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    RIO 1R5 Search Results

    RIO 1R5 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    89HP0604RZBABI Renesas Electronics Corporation S-RIO Signal Repeater Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    89HP0608RZBABGI Renesas Electronics Corporation S-RIO Signal Repeater Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    89HP0604RZBABG8 Renesas Electronics Corporation S-RIO Signal Repeater Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    89HP0608RZBAB8 Renesas Electronics Corporation S-RIO Signal Repeater Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    89HP0604RZBABGI Renesas Electronics Corporation S-RIO Signal Repeater Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RIO 1R5 Datasheets Context Search

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    block diagram 8259A

    Abstract: um8259
    Text: U M C U M 8 2 5 9 A -2 Programmable interrupt Controller ffü - Features • ■ iA P X 8 6 , iA P X 88 com patible ■ Eight-level p rio rity c o n tro lle r ■ Expandable to 64 levels ■ Programmable in te rru p t modes Individual request mask capability

    OCR Scan
    MCS-80® MCS-85® 28-pin 259A-2 259A-2. UM8259A-2 block diagram 8259A um8259 PDF


    Abstract: CH102 pi0105 P1043 PI043-4R7M PI073-120M O73-680K PIO75-331K CH-102
    Text: m • pio P I O S E R I E S POWER INDUCTOR • FEATURES V a r i o u s h i g h power s u r f a c e m o u n t a b le ty p e in d u c to rs are s u p e rio r to h ig h s a t u r a t i o n . • APPLICATION P o rta b le co m m u n ica tio n Notebook Com puter

    OCR Scan
    820uH HP-4263B/CH-102 CH-301A HP-4263B PI01o5-33oL PI01o5-39oL PI01o5-4/oL PI054-33OL CH102 pi0105 P1043 PI043-4R7M PI073-120M O73-680K PIO75-331K CH-102 PDF

    RIO 1R0

    Abstract: W2106
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM82C59A-2 RS/GS/JS PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 82C59A-2 is a program mable in te rru p t c o n tro lle r fo r use in M S M 8 0C 8 5 A /A -2 and M SM 80C 86/88 m icroco m p ute r systems. Based on C M O S s ilico n g a te te c h n o lo g y , th is d e vice fe a tu re s an e x tre m e ly lo w s ta n d b y c u rre n t o f 1 0 0 pA

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    MSM82C59A-2 82C59A-2 RIO 1R0 W2106 PDF

    RIO 1R0

    Abstract: 111UF RIO 1R1 RIO+1R5
    Text: ATC Millimeter Wavelength Single Layer Capacitors • Ultra-High Qs • Low Cost • DC to 50 GHz • Broadband Applications • .06 pF to 4700 pF • Not Static Sensitive • Capacitor Arrays • High Reliability Testing • Custom sizes, values, shapes,

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    111SL2075 RIO 1R0 111UF RIO 1R1 RIO+1R5 PDF


    Abstract: MEC citec INDUCTOR mH68-K RIO 1R5 Meggitt Citec CI 10 mh47-k emec 220 JH47 1H56-K mH15-K
    Text: 9 1 - 2 t 1 e INDUCTORS, SMDS SWITCHES, NETWORKS ENCODERS POWER COMPONENTS Chip Inductor TYPE 361 S SERIES HOW TO ORDER 3615 I K 1R5 A I SPECIFICATIONS MEC CITEC KEY FEATURES Operating Temperature: Temperature Rise: Power Dissipation at 70°C ambient: Environmental classification:

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    Abstract: TI32202W-2 IR12C
    Text: TI32202W-2 INTERRUPT CONTROL UNIT D 2 8 7 4 , APRIL 1 9 8 5 - REVISED SEPTEMBER 1 9 8 5 JD DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE H igh-Speed N M O S T echn o lo g y P rogram m able 8- ÏN T C 2 ST 1 C 3 or 1 6 -B it D a ta Bus G 7 /IR 1 4 C 4 G 6 /IR 1 2 C 5 G 5 /IR 1 0 G 4 /IR 8

    OCR Scan
    TI32202W2 D2874, 16-Bit 32-Bit NS16202 SNIS001 NS16202 TI32202W-2 IR12C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <§§M ?CO N SOLID ELECTROLYTE CAPACITORS WITH ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR CFM Series • Standard FFM Series - M iniature, 5m m £ • Features 105°C, 2,000 hours 1,000 hours for 08 and 010 . Low impedance at high frequency. High ripple current capability. Washable with Freon? Trichloroethane for 3 minutes.

