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    RAYTHEON NPN Search Results

    RAYTHEON NPN Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPCP8515 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC021 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=120 V / IC=3 A / hFE=120~240 / VCE(sat)=0.15 V / tf=170 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SC5198 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=140 V / IC=10 A / hFE=55~160 / VCE(sat)=2.0 V / TO-3P(N) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    RAYTHEON NPN Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: raytheon transistor AT3866A BC177 pnp transistor AT915 Raytheon AT3906 transistor eb 2030 AT720 AT918 at3209
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 27E D • 7S^73bD DQDTBbT Raytheon Company Semiconductor Division S ■ 7^27-9*? Raytheon Transistor Dice Catalog I RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 27E D ■ TSTVBbO 0007370 1 ■ J-S7- 11 Features Shipping Formats ■ Wafer size 2'A inches, 3 inches

    OCR Scan
    AT328A AT329A. BCY17-34 AT3906. AT3905 AT4125. AT4126 75cl73b0 0DD7373 AT3904 raytheon transistor AT3866A BC177 pnp transistor AT915 Raytheon AT3906 transistor eb 2030 AT720 AT918 at3209 PDF


    Abstract: 27c03 sp2639 2n760A Jan 2N2453 2N2903A 2N757 2N759AJ 2n2915 203 2n2484
    Text: RAYTHEON/ "ä ? SEMICONDUCTOR 7597360 D eT | 7 5 ^ 7 3 ^ 0 G G D B S a S Ì 27C RAYTHEON CO» D Low Level, Low Noise, High Gain Amplifiers RAYTHEON CL 0353 5 SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS NPN Popular Types Description General purpose am plifier for low

    OCR Scan
    2N930/JAN 2N2484/JAN 2N3117 2N930JAN 2N2484JAN 54BSC 27BSC 100BSC 050BSC -100BSC 2N2937 27c03 sp2639 2n760A Jan 2N2453 2N2903A 2N757 2N759AJ 2n2915 203 2n2484 PDF


    Abstract: MA373 7400 fan-in MA154 T-42-11-05
    Text: RAYTHEON-. 7597360 SEMICONDUCTOR RAYTHEON/ bb Î Ë | ?ST?3t.O 0 D D S D S 7 SEMICONDUCTOR Preliminary Product Specifications Configurable G ate Arrays 66C T 05057 - 7-U - C G A 50L15/35L12 Raytheon CGA 50L15/35L12 Oxide Isolated ISL Bipolar Gate Arrays

    OCR Scan
    7----T-42-U-05 50L15/35L12 50L15/35L12 MA167 MA170 MA183 CA94039 MA164 MA373 7400 fan-in MA154 T-42-11-05 PDF

    amplifier CV 203

    Abstract: 2N2708 2n3424 2N3423 2N918 JAN 2n917 die raytheon npn 0100BSC 254BSC 2n2857
    Text: RA YTHEON/ SE MI CO NDUCT OR 75 97360 RAYTHEON» SEMICON DU CT OR hi ]>F| 75T73bD ODDSDfli 66C 05081 D T~- 3 l~ O Product Specifications Small Signal V NPN Raytheon Ultra High Frequency Oscillator and

    OCR Scan
    75T73bD 2N917 2N918/JAN 2N2608 2N2857 Fj7S173tO O-116) 14-Lead 100BSC 548SC amplifier CV 203 2N2708 2n3424 2N3423 2N918 JAN 2n917 die raytheon npn 0100BSC 254BSC 2n2857 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEM ICO ND UC TO R T4 CC □□□5551 SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS RAYTHEON. DËÏ7ST73bD High Voltage General Purpose Amplifiers and Switches NPN Description Popular Types General purpose am plifier and switch for high voltage applications. The

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    7ST73bD 2N3501/JAN 2N3500/JAN 2N3499/JAN 2N3498/JAN 2N3440 Min00 508BSC 100BSC 200BSC 2n3499 PDF


    Abstract: ic lm 339 RC3302 LM339AJ av 339 pin for lm 339 ic lm339n Linear Integrated Circuit LM2901 LM 339 application note LM339AM raytheon
    Text: RAYTHEON-, SEMICONDU CTOR S7 57C 0 4 6 9 8 7 5 9 7 3 6 0 RAYTHEON CO» D LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS PRO D U CT SPECIFIC A TIO N S Raytheon DËj| 7ST7 3bO OOGMbTfl Single-Supply Quad Comparators Features • Input common mode voltage range includes ground ■ Wide single supply voltage range — 2V to 36V

