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    FRAMOS FRAMOS Depth Camera D455e (camera only)

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    Mouser Electronics FRAMOS Depth Camera D455e (camera only) 22
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    Ultra One 3D Printer Cart |Makergear ULTRA ONE 3D PRINTER CART
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    Abstract: strobo led led strobo
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0820 LV5202LP Bi-CMOS IC LED driver for cellular phone Overview The LV5202LP is a LED driver for cellular phone. Features • LED driver x 13 tricolor, main, sub, flash and switching regulator control circuit incorporated • Each LED current value adjustable by serial bus

    ENA0820 LV5202LP LV5202LP A0820-22/22 b8918 strobo led led strobo PDF

    strobo led

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 8808 W GR1M LED Driver led strobo
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0822A LV5204PL Bi-CMOS IC LED driver for cellular phone Overview The LV5204PL is a LED driver for cellular phone. Features • LED driver x 13 tricolor, main, sub, flash and switching regulator control circuit incorporated • Each LED current value adjustable by serial bus

    ENA0822A LV5204PL LV5204PL A0822-21/21 strobo led TRANSISTOR 8808 W GR1M LED Driver led strobo PDF

    capacitor 1j100

    Abstract: TGCL-153P
    Text: Operates with Industry Standard Dimmers Compact Encapsulated Assembly Active Power Factor Correction Output Over-Voltage, Over-Current and Short-Circuit Protection and Auto Recovery High Temperature Operation up to 90°C case UL Approved, ENEC Approved, CE Mark

    ESP040 ESP050 ESP060 capacitor 1j100 TGCL-153P PDF


    Abstract: LC758
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP C o n tin u ed fro m p reced ing p a g e . 32E D • 7cH7D7b 00075^7 2 ■ T~£$~/3 LCD CONTROLLERS, DRIVERS raonolitM cintegratedcircuit \ 1, * Ty p e ■ ; N u m b er Ï] « LA 5 6 4 0 N -Vi & V ’ Packagi P in s & ‘ ’ Package -

    OCR Scan
    3026B. 3026B 3044B LB8555S LB8555M 3001B 3016B 3032B 3006B MSM5298 LC758 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡Ill sgRi I n t e r n a t io n a l R e c t if ie r Schottky Diodes Pvt Number m 2 v f m o if m eas n-»-raons Fax-onDemand Number 100 150 150 175 (5)(10) (5)(8) (5)(8) (5)(8) 20396 20397 20438 20437 S M B (J2) 50 20 20 5 100 150 150 175 (5)(9) (5)(11) (5)(11)

    OCR Scan
    10BQ015 10B0040 10BQ060 10BQ100 30BQ015 30BQ040 30BQ060 30BQ100 6TQ035S 6TQ045S PDF

    kkz 12

    Abstract: kkz 10 RL162 RL-16Q UL1480P
    Text: U N IT R R G EM I UL 1480P Uklad UL 1480P jest raonolityoznym wzmaoniaozem mooy maiej oz$stotliwoéoi. Posiada nadt§pujqoe oeohy: - szeroki zakres napigó sasìlajqcyoh, - wysokoprqdowe wyjécie / 1,5 A/» - wyeoka sprawnoéó, - mai znieksztaioenie nieliniowe,

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    1480P 1480P Rl-16Ã Fq-50 Rl-16S2 C-330 Ucc-24 fp-100 kkz 12 kkz 10 RL162 RL-16Q UL1480P PDF

    ic 8870

    Abstract: of DTMF 8870 MOTOROLA IC 16-PIN DIP
    Text: w Ë Æ ï * - '. tC e l x d n e Telecom Design Solutions Selection Guides MF Trunk Signaling iCs D e s c rip tio n Packages China Region 2; Dual Channel MF Tiurii. Transceiver 14-pin Mastic Pi Cf. M-986-1R1 Region 1 Single Channel MF Trunk Transceive: 40-pin plastic D ip

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    -976-2C2 14-pin M-986-1 M-986-1R1 40-pin 44-pjn M-8888-01 M-949-01 ic 8870 of DTMF 8870 MOTOROLA IC 16-PIN DIP PDF


    Abstract: M5292P
    Text: - 162- M 5292P ,M 52 92F P ± 12 V h =ÿ U -b •/ h7 'y ^ y / l l T , h m tfê & fà M L t i ' á . ^ s t / w — * f-^ - ¿ t e i o, ¿ ¿ ît *è s . o A^J^Æi5H-± V ••/ <7 x S v ÿ îü * + 31' 2'ÿH ii <-) o u t ± 2 Y — ± 2 0 V o o m t JfÊ B c .- - ± 12V

