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    BROWN BOVERI Relay manual

    Abstract: ABB RXNAC RTXH18 rtxH 24 Relay RXM block diagram of transformer with breaker V101 ABB RELAY - RXM 220v ac circuit breaker RXME ABB
    Text: Info-No. INFORMATION From/Date ASEA B R O W N BOVERI add Rq Iowc ABB Relays RFR, April 1982 Edition 1 RK 862-303 E Reg. Page 5891 1 Replaces Cat. RK 86-12 E Voltage check relay type RASP o Used for energizing a network section after checking the voltage on both sides of the energizing circuit breaker.

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    006-AB BROWN BOVERI Relay manual ABB RXNAC RTXH18 rtxH 24 Relay RXM block diagram of transformer with breaker V101 ABB RELAY - RXM 220v ac circuit breaker RXME ABB PDF


    Abstract: ASEA PLUG IN RELAY RXEB 101AD 101-AD
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 42-12 E Edition 1, June 1971. Over and undervoltage relays type RXEB Measuring voltage relays for d.c. o r a.c. Are protected against voltage transients Have high resetting ratios; > 9 7 % and < 1 0 3 % respectively. d.c. versions polarity dependent;

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    101-AD 001-DM 101-DM asea ASEA PLUG IN RELAY RXEB 101AD PDF


    Abstract: 3x110V
    Text: f lt k f v Catalogue RK 43-12 E ASEA Edition 1 Three-phase undervoltage relay type RXOTB 23 Intended among other things for con­ trol equipments and thyristor conver­ tors Operates tor symmetrical and asym­ metrical voltage drops and for phase failures

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    3x380 3x220 3x190 3x110 /3x38V rxtta-2 3x110V PDF

    RXTUG 2H

    Abstract: rxnac 12-4125 1 MVA transformer combiflex 40 MVA transformer relay busbar transformer 2 mva rxtug2h rxnac 2H
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 86-12 E Edition 2 Voltage check relay type RASD October 1976 File R, Part 1 Icìo Imìb IT IFILIEIXr- • used when connecting s. iive section of a network to a dead section a one input can be connected to the capacitive iayers of a current trans­

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    9703d) 006-AA 006-AA RXTUG 2H rxnac 12-4125 1 MVA transformer combiflex 40 MVA transformer relay busbar transformer 2 mva rxtug2h rxnac 2H PDF


    Abstract: RXKB-1 RXIL 2 asea time-lag relay RI 010AB RTXP1 rk 651 231 relay asea over current relay RXSF1
    Text: Catalogue RK 65-12 E ASEA E d itio n 1 Ju n e 1975 File F¡, Part 1 Three-phase delayed overcurrent protective relays Used m ainly as a s h o rt-c irc u it pro te c­ tio n fo r cables and overhead lines. S tatic or electrom echanical relay units. curre nt

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    S5-15E 92-1QE RXIL24 RXKB-1 RXIL 2 asea time-lag relay RI 010AB RTXP1 rk 651 231 relay asea over current relay RXSF1 PDF

    asea contactors

    Abstract: rrmj rrmvb2 ASEA EG 20 rrmv IC 4 pins relay relay busbar 92-1E 2190 relay 14 pins relay base wiring
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 12-1 E Edition 2 December 1965 File R, Part 2 Throw-over relays RRMVB 2 and RRMVB 4 • With 8 and 16 contacts respectively, arranged in two groups • 2 contacts are used to cut off the sup­ ply as soon as throw -over is complete • An RRMVB relay does not draw any

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    Abstract: rxtda 1 RK 315 L 333-AX electromagnetic 110 v dc relay
    Text: ,1 I ASEA ^ k fc fe c t V - f l ' Z i } f £/c j / ' / ^ c Catalogue RK 31-12 E Editibn 2 Time-lag relay type RXKN 1 i¿ ; -j r • Specially designed for protective relays, automatic equipment or industrial use » Time.-laj on pick-up scales: 50-500 ms, 0 .2 -2 s and 1 -1 0 s

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    133-AD 133-AH 133-AS 233-AN 233-AX RXKN1 rxtda 1 RK 315 L 333-AX electromagnetic 110 v dc relay PDF


    Abstract: solid state overcurrent relay RXIK LM IR 2110 amplifier RXMA 1 RK 211 025 ASEA relay RXMA 1 rxma-1 RXIK 1 ASEA EG 80
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 41-12 E Edition 1 Novemb&r 1974 File R, Part 1 Overcurrent relay type RXIK1 [c{oíí7;r] í * ¡; 1 f s r ! v •• 1 • t i L i / •-. '■^SUÍ.-tíÍTÍ: Mas.-;.-. • Operating value can be sat between 0 5 and 2 mA • Power consumption during operation at

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    01-AF 251-AO1) 73E-300 S-721 rxma1 solid state overcurrent relay RXIK LM IR 2110 amplifier RXMA 1 RK 211 025 ASEA relay RXMA 1 rxma-1 RXIK 1 ASEA EG 80 PDF


