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    RLK SERIES Search Results

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    PQU650M-F-COVER Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd PQU650M Series - 3x5 Fan Cover Kit, RoHs Medical Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    M304 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, 132/148 Series RF inductors, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    ALVCH16374TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD74BC573AFP Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74BC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ALVCH16245TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RLK SERIES Datasheets Context Search

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    Sfernice rlk

    Abstract: Vishay Sfernice 10 watt rlk series
    Text: Data sheet E 4/6.830 - 10497 RLK 3 W at 25°C 2 W at 70°C very high precision power resistor – bulk metal The RLK series resistors offers a unique set of superior performances : low temperature coefficient, high stability and very tight tolerance together with a greater power dissipation than usually available with


    rlk series

    Abstract: 3300 XL 4000HRS RLK capacitor L20A
    Text: RLK Series Load Life of 4,000~6,000 Hours at 105°C Reduction of impedance Excellent Ripple Current Capability SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current -40~+105°C 6.3 ~50V 100~6800uF

    6800uF 120Hz) 1000uF, 1000uF 100KHz, 10x13 10x16 10x20 rlk series 3300 XL 4000HRS RLK capacitor L20A PDF

    ost rlk

    Abstract: rlk series OST rlk series
    Text: RLK Series „ Load Life of 4000~6,000 Hours at 105°C „ Reduction of impedance „ Excellent Ripple Current Capability „ SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Rated Voltage Range Capacitance Range Capacitance Tolerance -40~+105°C 6.3 ~ 50V 100 ~8200uF

    8200uF 120Hz) 1000uF, 100KHz, ost rlk rlk series OST rlk series PDF

    Ceramic Singlelayer Capacitors

    Abstract: IEC 384-14/2 X1 440 Y1 250 wkp 4n7 wko 400v 4n7 disc ceramic capacitor WKO 4n7 M X1 WYO 5n M 250 103 Ceramic Disc Capacitors 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors 2n2, Y2 ±20%, 250V Y2 CLASS CAPACITOR wkp 2n2 m
    Text: VISHAY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y , I N C . INTERACTIVE data book CERAMIC SINGLELAYER CAPACITORS vishay DRALORIC vsD-db0012-0011 Notes: 1. To navigate: a Click on the Vishay logo on any datasheet to go to the Contents page for that section. Click on the Vishay logo on any Contents

    vsD-db0012-0011 Ceramic Singlelayer Capacitors IEC 384-14/2 X1 440 Y1 250 wkp 4n7 wko 400v 4n7 disc ceramic capacitor WKO 4n7 M X1 WYO 5n M 250 103 Ceramic Disc Capacitors 101 Ceramic Disc Capacitors 2n2, Y2 ±20%, 250V Y2 CLASS CAPACITOR wkp 2n2 m PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RFS IN-BUILDINGS DAS 16pp BROCHURE _Layout 1 30/04/2013 16:03 Page 1 RFS In-Building Solutions Your unrivaled partner for high-performance indoor solutions RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEMS T h e C l e a r C h o i c e ® RFS IN-BUILDINGS DAS 16pp BROCHURE®_Layout 1 30/04/2013 16:03 Page 2


    wiring VDG 13 relay

    Abstract: MC33120 TIP 22 transistor MC33120P Battery Managements 20k301 darlington circuit tip 42 HB205 1N6290A MC33120FN
    Text: Order this data sheet by MC33120/D MOTOROLA MC33120 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Subscriber Loop Interface Circuit SUBSCRIBER LOOP INTERFACE CIRCUIT SLIC The MC33120 is designed to provide the interface between the 4-wire side of a central office, or PBX, and the 2-wire subscriber line. Interface

    MC33120/D MC33120 MC33120 wiring VDG 13 relay TIP 22 transistor MC33120P Battery Managements 20k301 darlington circuit tip 42 HB205 1N6290A MC33120FN PDF

    wiring VDG 13 relay

    Abstract: Battery Managements wiring VDG 14 relay CI 3060 elsys 1N4002 1N6282 1N6287 MC33121 MC33121FN MC33121P
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC33121/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC33121 Low Voltage Subscriber Loop Interface Circuit SLIC Thin Film Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit • • • • • • • • • • • P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 738

