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    RETICON AMPLIFIER Search Results

    RETICON AMPLIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    P206 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, Mag Amp toroids, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC821C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17904ATEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RETICON AMPLIFIER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 13001 s 8b TRANSISTOR reticon tad-32 RETICON ccd MC33269ST-5.0T3 diagram transistor 13001
    Text: n ¿'^EGzG RETICON TD Series Single Output TDI Array CCD TDI Array Introduction Output • EG&G Reticon’s Single Output TDI arrays are high-speed, CCD imagers designed to operate in the Time Delay Integra­ tion TDI mode. Applications for Reticon TDI arrays include

    OCR Scan
    1024x64 1024x96 RC0512ANN-011 TD1064AAG-011 13001 s 8b TRANSISTOR reticon tad-32 RETICON ccd MC33269ST-5.0T3 diagram transistor 13001 PDF

    RETICON ccd rc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J}^EG rG RETICON Description EG&G Reticon’s RA2048J array is a high-speed CCD Imager designed to operate in the Time Delay Integration TDI mode. This array was designed for industrial inspection, noncontact measurement, pattern recognition, and any pro­

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    RA2048J RC0505ANN-011 303G73Ã RETICON ccd rc PDF

    RETICON photodiode array 512

    Abstract: reticon photodiode array Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel reticon photodiode linear array RL1024SAF-011 Reticon 512 sensor photodiode reticon reticon tad-32 RL1024SAQ011 RL1024SAQ-011
    Text: j^EG& O RETICON S Series Solid State Line Scanners 128, 256,512, and 1024 Elements General Description The Reticon S series is a family of monolithic self-scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectros­ copy. The devices in this series consist of a row of silicon

    OCR Scan
    RL0256S RL0512S RL1024S RETICON photodiode array 512 reticon photodiode array Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel reticon photodiode linear array RL1024SAF-011 Reticon 512 sensor photodiode reticon reticon tad-32 RL1024SAQ011 RL1024SAQ-011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E G & G RETICON lflE D • 3030738 0003180 1 ■ PRELIMINARY JLe B&G RETICON General Description The RA1200J is a full frame C C D sensor designed specifically for use in astronomy, spectroscopy and related scientific imaging applications. Its combination of very low noise and

    OCR Scan
    RA1200J A1200JAU-011 RA1200JA A1200JAU-021 A1200JA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TH Series RETICON Solid State Scanners General Description The EG&G Reticon TH series is a family of monolithic self­ scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy, specifically HPLC applications. The devices in this series consist of a row of silicon photo diodes. Each

    OCR Scan
    22-pin RL0256 PDF

    RETICON RL 1024

    Abstract: RL0128GAG-011 RL0512GAG011 Reticon RL 512 S RETICON RL 256 RETICON diode array RL0256
    Text: n G Series RETICON Introduction EG&G Reticon’s G Series solid state line scanners are opti­ mized for second-generation solid state image sensor appli­ cations. Devices in this series contain 128, 256, 512 or 1024 photodiodes on 25 pm centers the RL0128G, RL0256G,

    OCR Scan
    RL0128G, RL0256G, RL0512G, RL1024G, B-011/RC0104LNN-011 RC0100LNB-011/RC0104LNN-011 RC0100LNB-011/RC0105LNN-011 RC01OOLNB-011/RC0106LNN-011 RETICON RL 1024 RL0128GAG-011 RL0512GAG011 Reticon RL 512 S RETICON RL 256 RETICON diode array RL0256 PDF

    reticon tad-32

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: il e / 3 .1 3 O C T in n M RETICO N TD Serles Unidirectional TDI Array Introduction EG&G Reticon’s Unidirectional TDI arrays are high-speed, CCD imagers designed to operate in the Time Delay Integration TDI mode. Applications for Reticon TDI arrays include industrial

    OCR Scan
    RC0511 ANN-011 0004b4fl reticon tad-32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J^EtSzG RET1CON Bmreal0J ^ Z t CCD TOI Array Introduction Horizontal Output EG&G Reticon’s bidirectional TDI arrays are high-speed, CCD imagers designed to operate in the Time Delay Integra­ tion TDI mode. Applications for Reticon TDI arrays include industrial inspection, noncontact measurement, pattern rec­

