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    RF5521 Price and Stock

    Guerrilla RF GRF5521

    RF Amplifier High Linearity Power Amplifier, OP1dB >32.0 dBm; 2.11 - 2.17 GHz
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GRF5521 2,990
    • 1 $5.97
    • 10 $4.23
    • 100 $3.46
    • 1000 $2.48
    • 10000 $2.27
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    Richardson RFPD GRF5521 1,935 1
    • 1 $3.74
    • 10 $3.38
    • 100 $2.84
    • 1000 $2.51
    • 10000 $2.51
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    GRF5521 1,500
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $2.35
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    Guerrilla RF GRF5521-EVB

    RF Development Tools Evaluation board for GRF5521
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GRF5521-EVB
    • 1 $250
    • 10 $250
    • 100 $250
    • 1000 $250
    • 10000 $250
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    Richardson RFPD GRF5521-EVB 2 1
    • 1 $250
    • 10 $250
    • 100 $250
    • 1000 $250
    • 10000 $250
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    RF5521 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF5521 3.3V, SWITCH AND LNA FRONT END MODULE Package Style: QFN, 10-pin, 1.75mmx1.75mmx0.5mm C_B T 10 Features    Single Supply Voltage 3.0V to 4.5V Integrated SP3T Switch and LNA with Bypass Typical gain is 12dB and 2.0dB NF in RX Mode Pin-toPin

    RF5521 10-pin, 75mmx1 75mmx0 IEEE802 11b/g/n RF5521 RF5521: DS110618 PDF


    Abstract: RF5521 wifi schematic
    Text: RF5521 3.3V, SWITCH AND LNA FRONT END MODULE Package Style: QFN, 10-pin, 1.75mmx1.75mmx0.5mm C_B T 10 Features    Single Supply Voltage 3.0V to 4.5V Integrated SP3T Switch and LNA with Bypass Typical gain is 12dB and 2.0dB NF in RX Mode Pin-toPin

    RF5521 10-pin, 75mmx1 75mmx0 IEEE802 11b/g/n RF5521 RF5521: DS100118 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF 2.4 GHZ WIFI RF POWER wifi schematic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF5521 3.3V, SWITCH AND LNA FRONT END MODULE Package Style: QFN, 10-pin, 1.75mmx1.75mmx0.5mm C_B T 10 Features    Single Supply Voltage 3.0V to 4.5V Integrated SP3T Switch and LNA with Bypass Typical gain is 12dB and 2.0dB NF in RX Mode Pin-toPin

    RF5521 10-pin, 75mmx1 75mmx0 IEEE802 11b/g/n RF5521 RF5521: DS130715 PDF

    wifi schematic

    Abstract: wifi antenna schematic RF5521SR RF5521 WI-FI schematic wifi board
    Text: RF5521 3.3V, SWITCH AND LNA FRONT END MODULE Package Style: QFN, 10-pin, 1.75mmx1.75mmx0.5mm C_B T 10 Features    Single Supply Voltage 3.0V to 4.5V Integrated SP3T Switch and LNA with Bypass Typical gain is 12dB and 2.0dB NF in RX Mode Pin-toPin

    RF5521 10-pin, 75mmx1 75mmx0 IEEE802 11b/g/n RF5521 RF5521: DS110618 wifi schematic wifi antenna schematic RF5521SR WI-FI schematic wifi board PDF


    Abstract: RF Switch qfn QFN-8 RF QFN8 RF rf5601 wifi amplifier RF2374 RF5521 wifi bluetooth RF2370
    Text: RFMD . WiFi and WiMAX Low Noise Amplifier Portfolio RFMD® delivers low noise amplifiers LNAs for a range of digital cellular, WiFi, and WiMAX applications. Providing high dynamic range, superior performance, and low current consumption, RFMD’s portfolio of LNAs enables compact designs through

    50-ohms RF5515) RF2370, RF2373, RF2374) PackRF5501/RF5511/RF5521 RF5540 RF5540 RF Switch qfn QFN-8 RF QFN8 RF rf5601 wifi amplifier RF2374 RF5521 wifi bluetooth RF2370 PDF


    Abstract: LNA RF2373 RF1226 RF1136 RF1140 RF1127 RF1131 RF1128 RF1201 wifi bluetooth
    Text: RFMD . Switch and LNA Front End Solutions Switch Front End Solutions RFMD® offers a wide selection of broadband highperformance symmetric switches suitable for applications in the cellular and non-cellular space. Covering single pole double throw SPDT and single pole triple throw (SP3T),

    RF5501/RF5511/RF5521 RF5540 RF5540 LNA RF2373 RF1226 RF1136 RF1140 RF1127 RF1131 RF1128 RF1201 wifi bluetooth PDF


