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    QUADRANT DETECTOR HGCDTE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NR4510UR-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Detectors, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA9P2556-9Z Renesas Electronics Corporation 57MHz, Wideband, Four Quadrant, Voltage Output Analog Multiplier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    YCB16RL78I1D001B Renesas Electronics Corporation Smoke Detector Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EXE8602-DNT Renesas Electronics Corporation 71 – 86 GHz Power Detector Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ICL7665SCPAZ Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS Micropower Over/Under Voltage Detector Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    QUADRANT DETECTOR HGCDTE Datasheets Context Search

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    InSb spectral response

    Abstract: HgCdTe Raytheon HgCdTe THE-SIRTF-ARRAY aladdin one astro Correlated
    Text: IR CoE ASTRONOMY TEAM Astronomical Infrared Sensor Chip Assemblies Standard Products High performance InSb and Impurity Band Conduction IBC focal plane arrays are available with spectral responses from 0.4µm to 28µm for ground based astronomy and space based instruments. Raytheon IR CoE is one of the worlds leading suppliers of focal plane arrays for astronomical applications for the past 10 years. IR CoE utilizes state-ofthe-art facilities and processes to produce these arrays. Listed below are some of the InSb and IBC arrays available from the IR CoE as standard products

    DTS99-0089 InSb spectral response HgCdTe Raytheon HgCdTe THE-SIRTF-ARRAY aladdin one astro Correlated PDF

    Selection guide

    Abstract: Infrared detectors P13243-011MA
    Text: Selection guide - March 2015 Infrared Detectors Covering a broad spectral range in the infrared region INFRARED DETECTORS HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K. Infrared detectors Infrared detectors are widely used in diverse field including measurement, analysis, indust r y, c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a g r i c u l tu r e , m e d i c i n e ,

    KIRD0001E08 Selection guide Infrared detectors P13243-011MA PDF

    photodiode ge

    Abstract: INSB PHOTODIODE HgCdTe J16QUAD-8D6-R02M J16PS 4 quadrant InSb quadrant detector InSb metal detector sensor j10quad
    Text: E G zG J U D S O N * * — — «ï fflb . *V ÌV '#3é ¿.fi, ir Figure 29-2 Example of Position Linearity Figure 29-1 Position Sensor Detector Configuration - J16PS, J12PS, J10PS — '3 Î fc* i l '»ti'*.«'* Po sitio n S en sors A Ge, InAs, or InSb position sensor

    OCR Scan
    J16PS, J12PS, J10PS J16QUAD, J10QUAD, J15QUAD J16Quad 10x10 J12PS-8B12-S05M J10PS-M204-S05M photodiode ge INSB PHOTODIODE HgCdTe J16QUAD-8D6-R02M J16PS 4 quadrant InSb quadrant detector InSb metal detector sensor j10quad PDF

    quadrant detector hgcdte

    Abstract: J15QUAD quadrant photodiode j10quad j16quad quadrant photodiode preamplifier
    Text: J ^ E G zG JUDSON q Figure 29-1 Position S ensor D etector C onfiguration J16PS, J12PS, J10PS Position Sensors A Ge, InAs, or InSb position sensor consists of a single element photodiode with a quadrupole electrode geometry. These devices can provide linear X-Y

    OCR Scan
    J16PS, J12PS, J10PS J16QUAD, J10QUAD, J15QUAD UAD-8D6-R02M J16QU AD-8D6-R05M J10QUA quadrant detector hgcdte J15QUAD quadrant photodiode j10quad j16quad quadrant photodiode preamplifier PDF

    metal detectors IC

    Abstract: HgCdTe metal detector sensor INSB PHOTODIODE J16PS-P6-S10M quadrant detector photodiode ge j10quad J16PS metal detector
    Text: JK EC k G JUDSOñl q Figure 29-1 Position Sensor D etector Configuration J16PS, J12PS, J10PS Position Sensors A Ge, InAs, or InSb position sensor consists of a single elem en t photodiode w ith a quadrupole electrode geom etry. T hese devices can provide lin e a r X-Y

    OCR Scan
    J16PS, J12PS, J10PS J16QUAD, J10QUAD, J15QUAD J16Quad J10PS-M204-S05M J16QUAD-8D6-R02M J16QUAD-8D6-R05M metal detectors IC HgCdTe metal detector sensor INSB PHOTODIODE J16PS-P6-S10M quadrant detector photodiode ge j10quad J16PS metal detector PDF


    Abstract: p1760-04 P873-13
    Text: Opto-semiconductors CONDENSED CATALOG 1987 Hamamatsu Photonics Solid State Division has devel­ oped a variety of opto-electronic semiconductor de­ vices. These competitively priced high quality products are designed to meet the requirements of general and

    OCR Scan
    S-114 DK-2000 JAN/87 P873-G35-552 p1760-04 P873-13 PDF