no preceding sample and hold.

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    SP973T8 30MHz SP973T8 SL9999 plessey ttl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS TS D e | 7a2DS13 DDObSVS 7 22 0 5 1 3 P L E S S E Y SEMICONDUCTORS 95D 0 6 5 7 5 7 PLESSEY ^ 5 D 7 - / ^ '^ PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S em ico n d u cto rs. SP97308E 30MHz ECL 8-BIT FLASH ADC The Plessey SP97308E contains 255 high speed

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    7a2DS13 SP97308E 30MHz SP97308E SL9999 755GS13 PDF


    Abstract: panel meter 7106 IC1 7106 100N 22KW BC847 ICl 7106
    Text: Issued July 1997 8753 31⁄2 Digit LCD DPM Instruction Leaflet DPM RS stock no. 255-985 ● Ultra-low profile ● Ultra-low profile ● Snap in Bezel The meter uses advanced components and construction techniques to provide a uniquely compact unit of high performance, elegant appearance and low cost. The meter



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IfcPLESSEY W S em ico n d u cto rs. SP973E8 30MHz ECL 8-BIT FLASH ADC SUPERSEDES A U G U S T 1987 E D IT IO N The Plessey SP973E8 co n ta in s 255 high speed com parators w hich form a full flash analog to digital converter that requires no preceding sample and hold.

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    SP973E8 30MHz SP973E8 SL9999 100fJ PDF

    2n5063 thyristor

    Abstract: 2N5060 2N5064 sm 6aa
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 3TE D E3 b3b?255 DOflBbbO 0 HI110T7 2N5060 thru 2N5064 S ilic o n C o n tro lle d R e c tifie rs R everse Blocking Triode T h yristo rs . . . A n n u la r PNPN d e vic e s d esig ned fo r high v o lu m e co n su m e r a p p lica tio n s su ch

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    HI110T7 -226A 2N5060 2N5064 2n5063 thyristor 2N5064 sm 6aa PDF


    Abstract: radar block diagram SP97308T
    Text: Ä } PLESSE Y J U L Y 1987 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Sem iconductors. SP97308T 30MHz TTL/CMOS 8-BIT FLASH ADC Th e Plessey SP97308T c o n ta in s 255 hig h speed c o m p a ra to rs w h ich fo rm a full flash analog to d ig ita l co n ve rte r and re qu ire s no sam ple and hold.

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    SP97308T 30MHz SP97308T SL999g CLN-25 radar block diagram PDF

    LF 157A noninverting op-amp

    Abstract: 156A op-amp p-channel-jfet lf3560 lf156a LF355 LF357 raytheon catalog LF155A
    Text: M o n o lith ic JFET In pu t O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie rs 1 5 5 /1 5 5 A 1 5 6 /1 5 6 A 1 5 7 /1 5 7 A DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS vs = ±15V, t a = 25°C PARAMETER LF155A/355A LF155/255 LF156A/356A LF355 LF156/256 L F I 57 A/357A LF157/257 LF3S6 LF357

    OCR Scan
    155/155A 156/156A 157/157A LF155A/355A LF156A/356A /357A LF155/255 LF355 LF156/256 LF157/257 LF 157A noninverting op-amp 156A op-amp p-channel-jfet lf3560 lf156a LF355 LF357 raytheon catalog LF155A PDF

    es 7240

    Abstract: LT 7242 60can M7240IPE 128BC ICM7240/ICM7242/ICM7250
    Text: F ix e d A n d P ro g ra m m a b le T im e r/C o u n te rs _ F e a tu re s 4 Improved Second Source! See 3rd page for “Maxim Advantage7“." The ICM 7240 has an 8 bit p rogram m able co u n te r and can generate tim e delays from 1 to 255 RC tim e

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    120/zA 7240/50/60can es 7240 LT 7242 60can M7240IPE 128BC ICM7240/ICM7242/ICM7250 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2n5016 TA2675 Trimmer ARCO transistor k 4212 arco TRIMMER capacitor equivalent transistor n 4212 92LS-2042 ARCO trimmer rca rf transistor
    Text: File No. 255 RF P o w e r T ra n s is to r s Solid State Division n a k i r _ 2N5016 High-P o w e rS ilic o n N -P -N O v erlay T ra n s is to r For V H F /U H F Communications Equipment Features: • For class B or C vhf/uhf m ilitary and industrial communications

