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    Quantum Storage Systems QIC-64

    Interlocking Storage Cabinet, 6 Drawer; No. Of Drawers:6; Height:11"; Product Range:- Rohs Compliant: Yes |Quantum Storage QIC-64
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    Newark QIC-64 Bulk 1
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    Quantum Storage Systems QIC-64GY

    Interlocking Cabinet, 6Drawer, Gry; No. Of Drawers:6; Height:-; Product Range:-; Colour:Grey Rohs Compliant: Yes |Quantum Storage QIC-64GY
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark QIC-64GY Bulk 1
    • 1 $144.19
    • 10 $144.19
    • 100 $144.19
    • 1000 $144.19
    • 10000 $144.19
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    Quantum Storage Systems QIC-64BL

    Interlocking Cabinet, 6Drawer, Blu; No. Of Drawers:6; Height:-; Product Range:-; Colour:Black Rohs Compliant: Yes |Quantum Storage QIC-64BL
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark QIC-64BL Bulk 1
    • 1 $144.19
    • 10 $144.19
    • 100 $144.19
    • 1000 $144.19
    • 10000 $144.19
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    Quantum Storage Systems QIC-64IV

    Interlocking Cabinet, 6Drawer, Ivory; No. Of Drawers:6; Height:-; Product Range:-; Colour:Ivory Rohs Compliant: Yes |Quantum Storage QIC-64IV
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark QIC-64IV Bulk 1
    • 1 $144.19
    • 10 $144.19
    • 100 $144.19
    • 1000 $144.19
    • 10000 $144.19
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    Quantum Storage Systems QIC-64RD

    Interlocking Cabinet, 6Drawer, Red; No. Of Drawers:6; Height:-; Product Range:-; Colour:Red Rohs Compliant: Yes |Quantum Storage QIC-64RD
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark QIC-64RD Bulk 1
    • 1 $144.19
    • 10 $144.19
    • 100 $144.19
    • 1000 $144.19
    • 10000 $144.19
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    QIC64 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SEG17-SEG32 sanyo 52 CMOS 4-bit Microcontroller
    Text: CMOS IC LC573718A 4-Bit Microcontroller with 8K-Byte ROM, 512 x 4 bits RAM and LCD D i UnderDevelopment Overview The LC573718A is a CMOS 4-bit microcontroller that operates on low voltage and very low power consumption. It also contains 8K-byte ROM, 512 × 4 bits RAM, LCD drivers and 1/100sec. chronograph function.

    LC573718A LC573718A 1/100sec. SEG17-SEG32) QIC64 SEG17-SEG32 sanyo 52 CMOS 4-bit Microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: ic rom 27128 ic 358s RESONATOR 4MHZ R4944A TR4943 DIP42S LC66P308 QIP48E E408
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3122A CMOS IC LC66P308 4-bit Microcontroller with Built-in PROM Overview Package Dimensions The LC66P308 is a 4-bit microcontroller with a built-in 8 Kbyte PROM. It is compatible with the LC663XX series mask ROM devices, making it ideal for prototyping and

    ENN3122A LC66P308 LC66P308 LC663XX 42-pin 48-pin 358S ic rom 27128 ic 358s RESONATOR 4MHZ R4944A TR4943 DIP42S QIP48E E408 PDF


    Abstract: ic 358s 356a transistor TR4943 transistor p02 Murata CST 11,0
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3122A CMOS IC LC66P308 4-bit Microcontroller with Built-in PROM Overview Package Dimensions The LC66P308 is a 4-bit microcontroller with a built-in 8 Kbyte PROM. It is compatible with the LC663XX series mask ROM devices, making it ideal for prototyping and

    ENN3122A LC66P308 LC66P308 LC663XX 42-pin 48-pin 358S ic 358s 356a transistor TR4943 transistor p02 Murata CST 11,0 PDF

    programmers 1890a

    Abstract: LC866012 s16 transistor M8660 PKW 3000 vfd display drive QFC64
    Text: Ordering number: EN*4300 LC86E6032 CMOS IC LC86E6032 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions unit : mm The LC86E6032 microcontroller is a CMOS 8-bit single chip microcontroller with UVEPROM for LC866000A series. This microcontroller has the same functions and pin

    LC86E6032 LC86E6032 LC866000A LC866000A 32K-byte 3126-DIC64S LC86E6032] programmers 1890a LC866012 s16 transistor M8660 PKW 3000 vfd display drive QFC64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS IC LC573718A 4-Bit Microcontroller with 8K-Byte ROM, 512 x 4 bits RAM and LCD D i UnderDevelopment Overview The LC573718A is a CMOS 4-bit microcontroller that operates on low voltage and very low power consumption. It also contains 8K-byte ROM, 512 × 4 bits RAM, LCD drivers and 1/100sec. chronograph function.