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    M5292P M5292FP -20TC~ M5292P, 15-ll8V 100kHz M5292FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY KM732V696/L 64Kx32 Synchronous SRAM SPECIFICATION REVISION HISTORY REV. NO. 0.0 SUMMARY DATE Initial Release 1997. 1. 29 • • • » • • • • • • • • Rev 0.0 ELECTRONICS • 7^4142 00372^7 AIT PRELIMINARY KM732V696/L 64Kx32 Synchronous SRAM

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    KM732V696/L 64Kx32 732V696/L 152-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 About This Data Sheet This data sheet provides a technical overview of the Samsung 21164 Alpha microprocessor called the 21164 , including: • Functional units • Signal descriptions • External interface • Internal processor register (IPR) summary

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    ib4142 PDF


    Abstract: ADC0802 adc0804 national semiconductor j60 mic 256R ADC0801 ADC0803 ADC0804 ADC0805 INS8080A
    Text: ADC0801/ADC0802/ADC0803/ADC0804/ADC0805 ^National ÆÆ Semiconductor ADC0801/ ADC0802/ADC0803/ADC0804/ADC0805 8-Bit jitP Compatible A /D Converters General D escription The ADC0801, ADC0802, ADC0803, ADC0804 and . ADC0805 are CMOS 8-bit successive approximation A /D

    OCR Scan
    ADC0801/ADC0802/ADC0803/ADC0804/ADC0805 ADC0801. ADC0802, ADC0803, ADC0804 ADC0805 NSC800 INS8080A ADC0802. AIXO603. ADC0S04 ADC0802 adc0804 national semiconductor j60 mic 256R ADC0801 ADC0803 PDF

    2 pin 10mhz crystal oscillator

    Abstract: janm 10KHZ 10MHZ ICM7209 ICM7209IPA ttl crystal oscillator using CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 100khz quartz
    Text: 403 ICM7209 HLAFRFRIS s e m net » « • ■ IS i c o n d u SE c t o r Timebase Generator IIT tlS Il GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Hams ICM7209 is a versatile CMOS dock generator capable of dnving a number of 5 volt systems with a variety of input requirements. When used to drive up to 5 TTL

    OCR Scan
    ICM7209 10MHz. ICM7209 2 pin 10mhz crystal oscillator janm 10KHZ 10MHZ ICM7209IPA ttl crystal oscillator using CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 100khz quartz PDF


    Abstract: TH7805A 7B05A
    Text: SIE D • TDEbôTS 0000103 7 ■ — 33 — THOMSON MIL ET SPATIAUX TH 7805A Z Vs3 HttVosa^ecHB^ÊCHaNO NC *p NC Vf« ^ss E s I F I E s lE im E â lE a E n E c liïg ir a iïïlF e lF s l Linear CCD* Image Sensor 2 0 4 8 p ix e ls LU LsJ L2J L±J l=J L§J LU IsJ I2J li°l UJ ll£l täl llil

    OCR Scan
    DTE-120 TH7805ACDZ TH7805 TH7805A 7B05A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b3E 7^7D7b D QDimDS 5 4 5 • TSA J LC7219, 7219M 3067 CM O S LSI 3045B PLL Frequency Synthesizer SANYO SEMI CONDUCTOR 366IA CORP O V ERV IEW P A C K A G E DIMENSIONS The LC7219 and LC7219M are high-performance, phase-locked loop PLL frequency synthesizer ICs that

    OCR Scan
    LC7219, 7219M 3045B 366IA LC7219 LC7219M 3067-DIP24S 24-pin PDF


    Abstract: marking code YV SRAS2060 SRAS2020
    Text: TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR E RoHS C O M P L IA N C E SRAS2020 - SRAS20150 20.0 AMPS. Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Rectifiers D'4PAK i j Features 4•4<$>❖ F o r s u r fa c e m o u n te d a p p lic a tio n Id e a l fo r a u to m a te d p ic k 5 p la c e L o w p o w e r lo s s , h ig h e ffic ie n c y

    OCR Scan
    SRAS2020 SRAS20150 MIL-STD-202, SRAS20150) 5J003 D4PAK marking code YV SRAS2060 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O rJer hiur^bey mUTlll HM530281 331,776-Word x 8-Bit Frame Memory Prelim inary HITACHI The H M 530280/281 series memory products provide completely asynchronous I/O and operate at the high speed of 50 MHz. A 0.8 ^m CMOS process is used in their fabrication.