    OCR Scan
    2N5016 2N5016* compared46 92LS-2042RI 2N5016 transistor 2n5016 TA2675 Trimmer ARCO transistor k 4212 arco TRIMMER capacitor equivalent transistor n 4212 92LS-2042 ARCO trimmer rca rf transistor PDF


    Abstract: C205 diode b3l C205B C205D C205Y C205YY 125-3
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 3=JE D b3b?255 0002733 1 • H O T ? C205 Series S ilic o n C o n tr o lle d R e ctifie rs . . . d e s ig n e d a n d te s te d fo r re p e titiv e p e a k o p e ra tio n re q u ire d f o r CD ig n itio n , fu e l ig n ito rs , fla s h c ir c u its , m o to r c o n tr o ls a n d lo w - p o w e r s w itc h in g a p p lic a tio n s .

    OCR Scan
    BII10T7 O-226AA to-226aai C205Y C205YY C205A C205B C205D 1253C C205 diode b3l 125-3 PDF


    Abstract: Scans-048 OA-5 LN
    Text: V orläufige technische Daten A 255 D I n t e g r i e r t e H o riz o n ta lk o m b in a tio n z u r d i r e k t e n A nsteuerung v on T h y risto rs-A b le n k sc h a ltu n g e n und T r e ib e r s tu f e n von T r a n s is t o r —A b ie n k sc h a ltu n g e n i

    OCR Scan
    A5SA170 A255D Scans-048 OA-5 LN PDF

    OKI MSM3732

    Abstract: 3732a
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM3732AS/RS 32,768-BIT D YNAM IC RANDOM ACCESS M EM O RY G E N E R A L DESC RIPTIO N T h e O k i M S M 3 7 3 2 H / L is a f u l l y d e c o d e d , d y n a m ic N M O S ra n d o m access m e m o r y o rg a n iz e d as 3 2 ,7 6 8 o n e *b it w o rd s.

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    MSM3732AS/RS 768-BIT MSM3732 MSM3732H 3732L OKI MSM3732 3732a PDF

    Milford Instruments serial servo

    Abstract: Milford Instruments
    Text: Page 1 o f 11 How to use UTF-8 above 128! - MSDN Forums Micros 01 n H i 'I'' msdn Site Map S earch M ic ro s o m fo r: ~ r * S ig n O u t *3 a C *< A u b r e y Q H o m e l£ JS e a rch _ _ _ " £¿1 My T hre a d s Edit P rofile |l§] M em ber List

    OCR Scan
    BillyB26 Milford Instruments serial servo Milford Instruments PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s G S-THOMSON 71C D | 7= 15^237 aüGMûbû S 1~~ 7- - 3 7 - c f TKor/isosy s e m ic o n d u c t o r s s m a l l s i g n a l • M u t r a n s t o r s - p l a s t i c c a s e CS N O' O' o cò 5^. % i s UJ > 2 1 o O Sô <1 O S3 S3 o NO S3 co O S3 •>* r—

    OCR Scan
    CB-97) TL4355 PDF

    Sony CCD-Sensor

    Abstract: TDA8786
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SAA8110G Digital Signal Processor DSP for cameras Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 Philips Semiconductors 1997 Jun 13 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for

    OCR Scan
    SAA8110G 547047/1200/01/pp36 Sony CCD-Sensor TDA8786 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WEDMC64603R-XXX W hite E le c t r o n ic D esigns C o r p o r a t io n RISC 603e M o n o lith ic MICROPROCESSOR T h e W E D M C 6 4 6 0 3 R - X X X is p a rt of a fa m ily of reduced in s tru c tio n PRELIMINARY* te g e r u n it IU , a flo a tin g - p o in t u n it (FPU), a branch proc e ssin g u n it

