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    RETICON R5609 Search Results

    RETICON R5609 Datasheets Context Search

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    RETICON R5609

    Abstract: R5609 reticon r5611 R5613
    Text: _ .^,^%EGSiG ^ rk' T | ivC ' II L P R ELI MI NARY D A T A S H E E T U I I R5609/R5613 LOW-PASS, R5611 HIGH-PASS, AND R5612 NOTCH FILTERS DESCRIPTION The Reticon R5609, R5613, R5611, and R5612 are monolithic switched-capacitor low-pass, high-passf and notch filters.

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    R5609/R5613 R5611 R5612 R5609, R5613, R5611, R5612 R5609 R5613 RETICON R5609 reticon r5611 PDF

    RETICON R5609

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XR-1015/1016 1B T E X A R Seventh Order Elliptic Low Pass Filters PIN ASSIG NM ENT G EN ERA L DESCRIPTION T he X R -1 0 1 5 and X R -1016 a re seven pole and six zero elliptic low pass switched capacitor filters. The posi­ tion o f the passband of the filter is set by the frequency

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    XR-1015/1016 XR-1015 XR-1016 XR-1015 XR-1016CD RETICON R5609 PDF


    Abstract: RETICON R5609 RETICON reticon filter Pin-for-Pin Compatible with the 1015CP 1016CP xr1015
    Text: XR-1015/1016 g ’ E X q R Seventh Order Elliptic Low Pass Filters PIN ASSIGNMENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION - ^ The XR-1015 and XR-1016 are seven pole and six zero elliptic low pass switched capacitor filters. The posi­ tion of the passband of the filter is set by the frequency

    OCR Scan
    XR-1015 XR-1016 XR-1015/1016 r5609 RETICON R5609 RETICON reticon filter Pin-for-Pin Compatible with the 1015CP 1016CP xr1015 PDF


    Abstract: R5609 RETICON R5609 XR-1015 XR-1015CN XR-1015CP XR-1016 XR-1016CD XR-1016CN XR-1016CP
    Text: XR-1015/1016 ¡ T E X A R Seventh O rder Elliptic Low Pass Filters .th e a n a lo g p lu s c o m p a n y TM September 1996-4 APPLICATIONS FEATURES • Greater than 70 dB Stopband Rejection General Purpose Filtering • Operation at +5 VDC Anti-alias Filters for analog-to-digital converters

    OCR Scan
    XR-1015/1016 XR-1015 XR-1016 RETICON R5609 RETICON R5609 XR-1015CN XR-1015CP XR-1016CD XR-1016CN XR-1016CP PDF


    Abstract: RETICON RETICON R5609 reticon rl 16 XR-1015 XR-1015CN XR-1015CP XR-1016 XR-1016CD XR-1016CN
    Text: XR-1015/1016 ¡T E X A R .the analog plus Seventh O rder Elliptic Low Pass Filters company T M Septem ber 1996-4 APPLICATIONS FEATURES • Greater than 70 dB Stopband Rejection General Purpose Filtering • Operation at +5 VDC Anti-alias Filters for analog-to-digital converters

    OCR Scan
    XR-1015/1016 XR-1015 XR-1016 r5609 RETICON RETICON R5609 reticon rl 16 XR-1015CN XR-1015CP XR-1016CD XR-1016CN PDF


    Abstract: TSG85xx RETICON R5611 RETICON R5609 r5612 RETICON RF anti aliasing filter analog TSG8510 TSG8514
    Text: TSG85XX: Standard filters T S G F 0 8 / C ustom er ident.: Sem i C ustom Filters SWITCHED CAPACITOR MASK PROGRAMMABLE FILTER The TSG85XX circuits are HCMOS universal filters containing a mask programmable switched-capacitor cascadable structure and two uncom­

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    TSG85XX: TSGF08/Customer TSG85XX TSG85XX CB-79 CB-98 r5609 RETICON R5611 RETICON R5609 r5612 RETICON RF anti aliasing filter analog TSG8510 TSG8514 PDF


    Abstract: reticon
    Text: XR-1 01 5/1 01 6 C'EXAR .the analog plus Seventh O rder Elliptic Low Pass Filters com pany T M Septem ber 1996-4 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Greater than 70 dB Stopband Rejection • General Purpose Filtering • Operation at +5 VDC • Anti-alias Filters tor analog-to-digital converters

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    XR-1015 XR-1016 1015CP reticon PDF

    TCA965 equivalent

    Abstract: ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401
    Text: veryimpressivePrice. power drain. For the same low price astheTTL-compatible DG211. Very Impressive Performance. Low power, low source-drain ON resistance, low switching times, low current, low price. It all adds up to superstar performance for portable and battery-operated

    OCR Scan
    DG211. DG300 DG308 DG211 TCA965 equivalent ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401 PDF