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    RCA 30 TUBE Search Results

    RCA 30 TUBE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AV-THLIN2RCAM-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol AV-THLIN2RCAM-005 Thin-line Single RCA Coaxial Cable - RCA Male / RCA Male (Coaxial Digital Audio Compatible) 5ft Datasheet
    CN-ACPRREDAA0 Amphenol Cables on Demand RCA Male Plug Cable Connector (Red) - Amphenol ACPR-RED - Gold Plated Diecast Shell Datasheet
    AV-3.5MINYRCA-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol AV-3.5MINYRCA-015 Stereo Y Adapter Cable - Premium Gold Stereo 3.5mm (Headphone Plug) to Dual RCA Y Adapter Cable - 3.5mm Mini-Stereo Male to Dual RCA Male 15ft Datasheet
    10114549-1500LF Amphenol Communications Solutions 10114549-1500LF-MMI TO RCA CABLE Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10137969-001LF Amphenol Communications Solutions OCTIS™ - Input Output, Accessory, Flexible Extension Tube 400 mm Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions

    RCA 30 TUBE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: RCA-30 RCA30 Scans-0017391
    Text: RCA-30 D E T E C T O R , A M P L IF IE R The 30 is a detector and amplifier tube of the three-electrode type for battery-operated radio receivers where economy of filament-current drain is important. CHARACTERISTICS 2.0 Volts F ilament V oltage D. C . .

    OCR Scan
    RCA-30 ST-12 ST-12 RCA-30 RCA30 Scans-0017391 PDF

    RCA 813

    Abstract: RCA-813 813 tube 300 watts power amplifier layout rms 813 RCA 4-1000 tubes
    Text: 813 BEAM POWER TUBE 400 Watts Input on Phone I CAS up to 30 Me 500 Watts Input on CW (ICAS) up to 30 Me Thoriated-Tungsten Filament High Power Sensitivity RCA-813 is a general-purpose beam p o we r t u b e of the transm itting thoriated-tungsten ment as

    OCR Scan
    upto30 RCA-813 92CM-4963R3 RCA 813 813 tube 300 watts power amplifier layout rms 813 RCA 4-1000 tubes PDF


    Abstract: RCA 3080 RECTIFIER GI RCA-7580 92CS-9800RI
    Text: 7580 BEAM POWER TUBE For Use in Linear Amplifier Service at Frequencies up to 500 Me Ceramic-Metal Seals Coaxial-Electrode Structure Compact Design RCA- 7 5 8 0 is air-cooled a very beam ceramic-meta I seals ma x i mu m p l a t e W O Watts PEP Output at 30 Me

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    RCA-7580 92CS-9800RI -7975RI i0336 RCA 3080 RECTIFIER GI 92CS-9800RI PDF

    RCA 8122

    Abstract: RCA-8122 8122 Tube mycalex 8122 application note 8122 ERIE TECHNOLOGICAL rca 645 Erie Technological Products 11-PIN
    Text: W ' : C o a x ia l- E le c tro d e Structure Ceram ic-M etal S e a ls F u ll R a tin g s Up to 500 MHz RCA-8122 Fo rced - A ir C ooled ' * * 380 W atts P E P Output at 30 MHz A B ] * % 570 W atts P E P Output at 30 MHz A B 2 300 W atts CW Output at 470 MHz

    OCR Scan
    RCA-8122 RCA-8122 92CM-II293RI RCA 8122 8122 Tube mycalex 8122 application note 8122 ERIE TECHNOLOGICAL rca 645 Erie Technological Products 11-PIN PDF

    rca 8121

    Abstract: reactance tube 11-PIN EL1 TUBE rca 8121 beam power tube
    Text: BEAM POWER TUBE Actual Size 2.20” Max. Length 1.475” Max. Diameter Integral Radiator Full Ratings up to 500 Me Forced-Air Cooled 170 Watts PEP Output at 30 Me 235 Watts CW Output at 470 Me RCA- 8I 2I i s a v e r y s m a l l , low-cost, forceda i r - c o o l e d beam p o w e r t u b e d e s i g n e d f o r u s e as