    MC33121/D MC33121 MC33121 refere20 MC33121/D* wiring VDG 13 relay Battery Managements wiring VDG 14 relay CI 3060 elsys 1N4002 1N6282 1N6287 MC33121FN MC33121P PDF

    wiring VDG 13 relay

    Abstract: Battery Managements long range gold detector circuit diagram PIN CONFIGURATION IC RT 3060 1N4002 1N6282 1N6287 MC33121 MC33121FN MC33121P
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC33121/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC33121 Low Voltage Subscriber Loop Interface Circuit SLIC Thin Film Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit • • • • • • • • • • • P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 738

    MC33121/D MC33121 MC33121 refere12 wiring VDG 13 relay Battery Managements long range gold detector circuit diagram PIN CONFIGURATION IC RT 3060 1N4002 1N6282 1N6287 MC33121FN MC33121P PDF

    chm - 1 94V - 0

    Abstract: BUK 155 CEM - 1 94V - 0 marking CYK cnm 778 RHK 117 103 csk marking code rpk marking code CFK SMA18CA
    Text: SMA Series 400Watts Surface Mount Transient Voltage Suppressor STAND-OFF VOLTAGE - 6.8 to 200 Volts POWER DISSIPATION - 400 WATTS SMA/DO-214AC Features — Rating to 200V VBR — For surface mounted applications — Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic

    400Watts SMA/DO-214AC chm - 1 94V - 0 BUK 155 CEM - 1 94V - 0 marking CYK cnm 778 RHK 117 103 csk marking code rpk marking code CFK SMA18CA PDF

    marking code CVK

    Abstract: marking cvk MARKING rkm rkm 22 marking code cfk BUK 155 rkm 24 SMA150CA marking code CTK AXK marking
    Text: LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR SURFACE MOUNT UNIDIRECTIONAL AND BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS SMA SERIES STAND-OFF VOLTAGE - 6.8 to 200 Volts POWER DISSIPATION - 400 WATTS FEATURES Rating to 200V VBR For surface mounted applications Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic

    SMA180 SMA180C SMA180A SMA180CA SMA200 SMA200C SMA200A SMA200CA marking code CVK marking cvk MARKING rkm rkm 22 marking code cfk BUK 155 rkm 24 SMA150CA marking code CTK AXK marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    SMA170A SMA170CA SMA180 SMA180C SMA180A SMA180CA SMA200 SMA200C SMA200A SMA200CA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SKYPER 32 R . Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions [T&->5[T&66>5^&' < '/0. $&) ?')/7 9&/(,2. )35>,37 1-)'( 052-,/ 9&/(,2. H_52+I 1-)'( 052-,/ 9&/(,2. Ha&%I ¥'()'( ).,; *'33.-( ¥'()'( ,9.3,2. *'33.-( Z,XO 0%5(*+5-2 63.c'.-*7 B&//.*(&3 .>5(.3 9&/(,2. 0.-0. ,*3&00

    Rev05 PDF


    Abstract: macom 54120A
    Text: SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 TEST REPORT #99483 RF CHARACTERIZATION SAMTEC PART NUMBERS SET #I : QST-120-02-S-5/QTT-~2o-o1-s-5 SET #2 : QST-120-04-S-5/QTT-~2o-o4-s-5 Centech Research CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the evaluation described herein was designed and executed by personnel of Contech Research, Inc.

    QST-120-02-S-5/QTT- QST-120-04-S-5/QTT- 10012-l QST-120-04-S-5/ QTT-120-04-S-5 8120-4948 macom 54120A PDF

    Ethernet to HDLC

    Abstract: LXT441 intel ethernet LXT970 LXT980 mii to hdlc MP860T LXT360 MPC860T 249107
    Text: Motorola MP860T Router and Intel LAN/WAN Solutions Application Note June 2001 Order Number: 249107-002 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN095. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    MP860T AN095. Ethernet to HDLC LXT441 intel ethernet LXT970 LXT980 mii to hdlc LXT360 MPC860T 249107 PDF


    Abstract: CSTCC MG 15 EIAJ monthly CSTCR-G 00MG CSTCC
    Text: m u F fn ta New Products Information CSTCR-G series 4.00 to 7.99MHz ♦ #M B Feature Dimensions Smallest size in all over the world!! w 1- I Au (Gold) Flash electrode to be com patible with conductive glue mounting. • % & '! " ( U S B ( CAN-BUS) (3)

