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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO Semiconductor Quad Flat Package 48Pin Plastic QIP48A 14X14 外形図情報に関するご注意 三洋半導体パッケージは基本的に JEITA の名称付与規定(ED-7303A)に準じています。 ただし、従来のパッケージに用いている名称については、そのまま継続しています。

    48Pin QIP48A 14X14) ED-7303A 45max QIP48A 14X14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO Semiconductor Quad Flat Package 48Pin Plastic QIP48A 14X14 Precautions concerning information given on package drawings Basically, SANYO Semiconductor Company’s packages are named and coded in compliance with JEITA regulations (ED-7303A), which stipulate the names and codes for integrated circuit packages. However, the

    48Pin QIP48A 14X14) ED-7303A) 45max QIP48A 14X14 PDF


    Abstract: LC6510C b1b0s lc6505 EVA-410 KBR400B CSB1000K LC6510 KBR800 LC6502
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1802C CMOS IC LC6514B Single-Chip 4-bit Microcontroller Low-Threshold Input, On-Chip FLT Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LC6514B is a microcontroller with FLT drivers. It is identical with the LC6510C in the internal architecture and

    ENN1802C LC6514B LC6514B LC6510C 3025B-DIP42S LC6514B] DIP42S 3052B-QIP48 KBR-800H b1b0s lc6505 EVA-410 KBR400B CSB1000K LC6510 KBR800 LC6502 PDF

    ELAP cm 76

    Abstract: 1232B 7174K Sanyu
    Text: SANYO SEMI CONDUCTOR CORP 32E D ? ' i ‘ï 7 0 7 b GOQflQSti. 4 a T -7 7 -2 1 C M O S 1C 1232B Autom atic M usic Selector up to 7 Selections for Tape Recorders T h e LC7517 is a sin g le-ch ip CM OS IC d esig n ed to a u to m a tic a lly s e le c t y o u r d e s ire d m u s ic u p to 7

    OCR Scan
    1232B LC7517 MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 IP24S MFP30 QIP80B ELAP cm 76 1232B 7174K Sanyu PDF


    Abstract: LC7060 ic la 7522 sanyo lc7560 Sanyu thd2 buzzer
    Text: 0 SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D m 7 cic1707t, G O O Ö O b S wr 5 B T '7H-0& O l w 3012A ' CMOS LSI Electronic Volume Control for Graphic Equalizer $1890C The 3-chip configuration consisting of the LC7520, a controller LC7060 or general-purpose microcomputer LC6502, etc. , and a display LSI (LC7560—»LCD,

    OCR Scan
    1707t, 1890C LC7520, LC7060 LC6502, LC7560-- LC7565 -10dB, MFP24 QIP48A LC6502 ic la 7522 sanyo lc7560 Sanyu thd2 buzzer PDF

    2SA606 equivalent

    Abstract: LB3500 C7267 LC7267 REMQ DIP42S LC7268 7 segmen 2SA606 Amilo
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D E3 7ci ci?G7b DQOflODö 4 ESI 1 Capable of selecting receiving frequency display/time display. (2) Display of receiving frequency at each band of FM/MW/LW LC7267 LC7268 Display Element LED FLT Static/Dynamic Static Static Withstand Voltage

    OCR Scan
    LC7267 LC7268 Vdd-20V dip30s 00d77l3 T-90-20 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B 2SA606 equivalent LB3500 C7267 REMQ DIP42S 7 segmen 2SA606 Amilo PDF


    Abstract: sanyo lc7560 lc7520 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum LC 7522 sanyo QIP80A 7-band lc7522 mos 3021 H272
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D H 7^70713 QGOñlüñ fl El • T - 7 9 ' O S - O Ì l l i l l i i S V ^ < 3057 C M O S LSI G r a p h i c E q u a l i z e r L C D D r i v e r Use LCD driver for display of graphic equalizers LC7520, 7522, 7523, Features 1 7-band display (+ accessory display or total display) : 11 x 8 segments.

    OCR Scan
    1891B LC7520, 11-dot QIP48A 00077b3 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S LC7560 sanyo lc7560 lc7520 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum LC 7522 sanyo QIP80A 7-band lc7522 mos 3021 H272 PDF


    Abstract: LB3* sanyo 7 segmen
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D E3 7ci ci?G7b DQOflODö 4 ESI 1 Capable of selecting receiving frequency display/time display. (2) Display of receiving frequency at each band of FM/MW/LW LC7267 LC7268 Display Element LED FLT Static/Dynamic Static Static Withstand Voltage

    OCR Scan
    LC7267 LC7268 Vdd-20V FM0-35 MFP24 dip30s 00d77l3 T-90-20 -29-M DIP-24Slim LB3500 LB3* sanyo 7 segmen PDF

    sanyo capacitor se green

    Abstract: TO068 LC7512 lc7510
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D 7 cì cì 7G7L j DD0 ÖQ3 7 □ T-77-21 C M O S 1C 3 007A S93B Automatic Music Selector up to 3 Selections for Tape Recorders T he L C 7510/7512 are single-chip ICs designed to au tom atically se lec t your desired m usic up to 3 selection s

