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    RANDOM TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT 800 V Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TB67B001BFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=25/Iout(A)=3/Square Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC78B011FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=30/Square, Sine Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67B001AFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=25/Iout(A)=3/Square Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67H451AFNG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushed Motor Driver/1ch/Vout(V)=50/Iout(A)=3.5 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67H450AFNG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushed Motor Driver/1ch/Vout(V)=50/Iout(A)=3.5 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    RANDOM TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT 800 V Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MOC3023SR2M MOC30* inductive triac analog control for inductive loads
    Text: 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT 250/400 VOLT PEAK MOC3010M MOC3011M MOC3012M MOC3020M MOC3021M MOC3022M MOC3023M DESCRIPTION The MOC301XM and MOC302XM series are optically isolated triac driver devices. These devices contain a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode and a light activated silicon bilateral switch, which functions like a triac. They

    MOC3010M MOC3011M MOC3012M MOC3020M MOC3021M MOC3022M MOC3023M MOC301XM MOC302XM E90700 MOC3023SM MOC3023SR2M MOC30* inductive triac analog control for inductive loads PDF


    Abstract: FODM3052 FODM3053 FODM305X
    Text: 4-PIN FULL PITCH MINI-FLAT PACKAGE RANDOM PHASE TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT OPTOCOUPLERS FODM3051 FODM3052 FODM3053 DESCRIPTION The FODM305X series consists of a galium arsenide diode driving a silicon bilateral switch housed in a compact 4-pin mini-flat package. The lead pitch is 2.54 mm. The FODM305X series isolates low voltage logic from 115 and 240 Vac lines to provide

    FODM3051 FODM3052 FODM3053 FODM305X FODM3051 FODM3052 FODM3053 PDF

    triac snubber varistor

    Abstract: MOC3051FR2M triac snubber design MOC3051 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS MOC3052M MOC3051FM
    Text: 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS 600 VOLT PEAK MOC3051-M PACKAGE MOC3052-M SCHEMATIC ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM. 6 6 5 NC* CATHODE 2 1 N/C 3 1 4 MAIN TERM. *DO NOT CONNECT (TRIAC SUBSTRATE) 6 1 DESCRIPTION The MOC3051-M and MOC3052-M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zero-crossing silicon

    MOC3051-M MOC3052-M MOC3051-M MOC3052-M P01101866 CR/0117 E90700, triac snubber varistor MOC3051FR2M triac snubber design MOC3051 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS MOC3052M MOC3051FM PDF


    Abstract: Diode SV-02 SR2T MOC3023SR2M MOC3023VM MOC302XM MOC3023V-M MOC3023SM MOC3021SM diode sv 0390

    MOC3010M MOC3011M MOC3012M MOC3020M MOC3021M MOC3022M MOC3023M MOC301XM MOC302XM P01101866 94766 Diode SV-02 SR2T MOC3023SR2M MOC3023VM MOC3023V-M MOC3023SM MOC3021SM diode sv 0390 PDF


    Abstract: MOC3051 "cross reference" moc3052 cross reference fairchild tape reel moc3052 MOC3052 "cross reference" parallel triacs triac operation MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS 4N25 zero CROSS MOC3051FM
    Text: MOC3051 MOC3052 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Optoisolators Triac Drivers 600 Volts Peak The MOC3051 Series consists of a GaAs infrared LED optically coupled to a non–Zero–crossing silicon bilateral AC switch (triac). The MOC3051 Series

    MOC3051 C215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3051 "cross reference" moc3052 cross reference fairchild tape reel moc3052 MOC3052 "cross reference" parallel triacs triac operation MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS 4N25 zero CROSS MOC3051FM PDF

    RANDOM Triac Driver Output 800 V

    Abstract: RANDOM Triac Driver Output 800 V Peak FODM3052 fairchild FODM3051 FODM3052 FODM3053 FODM305X triac 600V
    Text: FODM3051, FODM3052, FODM3053 4-Pin Full Pitch Mini-Flat Package Random Phase Triac Driver Output Optocouplers Features Description • Compact 4-pin surface mount package 2.4 mm maximum standoff height ■ Peak blocking voltage – 600V ■ Guaranteed static dv/dt of 1000 V/µs

