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    Abstract: P3304 Legerity
    Text: PRODUCT DATA SHEET LOW INSERTION LOSS LINE MATCHING TRANSFORMER Features Applications ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Legerity QSLAC ∗ SLIC Interfaces ∗ 3.3V operation Lead-free Pb-free RoHS compliant Low Insertion Loss, <1dB

    P3304 P3304 E203175 FIN-03101, P3303 Legerity PDF

    ERL 35

    Abstract: RSN 310 R 36 amd 2908 PSpice example programs PCM AMD 706 pspice high frequency transistor amd 2902 10-584 resistor 2200 ohm 400E
    Text:  AMSLAC-NP SOFTWARE USER’S GUIDE VERSION 1.0 AUGUST, 1998 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 1997-1998 AmSLAC-NP Software User’s Guide AmSLAC-NP is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. QSLAC is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. QSLACIF and QSLACIFP are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.



    Abstract: AM79Q021 AMD SLIC JS11 JS12 AMD Socket S1 PIN LAYOUT Am79Q031
    Text: Am79Q02/021/06/061 QSLACTM Device Evaluation Board User’s Guide 1999 The contents of this document are provided in connection with Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. “AMD” products. AMD makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves

    Am79Q02/021/06/061 J-M1 BATTERY AM79Q021 AMD SLIC JS11 JS12 AMD Socket S1 PIN LAYOUT Am79Q031 PDF


    Abstract: ADP3335 E192 LM2931 MAX8867
    Text: Design Conversion Guide Switching from 5.0 V QSLAC Devices Am79Qxxx to 3.3 V QLSLAC™ Devices (Le58QLxxx) in Existing Designs Application Note This document is a guide for converting existing linecard designs using Zarlink’s QSLAC™ devices to designs

    Am79Qxxx Le58QLxxx) LM1117 ADP3335 E192 LM2931 MAX8867 PDF


    Abstract: Z-658
    Text: Le58QL061/063 Quad Low Voltage Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit VE580 Series APPLICATIONS RELATED LITERATURE „ Codec function on telephone switch line cards FEATURES „ 080753 Le58QL02/021/031 QLSLAC™ Data Sheet „ 080761 QSLAC™ to QLSLAC™ Design Conversion

    Le58QL061/063 VE580 Le58QL02/021/031 Le58QL061/063 LE58QL063HVC Z-658 PDF


    Abstract: PQT044
    Text: Am79Q4457/5457 Quad Subscriber Line Audio-processing Circuit Non-Programmable QSLAC -NP Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS n Performs the function of four Codec/Filters n A-law or µ-law coding n Single PCM port — Up to 4.096 MHz operation (64 channels)

    Am79Q4457/5457 Am79Q4457 44-PIN PQT044 PDF


    Abstract: Power One Power Network Interface
    Text: PRODUCT BRIEF Nonprogrammable Quad Subscriber Line AudioProcessing Circuits AMD’s QSLAC -NP/NP+ nonprogrammable codec/filters provide the best price/performance audio-processing solution for today’s low-cost, high-performance POTS applications. Based on AMD’s industry-standard SLAC™ and DSLAC™

    LITHO-7M-5/96-0 0045A 1AM7 Power One Power Network Interface PDF

    ms 21921

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Interfacing the Am186 CC Communications Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI Back Application Note by Jeff Kirk The purpose of this application note is to describe how to interface an Am186™CC communications controller to a Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC™ device. The same techniques can be used to interface an Am186CC controller to any SLAC™ device.

    Am186TMCC Am186CC 16-bit 0000010000000000b Am186, Am188, ms 21921 PDF

    ms 21921

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Interfacing the Am186 CC Communications Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI Application Note Back by Jeff Kirk The purpose of this application note is to describe how to interface an Am186™CC communications controller to a Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC™ device. The same techniques can be used to interface an Am186CC controller to any SLAC™ device.

    Am186TMCC Am186CC 16-bit 0000010000000000b Am186, Am188, ms 21921 PDF


    Abstract: c32c5 chopper transformer pcm robbed bit slots symbols CD11 CD12 CD21 CD22 CD23 CD24
    Text: Am79Q02/021/031 Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS   Performs the functions of four codec/filters Software programmable: — SLIC input impedance — Transhybrid balance — Transmit and receive gains

    Am79Q02/021/031 *32C52 c32c5 chopper transformer pcm robbed bit slots symbols CD11 CD12 CD21 CD22 CD23 CD24 PDF

    ms 21921

    Abstract: 2f0h
    Text: Interfacing the Am186 CC Communications Controller to an AMD SLAC™ Device Using Enhanced SSI Application Note by Jeff Kirk The purpose of this application note is to describe how to interface an Am186™CC communications controller to a Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC™ device. The same techniques can be used to interface an Am186CC controller to any SLAC™ device.