    OCR Scan
    LM139/139A, 239/239A, 339/339A, RC3302 1N914 73tiO 0470ci RC3302DB ic lm 339 RC3302 LM339AJ av 339 pin for lm 339 ic lm339n Linear Integrated Circuit LM2901 LM 339 application note LM339AM raytheon PDF


    Abstract: 2N3804 2N3800 2N3802 2N3812 2n3816 raytheon emitter pad 2N381 2N4942 raytheon npn
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR T4 7597360 RAYTHEON. ^AYTUFnin RAYTHEON J 0005557 S E M IC O N D U C T O R 94D 05527 Low Level, Low Noise D j - z - f - Z ' l H j g h G a j n A m p | j f ¡e r s Popular Types Description G eneral purpose a m p lifier for low level, low noise and high gain amplifier

    OCR Scan
    75T73fc 2604/JA 2605/JA 54BSC O-116) 14-Lead 100BSC 2n3817 2N3804 2N3800 2N3802 2N3812 2n3816 raytheon emitter pad 2N381 2N4942 raytheon npn PDF


    Abstract: 45-BSC JAN2N2905A 2n2907a raytheon 2N2004 2N2907AJ 2N3503 RAYTHEON SP2907AQD 2N721
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 7597360 RA YTH EO N . T4 I [f| 7 5 ^ 7 3 ^ 0 O D O S S D S 0 | ~ SEM ICO ND UCTOR 94D Product Specifications Small Signal Transistors 05505 D 7*- * 7 ~f 7 G B PNP Raytheon Medium Current General Purpose Amplifiers and Switches Description

    OCR Scan
    7ST73b0 500mA. 2N2907A/JAN 2N2906A/JAN 2N2905A/JAN 2N2904A/JAN 65-1006B 100BSC 54BSC O-116) 2N3726 45-BSC JAN2N2905A 2n2907a raytheon 2N2004 2N2907AJ 2N3503 RAYTHEON SP2907AQD 2N721 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3304 2n4208 2N2409 2N4258 High Speed Switches 2n2894a 2N5910 sm 58 b transistors 2N2894
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR hh ]> E |7 S ^ 7 3tD '- r - Product Specifications Small Signal Transistors Q O D Sm ? 5 7 - /S' G R PNP Raytheon Ultra High Speed Switches Description G R PNP Ultra high speed platinum doped silicon epitaxial PNP transistors useful for high speed

    OCR Scan
    2N4208 2N2409 2N5910 2N2894A 65-1025B 050BSC 100BSC 27BSC 54BSC 2N3640 2N3304 2n4208 2N2409 2N4258 High Speed Switches 2n2894a 2N5910 sm 58 b transistors 2N2894 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RAY THE ON/ SEM IC O N D U C T OR 7597360 "TM RAYTHEON. D Ë J 75=1731.0 0005551 b SE M IC O N D U C T O R 94D Product Specifications Small Signal Transistors 0555 1 D 712S~-/3~ C J N PN Raytheon Ultra High Speed Switches CJ NPN Description High speed gold doped silicon epitaxial tran­

    OCR Scan
    100mA. 2N2369A/JAN 2N4137 2N706A 2N2368 27BSC -050BSC 54BSC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RC4391 ?ST73tiG O O Oböfll T • f - RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator The 4391 complements the other Raytheon switching regulator 1C, the RC4190. The 4190 is dedicated to step-up VOUT > VIN applica­ tions, while the 4391 was designed up for

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 ST73tiG RC4190. 100pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR T4 Small Signal Transistors PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 7597360 RAYTHEON IE O N . GC » r i Y S T Y B L O 00D5517 S E M IC O N D U C TO R . Ä 05517 94D High Voltage General Purpose Amplifiers and Switches D T - ¿? -Z3 PNP Popular Types

    OCR Scan
    00D5517 2N3634/JAN 2N3635/JAN 2N3636/JAN 2N3637A/JAN 2N3636J 910-379-64B4 100BSC 200BSC 54BSC PDF

    mu24 dc

    Abstract: SWT-2
    Text: APR F*r88uct Specifications Linear Integrated RFA120 Raytheon RFA120 Linear FET Macrocell Array General Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ 8 FET macrocells 4 bipolar macrocells Dual-layer metallization for high integration

    OCR Scan
    r88uct RFA120 mu24 dc SWT-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 11E D | 75^731,0 QQDt.aH 0 | Linear Custom 1C Design Services and Manufacturing _ Thin-Film Sputtering Options Foundation Processes Ion Implant and Metal Options JFET Transistors Thin-Film Resistors