    Abstract: asea ri 5A relay sa 7454 RXDSE rxdsb RXDSB4 asea RADSB Transformer differential protection RADSB RK 625 RXMS1 radsb
    Text: Catalogue RK 62-12 E Edition 2 1981-09 File R, part 1 T ransformer differential relay type RADSB The RADSB is a three-phase percentage differential relay with two, three or five through-fag[[ restraint inputs. The relay can b& used for the protection of duel-win ding or multi-windIng transformers which are provided with one or more circuitbreakers for each winding. TTie relay is available in different

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    ild/15 001-CC 344-CC S-721 RXDSB 4 ASEA asea ri 5A relay sa 7454 RXDSE rxdsb RXDSB4 asea RADSB Transformer differential protection RADSB RK 625 RXMS1 radsb PDF

    RXSP 14

    Abstract: RK 251 201-AN AE304 RXMA2 b250 ed rk 251 401-ad RK 251 201 S232 RXKH RXMM 1
    Text: ASEA C a ta lo g u e RK 27-12 E E ditiun 1 S e p te m b e r 1 ^ 7 0 Indicators type RXSP File Ff, P a rt 1 C lO lM jB ll IF lL lE lX r • *• U sed to g e th e r with rela ys Ln p ro te c tiv e p. 2 G e n e ra l lion or p a rt o f it has o p e ra te d .

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    ind200 RXMA21} 19BO-D9 RXSP 14 RK 251 201-AN AE304 RXMA2 b250 ed rk 251 401-ad RK 251 201 S232 RXKH RXMM 1 PDF


    Abstract: RK 924 0001 RTXP 24 abb RTXP 18 abb mm RK 928 008-AB rtxp 18 RK 924 002-AB 009-AB B03-9510E
    Text: A lili nvv ASEA BROWN BOVERI Mounting and connection hardware B03-9302E Page 1 January 1987 Changed since June 1982 Data subject to change without notice ABB Relays Abstract • Modular system • Permits easy and rapid installation, service and expansion of both simple and complex

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    3-9302e 10/RX 003-AB 004-AB 017-AB 016-E B03-9510E B03-9510E 007-AB RHGX RK 924 0001 RTXP 24 abb RTXP 18 abb mm RK 928 008-AB rtxp 18 RK 924 002-AB 009-AB PDF

    RK 723 007

    Abstract: DIODE RK 306 SELECTOR SWITCH ASEA ABG RK 795 001-aa RK741 RK717 CATALOGUE SK 63-1 E ASEA ABG 10 RK795 RK70-10E
    Text: C a ta lo g u e R K 70- 10E Edition 1 5930-09 Su persecTes calatog ues R K 7 M O E RK 74-1OE and R K 7 8 -2 E Relay accessories Pushbuttons Component blocks ASEA T h e re lay accesso ries a re used to provide a relay, protective relay or other equip m en t, with

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    RK70-10E 74-1OE RK78-2E S-721 i960-Â RK 723 007 DIODE RK 306 SELECTOR SWITCH ASEA ABG RK 795 001-aa RK741 RK717 CATALOGUE SK 63-1 E ASEA ABG 10 RK795 PDF

    Relay cf 318 9.0

    Abstract: Relay cf 318 ez 741 DM 311 BG 215CN DM 311 BG 35 AB 314a 741 CN 211-DA msta
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 74-10 E E d itio n 1 February 1£¡73 F ija R, P art 1 Component block type RTXE [c|ô|mTbI with diodes, thermistors or resistors • * * * * Requires no extra space To be mounted at the rear o f the relay terminal base The encapsulated block hermetically

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    RXSP 14

    Abstract: RXSP RXSP1 RXME 1 RXSP143 RXKH-2 402-AB RXSP14 RXMa 2 RXKH
    Text: ASEA Info-N o. INFORMATION RFR 1143 E, Ed. 1 From /Date Reg. RFR, Jan. 1972 5634 Page 1 R elay Division Handreset indicators type RXSP 1 OUTSTANDING FEATURES • Compact indicators for protective relays, signalling equipment, etc. • Manual resetting knob

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    Iskra relay

    Abstract: ASEA 5633 iskra PR-55 PR-59 8 pin relay base 11 pin relay base PR41C diode 119 asea type ir PR59
    Text: ASEA INFORMATION Info-Na. RK 119-300 E FrontfDate fwg. Relay Division RFR, June 1977 Edition 1 5633 1 File RK 00-90 E Section 1 Supersedes RK. 10-312 E Pag a Auxiliary relay type PR GENERAL Auxiliary relay type PR is an electro-mechanical d.c. or a.c- relay. Its primary application is industrial automatic equip­

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    kS--56- Iskra relay ASEA 5633 iskra PR-55 PR-59 8 pin relay base 11 pin relay base PR41C diode 119 asea type ir PR59 PDF

    RREL 24 Relay

    Abstract: RREL 20 Relay RK415 rril 24-15-RRIL rrmj RRIL-23 RK 0313 RRIG Rmj Relay
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 41-2 E Instantaneous current and voltage relays type RRIL and RREL / For use in sho rt-circuit protections, earth-fault protections etc. frequently in com bination with tim e-lag relays • Are electrom agnetic load capacity ■ with high

