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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PM7306 FREEDM 84A1024LE Advance Frame Engine and Datalink Manager • • DPL m ea tT E g re s s Q ue u e M a na g e r E Q M -1 2 on te n Rx HDLC Pro c e s s o r / Pa rtia l P a c k e t B u ffe r (R H D L -1 2 ) AM 12 9: :3 03 CB DRAM C o n tro lle r (C B _ D R AM C )

    PM7306 84A1024LE PMC-2050683 PDF


    Abstract: 5400BL15B100 2450BM14A0002 microwave product 2450AT42A100 STLC2690 inductor marking Johanson Technology 2450FB15L0001 bluetooth BC05 5400BL15B050
    Text: CH EA ce /R lian HSmp Ro Co High Frequency Ceramic Solutions Antennas 88 MHz-10 GHz Baluns Capacitors (Hi Q, Low Loss) Chipset-Specific Impedance Matched Balun-Filters Couplers Diplexers Filters (Band-Pass, Low-Pass, etc) Inductors (Wirewound & Monolithic)

    Hz-10 2450BM15A0002 5400BL15B100 2450BM14A0002 microwave product 2450AT42A100 STLC2690 inductor marking Johanson Technology 2450FB15L0001 bluetooth BC05 5400BL15B050 PDF

    2n2 j100

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CH EA ce /R lian on iti HSmp Ro Co Ed 12 20 High Frequency Ceramic Solutions Antennas 88 MHz-10 GHz Baluns Capacitors (Hi Q, Low Loss) Chipset-Specific Impedance Matched Balun-Filters Couplers Diplexers Filters (Band-Pass, Low-Pass, etc) Inductors (Wirewound & Monolithic)

    Hz-10 2n2 j100 PDF


    Abstract: F9232 STR 61001 EASY2254 T60403-L5032-X017 smd PULSE TRANSFORMER ST5141 T60403-L4021 bv ei 301 2107 MD 5408
    Text: 6, 0(16 ,&V IRU &RPPXQLFDWLRQV Framing and Line Interface Component for PCM 30 and PCM 24   FALC 54 and FALC -LH PEB 2254 PEB 2255 Preliminary transformer recommendation Application Note 10.98 Q@7Ã!!$$ Sr‰v†v‚ÃCv†‡‚…’à 8ˆ……r‡ÃWr…†v‚Ã)Ã



    Abstract: REMEC Magnum
    Text: MMDS Model MRR1010 31 Channel, 2500 to 2686 MHz DOWNCONVERTER/ANTENNA D e s c r ip t io n R E M E C M a g n u m Õs s e r ie s o f M M D S c o n v e r te r s a n d a n te n n a s h a v e b e e n d e s ig n e d to o p e r a te in in te n s e in te r fe r e n c e e n v ir o n m e n ts . T h e p r e - L N A Þlte r

    RR1010 rr10-10 REMEC Magnum PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FL SWITCH SFN…24VAC Five- and Eight-Port Standard Function Ethernet Switch with Narrow Housings for 24 V AC Power AUTOMATION Data Sheet 2686_en_D 1 PHOENIX CONTACT 2009-12 Description 2 The FL SWITCH SFN…-24VAC range of Factory Line switches can be used for quick and cost-effective Ethernet

    24VAC -24VAC PDF


    Abstract: NE545 NE545BN transistor irf 649 BB133 N220 TDA8040T TDA8041H irf 709
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA8040T Quadrature demodulator Objective specification Supersedes data of 1995 Feb 07 File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1996 Oct 08 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Quadrature demodulator TDA8040T It has been designed to operate in conjunction with the

    TDA8040T TDA8041H TDA8040T SCA52 537021/50/02/pp16 ne545b NE545 NE545BN transistor irf 649 BB133 N220 irf 709 PDF


    Abstract: SC05
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET Package outlines Video Transistors and Modules for Monitors Supersedes data of 1995 Dec 11 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC05 1997 Oct 08 Philips Semiconductors Video Transistors and Modules for Monitors Package outlines

    O-126) SCA55 127017/00/01/pp12 BP317 SC05 PDF

    Anzac Electronic h-183-4

    Abstract: anzac quadrature h-183-4 SSOP20 TDA8042M TDA8043 Anzac h-183-4
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA8042M Quadrature demodulator Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1997 Apr 11 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quadrature demodulator TDA8042M FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 5 V supply voltage