    OCR Scan
    WEDMC64603R-XXX 64bit PDF

    Internal diagram of ic 7495

    Abstract: optical regenerator OTN SWITCH regenerator in optical 0936A TFEC0410G BA 1153 code of encoder and decoder in rs(255,239) sdh regenerator ic 7495 data sheet
    Text: Product Brief March 2001 TFEC0410G 40 Gbits/s Optical Networking Interface With Strong FEC and Digital Wrapper Features • ■ Versatile IC supports single 2488 Mbits/s 16 bits at 155 Mbits/s , quad 2488 Mbits/s (4 bits at 622 Mbits/s), and single 9952 Mbits/s (16 bits at

    TFEC0410G STS-48/ STM-16 STS-192/STM-64 STS-48/STM-16 PB01-014SONT PN00-024SONT) Internal diagram of ic 7495 optical regenerator OTN SWITCH regenerator in optical 0936A BA 1153 code of encoder and decoder in rs(255,239) sdh regenerator ic 7495 data sheet PDF

    BROWN BOVERI Q 450-1

    Abstract: Q450-1 t 130 tube brown boveri q450 BROWN BOVERI st BROWN BOVERI brown boveri tg radiation tube Q 450-1 Triode BROWN BOVERI T50-1
    Text: Strahlungsgekühlte T etro d e R adiation-C ooled T etro d e T é tro d e refro id ie par radiation H a u p td a te n Q u ic k R e fe re n c e D a ta C a ra c té ris tiq u e s p rin c ip a le s Pa max V a max ia max * P 0 max f max 450 4 400 1160 120 W kV

    OCR Scan
    Q450-1 BROWN BOVERI Q 450-1 Q450-1 t 130 tube brown boveri q450 BROWN BOVERI st BROWN BOVERI brown boveri tg radiation tube Q 450-1 Triode BROWN BOVERI T50-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    GD0330Ã LTM-8705C PDF


    Abstract: a2240 Ha2240 uA2240 ASTABLE TIMER JJA2240DC AIA2240 JUA2240 circuit diagram of MOD 100 counter MA2240C
    Text: M A 2 2 4 0 F A I R C H Programmable Timer/Counter I L D A Schlum berger C om pany Linear Division Special Functions Description The juA2240 Programmable Tim er/C ounter is a monolithic controller capable of producing accurate m icrosecond to five day time delays. Long delays, up to three years, can

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    AIA2240 juA2240 -21T- A2240 03a064 OtcO32Oft UA2240PC Ha2240 uA2240 ASTABLE TIMER JJA2240DC AIA2240 circuit diagram of MOD 100 counter MA2240C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Chip Card & Security ICs SLE 5552 Intelligent 256-Byte EEPROM with Write and Read-Out Protection function and Programmable Security Code Short Product Information May 2006 SLE 5552 Short Product Information Revision History: Ref.: SPI_SLE5552_0506.doc Current Version 2006-05-19

    256-Byte SLE5552 D-81726 PDF

    SLE 5542

    Abstract: SLE 5552 SLE5542
    Text: Chip Card & Security ICs SLE 5552 Intelligent 256-Byte EEPROM with Write and Read-Out Protection function and Programmable Security Code Short Product Information May 2006 SLE 5552 Short Product Information Revision History: Ref.: SPI_SLE5552_0506.doc Current Version 2006-05-19

    256-Byte SLE5552 D-81726 SLE 5542 SLE 5552 SLE5542 PDF


    Abstract: t6961b toshiba t7778 Toshiba T6961b toshiba serial lcd LCD 640X200 NSEP 100-PIN HD6845S HMCS6800
    Text: T O S H IB A INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T7779 TECHN ICAL DATA CRT/LCD CONTROLLER CLC T7779 The T7779(CLC) is a controller for a raster-scan CRT display and large scale dot matrix LCD. The features are listed below: 1) Software compatible with the HD6845S CRT controller.

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    T7779 T7779 HD6845S 100PIN t6961b t6961b toshiba t7778 Toshiba T6961b toshiba serial lcd LCD 640X200 NSEP 100-PIN HMCS6800 PDF