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    RETICON ANALOG DELAY LINE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLP7920 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (Isolation Amplifier), Analog output, 5000 Vrms, DIP8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP7820 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (Isolation Amplifier), Analog output, 5000 Vrms, SO8L(LF4) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, SOIC16, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    RETICON ANALOG DELAY LINE Datasheets Context Search

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    AN198 Designing with the SA602

    Abstract: SSB Receiver hef4750 application SA5514 4013 FLIP FLOP APPLICATION DIAGRAMS SIGNETICS* an198 NE602 application note SA602 SA5514 quad op-amp AN198 SA602
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS AN1981 New low-power single sideband circuits Robert J. Zavrell Jr. Philips Semiconductors 1997 Oct 29 Philips Semiconductors Application note New low-power single sideband circuits AN1981 Author: Robert J. Zavrell Jr. 1 mS INTRODUCTION

    AN1981 AN198 Designing with the SA602 SSB Receiver hef4750 application SA5514 4013 FLIP FLOP APPLICATION DIAGRAMS SIGNETICS* an198 NE602 application note SA602 SA5514 quad op-amp AN198 SA602 PDF


    Abstract: LVDS camera-link cable 3M14X26S2LB-XXX-OLC RL2048P camera-link RS-644 standard RETICON linear CCD 512 RS-644 RETICON photodiode array 512
    Text: Imaging Telecom Imaging Product Line LD3500 Series Low-Cost Digital Linescan Camera 512, 1024 and 2048 Pixels, and Parallel LVDS Outputs P R E L I M I N A R Y Lighting D A T A S H E E T Description In the LD3500-series digital linescan camera, PerkinElmer has combined the

    LD3500 LD3500-series RS-644) PDP-206 7/2002W MDR36 LVDS camera-link cable 3M14X26S2LB-XXX-OLC RL2048P camera-link RS-644 standard RETICON linear CCD 512 RS-644 RETICON photodiode array 512 PDF


    Abstract: RD5106A RD6610A RD5107A RD661OA rd5107 RETICON RD510 RD6610ANP011 EGG RETICON
    Text: Advance Information ¿n'^E E zG RETICON RD6610A 2048-Sample CCD Analog Delay Line Description 1 Clock The RD661OA is a 2048-sample analog delay line. It accepts an arbitrary analog voltage signal within certain voltage swing and bandwidth limits and outputs the same signal delayed in time.

    OCR Scan
    RD661OA 2048-sample RD5106A/RD5107A RD5108A RD661 RD6610ANP-011 rd5106 RD5106A RD6610A RD5107A rd5107 RETICON RD510 RD6610ANP011 EGG RETICON PDF


    Abstract: rd5108 RD5108A RD5106A EGG RETICON RD5108ANP011 RD5108ANP-011 RD5108ANP analog delay line Bucket Brigade Device
    Text: ¿n'^ E G zB R ETIC O N R D 5 10 8 A Analog Delay Line Device Description The RD5108A is a 1024 sample bucket brigade device. It is pincompatible with and similar to the RD5106A, but with four times the delay. The device contains internal clock drivers that can

    OCR Scan
    RD5108A RD5106A, RD5106 rd5108 RD5106A EGG RETICON RD5108ANP011 RD5108ANP-011 RD5108ANP analog delay line Bucket Brigade Device PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R A 0 1 0 0 A /R A 0 1 2 8 N ¡L e I 3 e B r e t t c o The scanning method permits pixel rates up to 10 MHz. Each line of pixel information is parallel-loaded into two high-speed bucket-brigade BBD analog shift registers and sequentially shifted out. The outputs of the registers are then combined