    TDA8042M TDA8042M TDA8043 SCA54 547047/1200/01/pp16 Anzac Electronic h-183-4 anzac quadrature h-183-4 SSOP20 Anzac h-183-4 PDF

    T2D 4N DIODE

    Abstract: resistor HMR 5W diode code GW 17
    Text: SAK-Series SAK-Series Appendix SAK-Series TS 35 A SAK-Series TS 32 B SAK-Series combination foot TS 35 + TS 32 C SAK-Series for special applications D AKZ-Series TS 15 E Multi-pole terminal strips F KLBÜ shielded connection G Busbars / Terminal rails H Accessories



    Abstract: N220 TDA8043 TDA8052T 9398 649 90011
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA8052T Quadrature demodulator Objective specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1998 Jan 23 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Quadrature demodulator TDA8052T FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA8052T is a monolitic bipolar IC dedicated to

    TDA8052T TDA8052T TDA8043 SCA57 547047/1200/01/pp12 B-30 N220 9398 649 90011 PDF


    Abstract: 65A3 n373 276C 238e ts-w 307f K573 2732 memory chip motorola 5118 user manual ber 2a37 rX 433 N
    Text: S19204CBI12 MEKONG Datasheet Rev 1.9 September 16, 2002 AMCC - PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION NDA REQUIRED AMCC - Confidential and Proprietary Dear customer, Thank you for choosing an AMCC device. We appreciate your confidence in our products.

    S19204CBI12 S19204CBI12: STS-192/STM-64 K643 65A3 n373 276C 238e ts-w 307f K573 2732 memory chip motorola 5118 user manual ber 2a37 rX 433 N PDF


    Abstract: 2t306 2N5983 2SD588 2sd73 2sc497 HD6801V
    Text: /T 1 4 R C“ 4 j r\ & M- -_ ~- i l^ it 4 4 ~\ 3 — 4 & 3 * 4 i3 !. 3: " & -\ vi- W- 4 3: - x 1 — v!r 'Hv j 4 n 3 fr 4 j •& $ 3t * 3 r^-. r+ *; 5+ x i •3I .<> iS I R k Q PS Q fit S r\ tiSE H-, 4 4 ~9> x-v r-i 5+ ' s, (vs •u- lit ZSZ\'1* n 3 St

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    S029747 SS963& 2sb504 2t306 2N5983 2SD588 2sd73 2sc497 HD6801V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 33 Channel Filtered Integrated Reflector Downconverter PM 3392R Typical Operating Specifications I I h p u l T i e q u e W I ^ ^ ”"r ' ' ' 2500 2686 MHz Input Frequency MDS 2150 2162 MHz Output Impedance 75 ohm s -40 f-60 Humidity 100 Input Voltage' 12

    OCR Scan
    3392R 1930-199Q 10KHz PDF


    Abstract: icl7621 equivalent L76XX AEIZ
    Text: ill H a r r is U U ICL7621,ICL7641 SEMICONDUCTOR 7 Q 4 2 ICL76XX Series Low Power CM OS O perational Am plifiers March 1993 Features Description • Wide Operating Voltage Range. ±1Vto±8V The ICL761X/762X/764X series is a family of monolithic

    OCR Scan
    ICL7621 ICL7641 ICL7611 ICL76XX ICL761X/762X/764X ICL7106, ICL7107, ICL7109, ICL7116, ICL7117 icl7621 equivalent L76XX AEIZ PDF

    marking IAY

    Abstract: 2SA1330 2SC3360
    Text: NEC SILICON TRANSISTOR 2SA1330 ELECTRON DEVICE HIGH VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER AND SW ITCHING PNP SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR M IN I MOLD FEATURES PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in m illim eters 2.8 + 0.2 1.5 0.6 5 i8 :’i5 • High Voltage: V q e o = —2 0 0 V • High DC Current Gain: hpE = 9 0 to 4 5 0