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    235rid-No 92CS-II320 rca 8121 reactance tube 11-PIN EL1 TUBE rca 8121 beam power tube PDF

    rca 913 tube

    Abstract: RADIOTRON rca company RCA tube 43 RCA tube
    Text: HIGH-VACUUM CATHODE-RAY TUBE H eater Coated Uni p o te n tia l Cathode Vo ltag e 6 .3 a-c o r d-c v o lt s C urrent 0.6 amp. Focus E le c t r o s t a t ic D e fle c tio n E le c t r o s t a t ic E le ctro d e s DJ^ and D J 2 u p p er : nearest to screen E le c tro d e s 0J^ and DJ^ (lo w e r):

    OCR Scan
    MT-10 92C-4680 rca 913 tube RADIOTRON rca company RCA tube 43 RCA tube PDF

    tube 811A

    Abstract: 811A 811A tube RCA 811 tube RCA RF power devices Svetlana rca tube 56 transmitting tubes 811 rca 811a audio amplifier
    Text: SVETLANA TECHNICAL DATA 811A High-Mu Power Triode he SvetlanaTM 811A is a power triode for use in class AB, class B, and class C RF and Audio amplifiers. The Svetlana 811A features a low loss ceramic base and a bondedceramic plate cap thermal insulator for high power RF transmitting tube capability. Two



    Abstract: cermolox RCA tube 76
    Text: 4632 B eam CER M O LO X Broadband UHF Operation 2300 w CW Output at 890 MHz Pow er Tube Matrix Cathode Forced~Air Cooled E LE C T R IC A L H eater: T y p e . M atrix O xide C o a te d U n ip o te n tia l C a th o d e

    OCR Scan
    92LM-2522V 4632 cermolox RCA tube 76 PDF


    Abstract: RCA-76 RCA7650 10L5 ICE-300 cermolox 670-001 rca 036 AS-301 rca application notes
    Text: CERM O LO X uujfi Ruggedized M atrix-Type Cathode /7 A O cj n U BEAM POWER TUBE Forced-Air Cooled _ 800 Watts CW Power Output at 400 Me 680 Watts P E P Output at 30 Me R C A - 7 6 5 0 is a small, f o r c e d - a i r c o o l e d uhf beam p o w e r tube d e s i g n e d for a p p l i c a ­

    OCR Scan
    RCA-7650 ICE-300 92cm-i0s03 RCA-76 RCA7650 10L5 cermolox 670-001 rca 036 AS-301 rca application notes PDF

    3bpi cathode-ray

    Abstract: rca tube OC 3 12pin potentiometer RCA tube 3/rca tube 80
    Text: HIGH-VACUUM CATHODE-RAY TUBE S u p e r s e d e s T y p e BP 3 _ 1_ G en eral: H e a t e r , f o r U n i p o t e n t i a l C a th o d e : V o l t a g e . 6 . 3 ± 1 0 % . . . . ac or dc v o l t s

    OCR Scan
    92CM-64I2RI 3bpi cathode-ray rca tube OC 3 12pin potentiometer RCA tube 3/rca tube 80 PDF

    rca 2n3375

    Abstract: 2N3553 equivalent RCA TO60 TRANSISTORS 40281 40280 RCA RF POWER TRANSISTOR CD2152 2N2876 RCA Transistors rca power transistor
    Text: RF Power Transistors Featuring “overlay” Construction For HF-VHF-UHF Microwave Applications M olded-Silicone Hermetic Hermetic Hermetic Plastic Package Ceramic-Metal Ceramic-Metal Strip-L. Package Coaxial Package Small Ceramic-Metal Coaxial Package (Large)

    OCR Scan
    000-Series 2N1492 RCA-CA3000 RFT-700E/2L 1076R5 rca 2n3375 2N3553 equivalent RCA TO60 TRANSISTORS 40281 40280 RCA RF POWER TRANSISTOR CD2152 2N2876 RCA Transistors rca power transistor PDF


    Abstract: thyratron tube 2051 Thyratron 2051 pin out thyratron tube operation 2051 thyratron Scans-0017356 RCA tube
    Text: TH YRA TRO N G A S-TETRO D E Heater* U n i p o t e n t i a l C a th o d e V oltag e 6.3 C urren t 0.6 D ire c t Inte re le ctro d e C apacitances:0 0.26 C o n t r o l G r i d t o Anode 4.2 I npu t Output 3.6 Tube V o l t a g e Drop A p p r o x . : 8 C o n t r o l R a t i o a t Bre akdown ( A p p r o x . 1

