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    QUADRATURE BRIDGE Search Results

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    TCK126BG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Load Switch IC, 1 to 5.5 V, 1 A, WCSP4G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK127BG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Load Switch IC, 1 to 5.5 V, 1 A, Auto-discharge, WCSP4G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK423G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    QUADRATURE BRIDGE Datasheets Context Search

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    "digital baseband" receiver demodulator LPF amplifier ADC compensate

    Abstract: MAX407 PSK demodulator schematic for DSP 100-PIN MAX2101 MAX2101CMQ MAX418 21-7003A
    Text: 19-0298; Rev 3; 1/96 KIT ATION EVALU ABLE AVAIL 6-Bit Quadrature Digitizer The MAX2101 6-bit quadrature digitizer combines quadrature demodulation with analog-to-digital conversion on a single bipolar silicon die. This unique RF-to-Bits TM function bridges the gap between existing RF downconverters and CMOS digital signal processors DSP .

    MAX2101 400MHz 700MHz MAX2101 "digital baseband" receiver demodulator LPF amplifier ADC compensate MAX407 PSK demodulator schematic for DSP 100-PIN MAX2101CMQ MAX418 21-7003A PDF


    Abstract: MAX2101 MAX2101CMQ MAX407 MAX418 lnb schematic crystal 25mhz schematic diagram catv receiver satellite varactor diode sample problems
    Text: 19-0298; Rev 4; 5/96 KIT ATION EVALU ABLE AVAIL 6-Bit Quadrature Digitizer The MAX2101 6-bit quadrature digitizer combines quadrature demodulation with analog-to-digital conversion on a single bipolar silicon die. This unique RF-to-Bits TM function bridges the gap between existing RF downconverters and CMOS digital signal processors DSPs .

    MAX2101 400MHz 700MHz MAX2101 100-PIN MAX2101CMQ MAX407 MAX418 lnb schematic crystal 25mhz schematic diagram catv receiver satellite varactor diode sample problems PDF


    Abstract: APP1946 MAX4454 OPAMP RF MODULATOR
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Wireless and RF Keywords: i/q, in, phase, quadrature, sine, cosine, generator, op, amp, 90, rf, rfic Mar 25, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 1946 A MAX4454-based I/Q generator tests RF quadrature modulators Abstract: This application note describes a simple, low-cost, sine-cosine generator that can be used for testing quadrature

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    K250 capacitor

    Abstract: X2114 MAX2100 Subcircuits OPA BASEBAND 80MHZ k250 psk demodulation MAX2100 MAX2101 P250 floppy 3,5
    Text: 19-0370; Rev 0; 2/95 Quadrature Digitizer Circuits _Features ♦ Operation at IFs from 70MHz to 700MHz* ♦ Precision Quadrature Demodulation 1°, 0.2dB typ Mismatch, f = 650MHz ♦ Matched Active Filters with Electronically Variable

    70MHz 700MHz* 650MHz) 10MHz 30MHz 30MHz, 120Msps) 200MHz X21nnPFD X21nnPFT K250 capacitor X2114 MAX2100 Subcircuits OPA BASEBAND 80MHZ k250 psk demodulation MAX2100 MAX2101 P250 floppy 3,5 PDF


    Abstract: hfa3761 low pass filter have cut off frequency
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9749.2 Harris Wireless January 1998 Using the PRISM HFA3761EVAL Evaluation Board Preliminary Release Introduction quadrature LO generator which exhibits a broadband response with excellent quadrature properties. For broadband operation, the Local Oscillator frequency input

    AN9749 HFA3761EVAL HFA3761 HFA3761. 400MHz. 1000p 1000p 9749 low pass filter have cut off frequency PDF

    IQ generator

    Abstract: AN1946 quadrature bridge APP1946 MAX4454
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > WIRELESS, RF, AND CABLE Keywords: i/q, in, phase, quadrature, sine, cosine, generator, op, amp, 90, rf, rfic Mar 25, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 1946 A MAX4454-based IQ Generator Tests RF Quadrature Modulators Abstract: This app note describes a simple, low-cost, sine-cosine generator that can be used for testing

    MAX4454-based MAX4454 65kHz -46dBc. com/an1946 MAX4454: AN1946, APP1946, Appnote1946, IQ generator AN1946 quadrature bridge APP1946 MAX4454 PDF


    Abstract: APS00B
    Text: Installation Instructions for the APS00B High Resolution Magnetic Displacement Sensor GENERAL INFORMATION The APS00B is an analog sensor containing two saturated mode MR magnetoresistive bridges generating quadrature sine and cosine output signals which are a function of the

    APS00B 50049315-1-EN APS00A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: End of Life. Last Available Purchase Date is 31-Dec-2014 Si9979 Vishay Siliconix 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES Hall-Effect Commutation 60 or 120 Sensor Spacing Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges PWM Input Quadrature Selection

    31-Dec-2014 Si9979 Si9979 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A 02-Oct-12 SI9979DS PDF

    s41* hall sensor

    Abstract: SI9979 single H-bridge MC14022 Si9979CS Si9979DS SQFP-48
    Text: Si9979 Vishay Siliconix 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES D Hall-Effect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible

    Si9979 Si9979 08-Apr-05 s41* hall sensor single H-bridge MC14022 Si9979CS Si9979DS SQFP-48 PDF

    s41* hall sensor

    Abstract: mc14022 application
    Text: Si9979 Vishay Siliconix 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES D Hall-Effect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible

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    digital ohmmeter circuit diagram

