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    RGU 5260 Search Results

    RGU 5260 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    952601EGLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation SPRINGDALE - CK409 clock, Intel Yellow Cover part Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CA5260MZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual 3MHz, BiMOS Microprocessor Operational Amplifiers with MOSFET Input/CMOS Output Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    952601EFLF Renesas Electronics Corporation SPRINGDALE - CK409 clock, Intel Yellow Cover part Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    952601EFLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation SPRINGDALE - CK409 clock, Intel Yellow Cover part Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CA5260MZ96 Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual 3MHz, BiMOS Microprocessor Operational Amplifiers with MOSFET Input/CMOS Output Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RGU 5260 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    RGU 5260

    Abstract: RG515-0 RGU526
    Text: DATA SHEET LEADED POWER RESISTORS RG, RGU – High reliability metalglazed Product Specification - Jun. 18, 2003 V.0 0.5 W AND 0.9 W Series RG Metalglaze film resistors axial, hi-temp.-solder contacts, moulded uninflammable acc. to IEC 695-2-2 Specification

    1000h, RG515-0 D-25337 RGU526-0 RGU 5260 RGU526 PDF

    RGU 525-0

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series RGU Metalglaze Film Resistors, moulded, vertical uniflammable acc. to IEC 695-2-2 Specification Type 525 Style 526 04 Power rating P70 W 0,5 Resistance range Ω see Page 2 E-series Tolerance see Page 2 % see Page 2 10-6 ∗ K-1 see Page 2 VRMS 350

    1000h, RGU 525-0 PDF

    0204 melf

    Abstract: RWN 5020 RWC 5020 KWV306-3 vitrohm 0309 type KH210-8 R022 KN352-011 503 Vitrohm 350-8 R015
    Text: Customer Service + Factory VITROHM PORTUGUESA Unipessoal, Lda. Estrada Nacional 249-4 Trajouce P-2785-653 S. Domingos de Rana, Portugal P : +351 21 445 77 - 00 F : +351 21 445 77 - 55 Sales + Marketing VITROHM Holding GmbH Ramskamp 70 D-25337 Elmshorn, Germany

    P-2785-653 D-25337 ZOM0207 0204 melf RWN 5020 RWC 5020 KWV306-3 vitrohm 0309 type KH210-8 R022 KN352-011 503 Vitrohm 350-8 R015 PDF

    BWL 0614

    Abstract: 503 Vitrohm crf253-4 350-8 R015 resistencias smd FUSIBLE RESISTANCE WIRE WOUND RESISTOR 218-8 ZC0204 Yageo smd resistor 10k 208-8 r10 KH214-8
    Text: Customer Service + Factory VITROHM PORTUGUESA Resisténcias Electricas Lda. Estrada Nacional 249, 4 Trajouce P-2785-635 S. Domingos de Rana, Portugal P : +351 21 445 77 - 00 F : +351 21 445 77 - 55 Sales + Marketing YAGEO Europe GmbH Ramskamp 70 D-25337 Elmshorn, Germany

    P-2785-635 D-25337 ZOM0207 BWL 0614 503 Vitrohm crf253-4 350-8 R015 resistencias smd FUSIBLE RESISTANCE WIRE WOUND RESISTOR 218-8 ZC0204 Yageo smd resistor 10k 208-8 r10 KH214-8 PDF

    chn 429

    Abstract: MMC 4067 E UM10503
    Text: UM10503 LPC43xx ARM Cortex-M4/M0 multi-core microcontroller Rev. 1.7 — 17 October 2013 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords LPC43xx, LPC4300, LPC4370, LPC4350, LPC4330, LPC4320, LPC4310, LPC4357, LPC4353, LPC4337, LPC4333, LPC4327, LPC4325, LPC4323,

    UM10503 LPC43xx LPC43xx, LPC4300, LPC4370, LPC4350, LPC4330, LPC4320, LPC4310, LPC4357, chn 429 MMC 4067 E UM10503 PDF


    Abstract: mp3 player schematic diagram LPC1857 LPC1827 LPC1837 LPC1817FET100 LPC1850 te 2162 LPC1812 LPC1833
    Text: D D R R R R R A A A A A FT FT FT FT FT D R R A A FT FT FT FT A A R R D D D D R R A FT FT FT A A R R D D D LPC18xx ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller R A F FT FT A A R R D D User manual D Rev. 00.13 — 20 July 2011 D D D UM10430 D FT FT A A R R D D D R A FT D R

    LPC18xx UM10430 LPC18xx, LPC1850, LPC1830, LPC1820, LPC1810, LPC1857, LPC1853, LPC1837, LPC1822FET100 mp3 player schematic diagram LPC1857 LPC1827 LPC1837 LPC1817FET100 LPC1850 te 2162 LPC1812 LPC1833 PDF