    OCR Scan
    arra024 1024x96 RC0510ANN-011 PDF

    74LS74 function table

    Abstract: 74LS74 gate diagram 74LS74 pinout 74ls74 pin configuration 74LS04P EGG RETICON silicon linear photodiode array 741S74 74LS74 PIN NUMBER DIAGRAM RETICON
    Text: E 6 & G RETICON M7E D • 3030738 OOOSbbS 3 « R E T n EEzG RETICON R00720B Circular Array T-VhSS — General Description The R00720B is a high resolution circular solid state scanner designed specifically for applications such as focusing, tracking, angle discrimination, etc. This monolithic integrated

    OCR Scan
    R00720B R00720B R00720BAG R00720BJG, R00720BAG-011 R00720BJG-011 RC07200NB-011 RC07200NB-011 74LS74 function table 74LS74 gate diagram 74LS74 pinout 74ls74 pin configuration 74LS04P EGG RETICON silicon linear photodiode array 741S74 74LS74 PIN NUMBER DIAGRAM RETICON PDF


    Abstract: RETICON photodiode array 512 rl0256sbq011 Reticon 256 RETICON amplifier RETICON Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel rl1024sb RC1030LNN-011 rl1024s
    Text: E 6 & G RETICON j^ E G & G 4?E P • 3030736 R E T IC O N ODOBSSÌ Solid State Line Scanners General Description The EG&G Reticon SB series is a family of monolithic self­ scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy. The devices in this series consist of a row of

    OCR Scan
    side-30LNN-011 RC1030LNN-011 RL0128SBF-011 RL0256SBF-011 RL0512SBF-011 RL1024SBF-011 RL0256SBQ-111 RL0128SBQ-011 RETICON photodiode array 512 rl0256sbq011 Reticon 256 RETICON amplifier RETICON Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel rl1024sb rl1024s PDF

    RETICON ccd

    Abstract: RETICON
    Text: E G & G RETICON 1ÔE D • 3030735 0003050 4 ■ RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D D Series Tapped RETICON High Speed Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array EG&G Reticon's RL1282D, RL1284D and RL1288D are ultrahigh-speed, self-scanned charge-coupled linear arrays with video output taps every 128 diodes. The RL1282D has two

    OCR Scan
    RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D RL1284D RL1288D RL1282D RL1284DAQ-011 RETICON ccd RETICON PDF


    Abstract: RETICON CCD RETICON photodiode array 512 Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel RL1288DAQ-011 Reticon 256 reticon photodiode array RC07 RL1282D RL1288D
    Text: E G & G RETICON 1ÔE D • 3030735 0003050 4 ■ RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D D Series Tapped RETICON High Speed Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array EG&G Reticon's RL1282D, RL1284D and RL1288D are ultrahigh-speed, self-scanned charge-coupled linear arrays with video output taps every 128 diodes. The RL1282D has two

    OCR Scan
    RL1282D, RL1284D RL1288D RL1282D RL1282DAQ-011 RL1284DAQ-011 RL1288DAQ-011 RC0716LNN-020 RETICON RETICON CCD RETICON photodiode array 512 Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel Reticon 256 reticon photodiode array RC07 PDF


    Abstract: RL1024H RETICON CA10A Reticon 1024 RL1728H CA10A Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel RETICON amplifier Reticon RL2048HDQ
    Text: E G & G RETICON 4?E T> 303073A 0003525 1 HIRET m T—41—55 fi ¡— s -, > v V 'V i , . H S e rie s "iP I -» h \ t l l ICON The Reticon H Series devices are high-resolution solid state image sensors designed specifically for facsimile and related applications. These monolithic silicon integrated circuits con­

    OCR Scan
    03073A RL1728H RL2048H RL1024H RETICON CA10A Reticon 1024 CA10A Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel RETICON amplifier Reticon RL2048HDQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3030738 E G & G R E T IC O N 91D E G & G RETICON ~TL 02624 D! DE^J 3DB073Û j-41-55 QDG2bH4 R00720B RETICON Circular Array General Description SUBSTRATE IPOS 28 bC t[ 27 eno t[ The R00720B is a high-resolution circular solid-state scan­ ner designed specifically for applications such as focusing,

    OCR Scan
    3DB073Ã j-41-55 R00720B R00720B R00720B/2 1987EG PDF


    Abstract: reticon tad-32
    Text: R Series &EG&G RETKION Dual Image Sensor General Description The EG&G Reticon R Series RL0512R and RL1024R combines two S Series devices on a single, monolithic substrate. They are positioned in parallel to each other. They operate completely independently, allowing simultaneous

    OCR Scan
    RL0512S. RL0512RAQ-011 RL0512R RL0512RAF-011 RL1024R RL1024RAQ-011 RL1024RAF-011 RETICON reticon tad-32 PDF