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    25VDC 220pF 120Hz RIO+1R5 PDF


    Abstract: RIO R47
    Text: Inductors S M D 10:08 moulded chip winding Key features • high reliability • attractively priced • small size • 2.5 x 2.0mm 10:08 • temperature range -20°C to +100°C • taped to IEC 286 Pt 3 • suitable for dip and wave solder • inductance of 0.01 pH to 100pH

    OCR Scan
    100pH 10CTC F0721 RIO+1R5 RIO R47 PDF


    Abstract: ZW1R50512 ZW1R51212 ZW1R51215 ZW1R52415 ZW1R5Q512 ZW1RS2412
    Text: SUPERTEK ELECTRONICS INC DM DÈI 0773201 □□□0117 t. T-SO-lt Z SERIES DC-DC CONVERTER Z series DC-DC converter is designed for Small size, high reliability and high quality use. • N A M IN G ZW 1R 50512 Means Output \foftage Means Input Voltage Total Output wattage

    OCR Scan
    ZW1R50512 ZW1R5Q512 ZW1R50515 ZW1R51212 ZW1R51215 ZW1RS2412 ZW1R52415 60typ 65typ ZW1R50512 ZW1R52415 PDF

    RIO 1R1

    Abstract: RIO+1R5
    Text: AMERICAN TECHNICAL 34E ]> • G773 M C H DGQ070S 1 ■ ATC/| AX K-23 STABLE K DIELECTRIC CAP. VALUES FROM 0.1 pF to 10 pF ATC Millimeter Wavelength 111 and 116 Series Microcaps for RF/Microwave Applications Nominal dimensions approx. 10x actual size O

    OCR Scan
    DGQ070S pFYAX5R1-100- 111YAX5R6-100- 111ZAX3R6-100- 111ZAX3R9-100- 111ZAX4R3-100- 111ZAX5R1-100- 111ZAX5R6-100- 111ZAX6R2-100-111ZAX6R8-100- 111ZAX7R5-100- RIO 1R1 RIO+1R5 PDF


    Abstract: MATSUA SU SERIES SLF12555T-101M1R1
    Text: INDUCTORS Leadless SLF SERIES Magnetic Shielded - Large Current Type SLF series large current leadless inductors have been developed f o r surface mount design o f p o w e r circuits. TDK’s high perform an ce fe r r ite core m aterial an d low-profile design, ensure

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    SLF7032T SLF7045T SLF10145 SLF12555 VP-2941A LF7032T-100 MATSUA SU SERIES SLF12555T-101M1R1 PDF


    Abstract: CC 471K R10M
    Text: FIXED HIGH-FREQUENCY INDUCTORS 1. Scope This specifications shall be applided to fixed high-frequency inductors for an automatic insertion of axial tape LF10.0-TYPE. 2. Typepe Designation 1 The type desination shall be the following form. LF 1 0 . 0 - 2 2 1

    OCR Scan
    0T52-* 0T26-* h62a CC 471K R10M PDF

    IL 741

    Abstract: GE rcrt IL 741 M
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet 1.25Gbits/sec Gigabit VSC7136 Ethernet Transceiver Features • • • • Gigabit Ethernet Full-duplex Transceiver @ 1.25Gb/s Compliant to IEEE 802.3Z PMA 20 Bit TTL Interface For Transmit And Receive Data Monolithic Clock Synthesis And Clock Recovery No External Components

    OCR Scan
    25Gbits/sec VSC7136 25Gb/s 850mW 14x14 VSC7136 10-bit 8B/10B G52171 IL 741 GE rcrt IL 741 M PDF

    GU 1R5

    Abstract: LTA 702 NE
    Text: SL1710 M IT E L Quadrature Downconverter SE M IC O N D U C T O R Prelim inary Inform ation S u p e rs e d e s O c to b e r 1996 v e rs io n in M e d ia IC H a n d b o o k H B 4 5 9 9 -1 .0 D S 3 8 4 2 - 4.1 T he S L1 71 0 is a q u ad rature d o w n conve rte r, in te nd ed for

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    SL1710 GU 1R5 LTA 702 NE PDF

    RIO 1R1

    Text: ATC 180 R Series NPO Porcelain Ultra-Low ESR M ultilayer Capacitors • Case R Size .070" x .105" Capacitance Range 0.5 pF to 100 pF • High Q High Self-Resonance • ATC's Lowest ESR 500 WVDC ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL • ATC's Lowest Noise High Reliability