    Abstract: NBB-502 spf-5189 RF5643wda cxe-2089
    Text: RFMD Product Selection Guide 2011 - 2012 Multiple Markets. Multiple Choices. One RFMD. ® Multiple Markets. Multiple Choices. One RFMD . ® RFMD® is a global leader addressing the RF industry’s complex challenges by delivering a broad portfolio of high


    RF Switch qfn

    Abstract: wifi amplifier wifi bluetooth RF5500 integrated MMIC switch RF5510 wifi amplifier circuit RF5511 RF5521 RF5611
    Text: RFMD. Switch and Switch + LNA Front End Solutions Designed specifically for high-performance WiFi applications in the 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz ISM band, the RF5501 MMIC and RF5511 flip-chip MMIC address the need for size reduction for a typical IEEE 802.11b/g/n front end design. Featuring

    RF5501 RF5511 11b/g/n RF5500 RF5510, 11b/g/n RF Switch qfn wifi amplifier wifi bluetooth integrated MMIC switch RF5510 wifi amplifier circuit RF5521 RF5611 PDF

    Integrated Synthesizers with Mixers

    Abstract: Digital Step Attenuators 3G/4G Power Amplifiers CATV Amplifiers CATV Hybrid Amplifier Modules Gain Blocks Linear Amplifiers Low Noise Amplifiers Variable Gain Amplifiers WiFi Power Amplifiers
    Text: RFMD PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE 2013-2014 Amplifiers Attenuators Modulators Switches Upconverters/Downconverters Voltage-Controlled Oscillators Synthesizers CATV Amplifiers and Tuners High Reliability Components Components for Cellular Applications Open Foundry Services

    11F-B, Integrated Synthesizers with Mixers Digital Step Attenuators 3G/4G Power Amplifiers CATV Amplifiers CATV Hybrid Amplifier Modules Gain Blocks Linear Amplifiers Low Noise Amplifiers Variable Gain Amplifiers WiFi Power Amplifiers PDF


    Abstract: qfn 48 PACKAGE footprint 5.8ghz pa RFFM8500 RFFM8504 SW SPDT FOOTPRINT RF5725 RF522 RFFM8200 RFFM8202
    Text: RFMD. Mobile Embedded WiFi Front End Products Portfolio The RFMD portfolio of single-chip integrated front end modules FEMs are designed for high-performance WiFi applications in the 2.4 to 2.5GHz and 4.9 to 5.8GHz ISM bands. These front end products are specifically

    11a/b/g/n IEEE802 RF3688 RFFM8800 RF3688 17dBm RFFM8800 qfn 48 PACKAGE footprint 5.8ghz pa RFFM8500 RFFM8504 SW SPDT FOOTPRINT RF5725 RF522 RFFM8200 RFFM8202 PDF

    WiMAX LNAs

    Abstract: QFN-10 QFN-12 RF2370 RF2373 RF2374 RF2472 RF5511 RF5515 RF5611
    Text: From November 2009 High Frequency Electronics Copyright 2009 Summit Technical Media, LLC High Frequency Design LNA ON/OFF TIME Accurate Measurement of On/Off Time for 802.11 b/g WLAN/WiMAX LNAs By Ahmad H. Abdelmajid RFMD , Inc. D igital Automatic Gain

    11a/b/g WiMAX LNAs QFN-10 QFN-12 RF2370 RF2373 RF2374 RF2472 RF5511 RF5515 RF5611 PDF


    Abstract: SBB-3089 RFHA1000 spf-5189 spf-5189z SUF-9000 SPB-2054S RF2815 SBB-1089 rf3931
    Text: 2009 RFMD Aerospace & Defense Product Selection Guide Robust Components for RF, Microwave, and Millimeter Applications Regarded as the partner of choice in the Aerospace, Defense, and Homeland Security industry, RFMD® has earned a global reputation with its product innovation, quality, scalability, and world-class customer support.



    Abstract: PNP-1090-P22 UMX-254-D16-G UMX-333-D16-G RF1194 UMX-406-D16 SPF-5043Z UMX-519-D16-G SHF-0289 spf-5122z
    Text: 2009 RFMD Multi-Market Product Selection Guide Multiple Markets. Multiple Choices. One RFMD. RFMD® is a global leader addressing the RF industry’s complex challenges by delivering a broad portfolio of high-performance RF components for a diverse range of applications and end markets. Our product



    Abstract: UMZ-1147-R16-G RF5632 UMX-254-D16-G SPA-1002-27H UMX-119-D16-G spf-5189z ums-2000-A16-g spf-5122 UMX-406-D16
    Text: 2009 RFMD Multi-Market Product Selection Guide Multiple Markets. Multiple Choices. One RFMD. RFMD® is a global leader addressing the RF industry’s complex challenges by delivering a broad portfolio of high-performance RF components for a diverse range of applications and end markets. Our product