    OCR Scan
    scientific128NAQ-020 RC0502ANA-020 RA0128NAF-011 RA0128NAF-020 03073A PDF

    reticon photodiode RL0256

    Abstract: reticon photodiode array RL0256 Photodiode Array linear reticon rl0256 RETICON heart pulse rate sensor using photodiodes 74ls161 counter pin configuration silicon photodiode array reticon photodiode linear array
    Text: r ju n c A B Application Note 33 TECHNOLOGY March 1989 Converting Light to Digits: LTC1099 Half Flash 8-Bit A/D Converter Digitizes Photodiode Array Richard Markell INTRODUCTION Automated pricing at the supermarket check out counter has been around for years. A quick swipe across the bar

    OCR Scan
    LTC1099 LTC1099, reticon photodiode RL0256 reticon photodiode array RL0256 Photodiode Array linear reticon rl0256 RETICON heart pulse rate sensor using photodiodes 74ls161 counter pin configuration silicon photodiode array reticon photodiode linear array PDF

    RETICON 128 application notes

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Il A i s E G & B RA2568N R E T I C O N High-Speed Solid State Image Sensor Array General Description sub The EG&G Reticon RA2568N High Speed Tapped 256 x 256 A rray is a tw o-dim ensional scanned optical array with optimized-geometry of 65,536 discrete photodiodes read

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    RA2568N RA2568N 28-pin XAF-011 RC0504ANN-011 RA2568NAQ-011 RA2568NAF-011 RETICON 128 application notes PDF


    Abstract: Reticon SAD1024 SAD 512 sad512 RETICON SAD1024 equivalent SAD-512 SAD 512 8 pin sad 1024a SAD-1024
    Text: p ’•#* i l\ £ I I U |T v X I V l 1 S A D -1 0 2 4 D U A L A N A L O G D E L A Y L I N E S A D -5 1 2 A N A L O G D E L A Y L IN E The SAD-1024 is a general-purpose Sam pled A nalog Delay device fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate technology in a bucket-brigade configuration to obtain flexible perform ance at low cost.

    OCR Scan
    SAD-1024 SAD-512 512-stage 340/isec. 200KHz. SAD-512. SAD1024 Reticon SAD1024 SAD 512 sad512 RETICON SAD1024 equivalent SAD 512 8 pin sad 1024a PDF


    Abstract: RETICON RT0032A RETICON RA reticon tapped delay
    Text: & E G Z G R E T IC O N ^ J J 5 Ï Ï Î General Description RT0032 is a 32-stage charge-transfer device which permits the storage of analog signals with recovery of the signals at multiple separate outputs at successive delay times later. The taps on each stage are brought to the

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    RT0032 32-stage 32-tap RT003 RETICON RT0032A RETICON RA reticon tapped delay PDF


    Abstract: 13001 s 8b TRANSISTOR reticon tad-32 RETICON ccd MC33269ST-5.0T3 diagram transistor 13001
    Text: n ¿'^EGzG RETICON TD Series Single Output TDI Array CCD TDI Array Introduction Output • EG&G Reticon’s Single Output TDI arrays are high-speed, CCD imagers designed to operate in the Time Delay Integra­ tion TDI mode. Applications for Reticon TDI arrays include

    OCR Scan
    1024x64 1024x96 RC0512ANN-011 TD1064AAG-011 13001 s 8b TRANSISTOR reticon tad-32 RETICON ccd MC33269ST-5.0T3 diagram transistor 13001 PDF

    reticon tad-32

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: il e / 3 .1 3 O C T in n M RETICO N TD Serles Unidirectional TDI Array Introduction EG&G Reticon’s Unidirectional TDI arrays are high-speed, CCD imagers designed to operate in the Time Delay Integration TDI mode. Applications for Reticon TDI arrays include industrial

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    RC0511 ANN-011 0004b4fl reticon tad-32 PDF

    RETICON r5632

    Abstract: R5632 Reticon lt 5240 EGG RETICON m5632
    Text: Il EG SiG RETÌCON — —— • i _ - - _. RM5632A 212/V.22 Type Modem FiHer General Description The R eticon R M 5632A is a m o n o lith ic sw itche d ca p a cito r filte r n e tw o rk d esig n ed fo r use in fu ll d u p le x Bell 212A and C CITT V.22 1200 BPS m odem filte rin g app licatio n s. The