    OCR Scan
    T-77-21 MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 IP24S MFP30 QIP80B sanyo capacitor se green TO068 LC7512 lc7510 PDF


    Abstract: mos 3021 lc78602 dac 3014
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR 32E CORP D vtì707b D00ö20b a m T - S ' b O Ÿ ' / é C M O S LSI 3021 B 16-B it D /A Converter fo r Digital Audio Use 2401B The LC7880 16-bit CMOS D/A converter DAC uses dynamic level shift, combining resistance strings and pulse-width modulation (PWM) with level shifts. Two

    OCR Scan
    2401B LC7880 16-bit MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 DIP24S MFP30 QIP80B mos 3021 lc78602 dac 3014 PDF


    Abstract: SANYU u5160 E01N lc7520 Graphic equalizer circuit diagram
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D 7 T T 7 0 7 □ OOOfllb4 7 E9 T-51-11 C M O S LSI 3029A 2-Pole 4-Position Analog Function Switch 1514C Functions . 2-pole 4-position function switch of feather touch type . Tape monitor function, REC equalization (graphic equalizer input/output

    OCR Scan
    T-51-11 1514C QIF64B MFP24 00077b3 DIP24S MFP30 LC7820 SANYU u5160 E01N lc7520 Graphic equalizer circuit diagram PDF

    str f 6264

    Abstract: YT-30008
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D B 7^707^ 0 D07Ö2Ö 4 El The LC7020AT, BT are controllers for direct PLL ICs LM7000, LM7001. They can be used to form a PLL frequency synthesizer with clock, 2 bands for car use. 1. Functions and Features (1) Receiving frequency'

    OCR Scan
    LC7020AT, LM7000, LM7001. MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 IP24S QIP80B str f 6264 YT-30008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D 7cH 7 0 7 b GOGÖ1SO 7 CM O S LSI 2-Pole 4-Position Analog Function Sw itch 1359B The LC7817 is a 2-pole 4-position analog function switch with 2 built-in CMOS analog switches LC4066 type . A soft touch of a button enables switchover of the input signal source of an audio amplifier.

    OCR Scan
    1359B LC7817 LC4066 LC4066 MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 MFP30 QIP80B PDF


    Abstract: Q228CEL-1077B kopin LC7030 MOC 3063 APPLICATION NOTE LB1405 LM7000 LM7000N LM7001 csb400p
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR C0RP 32E D B 711707b 0007841 1 • T-77-0S-ÛS CMOS LSI Electronic Tuning Controller 1675B The LC7030 is a controller for direct PLL ICs LM7000, LM7000N and LM7001. It can be used to form a PLL frequency synthesizer for home stereo use.

    OCR Scan
    7TT707 T-77-05 3025B 1675b LC7030 LM7000, LM7000N LM7001. 500msec. 70msec 235S01 Q228CEL-1077B kopin MOC 3063 APPLICATION NOTE LB1405 LM7000 LM7001 csb400p PDF

    IC 7405 pin diagram

    Abstract: SANYO MARKING TYPE LC7532M the pin function of ic 7405 MFP20 mos 3021 DIP28 LC7532
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E I> Ei ? cn ? 0 ? L , DOOflOÔT a □ T-74-05-01 C M O S 1C 303 5A 3V-0persted Single-Channel 1 Electronic Volume Control $194!A A p p lic a tio n s • AM radios F e a tu re s •CMOS process 3 V typ. operation requiring less c u rre n t dissipation

    OCR Scan
    00077bl T-74-05-01 60dBorless QIP48A -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S IC 7405 pin diagram SANYO MARKING TYPE LC7532M the pin function of ic 7405 MFP20 mos 3021 DIP28 LC7532 PDF

    TT 2076

    Abstract: E21B bjtw qsc 1110 NANO VTV B522-C CSa3.00mg IN tt 2076 kbr400b 302S
    Text: Ordering number: EN 2076D C M O S LSI LC6520C, 6522C, LC6520H, 6522H No. 2076D Single-Chip 4-B it Microcomputers for M edium /Large-Scale Control-Oriented Applications The LC6520C/H are single-chip 4 -b it m icrocom puters th a t contain a 4 K -b yte ROM , 1K -bit

    OCR Scan
    EN2076D 2076D LC6520C, 6522C, LC6520H, 6522H LC6520C/H TT 2076 E21B bjtw qsc 1110 NANO VTV B522-C CSa3.00mg IN tt 2076 kbr400b 302S PDF


    Abstract: 3se1
    Text: SANYO S EMI CONDUCTOR CORP 3SE1 D ? cn 7 D 7 t 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 T T-51-11 CM O S LSI 2 -Pole 4 -Position Analog Function Switch $ 15 20 B The LC7816 is a 2-pole 4-position analog function switch with 2 huilt-in CMOS analog switches LC4966 type . A soft touch of a button enables switchover of