    Abstract: analog voltmeter 4.7k pot AN9711 ohmmeter diagram HFA3761 30MHz agc circuit low pass filter have cut off frequency
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9711 Harris Wireless Products March 1997 Using the PRISM HFA3761 Evaluation Board Preliminary Release TM Introduction generator which exhibits a broadband response with excellent quadrature properties. For broadband operation, the

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    s41* hall sensor

    Abstract: Si9979D mc14022 application BLDC motor control with 3 hall-effect sensors SI9979 hall effect sensor tachometer
    Text: Si9979 Vishay Siliconix 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES D Hall-Effect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible

    Si9979 Si9979 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 s41* hall sensor Si9979D mc14022 application BLDC motor control with 3 hall-effect sensors hall effect sensor tachometer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si9979 Vishay Siliconix 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES D Hall-Effect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible

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    s41* hall sensor

    Abstract: MC14022 Si9979 Si9979CS Si9979DS SQFP-48 code CBC hall effect mc14022 application 30 kw motor
    Text: Si9979 Vishay Siliconix 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES D Hall-Effect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible

    Si9979 Si9979 18-Jul-08 s41* hall sensor MC14022 Si9979CS Si9979DS SQFP-48 code CBC hall effect mc14022 application 30 kw motor PDF

    s41* hall sensor

    Abstract: GTA sa siliconix Si9979 70012
    Text: Si9979 Vishay Siliconix 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES D Hall-Effect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible

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    brake mosfet switch BLDC Motor

    Abstract: active brake mosfet switch BLDC Motor brake mosfet hall switch BLDC Motor brake stop switch BLDC Motor mc14022 application hall effect for bldc motor stop with mosfet si9979 motor speed control with forward reverse MC14022
    Text: Si9979CS 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller Features D Hall-Effect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible Braking

    Si9979CS Si9979 Si9979C S-46128--Rev. -28-Mar-96 Si9979 brake mosfet switch BLDC Motor active brake mosfet switch BLDC Motor brake mosfet hall switch BLDC Motor brake stop switch BLDC Motor mc14022 application hall effect for bldc motor stop with mosfet motor speed control with forward reverse MC14022 PDF

    siliconix Si9979

    Abstract: si9979
    Text: Si9979 Vishay Siliconix Si9979 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES • Hall-Effect Commutation é 60° or 120° Sensor Spacing é Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges é PWM Input é é é é é Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output

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    Abstract: Si9979CS Si9979 BLDC 3 phase ac motor speed control circuit
    Text: Si9979CS Siliconix 3ĆPhase Brushless DC Motor Controller Features D HallĆEffect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral HighĆSide Drive for all NĆChannel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible

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    DC MOTOR 100 R.P.M., 12v

    Abstract: motion quadrature encoder chip AN2957 HEDS-5640 IB23810 MC68332 MCF5235 transistor k 4212 AN2957 bldc AN2892
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MCF523x Covers MCF523x and all eTPU-equipped Devices by: Milan Brejl & Michal Princ System Application Engineers Roznov Czech System Center

    MCF523x MCF523x AN2957 MCF5235, M523xEVBE DC MOTOR 100 R.P.M., 12v motion quadrature encoder chip AN2957 HEDS-5640 IB23810 MC68332 MCF5235 transistor k 4212 AN2957 bldc AN2892 PDF

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    Abstract: IB23810 washing machine service manual 8188 AN1916 induction synchronous motor pmsm 56F805 DRM029 AN1917 Motorola
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3-Phase PM Synchronous Motor Control with Quadrature Encoder Using 56F805 Designer Reference Manual 56800 Hybrid Controller DRM029/D Rev. 0, 03/2003 MOTOROLA.COM/SEMICONDUCTORS For More Information On This Product,

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    Abstract: SI9979CS MC14022 S-46128 SQFP-48 Cpin27 code CBC hall effect 4448C
    Text: Si9979CS 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller Features D Hall-Effect Commutation D 60_ or 120_ Sensor Spacing D Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Channel MOSFET Bridges D PWM Input D D D D D D D D D Quadrature Selection Tachometer Output Reversible Braking

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    pot 47K

    Abstract: harris ohmmeter diagram HFA3763 digital ohmmeter circuit diagram
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9712 Harris Wireless Products March 1997 Using the PRISM HFA3763 Evaluation Board Preliminary Release TM Introduction Board Description The HFA3763 is a highly integrated baseband converter for quadrature modulation applications. It features all the

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    Abstract: IB23810 mode discrete test mpc551x Flasher DC MOTOR 100 R.P.M., 12v motion quadrature encoder chip MPC5554 GPIO AN3005 HEDS-5640 MPC5533
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note BLDC Motor with Quadrature Encoder and Speed Closed Loop, Driven by eTPU on MPC5554 Covers MPC5554 and all eTPU-Equipped Devices by: Milan Brejl & Michal Princ & Pavel Sustek System Application Engineers Roznov Czech System Center

    MPC5554 MPC5554 AN3005 MPC551x MPC5533 MPC5534 MPC5553 MPC5554, MPC5565 IB23810 mode discrete test mpc551x Flasher DC MOTOR 100 R.P.M., 12v motion quadrature encoder chip MPC5554 GPIO AN3005 HEDS-5640 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Vishay Siliconix 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller FEATURES • Hall-Effect Commutation • 60° or 120° Sensor Spacing • Integral High-Side Drive for all N-Cnannel MOSFET Bridges • PWM Input Quadrature Selection

    OCR Scan
    Si9979 S-60752-Rev. 05-Apr-99 PDF