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    RESISTOR 85N Search Results

    RESISTOR 85N Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    37-1409 Coilcraft Inc Tuning tool Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    37-2182 Coilcraft Inc Tuning tool Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    AA1A4M-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Built-in Resistor Bipolar Transistors, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    AA1A3Q-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Built-in Resistor Bipolar Transistors, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    GA4L3Z(0)-T1-AT Renesas Electronics Corporation Built-in Resistor Bipolar Transistors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RESISTOR 85N Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT3081 1.5A Single Resistor Rugged Linear Regulator with Monitors Description Features Extended Safe Operating Area n Maximum Output Current: 1.5A n Stable with or without Input/Output Capacitors n Wide Input Voltage Range: 1.2V to 36V n Single Resistor Sets Output Voltage

    LT3081 IOUT/5000 OT-23, OT-223 LT3083 O-220) 310mV 3081fa com/LT3081 LT3081 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT3081 1.5A Single Resistor Rugged Linear Regulator with Monitors Description Features Extended Safe Operating Area n Maximum Output Current: 1.5A n Stable with or without Input/Output Capacitors n Wide Input Voltage Range: 1.2V to 36V n Single Resistor Sets Output Voltage

    LT3081 IOUT/5000 OT-23, OT-223 LT3083 O-220) 310mV 3081fb com/LT3081 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT3081 1.5A Single Resistor Rugged Linear Regulator with Monitors Description Features Extended Safe Operating Area n Maximum Output Current: 1.5A n Stable with or without Input/Output Capacitors n Wide Input Voltage Range: 1.2V to 36V n Single Resistor Sets Output Voltage

    LT3081 IOUT/5000 OT-23, OT-223 LT3083 O-220) 310mV 3081fa com/LT3081 LT3081 PDF


    Abstract: pt100 maxim pt1000 sensor interface WITH ADC RTD PT100 temp Vs resistance relationship pt100 rtd spi MAX31865ATP PT100 3 wire connected diagram temperature RTD scale code example maxim pt100 interface pt100 temperature controller based on microcontroller
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital Converter General Description Features The MAX31865 is an easy-to-use resistance-to-digital converter optimized for platinum resistance temperature detectors RTDs . An external resistor sets the sensitivity

    MAX31865 PT100 PT1000) pt100 maxim pt1000 sensor interface WITH ADC RTD PT100 temp Vs resistance relationship pt100 rtd spi MAX31865ATP PT100 3 wire connected diagram temperature RTD scale code example maxim pt100 interface pt100 temperature controller based on microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital Converter General Description Features The MAX31865 is an easy-to-use resistance-to-digital converter optimized for platinum resistance temperature detectors RTDs . An external resistor sets the sensitivity

    MAX31865 MAX31865 MAX31865â PT100 PT1000) PDF

    maxim pt100 interface

    Abstract: max31865 pt100 maxim RTD PT100 temp Vs resistance relationship THERMISTORS - tdc 250 pt100 rtd spi pt1000 sensor interface WITH ADC MAX31865ATP pt100 interface WITH ADC PT1000 CONVERSION TABLE
    Text: MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital Converter General Description Features The MAX31865 is an easy-to-use resistance-to-digital converter optimized for platinum resistance temperature detectors RTDs . An external resistor sets the sensitivity for the RTD being used and a precision delta-sigma ADC

    MAX31865 PT100 PT1000) maxim pt100 interface pt100 maxim RTD PT100 temp Vs resistance relationship THERMISTORS - tdc 250 pt100 rtd spi pt1000 sensor interface WITH ADC MAX31865ATP pt100 interface WITH ADC PT1000 CONVERSION TABLE PDF

    arduino due

    Abstract: LT3081 arduino LT3081ET7 2921 DFN-10
    Text: LT3081 1.5A Single Resistor Rugged Linear Regulator with Monitors DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Extended Safe Operating Area Maximum Output Current: 1.5A Stable with or without Input/Output Capacitors Wide Input Voltage Range: 1.2V to 36V

    LT3081 LT3070 LT3071 LT3080/LT3080-1 LT3082 200mA, 500mA, LT3085 arduino due arduino LT3081ET7 2921 DFN-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4745; Rev 2; 1/10 TION KIT EVALUA BLE A IL A AV USB Host Charger Identification Analog Switch The MAX14550E is a USB Hi-Speed analog switch with a USB host charger dedicated charger identification circuit. The MAX14550E supports both the USB Battery Charging Specification Revision 1.0 and a set resistor