    OCR Scan
    T-51-11 LC7816 LC4966 MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 DIP24S QIP80B LC7416 3se1 PDF


    Abstract: LA3605 F617
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D 7^707 3 1 m 0000113 T-74-05-01 CMOS LSI 3057 Graphic Equalizer's Spectrum Analyzing Display LCD Driver 2014A Ose • Graphic equalizer's spectrum analyzing display LCD driver Features (1 8-band display: 11 x 8 segments (Display of bandpass signal strength— > Spectrum analyzing display: 8 bands

    OCR Scan
    T-74-05-01 11-dot MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 MFP30 QIP80B LC7561 LA3605 F617 PDF


    Abstract: LC7522 sanyo lc7560
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP ilM S ^ ^ ^ •* * 3ZE D B 7^707^ OGDÖ1GÖ fl B T-79'OS'O ! ~ 4 < CMOS LSI 3057 Graphic Equalizer LCD Driver 1891B Use LCD driver for display of graphic equalizers LC7520, 7522, 7523. Features 1 7-band display (+ accessory display or total display) : 11 x 8 segments.

    OCR Scan
    1891B LC7520, 11-dot MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 DIP24S MFP30 QIP80B LC7560 LC7522 sanyo lc7560 PDF


    Abstract: IC LC7265 LC7265 led display lc7265 LC7220 7 segmen 7266E
    Text: SANYO SEM ICON DU CT OR CORP m 32E D 7^707^ OOOñOOD T W a T“ 7 7 -0 5 -0 5 OYO. CM OS LSI 3025B Receiving Frequency Display U97E F ea tu re s 1. Displays received frequency of each band of FM, MW, LW LC7265 : LED static display LC7266 : FL static display

    OCR Scan
    3025B LC7265 LC7266 450kHz 10kHz 455kHz 469kHz QIF64B MFP24 LC7266 IC LC7265 LC7265 led display lc7265 LC7220 7 segmen 7266E PDF


    Abstract: baxandall volume control DIP42S LC7537N LC7537NE LC7573N QIP48E 30256-DIP42S lhfa
    Text: Ordering number :EN2169C CMOS LSI LC7537N, 7537AN, 7537NE No. 2169C Electronic Volume Control System for Audio Equipment Overview Package Dimensions The L C 7537N is an electronic control LSI capable of electronically controlling the volume, balance, loudness,

    OCR Scan
    EN2169C 2169C LC7537N, 7537AN, 7537NE LC7537N baxandall baxandall volume control DIP42S LC7537NE LC7573N QIP48E 30256-DIP42S lhfa PDF


    Abstract: LA3605 sanyo power supply lcd TIC 33 LCD display mos 3021 LA 3600 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum Graphic equalizer circuit diagram DIP22 tic 47 lcd
    Text: SANYO SEMIC ON DU CT OR CORP 32E D 7^707 3 0000113 1 m T-74-05-01 C M O S LSI 3057 Graphic Equalizer's Spectrum Analyzing Display LCD Driver 2014A Ose • Graphic equalizer's spectrum analyzing display LCD driver Features (1 8-band display: 11 x 8 segments

    OCR Scan
    T-74-Ã 11-dot QIP48A 00077b3 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S MFP30 LC7561 LA3605 sanyo power supply lcd TIC 33 LCD display mos 3021 LA 3600 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum Graphic equalizer circuit diagram DIP22 tic 47 lcd PDF


    Abstract: ta7318 Peak level meter ic lc7555 68uF 10V SANYO mos 3021 724C peak hold peak level meter circuit 7T1707t3
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D O 71*17071. 000S230 S E9 A p p li c a t io n s . Peak hold level meter of tape deck. . Peak hold level meter of power amplifier. . General-purpose level meter. Features . C MOS LSI for 2-channel 12 points + 12 points peak hold level meter.

    OCR Scan
    7T1707t3 T-74-05-01 DIP30S 00D77L3 T-90-20 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S ta7318p ta7318 Peak level meter ic lc7555 68uF 10V SANYO mos 3021 724C peak hold peak level meter circuit PDF


    Abstract: LC7566 LC6502 LC7520 MFP-36S M1A5 LC7535 ScansU9X24
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP b3E ]> * Under Development Graohic Eauaiizer Tyoe Nq Pack age Volume LC 7520 DIP-28 7 Bands LC7522 DIP-28S 7 Bands LC7523 LC7523M DIP-28S MFP-30 7 Bands • * LC7527E QIP-64E LC 7565 LC7565A DIP-42S QIP-48A LC7566 DIP-42S OtSDlay Controller

    OCR Scan
    LC7520 DIP-28 LC7522 DIP-28S LC7523 LC7523M MFP-30 LC7527E QIP-64E LC7060AN LC7566 LC6502 MFP-36S M1A5 LC7535 ScansU9X24 PDF