    OCR Scan

    transistor k 3878

    Abstract: RC4200 fatar RC4200AN RC4200N RM4200AD RM4200D RC42C raytheon ra2 Voltage multiplier using 741 opamp
    Text: RC4200 RC4200 Analog Multiplier Description Features The RC4200 analog multiplier has complete compensation for nonlinearity, the primary source of error and distortion. This multiplier also has three on­ board operational amplifiers designed specifically for

    OCR Scan
    RC420Q RC4200 RC4200 5M-198K. transistor k 3878 fatar RC4200AN RC4200N RM4200AD RM4200D RC42C raytheon ra2 Voltage multiplier using 741 opamp PDF

    RIO 1R5

    Abstract: RIO+1R5
    Text: Filters LC M odules LCR M o d u le LEADLESS TRAPS NLT series FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS • Trap frequency tolerance of ±2%. O p e r a tin g te m p e ra tu r e ra n g e - 1 0 to + 6 0 ° C • Tem perature stability of ±1% relative to the 20°C value, over the

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    AVE-002 RIO 1R5 RIO+1R5 PDF

    resistors panasonic erq

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Fixed Metal Oxide Film Fuse Resistors, ERQH, C Panasonic Fuse Resistors Type: ERQH (Flame retardative hermetic type) Type: ERQC (Flameproof bath-tub type) • Features • A ccurate Fusing Characteristic A c c u ra te fu s in g c h a ra c te ris tic can be a p p lie d to

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    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    0G30-0027-01 25JAN01 QQ-N-230 PH05PH0R 1R57N5 amp34723 /home/amp34723/edmmod 25-JAN-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SU R FA CE MOUNT MULTILAYER CHIP INDUCTORS PART NUMBER KEY: FL XX XX XX XXX Ferrite ji X Terminol Electrode ; -i°b Tolerance Inductance Dimensions: Length [A ] x Width [B ] x Thickness [C ] Product Identifier: Frontier Multiioyer Chip Inductors MATERIAL PROPERTIES

    OCR Scan
    FL322513-470 FL322513-680 FL322513 FL322513-101 F1322513-151 FL322513-221 FL321611-1R0 PDF

    RIO 1R0

    Abstract: RIO 1R5
    Text: Micro-Porcelain JUL Series M P R Features M ultilayer Porcelain unencapsulated capacitors Two case sizes of chips: 1,40mm 0.55" length=width=thickness 2,79mm (.110") length=width, 2,59mm (.102") thickn. Variety of Surface Mount term inations: f l Silver-Palladium metalized CHIP

    OCR Scan
    20ppm/ 30ppm/ 5100pF 510pF-0 26AWG 082nF RIO 1R0 RIO 1R5 PDF


    Abstract: RC07 resistor TP-104-01-09 p4887-nd CSS-101-03 CSS-102-02 RC07 AD604 JP13 JP15
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Dual, Ultra-Low Noise, Variable Gain Amplifier DATASHEET FEA TU R ES Full Flexibility o f Configurations On-Board Control Pots Multiple Inputs and Output Connectors Locations for Optional Components G eneral C onsiderations The AD604 Evaluation Board is designed to conveniently configure the AD604 in any o f its various intended

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    AD604-EB AD604 TP-104-01-02 RC07 resistor TP-104-01-09 p4887-nd CSS-101-03 CSS-102-02 RC07 JP13 JP15 PDF

    CL-21 capacitor

    Abstract: z5u .05 PA 4013 cl31f1 K20xC
    Text: SURGE Components, Inc. 1016 Grand Boulevard Deer Park, NY 11729 • 631595-1818 • FAX: 631 595-1283 SCM Series MULTILAYER CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITOR FEATURES: □ Miniature Size □ W ide Capacitance, T C and Voltage Range □ Highly Reliable Performance □ Industry Standard Size

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W? SEC NEC Electronics Inc. pPD424900A/L, 42S4900A/L 524,288 X 9-Bit Dynamic CMOS RAM Preliminary Information Description The /JPD424900A/L and ^PD42S4900A/L are fast-page dynamic RAMs organized as 524,288 words by 9 bits and designed to operate from a single power supply.

    OCR Scan
    pPD424900A/L, 42S4900A/L /JPD424900A/L PD42S4900A/L 24900A 424900L 42S4900A 42S4900L PDF