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    RADIO SHACK Search Results

    RADIO SHACK Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LXMSJZNCMH-225 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMS21NCMH-230 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM-KIT-OVER100-DE-D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0805-1210 over100uF Cap Kit Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    RADIO SHACK Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Radio Shack 273-1667 Radio Shack digikey Shack R131
    Text: 3DK2166 Power Supply Notes For 6V operation use Digikey PN: MT7140-ND or the following Radio Shack transformer part numbers: - 6VDC Transformer PN from Radio shack 273-1667 3-12VDC/800mA Regulated AC-to-DC Adapter . - Adaptaplug from Radio shack is also required: PN 273-1716 (Adaptaplug M, 2.1mm x

    3DK2166 MT7140-ND 3-12VDC/800mA 3DK2166 DPD050055-Z5P-TC 273-1667 Radio Shack 273-1667 Radio Shack digikey Shack R131 PDF


    Abstract: TX2-433-40-5V Tx3 rx3 bleeper tx3/rx3 radio transmitter and receiver Radiometrix datasheet of bleeper tx2/rx2 TX2-433-40
    Text: Hartcran House, 231 Kenton Lane, Harrow, HA3 8RP England Tel: +44 0 20 8909 9595, Fax: +44 (0) 20 8909 2233 Rocket Science and Low Power Radio with Traxa Rocketry Case Study, February 2005 Traxa Rocketry designs and manufactures radio tracking devices for small



    Abstract: SPO256-AL2 Radio Shack spr016 voice control robot SPR016 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST SPO256A Radio Shack tandy spr016 SPO2
    Text: Catalog Number 276-1784 AN EXCLUSIVE RADIO SHACK SERVICE TO THE EXPERIMENTER SPO256 NARRATORTM SPEECH PROCESSOR Features Natural Speech Stand Alone Operation with Inexpensive Support Components Wide Operating Voltage Word, Phrase, or Sentence Library, ROM Expandable

    SPO256 SPO256 sig062 370MS 160MS 140MS 19OMS 190MS 12OMS SPO256-AL2 Radio Shack spr016 voice control robot SPR016 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST SPO256A Radio Shack tandy spr016 SPO2 PDF

    Sony CXA1191M

    Abstract: philips ecg master replacement guide FZK101 YD 803 SGS FZK 101 Siemens CMC 707 am radio receiver philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide CXA1191M ym2612 ecg semiconductors master replacement guide
    Text: Untitled HAM RADIO FILE - Various pinouts saved from the Chipdir 2010 0512d -0512d +-\/-+ 1 -|5V in gnd in|- 24 2 -|5V in gnd in|- 23 3 -|5V in gnd in|- 22

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    Abstract: Varicap bb112 elektor receiver sfr455j ELEKTOR PE1GIC general coverage receiver varicap bb509 ssb receiver elektor NE602 application note TCA440 12V Fixed-Voltage Regulator 7812
    Text: RADIO, TELEVISION & VIDEO general-coverage receiver part 1: circuit descriptions This twopart article describes an AM/FM/SSB receiver for the frequency range 0.15 – 32 MHz, which is generally but incorrectly referred to as ‘the shortwave bands’. The receiver is microprocessor controlled

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    bando transformer

    Abstract: bando power transformer CS270M cushcraft r6000 A2706 13B2N A14810S A270-10S RIGS AR450
    Text: Amateur Radio ANTENNAS NEW FOR 99 MA5B 10, 12, 15, 17, 20 m Multiband HF Beam.5 A627013S 6 m, 2 m & 70 cm Directional Yagi.7 AR6270B 6 m, 2 m & 70 cm Vertical Antenna.7 Visit our web site at See back cover for web features

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    Abstract: datasheet opamp 741 enamelled copper wire swg table IC 741 based colpitts oscillator construction BFR84 BF981 FET BFR84 pin out 741 opamp pictures of lm358 pin configuration transistor BC547 2N2222
    Text: A 10 MHz Reference Oscillator Keith Gooley VK5OQ A quartz crystal oscillator in a temperature stabilised enclosure to be used as a reference for a counter or narrow-band mode receiver or transmitter at UHF/SHF The need for this reference arose in my shack when I was using a 1 GHz counter


    RAS 0510 SUN HOLD

    Abstract: relay ras 1210 sun hold RAS 0510 relay RAS 0510 RAS 0510 SUN HOLD ras 0910 sun hold RAS 0610 ERF 2030 ras 0610 relay 45n03
    Text: Compiled by Herman Boel & James Niven EMWG homepage: 1998-2005 Preface & Copyright Welcome to the Euro-African Medium Wave Guide What lies in front of you or what you see on your computer screen is the result of a lot of hard work and love.

