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    RAYTHEON EMITTER PAD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    8S89831AKILFT Renesas Electronics Corporation Differential LVPECL-to-LVPECL/ECL Fanout Buffer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8S89831AKILF Renesas Electronics Corporation Differential LVPECL-to-LVPECL/ECL Fanout Buffer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    508MILFT Renesas Electronics Corporation PECL to CMOS Converter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    507M-01LF Renesas Electronics Corporation PECL Clock Synthesizer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    507M-01LFT Renesas Electronics Corporation PECL Clock Synthesizer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RAYTHEON EMITTER PAD Datasheets Context Search

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    raytheon emitter pad

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RAYTHEON-. SEMICONDUCTOR Lb 7 5 9 7 3 6 0 RAYTHEON» SEMICONDUCTOR Prelim inary Product Specifications Linear integrated C ircuits D e 7 5 ^ 7 3 ^ 0 DOOSODl 66C 0 5 0 0 1 LP165/365 Raytheon LP165/365 Micropower Programmable Quad Comparator Features • Single programming resistor tailors power,

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    LP165/365 LP165/365 54BSC 16-Lead 100BSC raytheon emitter pad PDF


    Abstract: 2N4260 2N4957 JAN JAN2N4957 2N4261 JAN raytheon npn raytheon emitter pad
    Text: RAYTHEON/ 57 SEMICONDUCTOR SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS p r o d u c t s p e c ific a tio n s 7597360 R AY THEON CO» 27C Ultra High Speed Logic Switches •raytheonI GV 75T?3t,0 □ □ 0 3 5 5 e] 1 PNP 03559 D J - 37- / 3 Popular Types Description Ultra high speed Silicon epitaxial

    OCR Scan
    2N4260 2N4261/JAN 2N4957/JAN 2N4261J 2N4957J 10Oil 0003St 050BSC 100BSC 54BSC 2n4080 2N4957 JAN JAN2N4957 2N4261 JAN raytheon npn raytheon emitter pad PDF


    Abstract: 45-BSC JAN2N2905A 2n2907a raytheon 2N2004 2N2907AJ 2N3503 RAYTHEON SP2907AQD 2N721
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 7597360 RA YTH EO N . T4 I [f| 7 5 ^ 7 3 ^ 0 O D O S S D S 0 | ~ SEM ICO ND UCTOR 94D Product Specifications Small Signal Transistors 05505 D 7*- * 7 ~f 7 G B PNP Raytheon Medium Current General Purpose Amplifiers and Switches Description

    OCR Scan
    7ST73b0 500mA. 2N2907A/JAN 2N2906A/JAN 2N2905A/JAN 2N2904A/JAN 65-1006B 100BSC 54BSC O-116) 2N3726 45-BSC JAN2N2905A 2n2907a raytheon 2N2004 2N2907AJ 2N3503 RAYTHEON SP2907AQD 2N721 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Special Functions RC4447 RC4447 Quad PIN Diode Switch Driver Features currents of the RC4447 are closely controlled through the use of Si-Cr thin-film resistor networks, resulting in repeatable ac character­ istics and a stable dc bias point. Well-matched

    OCR Scan
    RC4447 RC4447 RM4447 20-lead Mil-Std-883 Mil-Std-883, PDF


    Abstract: raytheon transistor AT3866A BC177 pnp transistor AT915 Raytheon AT3906 transistor eb 2030 AT720 AT918 at3209
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 27E D • 7S^73bD DQDTBbT Raytheon Company Semiconductor Division S ■ 7^27-9*? Raytheon Transistor Dice Catalog I RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 27E D ■ TSTVBbO 0007370 1 ■ J-S7- 11 Features Shipping Formats ■ Wafer size 2'A inches, 3 inches

    OCR Scan
    AT328A AT329A. BCY17-34 AT3906. AT3905 AT4125. AT4126 75cl73b0 0DD7373 AT3904 raytheon transistor AT3866A BC177 pnp transistor AT915 Raytheon AT3906 transistor eb 2030 AT720 AT918 at3209 PDF


    Abstract: power saver schematic diagram SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF electrical saver BV68 1530Q BM138 D9323 schottky transistor spice I1211 PIN DIODE .cir spice
    Text: Special Functions RC4447 RC4447 Quad PIN Diode Switch Driver Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ currents of the RC4447 are closely controlled through the use of Si-Cr thin-film resistor networks, resulting in repeatable ac character­ istics and a stable dc bias point. Well-matched