    Am186TMCC Am186CC 16-bit 0000010000000000b Am186, Am188, ms 21921 2f0h PDF

    Pace Electronic Products

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Linecard Products for the Public Infrastructure Market SLIC Devices QSLAC TM /DSLAC TM Devices ASLIC TM /ASLAC TM Devices AMD provides our customers with a complete line of integrated circuits, together with the software and development tools necessary for keeping pace with the



    Abstract: R1Z regulator LE792 7804 regulator EE transformer modem v.90 HX 711 CD11 CD21 CD23 CD24
    Text: Le58QL061/063 Quad Low Voltage Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit VE580 Series Voice Solution A APPLICATIONS RELATED LITERATURE „ Codec function on telephone switch line cards FEATURES „ 080753 Le58QL02/021/031 QLSLAC™ Data Sheet „ 080761 QSLAC™ to QLSLAC™ Design Conversion

    Le58QL061/063 VE580 Le79Q061/ LE58QL063HVC R1Z regulator LE792 7804 regulator EE transformer modem v.90 HX 711 CD11 CD21 CD23 CD24 PDF


    Abstract: datasheet LM1117 operational amplifier discrete schematic ADP3335 E192 LM2931 MAX8867 MAX8867 equivalent lm1117 p-spice model
    Text: Guide to New Designs Enabling 5.0 V QSLAC Device Am79Qxxx to 3.3 V QLSLAC™ Device (Le58QLxxx) Transitions Application Note This document is a guide for new linecard designs using Zarlink’s QSLAC™ device. The guide offers design suggestions to enable a smooth transition from the QSLAC device to the newer QLSLAC™ device. One objective

    Am79Qxxx Le58QLxxx) LM1117 datasheet LM1117 operational amplifier discrete schematic ADP3335 E192 LM2931 MAX8867 MAX8867 equivalent lm1117 p-spice model PDF

    TGS 2600 series

    Abstract: 44-PIN PQT044 RGS13
    Text: Am79Q4457/5457 Quad Subscriber Line Audio Processing CircuitNon-Programmable QSLAC -NP Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS n Performs the function of four Codec/Filters n A-law or µ-law coding n Single PCM port — Up to 4.096 MHz operation (64 channels)

    Am79Q4457/5457 Am79Q4457 TGS 2600 series 44-PIN PQT044 RGS13 PDF


    Abstract: Le58QL021BVC *32C52 Le7920 isolation transformer v.90 Legerity LE58QL021 HX 711 XN 4509
    Text: Le58QL02/021/031 Quad Low Voltage Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit VE580 Series APPLICATIONS RELATED LITERATURE „ Codec function on telephone switch line cards „ 080754 Le58QL061/063 QLSLAC™ Device Data Sheet „ 080761 QSLAC™ to QLSLAC™ Device Design

    Le58QL02/021/031 VE580 Le58QL061/063 Le79Q02/ LE58QL021FJC Le58QL021BVC *32C52 Le7920 isolation transformer v.90 Legerity LE58QL021 HX 711 XN 4509 PDF

    ALI m310 sd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRFLiMJNARY A M DC! A m 7 9 Q 0 6 /0 6 1 /0 6 2 /0 6 3 Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC" Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS Distinctive C haracteristics.

    OCR Scan
    Am7920 Am79Q061 1108A-034 Am79Q06/061/062/063 ALI m310 sd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY Am79Q4457/5457 Quad Subscriber Line Audio Processing CircuitNon-Programmabie QSLAC -NP Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS D istinctive C haracteristics .3

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q4457/5457 79Q5457 PDF


    Abstract: Am79Q031
    Text: AM DZI Am79Q02/021/031 Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS Distinctive C h a ra c te ris tic s. 3

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q02/021/031 Am79Q021VC am79q021 Am79Q031 PDF

    TGS 2600

    Abstract: PQT044 log tx2 1014
    Text: AMDH Am79Q4457/5457 Quad Subscriber Line Audio Processing CircuitNon-Programmable QSLAC -NP Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Performs the function of four Codec/Filters ■ A-law or (j-law coding ■ Additional Am79Q4457 device capabilities (per channel, set external)

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q4457/5457 Am79Q4457 0Q42flb4 PL032 16-038FPO-5 PL044 PQT044 16-038-PQT-2 PL032, TGS 2600 PQT044 log tx2 1014 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For additional information on this product, please contact the nearest A M D Sales Office. PRELIMINARY Am79Q02/021/031 Advanced Micro Devices Quad Subscriber Line Audio Processing Circuit QSLAC Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Software programmable

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q02/021/031 096-MHz 02S7S57 Am79Q02/021/03l GE57S27 PDF


    Abstract: AM79Q063
    Text: Am79Q06/061 /062/063 Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS Distinctive Characteristics. 4

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q06/061 Am79Q061 Am79Q06/061/062/063 Chn52 AM79Q063 PDF

    FRO 021

    Abstract: Am79Q031
    Text: This is a condensed version of the data sheet. To obtain the full version, please contact your nearest AMD Sales Office. Am79Q02/021/031 Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Performs the functions of four codec/filters

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q02/021/031 Am79Q02 Am79Q021 Am79Q031 FRO 021 PDF

    VOGT n4

    Abstract: VOGT n3
    Text: aRFLÈMiNAR'. Am79Q4457/5457 AMDB Quad Subscriber Line Audio Processing CircuitNon-Programmable QSLAC -NP Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS Distinctive Characteristics .203

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q4457/5457 VOGT n4 VOGT n3 PDF