    OCR Scan
    24-lead 350x175 28-lead 40-lead 310x310 14-lead 16-lead 110x140 20-lead PDF


    Abstract: 2N2222A raytheon low noise transistors rf 2N4033 2N0720A 2N0718A 2n2907a raytheon 2N065 SP2605QF "dual TRANSISTORs" pnp npn
    Text: Small Signal Transistors Small Signal Transistors Hermetic Seal Raytheon Semiconductor offers a wide variety of Industry standard and sole source high reliability (JAN, JANTX, Product 2N0657* 2N0697* 2N0706* 2N0718A 2N0720A* 2N0910* 2N0918 2N0930 2N1131"

    OCR Scan
    2N0657* 2N0697* 2N0706* 2N0718A 2N0720A* 2N0910* 2N0918 2N0930 2N1131" 2N1132* SP2605F 2N2222A raytheon low noise transistors rf 2N4033 2N0720A 2n2907a raytheon 2N065 SP2605QF "dual TRANSISTORs" pnp npn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division RC5036 Dual A djustable V oltage Regulators w/Enable Features Description • Combines switching regulator and low dropout linear regulator in single chip • Pentium P54C/P55C CPU selectable - no jumpers required

    OCR Scan
    RC5036 P54C/P55C RC5036 PDF

    IC LM358M

    Abstract: LM358M LM358NB 3V02 MLM358
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Raytheon Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier LM358 Features Description • Internally frequency compensated fo r unity gain ■ Large DC voltage gain — 100dB ■ Wide bandwidth unity gain, temperature com ­

    OCR Scan
    LM358 100dB 500/xA IC LM358M LM358M LM358NB 3V02 MLM358 PDF

    schematic diagram 555 PAM

    Abstract: L2N3904 rc4191 mini inverter circuit schematic diagram transistor DI 468 circuit diagram application schematic inverter RC4391M RC4193 555 timer ic RC4190
    Text: Voilage Regulators RC4391 RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator current, function, and small package make it adaptable to a variety of miniature power supply applications. The 4391 complements the other Raytheon switching regulator IC, the RC4190. The 4190

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4391 100pF 1000pF) schematic diagram 555 PAM L2N3904 rc4191 mini inverter circuit schematic diagram transistor DI 468 circuit diagram application schematic inverter RC4391M RC4193 555 timer ic RC4190 PDF


    Abstract: lm339
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division LM139/LM139A, LM339 Single Supply Quad Comparators Features Description • Input common mode voltage range includes ground • Wide single supply voltage range—2V to 36V • Output compatible with TTL, DTL, ECL, MOS and

    OCR Scan
    LM139/LM139A, LM339 DS60000139 LM339 APPLICATIONS lm339 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics LM139/LM139A, LM339 Semiconductor Division Single Supply Quad C om parators Features • Input common mode voltage range includes ground • Wide single supply voltage range— 2 V to 36V • Output compatible with TTL, DTL, ECL, MOS and

    OCR Scan
    LM139/LM139A, LM339 DS60000139 LM339 APPLICATIONS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Voltage Regulators RC4391 RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator current, function, and small package make it adaptable to a variety of miniature power supply applications. The 4391 complements the other Raytheon switching regulator IC, the RC4190. The 4190

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 RC4190. 100pF 1000pF) PDF

    ZENER 7B3

    Abstract: la 4190
    Text: • 75^73bQ OQDfl'ì? ‘H G « R T N RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR RC4190 Micropower Switching Regulators Description The RC4190 monolithic IC is a tow power switch mode regulator intended for miniature power supply applications. This DC-to-DC converter IC provides all

    OCR Scan
    RC4190 13-1-Ch ZENER 7B3 la 4190 PDF

    Zener diode 2.2X

    Abstract: Phenom II MZ8.2T5 Zener Diode
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Sem iconductor D ivision RC4190 M icropow er Sw itching Regulator Features • • • • • High efficiency - 85% typical Low quiescent current - 215 |lA Adjustable output - 1.3V to 30V High switch current - 200 mA Bandgap reference - 1.31V

    OCR Scan
    RC4190 7ST73bD RC4190M RC4190N RM4190D RM4190D/883B RV4190N Zener diode 2.2X Phenom II MZ8.2T5 Zener Diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division RC5010 Step-up Regulator for Notebook PCs Features Applications • • • • • • • • • • • Notebooks, sub-notebooks & PDAs • LCD panels High efficiency - 85% typical Low quiescent current - 215 |xA

    OCR Scan
    RC5010 RC5010 RC5010M PDF