    OCR Scan
    2SA1330 2SC3360 marking IAY 2SA1330 2SC3360 PDF


    Abstract: SN74ALS2541
    Text: SN74ALS2541 OCTAL LINE DRIVERS/MOS DRIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS J U N E 1 9 8 4 - R E V I S E D M A Y 1986 • 3-State O u tp u ts Drive B u s Lines or Buffer M e m o ry A d d re ss R egisters • P-N -P Inputs Reduce D-C Loading e O utp u ts have 25 Q S erie s Resistor, No

    OCR Scan
    SN74ALS2541 1984-REVISED 300-mil ALS2541 TA-25-C ALS2S41 flSfcil723 SN74ALS240 SN74ALS2541 PDF


    Abstract: AX1680 MAX1581
    Text: 19-1247; Rev 0; 7/97 VklvlXIVM 125mA, F r e q u e n c y - S e l e c t a b l e , S w i t c h e d - C a p a c i t o r Vo l t a g e C o n v e r t e r s The MAX1680/MAX1681 inductorless switched-capacitor voltage converters either invert an input voltage of + 2.0V to +5.5V or double it while supplying up to

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    125mA, 125kHz/250kHz MAX1680) 500kHz/1MHz MAX1681) 125mA MAX1680/MAX1681 MAX16811 AX1680 MAX1581 PDF

    stm 8309

    Abstract: m3003 L 0904 8178 bat 63-03 HF 4053 C2899 pa 3029 b MARKING 8042 M3003 16 aw 7199
    Text: A CO M PA N Y M39003/01/02/03/04/06/09 Solid Tantalum C a p a cito rs S o lid -E le ctro ly te T a n t a l e x C a p a c ito rs , M ilitary MIL-C-39003 Q u alified, S ty le s C S R 0 9 , 13, 21, 23, 33, 91 OF SPRAGUE S T Y L E , D OCU M EN T/D ETAIL S P E C

    OCR Scan
    M39003/01/02/03/04/06/09 MIL-C-39003 CSR09, M39003/02 CSR13, M39003/01 CSR21, M39003/09 CSR23, M39003/03 stm 8309 m3003 L 0904 8178 bat 63-03 HF 4053 C2899 pa 3029 b MARKING 8042 M3003 16 aw 7199 PDF


    Abstract: MRF492
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR MRF492 MRF492A TECHNICAL DATA T he RF Line 70 W 50 MHz RF POWER T R A N SISTO R N P N S IL IC O N NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR d e s ig n e d fo r 12 5 v o lt lo w b a n d VHP la rg e -s ig n a l p o w e r a m p lifie r a p p lic a tio n s in c o m m e rc ia l a n d in d u s tria l FM e q u ip m e n t

    OCR Scan
    MRF492 MRF492A MRF492, MRF492A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IM DigiSite11 33 Channel Integrated VAGI Downconverter/Antenna PM 3382 Operating Specifications axmuim L nils 2500 2686 M Hz 2150 2162 M Hz M in Im um • 1 ■Hr r 7, R e t m n m undet! ohms -40 +60 'C 100 % ■?2 V 12 15 Electrical Performance Param eter

    OCR Scan
    DigiSite11 -90dBm PDF

    3181 r 75

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DigiSite 31 Channel Integrated VAGI™ Antenna /Downconverter P M 3181, PM 3182, PM 3183 Operating Specifications Par amet er M inim um Recommended 1 o I1 o 1 L . }s^¥m m SSm T: Output fanpedan« Maximum Un i ts 2686 MHz ohms 75 Maximum Temp. f&oge Humidity

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN2686 No. 2686 r _ S B 8 0 - 0 9 Schottky Barrier Diode Twin Type • Cathode Common 90V, 8A Rectifier Applications •High frequency rectification (switching regulators, converters/choppers) Features • Low forward voltage (Vp max = 0.85V)

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    EN2686 PDF


    Abstract: LM2686MTC LM2686MTCX MTC14
    Text: N ovem ber 1999 Semiconductor LM2686 Regulated Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter General Description Features The LM 2686 C M O S charge-pum p voltage converter oper­ ates as an input voltage doubler and a +5V regulator for an input voltage in the range of +2.85V to +6.5V. Three low cost

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    LM2686 LM2686 450nA 14-pin LM2686MTC LM2686MTCX MTC14 PDF