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    annunciator 32 points

    Abstract: Resistor MSB 54 annunciator V110 rtod catalogue of lamp ASEA EG 80
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 28-20E Edition 1 1980-02 File R, Part 1 Annunciator panels type RTOD • P rim arily intended fo r flashing-light fa u lt signal systems. • Suitable when signals fro m a number o f supervised objects are to be concentrated on a small, easily read

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    28-20E r-104-1 S-721 annunciator 32 points Resistor MSB 54 annunciator V110 rtod catalogue of lamp ASEA EG 80 PDF

    rs 307

    Abstract: RK 221 025 RXSU 21 bridge rectifier rs 307 asea time-lag relay RI AH 512 RK 211 025 rxtcb1 rs 307 rectifier RXSL 1
    Text: Catalogue RK 28-10 E ASEA E ditio n 2 Signal system type RS 4 with flashing lights O c to b e r 1974 File R, Part 1 !| Signal function modules and signal function units • • B u ilt up o f sta n d a rd is e d fu n c tio n m od u ­ G ives fa u lt in d ic a tio n

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    --83--I-- S-721 rs 307 RK 221 025 RXSU 21 bridge rectifier rs 307 asea time-lag relay RI AH 512 RK 211 025 rxtcb1 rs 307 rectifier RXSL 1 PDF

    asea time-lag relay RI

    Abstract: asea relay RIS rma 16 relay ASEA RHGA 8 ASEA RIs asea ridi asea over current relay asea relay RI RCA RF Catalogue asea relay
    Text: i ASEA Catalogue RK 93 E Edition 1 May 1966 File R Part 2 Frames and connectors for relays Contents: Front terminals Extension bolts and terminal screws Flush mounting frames Blanking plates Adapting frames Relay testing block RTNP P -2 3 4 9 9 10 ASEA Front terminals

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    a5203 asea time-lag relay RI asea relay RIS rma 16 relay ASEA RHGA 8 ASEA RIs asea ridi asea over current relay asea relay RI RCA RF Catalogue asea relay PDF

    diode 524 U1J

    Abstract: RK713 diode U1J 041 asea type ir A4S07 rxtma1 RELAY nais S4 524 U1J mte relay u1j capacitor
    Text: Catalogue RK 71-10 E ASEA Edition 1 Plug-in type relay units •S Registered trade mBrk Filo R, P a r ti CÌOÌMÌBÌÌ Contents General Ftesistor urtil RXTMA 1 Electrolytic capacitor unit RXTCB 1 flXTCB £ OlL-111led capacitor unit RXTCA 1 im pulse storing units

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    OIL-111 001-AX- 011-AXâ RK713 713043-AE-AR 002-AX 713101-AA-AR RK717 003-OX 003-AX diode 524 U1J diode U1J 041 asea type ir A4S07 rxtma1 RELAY nais S4 524 U1J mte relay u1j capacitor PDF

    ASEA RXIL RK 412

    Abstract: CAPACITOR RK 69 RK412 RXEL22 relay ca 9-11 ASEA RXIL RK 412 102 DH RK 723 007 RXIL 2 rxil 24 113-BC
    Text: Catalogue RK 41-11 E ASEA E dition 1 Feb ru ary 1971 File R, P art 1 Instantaneous current and voltage relays type RXIL and RXEL • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ For use in short-circuit protection, earth-fault protection etc. normally in com bination with tim e-lag relays

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    Resistor MSB 54

    Abstract: rtod ASEA EG 80
    Text: m M u i il» ASEA BROWN BOVERI B03-8420E Type RTOD 12, 24, 48 Page 1 January 1985 Annunciator panels Changed since May 1983 Data subject to change without notice ABB Relays Abstract Design • Primarily used for flashing-light signal systems •> Suitable when signals from up to 48

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    B03-8420 B03-8420E V110-fCSSSSil S-72183 Resistor MSB 54 rtod ASEA EG 80 PDF

    static relays

    Abstract: static overcurrent relays RK736 RK 92-1 E
    Text: j- I ïiîq-Nq. RK 70-304 E m ASEA INFORMATION From /D ste Rçg, RFR, March 1972 Edition 3 Relay Division 5653 Pege 1 Supply devices RRTUB 2 and RRTWC Static relays normally require to be supplied with d-cauxiliary voltage. When connection can not be carried out to

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    rrMH 2-107

    Abstract: relay 1215 RRMH ASEA RRMH rK-11 ASEA RRM17 RRME 1102 annunciator relay asea, electromagnetic 110 v dc relay circuit diagram of door alarm system
    Text: Catalogue RK 13-2 E Annunciator system type D w ith flashing lights RRSD RTOD RRSDD RRSU2 ~ 1 • r iT ir d t iî r ir n > RRM17 Decembe* 1966 Edition 1 I The ASEA fault-annunuiatoi system type D has the follow ing f-’atur«?s: • faults are indicated before ack­

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    RRM171 rrMH 2-107 relay 1215 RRMH ASEA RRMH rK-11 ASEA RRM17 RRME 1102 annunciator relay asea, electromagnetic 110 v dc relay circuit diagram of door alarm system PDF