    LC573718A 1/100sec. SEG17-SEG32) QIC64 LC573718A PDF

    A 68066

    Abstract: a 68063 A 68064 68066 68064 pk03 68067 KBR-4.0MKS LC653608A LC65E3608
    Text: 注文コード No. N ※ 6 8 0 6 LC65E3608 No.N ※ 6 8 0 6 N1000 LC65E3608 CMOS LSI UVEPROM 内蔵型 4 ビット 1 チップマイクロコンピュータ 概要 LC65E3608 は当社 CMOS4 ビット 1 チップマイクロコンピュータ LC653608A / 06A / 04A の UVEPROM 内蔵

    LC65E3608 N1000 LC653608A ROMLC653608A DIC52S QIC64 W65EP3608D, A 68066 a 68063 A 68064 68066 68064 pk03 68067 KBR-4.0MKS LC65E3608 PDF


    Abstract: SQFP64 varactor s13 DBR3 DBR2 LC72348
    Text: Ordering number : ENN6472 CMOS IC LC72348G/W, 72349G/W Low-Voltage ETR Controller with On-Chip LCD Driver Overview Package Dimensions The LC72348G/W and LC72349G/W are low-voltage electronic tuning microcontrollers that include a PLL that operates up to 230 MHz and a 1/4 duty 1/2 bias LCD

    ENN6472 LC72348G/W, 72349G/W LC72348G/W LC72349G/W LC72341 3231-QIP64G LC72348G, 72349G] s1828 SQFP64 varactor s13 DBR3 DBR2 LC72348 PDF


    Abstract: KBR800f csb400p R4943 DIP52S LC65E3608 LC65P3608 KBR-4.0MKS PM2A10 QIP64E
    Text: 注文コード No. N※6720 N※6720 91400 LC65P3608 CMOS LSI ワ ン タ イ ム PROM PRO M 内 臓 型 4 ビット 1 チップマイクロコンピュータ 概要 LC65P3608 は当社 CMOS4ビット1チップマイクロコンピュータ LC653608A/06A/04A のワンタイム PROM 内蔵

    N6720 LC65P3608 LC653608A/06A/04A LC65P3608 DIP52S/QIP64E 92Ps10 DIP52S 672023 KBR800f csb400p R4943 LC65E3608 KBR-4.0MKS PM2A10 QIP64E PDF


    Abstract: TR4943 transistor WT4 PRs transistor A1CV LC66516B 3114 LC66P516 transistor p83 R4945
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN3114A _ CMOS LSI No. 3 1 1 4A SAiYO i LC66P516 II 4-bit Microcontroller with Built-in PROM OVERVIEW PINOUTS The LC66P516 is a 4-bit microcontroller with a built-in 16 Kbyte PROM. It is compatible with the LC665XX

    OCR Scan
    EN3114A LC66P516 LC66P516 LC665XX A1/scxyp21 D7/P13 D8/P12 A3/INTCVP23 D5P11 a21sc TR4943 transistor WT4 PRs transistor A1CV LC66516B 3114 transistor p83 R4945 PDF


    Abstract: LC66512B LC66562A LC66566A LC66599 LC66E516 LC66P516 ME07 AC117
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r: EN 39 34B _CMOS LSI LC66562A, LC66566A N o. 3934B 4-bit Microcontrollers with Built-in ROM OVERVIEW The L C 66562A and LC66566A are 4-bit m icrocon­ trollers w ith built-in 12 and 16 Kbyte RO M s, respec­ tively. T hey incorporate RAM , input/output ports, a

    OCR Scan
    3934B LC66562A, LC66566A LC66562A LC66566A LC66000 LC66512B, P8245 LC66512B LC66599 LC66E516 LC66P516 ME07 AC117 PDF


    Abstract: ci 4560 430-014 ,ci 4560 transistor P7d LC866000A LC86E6032 4560
    Text: Ordering number: E N * 4 3 0 0 ~1 L C 8 6 E 6 0 3 2 CMOS LSI 8-Bit Single Chip Microcomputer P relim in ary Overview The LC86E6032 m icrocom puter is CMOS 8-bit single chip microcomputer with UVEPROM for L C 866000A series. This m icrocom puter has the function and the pin discription of LC866000A series mask ROM version,

    OCR Scan
    LC86E6Q32 LC86E6032 LC866000A 32K-byte LC866032B/28B/24B/20A/16A12A/08A. s4t4 ci 4560 430-014 ,ci 4560 transistor P7d 4560 PDF


    Abstract: TR4943 A21S p60 hall LC66P308 TRANSISTOR p50 EN3122A 42-pin intel intel EPROM 27128 2U05
    Text: Ordering number: EN3122A. CMOS LSI LC66P308 No. 3 1 2 2 A SA \YO i 4-bit Microcontroller with Built-in PROM OVERVIEW PINOUTS The LC66P308 is a 4-bit microcontroller with a built-in 8 Kbyte PROM. It is compatible with the LC663XX series mask ROM devices, making it ideal for prototyp­