    OCR Scan
    HM530281 776-Word 3235-2S48 46l40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VZÄ WHITE /M ICROELECTRONICS W PN 648106G M 0VG 64M BYTE 8Mx64 Synchronous DRAM (3.3V Supply) SO-DIM M MODULE A D V A N C ED * GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES • M a x im u m fre q u e n c y = 1 0 0 M H z (tcc=1 0ns) T h e W h ite M ic ro e le c tro n ic s W P N 6 48 1 0 B G 1 -1OVG is a 8 M x 64

    OCR Scan
    648106G 8Mx64) 54-pin 400-m 144-pin PDF

    VQE 12

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s e M IKR D n Absolute Maximum Ratings S ym bol s e m itr a n s m V a lu e s C ond itions ' U nits AC, 1 min. DIN 40 040 DIN IEC 68 T.1 1700 1700 7 5 /5 0 14 4/10 0 ±20 500 - 4 0 . . ,+150 125 4000 Class F 55/150/56 Inverse Diode 81 Tease = 25/80 C If= - lc

    OCR Scan
    SKM75GB173D VQE 12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 Ô F | 3A7S0Û1 □ □ 1 3 3 c10 1 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 01E 13390 T - O I- flS t CD4532B Types CMOS 8-Bit Priority Encoder Features; • Converts from 1 o f 8 to binary High-Voltage Types 20-Volt Rating ■ Provides cascading feature to handle any number o f inputs

    OCR Scan
    CD4532B 20-Volt RCA-CD4532B CD4532BH. t8292 PDF

    HP 450 opto coupler

    Abstract: rop 101 ap 4506 A 4506 igbt
    Text: ¥ h o \ HEW LETT mLEM P A C K A R D Intelligent Power Module and Gate Drive Interface Optocouplers HCPL-4506 h c p l-j4 5 6 HCPL-0466 HCNW 4506 Technical Data F eatu res • Performance Specified for Common IPM Applications over Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to 100°C

    OCR Scan
    HCPL-4506 HCPL-0466 HCPL-4506/0466 HCPLJ456 HCNW4506 HCNW4506) VDE0884 HP 450 opto coupler rop 101 ap 4506 A 4506 igbt PDF

    271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors

    Abstract: cga to vga converter KS0119Q2 256X8 KS0119 KS0122 WVS 64
    Text: MULTIMEDIA VIDEO KS0119 Data Sheet VIDEO ENCODER The KS0119 combines NTSC encoding with conventional RAM-DAC functions so that digitized video or computer generated graphics can be displayed on either NTSC or PC monitors. There are two data input channels which allow

    OCR Scan
    KS0119 80-QFP-1420C 00MAX 10MAX 71L4142 271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors cga to vga converter KS0119Q2 256X8 KS0122 WVS 64 PDF

    JVC RX 320 V

    Abstract: snes jvc rc-770 le
    Text: Features • 533k Samples Per Second ■ Standard ±10V and ±5V Input ■ DC Performance Over Temp: No Missing Code* 1/2 LSB Integral Linearity Error 3/4 LSB Differential Linearity Error ■ AC Performance Over Temp: 72dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio 80dB Spurious-free Dynamic Range

    OCR Scan
    -80dB 24-Pin 24-lead 2612t DS/SP76OO01O3/SM 12-8it3 JVC RX 320 V snes jvc rc-770 le PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: { Z T * H S G S -1 H 0 M S 0 N . L4975A M S I M ilI L lü f M iï ï O ! 5A SWITCHING REGULATOR • . ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ 5A OUTPUT CURRENT 5.1V TO 40V OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE 0 TO 90% DUTY CYCLE RANGE INTERNAL FEED-FORWARD LINE REGULA­

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    L4975A 500KHz L4975A 0Db75bfl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8M A 0SM Rvcvptvclvv 8urfvcv Ltuneh M IL-C-83517/7 “m s * ~ p5 * _ ra u A *. («) O T U t MAX-I (Mfl 56 Mflttaiy Part N u itiW M/A-COM Part Number •31001 -61003 43001 •33003 20674001-03 2067-0002-62 50 20674001-00 2067400240 50 Dim. A Inohee(mm) Commarolal

    OCR Scan
    IL-C-83517/7 MILrC-83617/fc PDF