    MAX14550E MAX14550E PDF

    ipod touch circuit diagram

    Abstract: iphone circuit diagram ipod classic circuit diagram MAX14550 ipod touch 2g iphone 3gs iphone 3G Ipod video ipod connector ipod classic 5
    Text: 19-4745; Rev 2; 1/10 TION KIT EVALUA BLE A IL A AV USB Host Charger Identification Analog Switch The MAX14550E is a USB Hi-Speed analog switch with a USB host charger dedicated charger identification circuit. The MAX14550E supports both the USB Battery Charging Specification Revision 1.0 and a set resistor

    MAX14550E MAX14550E ipod touch circuit diagram iphone circuit diagram ipod classic circuit diagram MAX14550 ipod touch 2g iphone 3gs iphone 3G Ipod video ipod connector ipod classic 5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4685; Rev 0; 7/09 TION KIT EVALUA LE IL AVA AB Step-Up Regulator and High-Voltage Step-Up with Temperature Compensation The MAX17106 is available in a 7mm x 7mm, 56-pin, lead-free TQFN package with exposed pad and operates over the -40NC to +85NC temperature range.

    300mA 56-Pin, MAX17106 MAX17106 T5677MN ckvb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4685; Rev 0; 7/09 TION KIT EVALUA LE IL AVA AB Step-Up Regulator and High-Voltage Step-Up with Temperature Compensation The MAX17106 is available in a 7mm x 7mm, 56-pin, lead-free TQFN package with exposed pad and operates over the -40NC to +85NC temperature range.

    MAX17106 56-pin, -40NC MAX17106ETN+ T5677MN PDF


    Abstract: LT1116 LT1394 LT1671 LT1671CS8 Ultrafast Recovery diode 12ns
    Text: Final Electrical Specifications LT1671 60ns, Low Power, Single Supply, Ground-Sensing Comparator July 1998 U DESCRIPTION FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Low Power: 450µA Fast: 60ns at 20mV Overdrive 85ns at 5mV Overdrive Low Offset Voltage: 0.8mV

    LT1671 LT1394, LT1016 LT1116 LT1016 LT1394 1671i LT1116 LT1394 LT1671 LT1671CS8 Ultrafast Recovery diode 12ns PDF


    Abstract: ha17408 DAC08 HA17008RP
    Text: I" HA17008RP.HA17008RG H A 17008R it a 8-bit m onolithic D /A Converter, w ith a re­ ference current amplifier, a ladder resistor o f R -2R and eight high speed current twitches built in. By establishing a re­ ference current and resistance, it is possible to change the

    OCR Scan
    HA17008RP HA17008RG HA17008R DAC08 255/2S6 992mA. HA17408 HA17008RP, HA17008RG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f t vreinc Value the Customerm VM7230/VM7230N 5-VOLT, THIN-FILM HEAD, READ/WRITE PREAMPLIFIER PRELIMINARY TWO TERMINAL REAR/WRITE PREAMPS FEA TU RES • High Performance - Read Gain = 250 V/V typical - Input Noise = .85nV/VHz maximum - Head Inductance Range = 0.2 - 10 nH

    OCR Scan
    VM7230/VM7230N 85nV/VHz VM7230 VM7230N 100mV, 10MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y UCCI 581 UCC2581 UCC3581 PRELIMINARY U N IT R O D E Micropower Voltage Mode PWM FEATURES Low 85nA Startup Current Low 300|iA Operating Current Automatically Disabled Startup Preregulator Programmable Minimum Duty Cycle with Cycle Skipping Programmable Maximum

    OCR Scan
    UCC2581 UCC3581 UCC3581 1600mH/1000Turn2. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .* ¿' P VTC Incorporated « FEATURES • High Performance - Read Gain = 200 V/V Typical - Input Noise = .85nV/VHz max - Head Inductance Range - 0.2 - 3 |iH - Write Current Range 10 - 40 mA - Input Capacitance - 23 pF max • Very Low Power Dissipation - 9 mW Typical in Sleep