    OCR Scan
    212/V RM5632A R5632. RM5632 RM5632. RETICON r5632 R5632 Reticon lt 5240 EGG RETICON m5632 PDF


    Abstract: rd5108 RD5108A bucket brigade devices Reticon RD5108
    Text: ^ E E z G RETJCON AnaÆ0“ * Device Description The RD5108 is a 1024 sample bucket brigade device. It is pin-compatible with and similar to the RD5106, but with four times the delay. The device contains internal clock drivers that can accept TTL or higher, single phase input fc . Internal

    OCR Scan
    RD5108 RD5106, RD5108A RD5106 RD5108A bucket brigade devices Reticon RD5108 PDF

    Reticon SAD4096

    Abstract: SAD 512 8 pin EGG RETICON RETICON Reticon Analog delay line SAD-4096
    Text: EG zG P R E L I M I N A R Y D A T A SHEET R E Ï I C O N SAD-4096 ANALOG DELAY LINE The SAD-4096 is a general purpose 4096-bucket 2048-sample n-channel bucket-brigade audio delay line useful in applications where relatively long delay is desired, coupled with high performance.

    OCR Scan
    SAD-4096 SAD-4096 4096-bucket 2048-sample) 2048/fc, Reticon SAD4096 SAD 512 8 pin EGG RETICON RETICON Reticon Analog delay line PDF


    Abstract: RD5106A RD5106ANP RD5106ANP011 RD5107 bucket brigade devices RETICON rd5106anp RD5107A RD5107ANP-011 RD5107ANP011
    Text: RD5106A/RD5107A J ^ E B a B r e t ic o n Analog Delay Line Device Description 1 The RD5106A and RD5107A are 256 and 512 sample bucket brigade devices, respectively. Each device contains internal clock drivers that can accept a TTL or higher-level single­

    OCR Scan
    RD5106A RD5107A RD5106A/RD5107A RD5106 RD5106ANP RD5106ANP011 RD5107 bucket brigade devices RETICON rd5106anp RD5107ANP-011 RD5107ANP011 PDF

    reticon tad-32

    Abstract: TAD32 TAD-32 NE602 application note hef4013 advantages and disadvantage of demodulation i n s hef4750 application NE5534 signetics rf ne602 NE602 application
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document Application N ote Author. R obert J. Zavrel Jr. Date April 1 988 RF Communications AN1981 New low-power single sideband circuits INTRODUCTION the advantages of improved spectrum detectors receive the S S B signal and S everal new integrated circuits now

    OCR Scan
    AN1981 SA/NE602 reticon tad-32 TAD32 TAD-32 NE602 application note hef4013 advantages and disadvantage of demodulation i n s hef4750 application NE5534 signetics rf ne602 NE602 application PDF


    Abstract: RETICON R5609 RETICON reticon filter Pin-for-Pin Compatible with the 1015CP 1016CP xr1015
    Text: XR-1015/1016 g ’ E X q R Seventh Order Elliptic Low Pass Filters PIN ASSIGNMENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION - ^ The XR-1015 and XR-1016 are seven pole and six zero elliptic low pass switched capacitor filters. The posi­ tion of the passband of the filter is set by the frequency

    OCR Scan
    XR-1015 XR-1016 XR-1015/1016 r5609 RETICON R5609 RETICON reticon filter Pin-for-Pin Compatible with the 1015CP 1016CP xr1015 PDF

    RETICON R5609

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XR-1015/1016 1B T E X A R Seventh Order Elliptic Low Pass Filters PIN ASSIG NM ENT G EN ERA L DESCRIPTION T he X R -1 0 1 5 and X R -1016 a re seven pole and six zero elliptic low pass switched capacitor filters. The posi­ tion o f the passband of the filter is set by the frequency