    OCR Scan

    931A Hamamatsu

    Abstract: RCA photomultiplier R456, hamamatsu rca 931A rca 4840 photomultiplier R456 IP28 photomultiplier rca 1p28 rca ip28 R456 hamamatsu
    Text: H Æ TECHNICAL J M E ADATA E ÆSHEET J 1T S U July 87 PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE R50B — 1-1/8 INCH DIAMETER, SIDE-ON, 9-SIACE, Multialkeli PHOTOCATHODE 185 TO 810 run SFECTRAL RESPONSE It ie especially suitable for detection and measurement of UV-visible end near-infrared radiation.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Belden STP CAT6 Cable CPAD557 CP59A hdmi to rca wiring pin out 73-6230MM-50 Pinout DVI-D RCA how to wire vga to rca jacks RJ11 6p4c RJ11 6P6C
    Text: front 8/16/06 1:47 PM Page 1 Connectivity.for Business-Critical Continuity Connectivity and Structured Cabling Product Catalog Connectivity Solutions inside_cover_pages 8/16/06 1:16 PM Page 1 To our valued customers: For over 25 years, Aim Electronics and Cambridge Products have been providing our electronics


    rca tube 56

    Abstract: rca 936 UT-1085 RADIOTRON rca 35 tube GT-56 RCA tube rca company rca tube 32 rca 30 tube
    Text: SCREEN GRID R-F POWER AMPLIFIER Filament Thoriated Tungsten Voltage 11 a-c or d-c vo lts amp. Current 10 A m plification Factor 300 approx. Transconductance for jmhos plate current of130 ma. 2100 D irect Interelectrode Capacitances (approx. ; O.lO’ maximum

    OCR Scan
    GT-56 UT-1085, UT-1086 92S-5M6 92C-5550 92C-5549 rca tube 56 rca 936 UT-1085 RADIOTRON rca 35 tube RCA tube rca company rca tube 32 rca 30 tube PDF

    RCA tube 76

    Abstract: 4606 fet 4604 fet 500 watts amplifier RADIOTRON rca company rca tube 53 rca 30 tube
    Text: R-F POWER AMPLIFIER PENTODE Heater0 Coated Unipotential Cathode a-c or d-c volts Voltage 6.3 amp. Current 0.9 Transconductance for _ p la t e c u r r e n t o f 20ma. ¿ ¿ d \j ymhos Oirect Interelectrode Capacitances: 0.15 max. ppf Grid to Plate W i t h e x t e r n a l s h i e l d i n g

    OCR Scan
    ST-16 92C-4604 92C-46W 92S-4362R2 92S-4362R2 4363R2 RCA tube 76 4606 fet 4604 fet 500 watts amplifier RADIOTRON rca company rca tube 53 rca 30 tube PDF

    rca 1619

    Abstract: 1619 tube cd 1619 rca tube 58 RCA-75, tube RADIOTRON rca company 1938 D rca 35 tube Scans-0017304
    Text: TRANSMITTING BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER Filam ent Coated a-c or d-c vol ts V o ltag e 2.5 amp. C urrent 2.0 Transconductance fo r p la te cu rre n t o f 50 ma. 4500 approx. pmhos D ire c t tn te re le c tro d e C a p a c ita n c e s : *jpf G rid to P la te 0.35

    OCR Scan
    MT-10 92c-493i 92C-4924 92C-4925 rca 1619 1619 tube cd 1619 rca tube 58 RCA-75, tube RADIOTRON rca company 1938 D rca 35 tube Scans-0017304 PDF

    rca tube 26

    Abstract: rca tube 27 rca vacuum tube cathode-ray vacuum tube amplifier cathode ray TS1100 RCA tube
    Text: 905-A HIGH-VACUUM CATHODE-RAY TUBE _S u p e r s e d e s Typ e 90 5 _ G eneral: H e a t e r , f o r U n i p o t e n t i a l C a th o d e : ac o r dc v o l t s V o l t a g e . 2 . 5 ± 10 % . .