    FODM3051, FODM3052, FODM3053 FODM305X FODM3053 RANDOM Triac Driver Output 800 V RANDOM Triac Driver Output 800 V Peak FODM3052 fairchild FODM3051 FODM3052 triac 600V PDF


    Abstract: moc3050 MOC3051 "clipped sine wave" interfacing opto triac angle phase control triac driver opto TRIAC 8315 triac driver opto application note motorola triac triac snubber ac motor
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC3051/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC3051 MOC3052* [IFT = 15 mA Max] GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Optoisolators Triac Drivers [IFT = 10 mA Max] *Motorola Preferred Device 600 Volts Peak The MOC3051 Series consists of a GaAs infrared LED optically coupled to a

    MOC3051/D MOC3051 MOC3052* MOC3051 MOC3051/D* OptoelectronicsMOC3051/D MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS moc3050 "clipped sine wave" interfacing opto triac angle phase control triac driver opto TRIAC 8315 triac driver opto application note motorola triac triac snubber ac motor PDF


    Abstract: MOC3051 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS triac RC snubber triac snubber varistor IEC255 IEEE472 triac ac motor speed control circuit diagram parallel triac triac applications circuit diagram
    Text: MOC3051 MOC3052 GlobalOptoisolator 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Optoisolators Triac Drivers 600 Volts Peak The MOC3051 Series consists of a GaAs infrared LED optically coupled to a non–Zero–crossing silicon bilateral AC switch (triac). The MOC3051 Series

    MOC3051 MOC3052 MOC3051 MOC3052 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS triac RC snubber triac snubber varistor IEC255 IEEE472 triac ac motor speed control circuit diagram parallel triac triac applications circuit diagram PDF

    schematic symbol for metal oxide varistor SURGE A

    Abstract: IEC255-4 triac snubber varistor triac control circuit diagram IEEE472 MOC3051 MOC3051-M MOC3052 MOC3052-M MOC3052V-M
    Text: 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS 600 VOLT PEAK MOC3051-M MOC3052-M PACKAGE SCHEMATIC ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM. 6 6 5 NC* CATHODE 2 1 N/C 3 1 4 MAIN TERM. *DO NOT CONNECT (TRIAC SUBSTRATE) 6 1 DESCRIPTION The MOC3051-M and MOC3052-M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zero-crossing silicon

    MOC3051-M MOC3052-M MOC3051-M MOC3052-M schematic symbol for metal oxide varistor SURGE A IEC255-4 triac snubber varistor triac control circuit diagram IEEE472 MOC3051 MOC3052 MOC3052V-M PDF

    220vac LED driver

    Abstract: Random
    Text: TD3282 Random Switching Triac Driver DESCRIPTION The TD3282 consists of a single input LED optically coupled to a random-switching triac driver. The TD3282 provides high input-to-output isolation and is designed to drive high-powered triacs. Typical uses include interfacing logic level control signals to equipment powered

    TD3282 TD3282 110Vac 220Vac 220vac LED driver Random PDF

    triac RC snubber

    Abstract: variable dimmer diagram solid state relay TRIAC FT 12 trailing SCHEMATIC dimmer moc3051 schematic symbol for metal oxide varistor SURGE triac phase control motor triac snubber zero crossing dimmer triac snubber varistor
    Text: 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS 600 VOLT PEAK MOC3051-M MOC3052-M PACKAGE SCHEMATIC ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM. 6 6 5 NC* CATHODE 2 1 N/C 3 1 4 MAIN TERM. *DO NOT CONNECT (TRIAC SUBSTRATE) 6 1 DESCRIPTION The MOC3051-M and MOC3052-M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zero-crossing silicon

    MOC3051-M MOC3052-M MOC3051-M MOC3052-M triac RC snubber variable dimmer diagram solid state relay TRIAC FT 12 trailing SCHEMATIC dimmer moc3051 schematic symbol for metal oxide varistor SURGE triac phase control motor triac snubber zero crossing dimmer triac snubber varistor PDF


    Abstract: opto triac angle phase control M0C3051 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS MOC3051 triac driver opto application note triac control circuit diagram varistor motorola 730C-04 MOC3052
    Text: Order this data sheet by MOC3050/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA t ~~ VDE UL CSA SETI SEMKO NEMKO \ DEMKO I BS @ \ M0C3051 BABT [In =15 mA Max] MOC3052* Series 600 V Random=Phase Opto Wiac Drivers MOC3050 [IFT = 10 mA Max] .,.: ~.:.,. The MOC3050 Series consists of a GaAs infrared LED optically coupled to a non