    OCR Scan
    RC4447 RC4447 Mil-Std-883 RM4447 20-lead SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF POWER SAVER DEVICE power saver schematic diagram SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF electrical saver BV68 1530Q BM138 D9323 schottky transistor spice I1211 PIN DIODE .cir spice PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ i _ s-RAYTHEON/ bb SEMICONDUCTOR d e Its ^ L iO DOOSOñi O T - 3 7~<5Product Specifications Sm all Signal Transistors G A PNP Raytheon Low Level, General Purpose Amplifiers and Switches Description G A PNP General purpose low power amplifier and

    OCR Scan
    100mA. 2N3250A/JAN 2N3251A/JAN 5-1022A DDDS01S 27BSC 254BSC 050BSC 100BSC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Section5 HE D | 7 5 c173fcjCl 0Q0feil35 Û | LM111/LH2111 RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR T- LM111/LH2111 Voltage Comparators Description These low-input current voltage comparators are designed to operate over a wide range of supply voltages, including ±15V and single +5V

    OCR Scan
    c173fcjCl 0Q0feil35 LM111/LH2111 LM111/LH2111 LH2111 LM111 16-lead Mil-Std-883B PDF


    Abstract: lp165
    Text: Comparators LP165/365 LP165/365 Micropower Programmable Quad Comparator Features • Single programming resistor tailors power, input currents, speed, and output current characteristics ■ Uncommitted emitters allow logic interface flexibility ■ Wide supply voltage range or dual supplies

    OCR Scan
    LP165/365 LP165/365 22XISET lp165 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR 33E D • 7S^73t,Q □□07471 1 B f R T N Product Specifications Sm all S ign a l Transistors C B NPN R a y tfe & o a i 1 7=-27-2 p * 7~-27-27 Medium Current General Purpose Amplifiers and Switches C B NPN Description General purpose medium power amplifier and

    OCR Scan
    500mA. 2N2222A/JAN 2N2221A/JAN 2N2219A/JAN 2N2218A/JAN 968-9211um T-27-27 O-116) 14-Lead 100BSC PDF

    amplifier CV 203

    Abstract: 2N2708 2n3424 2N3423 2N918 JAN 2n917 die raytheon npn 0100BSC 254BSC 2n2857
    Text: RA YTHEON/ SE MI CO NDUCT OR 75 97360 RAYTHEON» SEMICON DU CT OR hi ]>F| 75T73bD ODDSDfli 66C 05081 D T~- 3 l~ O Product Specifications Small Signal V NPN Raytheon Ultra High Frequency Oscillator and

    OCR Scan
    75T73bD 2N917 2N918/JAN 2N2608 2N2857 Fj7S173tO O-116) 14-Lead 100BSC 548SC amplifier CV 203 2N2708 2n3424 2N3423 2N918 JAN 2n917 die raytheon npn 0100BSC 254BSC 2n2857 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3252 raytheon 2n
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR T4 7597360 RAYTHEO N. D E | ? 5 c173t.D 0 0 0 5 5 3 5 SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS S E M IC O N D U C T O R 94D 05535 High Current, High Speed Switches RAYTHEON D T -ss*-/ 7 Popular Types Description T he CK is a gold doped transistor

    OCR Scan
    3724/A 3725/A 3735/JA 2N3736 3737/JAN 2N4013 2N4014 2N4013, 2N3724 54BSC sp3725 2N3252 raytheon 2n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR T4 RAYTHEO N. TSTYBbO OGOS SMH 7 SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS p r o d u c t specificatio n s 7597360 d ÊTJ S E M IC O N D U C T O R 94D 05543 High Current, High Speed Switches D i-si-cs' Popular Types Description The GK is a platinum doped transistor.

    OCR Scan
    2N3467/JAN 2N3468/JAN 2N3762/JAN 2N3763/JAN O-116) 14-Lead 54BSC 100BSC SP3467QDB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RAY THE ON/ SEM IC O N D U C T OR 7597360 "TM RAYTHEON. D Ë J 75=1731.0 0005551 b SE M IC O N D U C T O R 94D Product Specifications Small Signal Transistors 0555 1 D 712S~-/3~ C J N PN Raytheon Ultra High Speed Switches CJ NPN Description High speed gold doped silicon epitaxial tran­

    OCR Scan
    100mA. 2N2369A/JAN 2N4137 2N706A 2N2368 27BSC -050BSC 54BSC PDF


    Abstract: 2N3804 2N3800 2N3802 2N3812 2n3816 raytheon emitter pad 2N381 2N4942 raytheon npn
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR T4 7597360 RAYTHEON. ^AYTUFnin RAYTHEON J 0005557 S E M IC O N D U C T O R 94D 05527 Low Level, Low Noise D j - z - f - Z ' l H j g h G a j n A m p | j f ¡e r s Popular Types Description G eneral purpose a m p lifier for low level, low noise and high gain amplifier