    OCR Scan
    92CM-5409R4 rca tube 26 rca tube 27 rca vacuum tube cathode-ray vacuum tube amplifier cathode ray TS1100 RCA tube PDF


    Abstract: npn transistor RCA 467 CD4004T CA3051 CD4001D 40468A RCA 40822 40664 SCR rca 40583 2N5756
    Text: for HF-VHF-UHF-Microwave Applications RF Power Transistors R C A R F Power Transistors for 12.5 Volt Operation Hermetic Ceramic-Metal Stripline Package Flange TYPICAL OUTPUT POWER — WATTS 'j Hermetic Ceramic-Metal Coaxial Package (Large) Hermetic Ceramic-Metal

    OCR Scan
    CON-46 O-104 14-Lead 16-Lead 12-Lead 16-Lead O-220AB 1N5411 npn transistor RCA 467 CD4004T CA3051 CD4001D 40468A RCA 40822 40664 SCR rca 40583 2N5756 PDF

    RCA tube

    Abstract: 500C
    Text: TRANSM ITTING TRIODE WATER & FORCED-AIR COOLED GENERAL DATA E l e c t r jc a l : Filament: Tungsten, Three-Sect ion Type Excitation . . . . lcpAC, 39AC, or DC Voltage per section. . . 3 3 . volts Current per section. . . 7 0 , . amo.

    OCR Scan
    92CM-4389R2 92CM-4390R3 92CM-4383R2 92CM-4384R2 92CM-6069R2 RCA tube 500C PDF

    RCA tube 83

    Abstract: lts 542 rca 35 tube rca tube 27 rca tube 57 RADIOTRON rca company Scans-0017304 RCA tube
    Text: 1623 R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, CLASS B MODULATOR F ila m e n t T h o ria te d Tungsten a -c o r d -c v o i t s V o it a g e 6 .3 amp. C u rre n t 2 .5 A m p lif ic a t io n F a c t o r 20 D ir e c t In t e r e le c t r o d e C a p a c ita n c e s: G r id to P la t e

    OCR Scan
    ST-19 UR-542-A RCA tube 83 lts 542 rca 35 tube rca tube 27 rca tube 57 RADIOTRON rca company Scans-0017304 RCA tube PDF

    814 tube

    Abstract: ef 804 rca 804 804 tube RADIOTRON rca company 100 watt power supply dc 12 volt to 220 volt dc rs tube RCA tube 76
    Text: R-F POWER AMPLIFIER PENTODE Filament Thoriated Tungsten Voltage 7.5 Current 3.0 Transconductance for a-c or d-c vol ts amp. pmhos p l a t e c u r r e n t o f 32 ma. 3250 Direct Interelectrode Capacitances: 0.01 max. mmT Grid to Pla te with external shielding

    OCR Scan
    VOLTS-1250 92C-4S66 2C-4S67 92C-4569 814 tube ef 804 rca 804 804 tube RADIOTRON rca company 100 watt power supply dc 12 volt to 220 volt dc rs tube RCA tube 76 PDF

    varian klystron

    Abstract: UG-573 varian klystron x 13 RCA-884 klystron s band klystron S-band klystron klystron varian varian flange WR284 tl358
    Text: - ouæzo - •* ' *■ - t*-»' c '<?> V •> Electronic Components J - - T -. ' ' f :A . ■ 1' • ; w Klystron ^ X : ; ; v: 8840 1 v ’ 3 6 ^-4,. S-Band High Power Klystron Pulse Amplifier Service Factory Fixed Tuned Water Cooled 28 Megawatts Peak Pulse Output

    OCR Scan
    RCA-8840 AN-4737 1CE-279 IEN-3606 AJ2117V2, TL3584 TL3585 varian klystron UG-573 varian klystron x 13 RCA-884 klystron s band klystron S-band klystron klystron varian varian flange WR284 tl358 PDF

    radiotron 204 a

    Abstract: oms 450 204-A mgs 225 RADIOTRON rca company Scans-0017356 NE3502
    Text: R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, OSCILLATOR, CLASS B MODULATOR_ Filam ent T horiated Tungsten a-c or d-c v o lts 11 Voi tage amp. C urrent 3.85 A m p lific a tio n F a cto r 23 D ire c t In te re le c tro d e Capacitances ap p ro x . : G rid to P la te 15 W if

    OCR Scan
    specified15 -NE3502 92C-4456RI 92C-4506 radiotron 204 a oms 450 204-A mgs 225 RADIOTRON rca company Scans-0017356 NE3502 PDF