    MOC3050/D M0C3051 MOC3052* MOC3050 MOC3050 MOC3051 MOC3052 MK145BP, opto triac angle phase control M0C3051 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS MOC3051 triac driver opto application note triac control circuit diagram varistor motorola 730C-04 MOC3052 PDF

    schematic symbol for metal oxide varistor SURGE

    Abstract: triac snubber varistor 120 volts ac triac control for variable 90 volt MOC3052M TRIAC FT 12 IEC255-4 IEEE472 MOC3051 MOC3051-M MOC3052-M
    Text: 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS 600 VOLT PEAK MOC3051-M MOC3052-M PACKAGE SCHEMATIC ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM. 6 6 5 NC* CATHODE 2 1 N/C 3 1 4 MAIN TERM. *DO NOT CONNECT (TRIAC SUBSTRATE) 6 1 DESCRIPTION The MOC3051-M and MOC3052-M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zero-crossing silicon

    MOC3051-M MOC3052-M MOC3051-M MOC3052-M schematic symbol for metal oxide varistor SURGE triac snubber varistor 120 volts ac triac control for variable 90 volt MOC3052M TRIAC FT 12 IEC255-4 IEEE472 MOC3051 PDF

    fairchild snubberless triac

    Abstract: TRIAC FT 12 schematic symbol for metal oxide varistor SURGE IEEE-472 triac phase control triac snubber varistor MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS POWER TRIAC METAL OXIDE VARISTOR application note on AC MOC3052M
    Text: 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS 600 VOLT PEAK MOC3051-M MOC3052-M PACKAGE SCHEMATIC ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM. 6 6 5 NC* CATHODE 2 1 N/C 3 1 4 MAIN TERM. *DO NOT CONNECT (TRIAC SUBSTRATE) 6 1 DESCRIPTION The MOC3051-M and MOC3052-M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zero-crossing silicon

    MOC3051-M MOC3052-M MOC3051-M MOC3052-M fairchild snubberless triac TRIAC FT 12 schematic symbol for metal oxide varistor SURGE IEEE-472 triac phase control triac snubber varistor MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS POWER TRIAC METAL OXIDE VARISTOR application note on AC MOC3052M PDF

    triac RC snubber

    Abstract: MOC3051 variable speed control circuit for 240 volt ac power TRIAC FT 12 "clipped sine wave" interfacing fairchild snubberless triac MOC3051-M trailing SCHEMATIC dimmer TRIAC reliability IEC255-4
    Text: 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS 600 VOLT PEAK MOC3051-M PACKAGE MOC3052-M SCHEMATIC ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM. 6 6 5 NC* CATHODE 2 1 N/C 3 1 4 MAIN TERM. *DO NOT CONNECT (TRIAC SUBSTRATE) 6 1 DESCRIPTION The MOC3051-M and MOC3052-M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zero-crossing silicon

    MOC3051-M MOC3052-M MOC3051-M MOC3052-M triac RC snubber MOC3051 variable speed control circuit for 240 volt ac power TRIAC FT 12 "clipped sine wave" interfacing fairchild snubberless triac trailing SCHEMATIC dimmer TRIAC reliability IEC255-4 PDF

    fairchild snubberless triac

    Abstract: MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS ac motor speed control circuit diagram with triac IEEE-472
    Text: 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE OPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS 600 VOLT PEAK MOC3051-M PACKAGE MOC3052-M SCHEMATIC ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM. 6 6 5 NC* CATHODE 2 1 N/C 3 1 4 MAIN TERM. *DO NOT CONNECT (TRIAC SUBSTRATE) 6 1 DESCRIPTION The MOC3051-M and MOC3052-M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zero-crossing silicon

    MOC3051-M MOC3052-M MOC3051-M MOC3052-M fairchild snubberless triac MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS ac motor speed control circuit diagram with triac IEEE-472 PDF


    Abstract: MOC3051 "cross reference" triac snubber design triac snubber
    Text: MOC3051M, MOC3052M 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Optoisolators Triac Drivers 600 Volt Peak Features Description „ Excellent IFT stability—IR emitting diode has low The MOC3051M and MOC3052M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zerocrossing silicon bilateral AC switch (triac). These devices