    OCR Scan
    85nV/VHz VM7200 DS144-12M9009 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: #1# VM 323 Y IE c l^ » SINGLE CHANNEL, THIN-FILM HEAD, SERVO READ/WRITE PREAMPLIFIER A D V A N C E D IN FO R M A T IO N FE A T U R E S • Read Mode Gain = 250 V/V • Input Noise = ,85nVVHz • Input Capacitance = 25 pF • Write Current Range = 10-40 mA

    OCR Scan
    85nVVHz SSI523, PDF


    Abstract: DAC08
    Text: DAC-08 8 -Bit High S p eed M ultiplying D/A Converter Distinctive Characteristics • • Fast settling o u tp u t current — 85nsec Full scale current prem atched to ± 1 .0 LSB • • • D irect interface to T T L , CM OS, E C L, H T L , N M O S N on linearity to ±0.1% max over tem perature range

    OCR Scan
    85nsec DAC-08 AC08A DAC08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D/A Converters DAC-08 DAC-08 8-Bit High Speed Multiplying D/A Converter Features • Fast settling output current — 85nS ■ Full scale current prematched to ±1.0 LSB ■ Direct interface to TTL, CMOS, ECL, HTL, PMOS ■ Nonlinearity to ±0.1% max. over temperature

    OCR Scan
    DAC-08 10ppm/Â DAC-08 DAC08 PDF

    DAC-08 raytheon

    Abstract: dac08 DAC-08 DAC-08CN dac08en DAC08D DAC-08HN full scale output characteristic of dac DAC-08AD DAC-08D
    Text: D/A Converters DAC-08 DAC-08 8-Bit High Speed Multiplying D/A Converter Features • Fast settling output current — 85nS ■ Full scale current prematched to ±1.0 LSB ■ Direct interface to TTL, CMOS, ECL, HTL, PMOS ■ Nonlinearity to ±0.1% max. over temperature

    OCR Scan
    DAC-08 10ppm/Â DAC-08 DAC-08 raytheon dac08 DAC-08CN dac08en DAC08D DAC-08HN full scale output characteristic of dac DAC-08AD DAC-08D PDF

    pmi dac20

    Abstract: CKR05BX102KL
    Text: DAC-20 PMÏ 2-DIGH BCD HIGH-SPEED MULTIPLYING D /A CONVERTER _ UNIVERSAL DIGITAL LOGIC INTERFACE) D 'Ím iiii V l m u j i i t h u -> FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • Fa«t Settling Output Current.85ns

    OCR Scan
    DAC-20 10ppmMC DAC-20, 500fi. pmi dac20 CKR05BX102KL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M T M IL [fS IK M S I une Final Electrical Specifications LT1671 TECHNOLOGY 60ns, Low Power, Single Supply, Ground-Sensing C om parator J u ly 1998 FEATURES DCSCRICTIOn • Low Power: 450uA ■ Fast: 60ns at 20mV Overdrive 85ns at 5m V Overdrive ■ Low Offset Voltage: 0.8m V

    OCR Scan
    LT1671 450uA LT1394, LT1016 LT1116 LT1116 LT1394 PDF

    pmi dac08

    Abstract: pmi dac-08 PMI DAC08EP DAC08 DAC08EQ pmi pmi dac08 q DAC08Q PMI PMI dac 20 cq dac08 PMI
    Text: DAC-08 PMÎ 8-BIT HIGH-SPEED MULTIPLYING D/A CONVERTER UNIVERSAL DIGITAL LOGIC INTERFACE) P r e c i s i o n M o n o l i t h i c s In c . FEATURES • Fast Settling O utput C u r re n t. 85ns • Full-Scale Current Prematched to ±1 LSB

    OCR Scan
    DAC-08 10ppm DAC-08 pmi dac08 pmi dac-08 PMI DAC08EP DAC08 DAC08EQ pmi pmi dac08 q DAC08Q PMI PMI dac 20 cq dac08 PMI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HI-5610 I HARRIS 10-Bit High Speed Monolithic Digital-to-Analog Converter FEATURES j APPLICATIONS M O N O L IT H IC C O N S T R U C T IO N C R T D IS P L A Y G E N E R A T IO N E X T R E M E L Y F A S T S E T T L IN G . 85ns TO VSLSB TYP.

    OCR Scan
    HI-5610 10-Bit 4756V 0244V 5000V PDF