    Abstract: 5905-002 RGU 5260 FMG02
    Text: Types 526-0, 525-6 Series RGU Metalglazefilm-Resistors vertical, hi-temp. solder contacts, moulded Technical specifications Types Styles DIN 41428 Dimensions Rated power P70 Resistance range (applic. E-series) Tolerances Temperature coefficient Voltage coefficient

    OCR Scan
    IEC-68-2-20-T 20/Dec. 20/Decade 95295T2, FMG01, FMG02 VG95211 5905-002 RGU 5260 FMG02 PDF

    RGU 5260

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Types 526-0, 525-6 Series RGU Metalglazefilm-Resistors vertical, hi-temp. solder contacts, moulded, uninflammable acc. to IEC 695-2-2 Technical specifications Types Styles DIN 41428 Dimensions Rated power P70 Resistance range (applic. E-series) Tolerances

    OCR Scan
    10-6K-1 der-002) RGU 5260 PDF


    Abstract: MIL-R-22684 VG95211 KO10 95295 stabili RGU 525-0
    Text: am RADIAL LEAD MOLDED METAL GLAZE RESISTOR Four-band color code on • top for easy identification RGU SERIES* Contains Metai G laze thick film elem ent fired at high tem peratures on an alumina slug Rectangular, molded synthetic resin case Leads spaced on

    OCR Scan
    572H2 5905-002 MIL-R-22684 VG95211 KO10 95295 stabili RGU 525-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _QIRC THE RESISTOR PEOPLE RADIAL LEAD MOLDED METAL GLAZE RESISTORS Four-band color code on top for easy identification RGU SERIES • Take up half the PC board area of comparably rated axial-lead resistors • Project 0.39 in. from the board surface when installed

    OCR Scan
    R30-10M, 10R-4M87, 10R-1M0 10OOVrmsmin. C/155Â C/175Â MIL-R-22 PDF


    Abstract: norme
    Text: Typen / Types 526-0. 525-6 Serie / Metallglasurschicht-Widerstände vertikal kappenlos, umpreßt Series RGU Metalglaze Film Resistors vertical, hi-temp.-solder contacts, moulded uninflammable acc. to IEC 695-2-2 nicht entflammbar gemäß IEC 695-2-2 Technische Daten /Technical Specifications

    OCR Scan
    R30-3M3 10R-3M32 10R-1M0 IEC-195 norme PDF


    Abstract: 5905-002 VG95211 RGU 525-0
    Text: OMC RADIAL LEAD MOLDED METAL GLAZE RESISTOR Four-b an d co lo r code on top for easy identification RGU SERIES* C o nta in s M etal G laze thick film elem en t fired at high te m pe ra tures on an alum ina slug R ectangular, m olded syn th e tic resin case

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: owe THE RESISTOR PEOPLE RADIAL LEAD MOLDED METAL GLAZE RESISTOR RGU — Contains Meta' Giaze mirm fiim element fnea at high temperatures on an a u m ra slug Rectangular synthetic res SERIES* << Ledds spacec cn 0 1 inch centers Base dim e n s io n s-• Takes up half the PC board area of

    OCR Scan
    C/155Â ll-R-22684 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VITRO H M Series / s £ 3g <o t5 < Q. 2< POWER RESISTORS RGU Metalglazefilm-Resistors vertical, hi-temp, solder contact, molded, non-flammable acc. to IEC 695-2-2 D im ensions: T y p e 5 2 5 -6 T y p e 5 2 6 -0 (R G U -m in i) T y p e 5 2 5-92 0 s ° h 5!K h

    OCR Scan
    20/Decade 95295T2, FMG01, FMG02 5905-002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VITROHM POWER RESISTORS VITROHM RESISTOR SERIES GUIDE Cft S g < t 3 S %\ i o < D. < CO ii MF, MS, MSS Metal Film, Flame Retardant Rated Power P70W Type 489-0 485486487488- 0.6 0.25 0.5 1 0.25 485-0, 486-01, 467-0 & 488-0 are Fuse versions 488-0 is for constant current

    OCR Scan
    R30-10M R39-1M0 R10-10K R10-15K R10-R68 PDF

    104-0 vitrohm

    Abstract: vitrohm BT TCN32-4 RWN5020 824-560 YCN15 T0850 GP SERIES RESISTORS metallglasurschicht metallschicht
    Text: Inhaltsverzeichnis nach Serien / Contents by Series Typ-Bezeichnungen siehe S eite 4 / for type num bers see p a g e 4 SM D: Seite / pag e R echteck-C hip / R ectan gu la r chip Serie / series RGC Metallglasurschicht / Metalglaze film . 34

    OCR Scan
    RWP5020 TCN16-4, TCN32-4, T08-50 YCN15T, YCN35T, YCN35L ZQL0204, 104-0 vitrohm vitrohm BT TCN32-4 RWN5020 824-560 YCN15 T0850 GP SERIES RESISTORS metallglasurschicht metallschicht PDF

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

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