    OCR Scan
    EN3122A. LC66P308 LC66P308 LC663XX 42-pin 48-pin M122-17/17 a21sc TR4943 A21S p60 hall TRANSISTOR p50 EN3122A 42-pin intel intel EPROM 27128 2U05 PDF

    t4 358b

    Abstract: transistor bl p81 55bB LC66512B LC66562A LC66566A LC66E516 LC66P516 pc710 "Ceramic Filter"
    Text: Ordering number:EN3934B C M O S LSI LC66562A, LC66566A 4-bit Microcontrollers with Built-in ROM / //V, % r/ // y O V ER V IE W The LC66562A and LC66566A are 4-bit microcon­ trollers with built-in 12 and 16 Kbyte ROMs, respec­ tively. They incorporate RA M , input/output ports, a

    OCR Scan
    EN3934B 3934B LC66562A, LC66566A LC66562A LC66566A LC66000 LC66512B, t4 358b transistor bl p81 55bB LC66512B LC66E516 LC66P516 pc710 "Ceramic Filter" PDF


    Abstract: tema register zf gear LC66306A LC66308A LC66354A LC66356A LC66358A LC66599 LC66E308
    Text: Ordering number: EN3928A CMOS LSI LC66354A, LC66356A, LC66358A No. 3928A S A M ññO i 4-bit Microcontrollers with Built-in ROM OVERVIEW 12-bit timer for tjAgfbut furption, -ityent counter, pulse measurement and rectangular waveform generation 8-bit timer for timeout function, event counter, pulsewidth modulated output and rectangular waveform

    OCR Scan
    EN3928A LC66354A, LC66356A, LC66358A LC66356A a21sc tema register zf gear LC66306A LC66308A LC66354A LC66599 LC66E308 PDF


    Abstract: LC66506B LC66508B LC66556A LC66558A LC66599 LC66E516 LC66P516 OA47
    Text: Ordering number: EÑ3933A CMOS LSI LC66556A, LC66558A No. 3933A SA \YO i 4-bit Microcontrollers with Built-in ROM OVERVIEW The L C 66556A and L C 66558A are 4-bit m icrocon­ trollers w ith built-in 6 and 8 K byte RO M s, respectively. T hey incorporate RA M , input/output ports, a serial inter­

    OCR Scan
    EN3933A LC66556A, LC66558A LC66556A LC66558A LC66000 LC66506B, LC66508B, nag8 LC66506B LC66508B LC66599 LC66E516 LC66P516 OA47 PDF


    Abstract: LC66E408 DC42S 27128 EPROM specification INTEL 27128 42-pin intel 27128 eprom AWP42
    Text: Ordering number: EN ¿K3493 CMOS LSI LC66E408 4-bit Microcontroller with Built-in EPROM Preliminary " • ■ v . . OVERVIEW / / / PINOUTS The LC66E408 is a 4-bit microcontroller with a built-in 8 Kbyte EPROM. It is compatible with the LC6640X series mask ROM devices, making it ideal for program

    OCR Scan
    LC66E408 LC66E408 LC6640X 42-pin 48-pin LV200 DC42S 27128 EPROM specification INTEL 27128 42-pin intel 27128 eprom AWP42 PDF

    TAG 8426

    Abstract: RJP 30 h1 t1ls icve LC66506B LC66508B LC66556A LC66558A LC66599 LC66E516
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r: EÑ3933A _ CMOS LSI LC66556A, LC66558A 4-bit Microcontrollers with Built-in ROM O VERVIEW The L C 66556A and L C 66558A are 4-bit m icrocon­ trollers w ith built-in 6 and 8 K byte R O M s, respectively. T hey incorporate R A M , input/output ports, a serial inter­

    OCR Scan
    EN3933A LC66556A, LC66558A LC66556A LC66558A LC66000 LC66506B, LC66508B, TAG 8426 RJP 30 h1 t1ls icve LC66506B LC66508B LC66599 LC66E516 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor BFT 42 DC42S A21S Edd 44 p60 hall LC66E408
    Text: Ordering number: EN ¿K3493 CMOS LSI LC66E408 4-bit Microcontroller with Built-in EPROM Preliminary OVERVIEW The LC66E408 is a 4-bit microcontroller with a built-in 8 Kbyte EPROM. It is compatible with the LC6640X series mask ROM devices, making it ideal for program

    OCR Scan
    LC66E408 LC66E408 LC6640X 42-pin 48-pin a21sc Transistor BFT 42 DC42S A21S Edd 44 p60 hall PDF

    transistor ti p80

    Abstract: 8426 PI 4161B LC66506B LC66508B LC66556A LC66558A LC66599 LC66E516 LC66P516
    Text: Ordering number: EÑ3933A CM OS LSI LC66556A, LC66550A No. 3933A SA \YO i 4-bit Microcontrollers with Built-in ROM OVERVIEW The LC66556A and LC66558A are 4-bit microcon­ trollers with built-in 6 and 8 Kbyte ROMs, respectively. They incorporate RAM, input/output ports, a serial inter­

    OCR Scan
    EN3933A LC66556A, LC66556A LC66558A LC66000 LC66506B, LC66508B, LC66E516 transistor ti p80 8426 PI 4161B LC66506B LC66508B LC66599 LC66P516 PDF