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    Abstract: INTERFACING LED WITH AT89C2051 LM358 comparator circuit Microcontroller AT89C2051 virtual machine Microcontroller - AT89C2051 virtual machine Microcontroller - AT89C2051 pin diagram ZVN2106A MMIC MARKING P18 ATmel AT89C2051 RX2020
    Text: File: 400-1397.doc 400-1397-001, Rev: B Virtual Wire Development Kit Manual for DR1007-DK Virtual Wire Development Kit Hardware Warranty Special Notices 1 Virtual Wire Development Kit Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Purpose of the Virtual Wire Development Kit

    DR1007-DK H560-ND H620-ND 91771A107 91841A005 98449A005 9723K22 MAX218CPP-ND RS232 MAX218CPP 91841A005 INTERFACING LED WITH AT89C2051 LM358 comparator circuit Microcontroller AT89C2051 virtual machine Microcontroller - AT89C2051 virtual machine Microcontroller - AT89C2051 pin diagram ZVN2106A MMIC MARKING P18 ATmel AT89C2051 RX2020 PDF

    WIFI data transmitter and receiver

    Abstract: TN249 WIFI data transmitter zigbee receiver wifi sensor of zigbee interference with wifi WiFi transmitter
    Text: TN249 Designing with Wireless Rabbits Q: What is 98% of 8 billion? A: One heck of a huge number. It is also a conservative estimate of the number of microprocessors sold this year into the embedded systems market. The wireless segment of that market is in its infancy, with vast growth potential projected for

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    project on digital thermometer

    Abstract: 10K thermistor thermistor 10k thermistor 10k ohm Thermistor radio shack-271-110 pot meter 5k radio shack 22-810 10K thermistor datasheet Thermistor project thermistor 102
    Text: LINEAR THERMOMETER Qual i Brid ty Ther ge mist or VCC 3 1 3 C 1 d TO Re M DV J3 1 2 T PO 1 2 5K 2 R8 K OR R9 POT 20K LM QUALITY THERMISTOR, INC. | 2108 CENTURY WAY | BOISE, ID 83709 | 1-800-554-4784 R4 R 12 3 R5 R LZ 217 LM + TW 9 R 0K 2


    LM7805 voltage regulator

    Abstract: 276-1770 1k ohm resistor Radio Shack circuit Application Notes on LM7805 Radio Shack 276-1770 lm7805 5v regulator radio shack led AN-1153 AN-1154
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 1151 Wallace Ly June 2000 ABSTRACT This application note describes the construction of the COP8 ISP MICROWIRE Programming Adapter for the IBM PC compatible. A Bill of Material BOM will be presented and the cost of the items will be displayed. Total cost of the

    AN-1151 LM7805 voltage regulator 276-1770 1k ohm resistor Radio Shack circuit Application Notes on LM7805 Radio Shack 276-1770 lm7805 5v regulator radio shack led AN-1153 AN-1154 PDF

    LM7805 voltage regulator

    Abstract: db25 ISP parallel port db25 pin connector lm7805 national DB25 CONNECTOR 276-1770 parallel port programming circuit diagram of adapter LM7805 Application Note National Semiconductor Radio Shack circuit
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 1151 Wallace Ly March 2001 ABSTRACT This application note describes the construction of the COP8 ISP MICROWIRE Programming Adapter for the IBM PC compatible. A Bill of Material BOM will be presented and the cost of the items will be displayed. Total cost of the


    REGULATOR cw 7812

    Abstract: CW 7812 3.5mm Stereo jack pinout metal case REGULATOR IC 7812 pin diagram motorola mrf 7812 regulator b10k potentiometer 7812 metal cap B10K volume general-coverage receiver
    Text: MFJ cub QRP CW Transceiver Construction Manual INTRODUCTION This manual contains the information you need to build your kit. The cub is unique because it uses both surface-mount SMD and conventional electronic components. From an electrical standpoint, surface-mount circuitry has many

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    PZT driver design

    Abstract: PZT Transducer sound level meter 33-2050 SONALERT MALLORY CAPACITOR CATALOG PZT driver circuit piezoelectric transducer for sound PZT amplifier Power Supply for pzt Radio Shack circuit
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > AMPLIFIER AND COMPARATOR CIRCUITS AUDIO CIRCUITS Keywords: audio driver, BTL, bridge tied load, PZT, piezoelectric, audio transducer Mar 26, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 988 Driving Audio Piezoelectric Transducers Abstract: This Audio application note identifies and describes the key elements in designing a driver for a