    OCR Scan
    75T73fc 2604/JA 2605/JA 54BSC O-116) 14-Lead 100BSC 2n3817 2N3804 2N3800 2N3802 2N3812 2n3816 raytheon emitter pad 2N381 2N4942 raytheon npn PDF


    Abstract: 2N3304 2n4208 2N2409 2N4258 High Speed Switches 2n2894a 2N5910 sm 58 b transistors 2N2894
    Text: RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR hh ]> E |7 S ^ 7 3tD '- r - Product Specifications Small Signal Transistors Q O D Sm ? 5 7 - /S' G R PNP Raytheon Ultra High Speed Switches Description G R PNP Ultra high speed platinum doped silicon epitaxial PNP transistors useful for high speed

    OCR Scan
    2N4208 2N2409 2N5910 2N2894A 65-1025B 050BSC 100BSC 27BSC 54BSC 2N3640 2N3304 2n4208 2N2409 2N4258 High Speed Switches 2n2894a 2N5910 sm 58 b transistors 2N2894 PDF

    SCR 40 RIA 120

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Special Functions RC4444 RC4444 4 x 4 x 2 Balanced Switching Crosspoint Array Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Mask Pattern Low bidirectional Ron High Roff Excellent matching of gates Low capacitance High rate firing Predictable holding current Description

    OCR Scan
    RC4444 RC4444 SCR 40 RIA 120 PDF


    Abstract: 27c03 sp2639 2n760A Jan 2N2453 2N2903A 2N757 2N759AJ 2n2915 203 2n2484
    Text: RAYTHEON/ "ä ? SEMICONDUCTOR 7597360 D eT | 7 5 ^ 7 3 ^ 0 G G D B S a S Ì 27C RAYTHEON CO» D Low Level, Low Noise, High Gain Amplifiers RAYTHEON CL 0353 5 SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS NPN Popular Types Description General purpose am plifier for low

    OCR Scan
    2N930/JAN 2N2484/JAN 2N3117 2N930JAN 2N2484JAN 54BSC 27BSC 100BSC 050BSC -100BSC 2N2937 27c03 sp2639 2n760A Jan 2N2453 2N2903A 2N757 2N759AJ 2n2915 203 2n2484 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RC4391 ?ST73tiG O O Oböfll T • f - RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR RC4391 Inverting and Step-Down Switching Regulator The 4391 complements the other Raytheon switching regulator 1C, the RC4190. The 4190 is dedicated to step-up VOUT > VIN applica­ tions, while the 4391 was designed up for

    OCR Scan
    RC4391 ST73tiG RC4190. 100pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Special Functions RC4444 RC4444 4 x 4 x 2 Balanced Switching Crosspoint Array Mask Pattern Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Low bidirectional Ron High Ro ff Excellent matching of gates Low capacitance High rate firing Predictable holding current 2120 19 18

    OCR Scan
    RC4444 RC4444 600X1 PDF

    rc4200 raytheon

    Abstract: rc4200 rm4200 analog multipliers
    Text: RC4200 RAYTHEON/ HE D I • 75^73^0 G Ü D tm S 3 | ■ Special Functions S EM IC O N D U C T O R T ~ ? 3 ' ^ ^ RC4200 Analog Multiplier over the full temperature range. This nonlinearity compensation combined with the low gain and offset drift inherent in a well designed

    OCR Scan
    RC4200 250juA) 10siruut 173tjG rc4200 raytheon rc4200 rm4200 analog multipliers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Special Functions RC4200 RC4200 Analog Multiplier Features • High accuracy Non-linearity — 0.1% maximum Temperature coefficient — 0.005%/° C typical ■ Multiple functions Multiply, divide square, square root, RMS-to-DC conversion, AGC, and modulate/demodulate

    OCR Scan
    RC4200 250/iA) 250pA) PDF


    Abstract: RC4200 equivalent DC to 500 MHz RMS-to-DC Converter rc4200 raytheon raytheon emitter pad
    Text: RC4200 Special Functions RC4200 Analog Multiplier over the full temperature range. This nonlinearity compensation combined with the low gain and offset drift inherent in a well designed monolithic chip provides a very low accuracy tempco. The excellent linearity and versatility were

    OCR Scan
    RC4200 RC4200 85-01S64A 5-01883A 250/uA) 10sinm RC4200 equivalent DC to 500 MHz RMS-to-DC Converter rc4200 raytheon raytheon emitter pad PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division RC5102 Dual A djustable Voltage R egulators • • • • • • • • • The RC5102, in combination with low Rds,on n-channel MOSFETs, provides a precision low-dropout dual voltage regulator for Pentium, Cyrix and Power PC® CPUs. By

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    RC5102 RC5102, RC5102 DS30005102 PDF