    OCR Scan
    99MHz) 00MHz TPPT-CRM4018B-D tm15615Â 10years) 00G55-B0) CSTCC4.00MG CSTCC MG 15 EIAJ monthly CSTCR-G 00MG CSTCC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M L, M O M in ia tu re L a m in a te d Hi-Q In d u c to rs ML Series TYPICAL Q O f M L - 0 THRU M L - 4 Type No. M IL Pari No. Ind. Hy 0 DC ma DC Max. ML-0 M27/164-01 0.15 12.0 33 ML-1 M27/164-02 0.25 9.0 55 ML-2 M27/164-03 0.4 7.0 90 ML-3 M27/164-04 0.7

    OCR Scan
    M27/164-01 M27/164-02 M27/164-03 M27/164-04 M27/164-05 M27/164-06 M27/164-07 M27/164-08 M27/164-09 M27/164-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E bb53^31 DD373T2 TfiT « A P X D BTY91 SERIES THYRISTORS Glass-passivated silicon thyristors in metal envelopes, intended fo r power control and power switching applications. The series consists of reverse polarity types anode to stud identified by a Suffix R: BTY91-400R to

    OCR Scan
    DD373T2 BTY91 BTY91-400R 7Z07777 bb53T31 0373Tb 7Z09371 bbS3T31 PDF

    K 347

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rugged Circular Connectors K and RK Rugged Circular Connectors With Quick Connect/Disconnect ACME Threads K standard circular connectors with special Acme thread coupling are rugged, lightweight and eco­ nomical. These connectors are extremely versatile,

    OCR Scan
    ThK-60A-1 K 347 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mm • F e a tu re s 1. Dim ensions: 7.0 L x 7.0(W) x 3.1 (H)mm 2. Standard brightness type has six colors such 1. M 5^^ IS 7 .0 (L )x7 .0 (W )x 3.1(H )m in r to as red, orange, yellow, green, fresh green, and pure green. Super brightness type has m», tm. nmisï'iyftm, mm

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELN-60 b C'W S ngle Output C l a s s 2 S w it c n ng P o w e r S u p p ly series I -e a g re s: U'iuíijí. a; BlíI-pi id/ •'t-u" rf.'-ae c p - i l a r : c j f r s - : lim itin g c ir c u it w ilh ^ p: : n r l o n 7 FV.IIy V- lia d p h d ü lir LidüD w lh I P H

    OCR Scan
    ELN-60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3EN IM LH V I C O R P O R A T I Push - Pull, Resonant Mode Power Supply Controllers O N GP6050 and GP6051 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET FEATURES CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION * frequency range of 1 kHz to 3 MHz * operating frequency range set by a resistor (max. and a capacitor (min.)

    OCR Scan
    GP6050 GP6051 GP6051 TheGP6050 GP605. PDF


    Abstract: 5643-11 56x31
    Text: July 1992 Semiconductor & LH0038/LH0038C True Instrumentation Amplifier General Description The LH0038/LH003BC is a precision true instrumentation amplifier TIA capable of amplifying very low level signals, such as thermocouple and low impedance strain gauge out­

    OCR Scan
    LH0038/LH0038C LH0038/LH003BC LH0038 BO-532 G101740 g1017 5643-11 56x31 PDF

    kjm 038

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS H A SEflICOND R R SECTOR bflE D Bi 4302571 OOSa?^^ I S 5ST • H F H F HAS A 1 1 1 1 2 S E M I C O N D U C T O R A Ultra High-Speed Current Feedback Amplifier March 1993 Features Description • Low D isto rtio n 30M Hz .-66dBc

    OCR Scan
    -66dBc 850MHz 300V/p* kjm 038 PDF

    LOG RX2 1037

    Abstract: wiring VDG 13 relay private automatic branch exchange M0331 LMN 358 C33120 JBM Electronics IC KA 2247
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Subscriber Loop Interface Circuit SUBSCRIBER LOOP INTERFACE CIRCUIT SLIC The M C33120 is designed to provide the interface between the 4-wire side of a central office, or PBX, and the 2-wire subscriber tine. Interface

    OCR Scan
    MC33120 C33120 MC3312Ü LOG RX2 1037 wiring VDG 13 relay private automatic branch exchange M0331 LMN 358 JBM Electronics IC KA 2247 PDF