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    Abstract: PZT Transducer sound level meter 33-2050 piezoelectric transducer for sound sound level meter PZT driver design radioshack PZT driver circuit "Piezo Transducers" Radio Shack
    Text: AMPLIFIER AND COMPARATOR CIRCUITS AUDIO CIRCUITS Application Note 988: Mar 26, 2002 Driving Audio Piezoelectric Transducers This Audio application note identifies and describes the key elements in designing a driver for a Piezoelectric Transducer PZT . The relationship between source

    MAX4338: MAX4364: MAX4365: MAX4366: MAX4367: MAX4368: MAX4369: MALLORY CAPACITOR CATALOG PZT Transducer sound level meter 33-2050 piezoelectric transducer for sound sound level meter PZT driver design radioshack PZT driver circuit "Piezo Transducers" Radio Shack PDF

    radio shack 26-117

    Abstract: radio shack TINI SOCKET TINIm390 DSTINIS-006 tini getting started ftp220
    Text: Application Note 188 Getting Started with the TINIm390 Verification Module Introduction The Tiny InterNet Interface TINI platform is based on Maxim/Dallas microcontrollers and enables the development of code for executing embedded web servers. The TINIm390 verification module is

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    Abstract: Loctite pliobond Vossloh-Schwabe cree XYLOL Loctite 315 pliobond 35 pliobond 20 047DIE
    Text: A New Lighting Experience • lange Lebensdauer 50.000h • sehr hoher Lichtstrom • hocheffizient • einfache Kontaktierung über GX5.3 Sockel • Betreibbar an 12 V AC (magnetisch) und 12 V DC (elektronisch) LED-Spotlight 12V D 1/4 Mai, 2009 • unempfindlich gegen Stoß

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    Abstract: Loctite 242 pliobond CREE XRE pliobond 20 Loctite* 242 VS-PowerEmitter-XRC-SO cree XYLOL LOCTITE 384 PowerEmitter
    Text: A New Lighting Experience • hohe Lebensdauer durch optimales Thermomanagement • sehr hoher Lumenausstoß PowerEmitter Mono • verfügbar in verschiedenen Farben VS-PowerEmitter-XR-E/-C • einfache Kontaktierung mittels vorkonfektionierter Kabel • Linsenoptik mit verschiedenen


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    Abstract: nokia charger technophone nokia mobile charger nokia 700 antenna
    Text: e Cellular, S M R . Data 800/900 M H z Retail pack R F power cord, battery R F power cord, battery eliminator/charger eliminator/charger w/antenna for Nokia 232, w/antenna for Nokia 232, A T & T 3850, Radio antenna for Nokia 232, A T & T 3850, Radio Shack

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    Abstract: NS_Databook_77 MA1012 MA1002 MM5799 MM5318 MM57109 mm5782n Remote Control Toy Car Receiver IC tx2 MM5871
    Text: MOS/LSI DATABOOK NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR i Edge Index by Product Family Clocks Counters/Timers Electronic Organ Circuits TV Circuits Analog to Digital A /D Converters Communications/CB Radio Circuits Watches Calculators Controller Oriented Processor Systems (COPS)

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AR300 THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE — ESD Prepared by David S. Hollander Motorola Inc. Reprinted with permission of QST. March, 1987 issue. 1987 The American Radio Relay League, Inc. All rights reserved. MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Inc.

    OCR Scan
    AR300 C64453 PDF


    Abstract: SPO256 SPR016 gg2j Radio Shack spr016 sp0256al2 tandy spr016 SP0256 sound phase checker SPO-256
    Text: r a ï b a c k D oc. # 17517 Catalog Number 276-1784 TECHNICAL DATA AN EXCLUSIVE RADIO SHACK SERVICE TO THE EXPERIMENTER SP0256 NARRATO R SPEECH PROCESSOR Features Tim • • * • * * • RÔM D VDD C 7 S&Y c 6 DS^C 9 w c ■0 A7 c I Stfl OUT c 12 AÔC l ì

    OCR Scan
    SP0256 SP0256 290MS 250MS 160MS 280MS 300MS 240MS 100MS 240M5 SP0256-AL2 SPO256 SPR016 gg2j Radio Shack spr016 sp0256al2 tandy spr016 sound phase checker SPO-256 PDF


    Abstract: epson LX 300 ii printer board epson print head diagram
    Text: M l "'I EPSON LX-80 PRINTER Operating Manual FC C C O M P L IA N C E S T A T E M E N T F O R A M E R IC A N U S E R S This equipm ent generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the

    OCR Scan
    LX-80 1BW87 epson LX 300 ii printer board epson print head diagram PDF