    MOC3051M, MOC3052M MOC3051M MOC3051 "cross reference" triac snubber design triac snubber PDF

    TRIAC FT 12

    Abstract: triac phase control fairchild snubberless triac 400v 15A triac relay mercury wetted ac motor speed control circuit with triac variable dimmer diagram solid state relay triac RC snubber triac snubber varistor Triac slow on
    Text: MOC3051M, MOC3052M 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Optoisolators Triac Drivers 600 Volt Peak Features Description • Excellent IFT stability—IR emitting diode has low The MOC3051M and MOC3052M consist of a AlGaAs infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a non-zerocrossing silicon bilateral AC switch (triac). These devices

    MOC3051M, MOC3052M MOC3051M MOC3052M E90700, TRIAC FT 12 triac phase control fairchild snubberless triac 400v 15A triac relay mercury wetted ac motor speed control circuit with triac variable dimmer diagram solid state relay triac RC snubber triac snubber varistor Triac slow on PDF

    triac driver opto

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schematics and Specifications 6-Pin Package Random Phase Triac Driver Output; DC Threshold Sensing Input ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM CATHODE 2 5 * NC 3 4 MAIN TERM * Do not connect 6-Pin Package VTM V max VDRM (V) min IH (µA) typ IDRM (nA) max VISO ACRMS (kV) 1 minute

    MOC3010-M MOC3011-M MOC3012-M MOC3020-M MOC3021-M MOC3022-M MOC3023-M MOC3051-M MOC3052-M MOC3031-M triac driver opto PDF


    Abstract: PWM IC 6-PIN DIP optocoupler 4-pin dip open collector TIL117-M equivalent hcpl3700 74OL6000M FODM121 FOD3181 H11F1M zener diode reference guide
    Text: Optocoupler Selection Guide Introduction Fairchild Semiconductor is a leader in the design and production of optocouplers, offering a broad range of package platforms, incorporating various combinations of input and output configurations. We offer simple function optocouplers for low-bandwidth/general switching applications, high performance optocouplers for high bandwidth/high-gain applications, highvoltage optocouplers for AC load switching applications, and other complex functions that provide unique performance



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KTLP3616 Series 8PIN RANDOM-PHASE TRIAC DRIVER PHOTOCOUPLER cosmo Description Schematic The KTLP3616 series consist of a GaAs infrared an 1 non-zero-crossing silicon bilateral TRIAC and a main 2 emitting diode optically coupled to output power TRIAC. These devices isolate low

    KTLP3616 69P45003 PDF

    optocoupler 2705

    Abstract: AN-3006 CNY 817 AN-3004 FOD3180 fod3180 applications mct 3021 FOD073L POWER MOSFET DRIVE semiconductors cross reference
    Text: optocoupler selection guide Saving our world, 1mW at a time introduction Fairchild semiconductor is a leader in the design and production of optocouplers. We offer a broad range of package platforms and incorporate various combinations of input and output configurations. our offerings include



    Abstract: phase control using moc3020 schematic triac 3 phase control ac motor 220v triac snubber MOC30* inductive triac MOC30xx SCHEMATIC 12 to 220v inverter 200w LED LIGHTING Inverter 220v triac ac motor pump control triac snubber design
    Text: Application Note AN-3003 Applications of Random Phase Crossing Triac Drivers Construction across the device. Once triggered into the on conducting state, the detector will remain there, even if no current flows through the LED, until the terminal current drops below the

    AN-3003 AN30003003 MOC30XX phase control using moc3020 schematic triac 3 phase control ac motor 220v triac snubber MOC30* inductive triac MOC30xx SCHEMATIC 12 to 220v inverter 200w LED LIGHTING Inverter 220v triac ac motor pump control triac snubber design PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KTLP3506 Series 8PIN RANDOM-PHASE TRIAC DRIVER PHOTOCOUPLER cosmo Schematic Description The KTLP3506 series consist of a GaAs infrared an 1 non-zero-crossing silicon bilateral TRIAC and a main 2 emitting diode optically coupled to output power TRIAC. These devices isolate low

    KTLP3506 69P45002 PDF