    RETICON photodiode array 512

    Abstract: RL0256TB Reticon s series RL0512TBQ011 RL0256 RL0128TBQ-011 Reticon Reticon 256 Reticon E Series RETICON 128 application notes
    Text: E G & G RETICON J }^ E O s .G R 47E D ' • E T IC O 303D73Ô DDD3SÔ1 ô « R E T Solid State Line Scanners N - T-41-55 General Description 22 ] Start

    OCR Scan
    303D73Ô T-41-55 N-020 RC1030LNN-020 RL0128TBF-011 RL0256TBF-011 RL0512TBF-011 RETICON photodiode array 512 RL0256TB Reticon s series RL0512TBQ011 RL0256 RL0128TBQ-011 Reticon Reticon 256 Reticon E Series RETICON 128 application notes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n ¿^EGzG RETICON R Series Dual Image Sensor General Description The EG&G Relicon R Series RL0512R and RL1024R combines two S Series devices on a single, monolithic substrate. They are positioned in parallel to each other. They operate completely independently, allowing simultaneous

    OCR Scan
    RL0512R RL1024R) 34-pin singlAQ-011 RL0512RAF-011 RL1024R RL1024RAQ-011 RL1024RAF-011 PDF

    reticon photodiode linear array

    Abstract: RL1024SRF011 RL1024SRQ-011 RC1010LNN-011/ RETICON
    Text: J}^EB&t3 RETICON SR Series Random Access Linear Array G eneral D escrip tio n Ao The SR Series is a unique family of monolithic linear image arrays with randomly-accessible photodiode sensors. The photodiodes are accessed via 5V binary address lines. Like

    OCR Scan
    withL1024SRF-011 RC1010LNN-011/ RC1011LNN-011 reticon photodiode linear array RL1024SRF011 RL1024SRQ-011 RC1010LNN-011/ RETICON PDF

    RETICON photodiode array 512

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T S erie s Solid State Line Scanners 64,128,256, and 512 Elements RETICO N General Description The Reticon T series is a family of monolithic self-scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy. The devices in this series consist of a row of silicon photodiodes,

    OCR Scan
    RL0064TAF-011 RL0128TAF-011 RL0256TAF-011 RL0512TAF-011 RC1000LNN-020/RC1001 LNN-011 RETICON photodiode array 512 PDF


    Abstract: RETICON CCD A0564J
    Text: Preliminary ^ E G z E RETICON Ful FrameCCD General Description The R A0564J is a full fram e C C D se nso r with reset capabilities designed specifically for use in spectroscopy, biom edical im ag­ ing, and related scientific imaging applications. The package for

    OCR Scan
    A0564J RA0564J 0564JA Reticon RETICON CCD PDF


    Abstract: reticon filter 50 Hz notch filter EGG RETICON RF6651ANP-011
    Text: n ¿ '^ E G z G RF6651ANP R E T IC O N C-Message/1010 Hz Notch/Program Weighting CMOS Combination Switched-Capacitor Filter Description The EG&G Reticon RF6651ANP-011 is a high performance, monolithic, switched-capacitor filter designed for testing tele­

    OCR Scan
    RF6651ANP C-Message/1010 RF6651ANP-011 24-pin, RF5651A RF665mensions RF5651 ANP-011 RETICON reticon filter 50 Hz notch filter EGG RETICON PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary ^ E G k G R E T ÏC O N Solid State Line Scanners j General Description The EG&G Reticon TC series is a family of monolithic self­ scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy. The devices in this series consist of a row of

    OCR Scan
    RL0128TC 2LNN-020 RC1032LNN-020 RL0128TCQ-111 3D3Q73fi RL0256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary n G zG RETICON ¿'^E HS0512J Fast Framing CCD Imager General Description 1 40 : 13 [ 2 V ID 1 2 [ The HS0512J is a split frame CCD sensor designed specifically for high speed photographic, and high contrast imaging applica­ tions. Its combination of high speed readout with 1000 times

    OCR Scan
    HS0512J HS0512J 303Q73B D0047bfl PDF

    50 Hz notch filter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary n . RF6651ANP I /n O A / C-Message/1010 Hz Notch/Program Weighting CMQS Combjnation Switched-Capacitor Filter w Description N/C PW O U T The EG&G Reticon RF6651ANP-011 is a high performance, monolithic, switched-capacitor filter designed for testing tele­

    OCR Scan
    RF6651ANP C-Message/1010 RF6651ANP-011 24-pin, RF6651 ANP-012 50 Hz notch filter PDF