    OCR Scan
    XR-1015/1016 XR-1015 XR-1016 XR-1015 XR-1016CD RETICON R5609 PDF


    Abstract: R5609 RETICON R5609 XR-1015 XR-1015CN XR-1015CP XR-1016 XR-1016CD XR-1016CN XR-1016CP
    Text: XR-1015/1016 ¡ T E X A R Seventh O rder Elliptic Low Pass Filters .th e a n a lo g p lu s c o m p a n y TM September 1996-4 APPLICATIONS FEATURES • Greater than 70 dB Stopband Rejection General Purpose Filtering • Operation at +5 VDC Anti-alias Filters for analog-to-digital converters

    OCR Scan
    XR-1015/1016 XR-1015 XR-1016 RETICON R5609 RETICON R5609 XR-1015CN XR-1015CP XR-1016CD XR-1016CN XR-1016CP PDF


    Abstract: RETICON RETICON R5609 reticon rl 16 XR-1015 XR-1015CN XR-1015CP XR-1016 XR-1016CD XR-1016CN
    Text: XR-1015/1016 ¡T E X A R .the analog plus Seventh O rder Elliptic Low Pass Filters company T M Septem ber 1996-4 APPLICATIONS FEATURES • Greater than 70 dB Stopband Rejection General Purpose Filtering • Operation at +5 VDC Anti-alias Filters for analog-to-digital converters

    OCR Scan
    XR-1015/1016 XR-1015 XR-1016 r5609 RETICON RETICON R5609 reticon rl 16 XR-1015CN XR-1015CP XR-1016CD XR-1016CN PDF


    Abstract: RETICON RU5620ANP011 RU5620ANP-011 RU5620A RU5620ANB-011 EG*G Reticon u417 EGC 890 reticon filter
    Text: RU5620A ^ E O n O RETICON Digitally-Programmable Universal Active Filter Description w 18 D HPjn V SS E 1 The RU5620A is a digitally-programmable Universal Active Filter UAF . It is implemented using Reticon’s proven double­ poly NMOS switched-capacitor filter technology. It consists of

    OCR Scan
    RU5620A RU5620A RU5620ANP RETICON RU5620ANP011 RU5620ANP-011 RU5620ANB-011 EG*G Reticon u417 EGC 890 reticon filter PDF


    Abstract: SAD-1024 Reticon SAD1024 phono preamp analog devices Bucket Brigade Delay 1024 stages SAD1024 equivalent balanced riaa RETICON ad524 application note phono preamp
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-245 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Instrumentation Amplifiers Solve Unusual Design Problems by Scott Wurcer and Walt Jung Traditionally considered only for transducer-conditioning

    OCR Scan
    AN-245 12-bit-resolution SC-17, SAD1024 SAD-1024 Reticon SAD1024 phono preamp analog devices Bucket Brigade Delay 1024 stages SAD1024 equivalent balanced riaa RETICON ad524 application note phono preamp PDF


    Abstract: Reticon SAD1024 SAD1024 equivalent Bucket Brigade Delay 1024 stages riaa preamp analog devices 67th RETICON SAD-1024 microphone preamps scheme RETICON RL 1024
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES AN-245 APPLICATION NOTE □ ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Instrumentation Amplifiers Solve Unusual Design Problems by Scott Wurcer and Walt Jung Traditionally considered only for transducer-conditioning

    OCR Scan
    AN-245 12-bit-resolution SC-17, SAD1024 Reticon SAD1024 SAD1024 equivalent Bucket Brigade Delay 1024 stages riaa preamp analog devices 67th RETICON SAD-1024 microphone preamps scheme RETICON RL 1024 PDF


    Abstract: reticon
    Text: XR-1 01 5/1 01 6 C'EXAR .the analog plus Seventh O rder Elliptic Low Pass Filters com pany T M Septem ber 1996-4 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Greater than 70 dB Stopband Rejection • General Purpose Filtering • Operation at +5 VDC • Anti-alias Filters tor analog-to-digital converters

    OCR Scan
    XR-1015 XR-1016 1015CP reticon PDF