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    RG 96 RECTIFIER Search Results

    RG 96 RECTIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CRG09A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 1 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CMG03A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 600 V, 2 A , Rectifier Diode, M-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG11B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 0.4 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG10A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 600 V, 0.7 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG09B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 1 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    RG 96 RECTIFIER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 13 GD 063 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5-" 5'-" & &= $ 3 10 4!      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 15 GH 063 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5-" 5'-" & &> $ 3 10 4!      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 20 GH 065 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5-" 5'-" & &> $ 3 10 4!      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 25 GH 063 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5,1 5%,1 $ $= # 3 0/ 4*      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Index Type No. order Type No. Division Page AG01 Ultra-Fast-Recovery Rectifier Diodes (Axial) 43 AG01A Ultra-Fast-Recovery Rectifier Diodes (Axial) 43 AG01Y Ultra-Fast-Recovery Rectifier Diodes (Axial) AG01Z AK 03 Division Page Division Page EK 19 Schottky Barrier Diodes (Axial)

    AG01A AG01Y AG01Z FMB-29 FMB-29L FMB-32 EL02Z SFPB-66 SFPB-69 SFPB-72 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 25 GD 063 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5,1 5%,1 $ $= # 3 0/ 4*      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 45 GD 063 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5-" 5'-" & &= $ 3 10 4!      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 25 GAD 063 T power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5,1 5%,1 $ $= # 3 0/ 4*      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 25 GAL 063 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5,1 5%,1 $ $= # 3 0/ 4*      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 45 GH 063 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5-" 5'-" & &= $ 3 10 4!      


    81g diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 15 GD 065 ET power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT - Inverter, Chopper 234 & &: 2'34 $- ./01      



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 45 GB 063 power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter brückengleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 5-" 5'-" & &= $ 3 10 4!      



    Abstract: a54 SMD DIODE IA-41 IRFL014
    Text: PD - 9.1499 IRLL014N PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET l l l l l l Surface Mount Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-Resistance Dynamic dv/dt Rating Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated D VDSS = 55V RDS on = 0.14Ω G ID = 2.0A S Description Fifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifier

    IRLL014N OT-223 IRLL014N a54 SMD DIODE IA-41 IRFL014 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SK 20 DGDL 065 ET power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT - Inverter, Chopper 234 & &; 2'34 $- ./01      


    bridge rectifier ic

    Abstract: 3 phase rectifier thyristor bridge igbt power inverter 3 phase rectifier thyristor IPM module 3 phase switching rectifier IPM Inverter thyristor gate driver ic
    Text: SK 35 GD 065 ET power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT - Inverter, Chopper 234 & &: 2'34 $- ./01      


    6-leg power circuit inverter

    Abstract: 80-M006PNB010SA01-K615D P12 MARKING DIODE
    Text: 80-M006PNB010SA*-K615* MiniSKiiP 0 PIM 600V/10A MiniSKiiP®0 housing Features ● Solderless interconnection ● Trench Fieldstop IGBT's for low saturation losses ● Optional 2- and 3-leg rectifier Target Applications Schematic ● Industrial Drives ● Embedded Drives

    80-M006PNB010SA -K615* 00V/10A 80-M006PNB010SA01-K615D, 80-M006PNB010SA-K615C, 6-leg power circuit inverter 80-M006PNB010SA01-K615D P12 MARKING DIODE PDF

    Industrial Drives

    Abstract: Embedded Drives
    Text: 80-M012PNB008SC-K619C41 MiniSKiiP 0 PIM 1200V/8A MiniSKiiP®0 housing Features ● Solderless interconnection ● Trench Fieldstop IGBT's for low saturation losses ● Optional 2- and 3-leg rectifier Target Applications Schematic ● Industrial Drives ● Embedded Drives

    80-M012PNB008SC-K619C41 200V/8A 80-M012PNB008SC-K619C41, Industrial Drives Embedded Drives PDF

    M1 Rectifier Diode

    Abstract: diode B8
    Text: SK 15 DGDL 065 ET power semiconductor power electronics igbt bridge rectifier diode thyristor cib rectifier ipm driver inverter converter thyristor module gleichrichter Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT - Inverter, Chopper 234 & &; 2'34 $- ./01      



    Abstract: N and P MOSFET
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION JWÆXAJVK All information in this data sheet is preliminary and subject to change. High-Efficiency, Switch-Mode Current Source 10/96 The MAX1640/MAX 1641 are high-efficiency switch­ mode current sources intended for microprocessorco n tro lle d ba ttery ch a rg e rs and va ria b le -lo a d

    OCR Scan
    MAXi640/MAX MAX1640/MAX MAX1640C/D MAX1640ESE MAX1641C/D MAX1641ESE MAX1640 MAX1641 MAXI640/MAX1641 N and P MOSFET PDF

    dale r04

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin 120262 05/96 International M R Rectifier 8AF SERIES PRESSFIT RECTIFIER DIODES 50 A Features and Descriptions • C o n v e n ie n t p r e s s fil p a c k a g e ■ Available with and without leads g H ig h s u rg e c a p a b ilitie s ■ F u lly c h a ra c te ris e d

    OCR Scan
    50to400 dale r04 PDF


    Abstract: S2M 040
    Text: RECTIFIER DIODES, Flat Surface Mount, Glass Passivated, Standard Recovery M a x im u m Peak j:|:-i:ji :îfiâ j:?: j i i i l l l l R e c tifie d In v e rs e C u rre n t a t T* V o lt a g e V iS ä P a r tfi:;:; Num ber I A m p s T , C C ) P IV ( V o tts

    OCR Scan
    DO-214AA DO-214BA DO-214AC DO-214BA S2M 040 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 9.1367B International IOR Rectifier IR L 2 2 0 3 N S PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET • • • • • • • Logic-Level Gate Drive Surface Mount Advanced Process Technology Dynamic dv/dt Rating 175°C Operating Temperature Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated

    OCR Scan
    1367B 6597G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: « PD - 9.1378A International IOR Rectifier IRLI2203N PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET • Logic-Level Gate Drive • Advanced Process Technology • Isolated Package • High Voltage Isolation = 2.5KVRMS • Sink to Lead Creepage Dist. = 4.8mm • Fully Avalanche Rated

    OCR Scan
    IRLI2203N 6598C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P D - 9 .1 3 7 5 A International IöR Rectifier IR L2910 PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET • Logic-Level Gate Drive • Advanced Process Technology • Ultra Low On-Resistance • Dynamic dv/dt Rating • 175°C Operating Temperature • Fast Switching • Fully Avalanche Rated

    OCR Scan
    L2910 4A55452 PDF